• Title/Summary/Keyword: traditional gender role

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Deconstructing the Western Colonial Dichotomy through Paralogy (『직면』(No Telephone to Heaven)의 해체론 독법- 배리(Paralogy)를 통한 식민주의의 이원론 관점 해체)

  • Choi, Su
    • English & American cultural studies
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.111-139
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    • 2016
  • Plato's philosophical importance in western thinking history cannot be understated. Especially his dichotomy system became common to the European traditions of philosophical and scientific discourses by assigning principal value to the presence that is opposed to the absence. Since the ancient Greeks, the concept of presence has been expressed itself in number of ways such as God, Truth, Logos, and center. Derrida called this European thinking "the metaphysics of presence." In order to analyze logocentrism also called the metaphysics of presence in No Telephone to Heaven, I used the term, paralogy that Aristotle did not accept as rules of argumentation but that Lyotard revived it positively as the principle of reason. Lyotard's incredulity towards rationalist theory of modernism is that knowledge can never be certain. Without any ultimate validity, certainty is impossible. Nevertheless, as Fanon said, the colonial world is dominated with a traditional Manichaean world. As a result what remains to the colonized to establish their identities is that of an armed struggle towards the colonizer even though they know it results in the vicious circle of hatred endlessly. Cliff attempted to show this message in her text through the tragic heroine, Clare Savage. Cliff's another critique of modernism's rationalism is shown through the ambiguous sexuality of Harry/Harriot. In this novel, gender plays also a central role by questioning the traditional binary system of sexuality. In this paper, I deconstructed this traditional gender system in terms of Bulter's concept of performitivity. This study will give the text another layer of deconstructive interpretation echoing with the proverb, one tree cannot make a forest.

The Necessity of Education to Reduce the Perception Gap on the Gender-Related Issues between Male and Female Students: Focusing on the Case of K University (성별에 따른 젠더 관련 이슈 인식 격차 감소를 위한 대학 교육의 필요성: K대학 사례를 중심으로)

  • Seung Bong Jeon
    • Journal of Practical Engineering Education
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.409-417
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    • 2023
  • The objective of this paper is to analyze the disparities in perceptions regarding gender-related matters among students at K University, determined by their gender, and to propose solutions within the university education system. The results of the study are as follows. First, many men believe that there is no structural discrimination against women and that men are discriminated against, whereas women show the opposite. Second, men and women show statistically significant differences in perception of women's level of effort, reasons for low income, and work ability after employment. Third, men show unfavorable attitudes towards feminism compared to women. Fourth, the reasons men show hostile attitudes toward the female quota system and feminism include the influence of the traditional gender role model imposed on men and the difference in men's and women's views on structural inequality. To reduce the perception gap between men and women, it is necessary to reconsider hegemonic masculinity, apply issue-centered education using accurate information, publicize issues by preparing a mistake-friendly space, and respond to the perception gap at the university level from the perspective of citizenship education.

Do Women's Attitude to Domestic Works and Self-perception of Social Norms Enforce the Gender Division of Housework? - Analysis of Mediation Effects Using the Theory of Reasoned Action - (여성의 가사노동에 대한 태도 및 사회적 규범에 대한 여성의 인식이 가사노동시간의 성불평등에 영향을 미치는가?: 합리적 행위이론을 통한 매개효과 분석)

  • Lee, Seungju;Lee, Somin
    • Korean Journal of Family Social Work
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    • no.58
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    • pp.5-36
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    • 2017
  • This study aims to empirically analyze whether the women's cognitive attitude toward gender role, which is formed through social norms, enforces the gender division of housework. In this study, 4,435 married women aged 18-59 years from the 5th wave dataset of Korean Longutudinal Survey of Women and Family Data were selected for analysis. Using the Structural Equation Model(SEM), we examine the direct effect of "attitude toward behavior" and "subjective norm" on the domestic working hours and whether those two independent variables, such as "attitude toward behavior" and "subjective norm," influence the mediator variable "Behavior Intention" which in turn affect the dependent variable. The study reveals that "attitude toward the gender division of housework" has a statistically significant direct effect on the domestic working hours as well as an indirect effect operating through "behavior intention." And"subjective norm "has only a statistically significant indirect effect on the domestic working hours, operating through "behavior intention." Despite the fact that many women are now aware that various work-life balance policies are avaliable to mitigate the gender inequality of domestic works, it is proven that the gender division of housework becomes worse. The reason behind this is not only because there exist some problems in implementing the institutions themselves, but also because women's deeply internalized self-perception of gender role based on the traditional patriarchal culture somehow exacerbates the gender division of housework. Hence, in order to instill a progressive change in gender division of housework, it is important for women to try to change the way they perceive the stereotypical gender roles as well as for men to treat women equally.

