• Title/Summary/Keyword: total soluble sugar

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Changes in Chemical Composition of Mume(Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc) Fruits during Maturation (매실의 성숙중 유기산, 유리당 및 유리아미노산의 변화)

  • 차환수;황진봉;박정선;박용곤;조재선
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.6 no.4
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    • pp.481-487
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    • 1999
  • This study was determined to change in chemical composition of Mume(Prunus mume Sieb. et Zucc) fruits during maturation. There were no differences in the soluble solid and moisture content among varieties, but the soluble solid slowly increased with maturing. The pH and ash content were slightly decreased with maturation. The green color of 'Nanko' fruits was maintained for 92days after full bloom at the greeness value of -3.81 Whereas, the chlorophyll content of 'Koume' fruits remarkably decreased and it was not suitable for the processing of immature green Mume fruits. The titratable acidity increased during maturation. The organic acids were mainly composed of malic acid and citric acid. The malic acid was significantly decreased during maturation, whereas citric acid increased. Major free sugars and sugar alcohols were sucrose, glucose, fructose, sorbitol and maltose. Sucrose content increased as the maturity proceeded, whereas glucose and sorbitol were decreased. The total contesnt of free amino acids decreased with maturation and the total free amino acids in the flesh of fruits were occupied by asparagine at the range of 60 to 78%.

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Biomass partitioning and physiological responses of four Moroccan barley varieties subjected to salt stress in a hydroponic system

  • Said Bouhraoua;Mohamed Ferioun;Srhiouar Nassira;Abdelali Boussakouran;Mohamed Akhazzane ;Douae Belahcen;Khalil Hammani;Said Louahlia
    • Journal of Plant Biotechnology
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    • v.50
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    • pp.115-126
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    • 2023
  • A hydroponics experiment was performed to study the physiological and biochemical changes in Moroccan barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) varieties cultivated under salt stress conditions. Four barley varieties were grown under exposure to three salt concentrations, including 0, 200, and 300 mM NaCl. The ANOVA for both salt stress-sensitive and resistant varieties indicated that salt treatment represented the main source of variability in all studied traits. Salt treatment significantly reduced root and shoot dry weight (RDW and SDW), relative water content (RWC), and chlorophyll content (Chl a, Chl b, and Chl T). However, increases in electrolyte leakage (EL) along with proline and total soluble sugar (TSS) contents were recorded. In addition, large variations in all measured traits were found between varieties. The 'Massine' and 'Laanaceur' varieties displayed relatively higher RDW and SDW values. The 'Amira' and 'Adrar' varieties showed lower RWC values and Chl contents than those of the controls indicating their relative sensitivity to salt stress. Principal component analysis revealed that most of the variation was captured by PC1 (72% of the total variance) which grouped samples into three categories according to salt treatment. Correlation analyses highlighted significant associations between most parameters. Positive relationships were found between RDW, SDW, RWC, Chl content, and soluble proteins contents, while all of these parameters were negatively associated with EL intensity, proline content, and TSS content. The results from this study showed that the 'Massine' and 'Laanaceur' varieties were relatively salt-tolerant. These two salt-tolerant varieties present a good genetic background for breeding of barley varieties showing high salt tolerance.

Analysis of Components in the Different Parts of Ailanthus altissima (가죽나무(Ailanthus altissima)의 부위별 성분 분석)

  • Lee, Yang-Suk
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.261-268
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    • 2008
  • This study was carried out to analyze the components of the roots, stems, and leaves of Ailanthus altissima to obtain basic data on the nutritional and functional materials developed a functional food with A. altissima. Among the general components, crude ash (9.20%) in the roots, crude protein (11.36%) in leaves, and carbohydrates (81.74%) in stems were higher than other parts. The content of soluble protein was the highest 9,839.52 mg% in leaves. Reducing sugar and free sugar in roots were 1,813.94 mg% 1,140.20 mg% and 1,670.98 mg% 1,190.42 mg% in leaves, respectively. The contents of free amino acid (2,018.58 mg%) in roots were higher than leaves (1,070.88 mg%) and stems (427.55 mg%). Especially arginine (1,446.63 mg%) and aspartic acid (252.82 mg%) in roots were the highest. Total content of amino acid derivatives were 780.70 mg% in leaves and 430.95 mg% in roots. Especially, taurine was 61.68 mg% in roots. In the results of mineral analysis, the contents of Ca, K and Mg which account for 83% to 98% of mineral contents, were high in all parts. The polyphenol compounds in leaves and water extract of leaves were 821.58 mg% and 8,040.35 mg%. And contents of flavonoids were 2,501.67 mg% in leaves and 13,592.20 mg% in ethanol extract of leaves, respectively.

