• 제목/요약/키워드: torsion moment

검색결과 90건 처리시간 0.02초

Experimental investigations on seismic responses of RC circular column piers in curved bridges

  • Jiao, Chiyu;Li, Jianzhong;Wei, Biao;Long, Peiheng;Xu, Yan
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • 제17권5호
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    • pp.435-445
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    • 2019
  • The collapses of curved bridges are mainly caused by the damaged columns, subjected to the combined loadings of axial load, shear force, flexural moment and torsional moment, under earthquakes. However, these combined loadings have not been fully investigated. This paper firstly investigated the mechanical characteristics of the bending-torsion coupling effects, based on the seismic response spectrum analysis of 24 curved bridge models. And then 9 reinforced concrete (RC) and circular column specimens were tested, by changing the bending-tortion ratio (M/T), axial compression ratio, longitudinal reinforcement ratio and spiral reinforcement ratio, respectively. The results show that the bending-torsion coupling effects of piers are more significant, along with the decrease of girder curvature and the increase of pier height. The M/T ratio ranges from 6 to 15 for common cases, and influences the crack distribution, plastic zone and hysteretic curve of piers. And these seismic characteristics are also influenced by the compression ratio, longitudinal reinforcement ratio and spiral reinforcement ratios of piers.

Multilayered viscoelastic beam loaded in torsion under strain-path control: A delamination analysis

  • Victor I. Rizov
    • Advances in materials Research
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    • 제13권2호
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    • pp.87-102
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    • 2024
  • This paper is focused on the delamination analysis of a multilayered beam structure loaded in torsion under strain-path control. The beam under consideration has a rectangular cross-section. The layers of the beam are made of different viscoelastic materials which exhibit continuous inhomogeneity in longitudinal direction. Since the delamination is located inside the beam structure, the torsion moments in the two crack arms are obtained by modeling the beam as an internally static undetermined structure. The strain energy stored in the beam is analyzed in order to derive the strain energy release rate (SERR). Since the delamination is located inside the beam, the delamination has two tips. Thus, solutions of the SERR are obtained for both tips. The solutions are verified by analyzing the beam compliance. Delamination analysis with bending-torsion coupling is also performed. The solutions derived are timedependent due to two factors. First, the beam has viscoelastic behavior and, second, the angle of twist of the beam-free end induced by the external torsion moment changes with time according to a law that is fixed in advance.

등·변단면 I-형 곡선격자형교의 영향선에 관한 비교연구 (A Comparative Study on Influence Line of Curved I-Girder Grid Bridge with Constant Cross Section and Variable Cross Section)

  • 장병순;서상근;류은열;윤정섭
    • 한국강구조학회 논문집
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    • 제10권4호통권37호
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    • pp.615-627
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    • 1998
  • 곡선 격자형교의 최대 전단력. 최대 휨 모멘트, 최대 순수 비틈모멘트, 최대 뒴비틈모멘트, 최대 바이모멘트를 계산하기 위하여 곡선 격자형교에 작용하는 활하중의 재하위치를 찾는 것이 중요하고 영향선을 이용하면 이 값들을 쉽게 계산할 수 있다. 등 변단면 I-형 곡선격자형교를 해석하기 위해. 본연구에서는 Vlasov의 기초미분방정식을 이용하고, 이의 수치적 해석을 위해 유한차분법을 적용하여 등 변단면의 최대부재력이 발생하는 위치에서 등 변단면의 휨모멘트, 전단력, 순수비틈모멘트, 뒴비틀모멘트, 바이모멘트의 영향선을 구하여 비교 제시하였고 이를 이용해 최대부재력이 발생하도록 하는 활하중의 재하위치를 구하였다.

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등단면 I-형 곡선 격자형교의 영향선에 관한 연구 (A Study on Influence Line of Curved I-Girder Grid Bridge with Constant Cross Section)

  • 장병순;류은열;주재환
    • 한국강구조학회 논문집
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    • 제9권4호통권33호
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    • pp.501-513
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    • 1997
  • 뒴비틀림 효과를 고려한 곡선보의 일반적 거동은 Vlasov에 의해 제시된 미분 방정식으로 표시된다. 곡선 격자형교의 최대 전단력, 최대 휨 모멘트, 최대 순수비틀림 모멘트, 최대 뒴비틀림 모멘트, 최대 바이모멘트를 계산하기 위하여 곡선 격자형교에 작용하는 활하중의 재하위치를 찾는 것이 중요하고 영향선을 이용하여 쉽게 계산할 수 있다. 본 연구는 곡선격자교의 구조적 거동을 해석하기 위해서 곡선보는 Vlasov에 의해 제시된 곡선부재의 뒴비틀림효과를 고려한 거동에 관한 기초 미분 방정식으로 유한차분법을 도입하였고, 격벽(Diaphragm)을 보의 상대적 변위의 항으로 나타내기 위해서 강성도법을 도입하여 각각 정식화시켰고 이를 이용하여 단위 수직하중 및 단위 비틀림 모벤트에 의한 I-형 곡선격자교의 전단력, 휨 모멘트, 순수비틀림 모멘트, 뒴비틀림 모멘트, 바이모멘트의 영향선을 구하였다.