Gender Consciousness and its Meaning shown in Women's Epistolary Literature Published in Modern Study Materials for Writing Letters in Chinese in 1920~30s (1920~30년대 근대 척독집 소재 여성 서간에 나타난 젠더 의식과 그 의미)

  • Hong, In Sook
    • (The)Study of the Eastern Classic
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    • no.56
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    • pp.267-295
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    • 2014
  • The purpose of this paper was to introduce the material status of women's epistolary literature published in modern study materials for writing letters in Chinese in 1920~30s and analyze gender consciousness shown in them. To this end, five kinds of representative modern study materials for writing letters in Chinese in 1920~30s were selected and 55 women's letters published in them were summarized. Through this, it was pointed out that the subjects of women's epistolary literature are mainly 'males' of families and the form of 'reply.' This implies that the authors of modern study materials for writing letters in Chinese recognized women's Chinese letters as a secondary means to prepare for inevitable communication with men rather than the leading medium of communication. The first aspect of gender consciousness shown in women's epistolary in modern study materials for writing letters in Chinese is to reaffirm the traditional gender order by calling and resetting women as the position and role in the family. The second aspect of gender consciousness is that female education materials which seemed to reflect the modern gender order are actually mentioned under the very skeptical view. The third characteristic aspect of gender consciousness is that the motif of 'discipline about economic activity' is only noticeable in women's epistolary published in modern study materials for writing letters. This setting was regarded as a means that the authors of modern study materials for writing letters in Chinese transferred the responsibilities of maintaining livelihood and managing household to women. Women's epistolary in modern study materials for writing letters in Chinese is the material which is noticeable in terms of showing the possibility of female Chinese Writing in modern times but according to the analysis of this paper, it is the text showing female form and women's writing judged within thoroughly male-centered imagination. That is, women's epistle text has a significance that allows us to read conservative reentry of modern study materials for writing letters in Chinese more clearly.

A Study on Factors Related to Men's Thinking and attitudes on Prostitution and Gender: Based on the Previous Experience of Buying Sex (성인 남성의 성구매 경험에 따른 성매매와 성 관련변인에 대한 연구)

  • Eunjin Lee
    • Korean Journal of Culture and Social Issue
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    • v.15 no.3
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    • pp.377-398
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to examine the differences in men's thinking and attitude on prostitution and gender based on the previous experience of buying sex. It was an exploratory survey for planning future studies and movements for changing a way of thinking in relation to prostitution. A total of 1328 male adults(above 19 years) completed a questionnaire consisting of general thinking of buying sex, tolerance limit of sexual behavior, and sex role egalitarianism. The respondents answered differently in the probability of paying for sex in future and the way how to get a sex information according to the previous experience of buying sex. Those respondents who had paid for sex, had higher scores on three types of sex attitude measures than those who did not. The previous experience of buying sex was significantly correlated with sub-factors of buying sex, tolerance limit of sexual behavior, and sex role egalitarianism except for the sub-factor on recognizing a sex worker as a victim (factor 4 of buying sex). These results suggest that men who had paid for sex had more traditional gender-stereotypes and attitudes. Implications and limitations of this study were discussed in a feminist perspective.

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Analysis on Policy Discourse of Female Traditional Musician in Joseon Era (문화정책 관점에서의 조선시대 여악에 대한 담론 연구)

  • Kwon, Youngji;Hong, Kiwon
    • 지역과문화
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.29-53
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    • 2019
  • Korean traditional women artists are placed in dual suffering from unequal rights in terms of gender and misrecognition endowed by historical legacy. There has been no clear cut definition but interchangeable adoption of various terms such as Yeo-ak, Yeo-gi, and Gisaeng even in the study of music theory and history itself. Study on female musician has been mostly performed on the basis of music theory and history so that one sided discourse on female traditional artist has survived and aggravated its connotation during the colonial ages and modernization. Envisioning traditional female artist as instrumentalizing their body and status as artist resulted in crucifying victims of sexual harassment is one recent example. This study is an attempt to collect knowledge on the various layers of discourse about the status and role of female traditional artist. This is a first stage of analysis covering the period Joseon dynasty where original and official records regarding female traditional artists remains until today. The findings are that policy discourse are to be classified as politico-ideological layer, music theoretical layer, and socio-political layer. It is to be clarified in the future which layer has the most sustaining influence to the present and why.

The Effect of Cultural Predictors on Perceived Ethicality of Negotiation Behavior A Comparison of 'Chemyon' and Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions (문화 변수가 협상 윤리에 미치는 영향 '체면'과 홉스테드 변수의 비교)

  • Kim, Yung-Wook;Yang, Jung-Eun
    • Korean journal of communication and information
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    • v.46
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    • pp.212-244
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    • 2009
  • This study examined the effects of cultural factors and demographic factors on the perceived appropriateness and likelihood of using five categories of inappropriate negotiation strategies. Five categories of inappropriate negotiation strategies consist of traditional competitive bargaining, attacking opponent's network, false promises, misrepresentation of information and inappropriate information gathering. Two kinds of cultural variables, Hofstede's cultural dimensions and 'Chemyon' dimensions were used as universal, etic variables versus indigenous, emic variables. Survey result shows age and gender had significant effects only for traditional competitive bargaining, but gender and personal negotiation style did not have any effects for the inappropriate strategies. Hofstede's dimensions as well as Chemyon dimensions had significant effect for perceived inappropriateness and likelihood of using inappropriate strategies. While both Chemyon and Hofstede's dimensions were significant, Chemyon accounted for more variance than Hofstede dimensions in most cases. This suggests Chemyon's vital role in explaining Korean negotiators' perception and attitude towards inappropriate negotiation strategies. Implications of the results and future research are discussed.