A Study on Establishment of the Fermentation Process for Traditional Andong Sickhae (전통 안동식혜의 제조공정 확립에 관한 연구)

  • Choi, Cheong;Seog, Ho-Moon;Cho, Young-Je;Lim, Seong-Il;Lee, Woo-Je
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.22 no.7
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    • pp.724-731
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    • 1990
  • The fermentation process of Andong Sickhae including optimal composition of the product was investigated. Through sensory evaluation and ingredient analysis of ten samples prepared in the laboratory and the samples collected from Andong region, we found that the ratio of ingredient of the product by weigh are as follow : [glutinous rice(80) : malt(50) : radish(100) : water(500) : ginger(8) : red pepper(4)]. The level of nitrogen compound turned out to be low while that of soluble protein and salt soluble protein was high. The content of total sugar and reducing sugar was found to be considerable high and among the free sugar, maltose was the highest(80%), followed by glucose and maltotriose. Activities of acid protease and saccharogenic amylase were 1.55 unit per milliliter and $12.5D^{40}_{30}^{\circ}$ respectively. Results of sensory evaluation showed that the good Andong Sickhae turned out to have well harmonized taste of flavor, sweetness and sourness while the color looked slightly red.

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Extraction and Chemical Composition of Soluble Polysaccharide from Green Laver, Enteromorpha prolifera (가시파래 수용성 다당의 추출 및 화학적 조성)

  • Choi Yong Seok;Koo Jae Geun;Ha Jin Hwan;Yoon Jang Tak
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.35 no.5
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    • pp.519-523
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    • 2002
  • Soluble polysaccharide (SP) from green layer, Enteromorpba prolifera was extracted 3 times with distilled water at 100$^{\circ}C$ for 2 hrs and fractionated with cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) and ion exchange chromatography (DEAE Separose CL-6B). The SP amounted to $23.7\%$ of the dry seaweed weight and contained $68.8\%$ carbohydrate. It was mainly constituted of rhamnose, glucose, xylose, sulfate and uronic acid and was fractionated with CPC into three (CPC-S, CPC-PS, CPC-PP) tractions. The major acid fraction CPC-PS accounted for $10.2\%$ of the dry algal weight. CPC-PS was further fractionated on DEAE Sepharose CL-6B into Fr-1 ($8.0\%$), Fr-2 ($35.8\%$), Fr-3 ($23.7\%$) fractions. The Fr-3 fraction contained $2.2\%$ protein, $21.4\%$ sulfate, $15.3\%$ uronic acid, and $72.4\%$ polysacchnrides composed of rhamnose, xylose and glucose. The Fr-2 fraction, which was richer in uronic acid ($17.5\%$) and poorer in sulfate ($19.0\%$) and total sugar ($68.8\%$) than the Fr-3, had a sugar composition close to that of Fr-3. The average molecular weights of Fr-2 and Fr-3 were 510,000 and 830,000 daltons, respectively. Fr-3 turned out to be homogeneous by cellulose acetate electrophoresis.

Physicochemical Characteristics and Acceptability of Commercial Low-Priced French Wines (시판 저가 프랑스 와인의 이화학적 특성 및 기호도)

  • Kim, Eun-Kyung;Kim, In-Yong;Ko, Jae-Youn;Yim, Seoung-Been;Jeong, Yoon-Hwa
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.39 no.11
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    • pp.1666-1671
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    • 2010
  • The physicochemical characteristics and acceptability of various commercial low-priced French wines were determined. A~E wines were manufactured from France and F wine was bottled in Germany using French Cabernet Sauvignon grape species. Sample wines were analyzed for pH, total soluble content, acidity, color, total sugar, total polyphenol and sulfur dioxide. The pH of the wines were ranged from 3.3 to 2.6. The total soluble contents were the highest in wine A (10.25 Brix%), followed by wine C (9.72 Brix%), wine D (9.67 Brix%) and wine B (9.61 Brix%) and were the lowest in wines E and F (9.42 Brix%). In the color analysis, wine F showed the highest L (lightness) and a (redness) value (28.11 and 23.86, respectively). The b (yellowness) value for all the samples studied ranged from 52.17 to 61.05. Wine C (62.24 g/L) and F (69.91 g/L) showed higher total sugar contents, and the total sugar contents of wines D, E, B and A were 48.58, 42.74, 37.74 and 36.99 g/L, respectively. Total polyphenol contents were the highest in wine C (2.59 g/L) and the lowest in wines A and B (1.90 g/L). The contents of sulfite in wine D (68.78 mg/L) were the highest and was the lowest in wine B (58.18 mg/L). The sensory characteristics and preference analysis (sourness, bitterness, sweetness, astringent taste, aroma, color and overall acceptability) of the red wines used in this study were determined by 15 panelists using the 7-point hedonic scale. Sourness of wines ranged between 3.8~4.9 and sweetness of wines D and F (3.0) were the highest amongst the red wines used in this study. Wines D, E and F had the higher scores in overall acceptability of sensory properties and wine E was the highest amongst the wines used in this study.

Changes in Kimchi Quality as Affected by the Addition of Sasa borealis Makino Extract (조릿대(Sasa borealis Makino) 추출물 첨가가 배추김치의 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Yook, Hong-Sun;Jo, Ji-Eun;Kim, Kyung-Hee;Hwang, Yong-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Agricultural Science
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.405-412
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    • 2010
  • This study was focused on finding the potential of hot water extract of bamboo shoot (Sasa borealis Makino) on the fermentation of Kimchi made with Chinese cabbage. The properties of Kimchi were examined up to 28 days of storage. The pH and acidity decreased regardless of treatments and showed no significant difference between treatments. There was a decreasing tendency of both total and reducing sugars in kimchi but the addition of bamboo extract did not affect the soluble sugar levels. Interestingly, bamboo extracts affected the lactic acid fermentation and ripening, resulting in the increase of lactic acid in bamboo extract treatment. Number of total bacterial cell of additive group is higher than control one, probably due to the stimulative effect of bamboo extract on bacterial growth. Level of lactic acid bacteria was also higher in the additive group, thus, it is considered that bamboo extract appeared to enhance the proliferation of lactic acid bacteria. The acceptability of treated Kimchi was higher in general. And results of intensity evaluation in color and texture were higher as well by addition of bamboo extract.

Comparison of the Nutritional Composition of Quinoa Seeds Cultivated in Korea Depending on Different Cooking Methods (국내산 퀴노아의 조리방법에 따른 영양성분 비교)

  • Jeong, Keun-Young;Sim, Ki Hyeon
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.117-130
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to compare differences in the main food components of quinoa (Chenopodium quinoa Willd.) cultivated in Hongcheon after steaming, boiling, and roasting. Among the general components, crude protein, fat, and ash content were the highest in raw quinoa. Dry matter and carbohydrate content was the highest in steamed quinoa, while total dietary fiber content was highest in roasted quinoa. Total amino acid contents were the highest in boiled quinoa and lowest in steamed quinoa. Fatty acid content was highest in raw quinoa and lowest in boiled quinoa. The mineral (calcium, potassium, and phosphorus) and vitamin content was most enriched in raw quinoa, while iron, magnesium, zinc, and manganese were highest in boiled quinoa. For free sugars, the fructose and sucrose levels were highest in raw quinoa, while glucose level was highest in roasted quinoa. The water-soluble vitamin and free sugar contents were lowest in boiled quinoa. In summary, nutritional levels of vitamins vulnerable to heat and unsaturated fatty acids decreased after cooking with heat, while those of amino acids and saturated fatty acids increased after cooking with heat, although there were variables based on different cooking methods.

Analysis of the Taste Components and Antioxidant Properties of Cheonggukjang Containing Korean Red Ginseng

  • Kim, Eun-Jung;Hong, Ju-Yeon;Shin, Seung-Ryeul;Moon, Yong-Sun;Yoon, Kyung-Young
    • Food Science and Biotechnology
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    • v.18 no.1
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    • pp.53-59
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    • 2009
  • This study was performed to investigate the taste composition and antioxidant properties of cheonggukjang containing Korean red ginseng (RGC), as compared to either general cheonggukjang (GC) or non-fermented boiled soybeans (BS). Amylase activity was the highest (576.7 unit/g) in RGC, whereas protease activity was the highest (326.0 unit/g) in GC. The total soluble sugar contents of BS, GC, and RGC were 2,027.5, 905.5, and 837.5 mg/100 g, respectively. RGC had the highest amount of total amino acids (2,127.4 mg/100 g) and essential amino acid (50.9%) among the samples. The ratio of sweet to bitter components was higher in RGC than in GC. Although the extracts of RGC had higher radical scavenging activity for 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) than BS or GC, regardless of the extract concentration, the ethanol extract of RGC showed the highest scavenging ability (92.4%) at 2.0 mg/mL. The chloroform extracts from GC and RGC showed their greatest superoxide dimutase-like activities at 17.2 and 19.7% at a concentration of 2 mg/mL, respectively. Regardless of the samples, the nitrite scavenging ability was positively correlated to the extract concentration, and RGC had highest ability among samples under the same extract concentrations.

Changes in the Constituents of Citrus Juice by Ultrafiltration (한외여과에 의한 온주 밀감주스의 성분 변화)

  • 김성미;강영주
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.442-448
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    • 2001
  • The citrus juice obtained from Jeju mandarines, Citru unshiu, was filtered to remove 20% of its original volume through the hollow fiber ultrafiltration systems equipped with various pore sizes of membranes. As the results of ultrafiltration, the contents of total acids, ascorbic acid, ascorbic acid, free sugars and neohesperidin in retentate showed the tendencies of gradual decreases with the increase of membrane pore sizes from 10K to 100K daltons, but tendencies were inverted when the membrane with 500k was used. The changes of color, soluble solids, total nitrogen, amino-nitrogen, naringin and hesperidin were not consistent with the membrane pore size. Considering all the data obtained using various pen sizes of membranes, the filtration system with NMWC 500K daltons was the most effective to produce citrus juices with hither quality.

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