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The Effect of Family Values and the Resource Factors Provided by Parents on Marriage Intention among Never Married Men and Women (미혼자의 가족가치관, 부모의 자원 제공 요소가 결혼의향에 미치는 영향)

  • Im, Sun Young;Park, Ju-Hee
    • Journal of Family Resource Management and Policy Review
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.177-193
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    • 2014
  • In this study, we investigated the effect of family values and the resource factors provided by parents on marriage intention among men and women in their 30s and 40s who have never married. The study participants were 300 never-married men and women in their 30s and 40s living in Seoul and its suburbs. The participants were chosen via purposive sampling. The study results are follows. First, according to the analysis of the subjects' family values and the resource factors provided by parents, both family values and the resource provided factors by parents showed higher scores than the median. Subjects had higher scores than the median score in regards to marriage intention, indicating that they had a greater intention to marry. Second, a multiple regression analysis was conducted to identify the effect of the socio-demographic characteristics of subjects, family values, and the resource factors provided by parents on marriage intention. As a result, age, the need of marriage and gender-role attitudes prevalent in family values, and the economic resources among the resource factors provided by parents had significant effects on marriage intention. Thus, the older the age of the subjects, the more traditional the view of marriage and gender-role attitudes, and the greater the amount of economic resources provided by parents, the greater the subjects' intention to marry.

Married Employees' Work-Family Balance Perception and Psychological Well-Being (기혼취업남녀의 일가족양립 인식도와 심리적 복지)

  • Lee, Seon Mi
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.54 no.5
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    • pp.499-514
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    • 2016
  • This study was to determine general trends with respect to work-family balance perception and psychological wellbeing, examine correlations between related variables, investigate differences in related variables, and understand the effect of work-family balance perception on psychological well-being in married employees. The subjects were 300 married employees living in G city. The subjects completed a questionnaire and data were analyzed using IBM SPSS 21.0. The major findings were as follows. First, the average scores of men and women's self-esteem were higher than the median. Men had a more traditional gender role attitude and higher work-family balance perception level than women. The scores of men and women's depression were lower and life satisfaction were higher than the median. Second, the scores of men and women's work-family balance perception were different according to working hours. Men's psychological well-being were different according to the scale of work place and women's psychological well-being were different according to household working time. Third, depression in married employees were negatively related to life satisfaction. Their psychological well-being were significantly related to work-family balance perception. Fourth, men's depression were influenced by self-esteem, social care service, family${\rightarrow}$work conflict, and work${\rightarrow}$family conflict. Depression in women were influenced by health state, self-esteem, gender role attitude, family${\rightarrow}$work conflict, and work${\rightarrow}$family conflict. Men's life satisfaction were influenced by health state, economic state, and self-esteem. Women's life satisfaction were influenced by health state, economic state, weekly working hours, self-esteem, and work${\rightarrow}$family conflict.

Prediction factors for dating sexual violence of College Students (대학생의 데이트 성폭력 가해 예측요인)

  • Lee, Mee-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Society for School & Community Health Education
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    • v.21 no.3
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    • pp.35-47
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    • 2020
  • Objectives: This study is a descriptive research study conducted to grasp the Prediction factors of the sexual violence experience of college students. Methods: A convenience sampling was performed for 500 students from one college located in Gyeongsangbuk-do, who agreed to the purpose of this study. Data collection was conducted from October 5, 2015, to October 23, 2015, by filling out the self-report questionnaire. Among the 450 subjects excluding those with missing values, a questionnaire of dating violence experience was applied to 317 college students who answered that they had a friend of the opposite sex, and variables and prediction factors related to dating violence experiences were identified. The statistical methods used were descriptive statistics, x2-test, t-test, Pearson's correlation coefficient and binary logistic regression analysis. Results: As a result of the study, the experience of sexual behavior before entering college (𝑥2=6.52, p=.011), experience of sexual violence damage before entering college(p=.045), the experience of sexual assault before entering college (p=.007) and experience of school violence damage(p=.002) were variables related to the sexual violence experience of college students. School violence victimization (OR=4.831, p=.007) and controlling dating partners (OR=1.349, p<.001) were predictors of dating sexual violence. Dating sexual violence experience group were compared to dating sexual violence non-experience group, the relative degree of controlling dating partners was high (t=4.25, p<.001) and had a traditional gender role attitude (t=2.94, p=.004). and there was a positive correlation (r=.358, p<.001) between controlling dating partners and gender role attitude. Conclusions: In order to prevent sexual violence on dating among college students, it is expected that more effective health education results will emerge if the contents of the school-age school violence victimization experience and the control of dating partners, which are predicted factors of sexual violence on dating, are included in the sexual violence prevention program.