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편심하중이 작용하는 수평 곡선 I 형 거더의 휨·비틀림 상호작용 (Interaction of Flexure-Torsional by eccentric load in horizontal curved 'I' shape girder)

  • 임정현;이기세;김희수;최준호;강영종
    • 한국산학기술학회논문지
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    • 제16권9호
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    • pp.6385-6390
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    • 2015
  • 수평 곡선 I-형 거더에는 초기곡률이라는 기하학적 특성으로 인해 휨 모멘트와 더불어 비틀림 모멘트가 작용하게 된다. 이러한 휨 비틀림 거동은 서로 상호 작용을 일으켜 약축방향으로 2차 휨거동을 유발하게 된다. 휨과 비틀림 간의 상호 작용은 곡선 거더를 조기에 비선형 상태 및 소성 상태로 유도하여 내하력의 저하를 야기하게 되고, 차량의 이동 위치에 따른 편심 하중은 비틀림을 더욱 증대시킬 수 있다. 그러나 기존에 연구되어왔던 직선 거더에 대한 휨 비틀림 상호관계식은 곡선 거더가 가지고 있는 거동 특성이 고려되지 않았기 때문에 수직하중을 받는 수평 곡선 I-형 거더의 극한 강도가 과대평가 될 수 있다. 따라서 이에 대한 보다 명확하고 합리적인 제안식의 적용이 곡선 거더의 설계 시에 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 유한요소해석을 통하여 편심하중이 작용하는 수평 곡선 I형 거더의 휨 비틀림 상호작용 특성을 파악하고 거동분석을 수행하였다.

Non-linear analyses model for composite box-girders with corrugated steel webs under torsion

  • Ko, Hee-Jung;Moon, Jiho;Shin, Yong-Woo;Lee, Hak-Eun
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • 제14권5호
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    • pp.409-429
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    • 2013
  • A composite box-girder with corrugated steel webs has been used in civil engineering practice as an alternative to the conventional pre-stressed concrete box-girder because of several advantages, such as high shear resistance without vertical stiffeners and an increase in the efficiency of pre-stressing due to the accordion effect. Many studies have been conducted on the shear buckling and flexural behavior of the composite box-girder with corrugated steel webs. However, the torsional behavior is not fully understood yet, and it needed to be investigated. Prior study of the torsion of the composite box-girder with corrugated steel webs has been developed by assuming that the concrete section is cracked prior to loading and doesn't have tensile resistance. This results in poor estimation of pre-cracking behaviors, such as initial stiffness. To overcome this disadvantage of the previous analytical model, an improved analytical model for torsion of the composite box-girder with corrugated steel webs was developed considering the concrete tension behavior in this study. Based on the proposed analytical model, a non-linear torsional analysis program for torsion of the composite box-girder with corrugated steel webs was developed and successfully verified by comparing with the results of the test. The proposed analytical model shows that the concrete tension behavior has significant effect on the initial torsional stiffness and cracking torsional moment. Finally, a simplified torsional moment-twist angle relationship of the composite box-girder with corrugated steel webs was proposed based on the proposed analytical model.

콘크리트의 비틀림강도를 포함한 RC보의 공칭비틀림강도 (Nominal Torsional Moment Strength of RC Beam with Torsional Moment Strength of Concrete)

  • 박창규
    • 한국농공학회지
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    • 제44권3호
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    • pp.73-84
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    • 2002
  • Nominal shear strength of concrete beam is the combined strength of concrete shear strength and steel shear strength in current design code. But Torsional moment strength of concrete is neglected in calculation of the nominal torsional moment strength of reinforced concrete beam in current revised code. Tensile stress of concrete strut between cracks is still in effect due to tension stiffening effect. But the tensile stresses of concrete after cracking are neglected in bending and torsion in design. The torsional behavior is similar to the shear behavior in mechanics. Therefore the torsional moment strength of concrete should be concluded to the nominal torsional moment strength of reinforced concrete beam. To verify the validity of the proposed model, the nominal torsional moment strengths according to CEB, two ACI codes(89, 99) and proposed model are compared to experimental torsional strengths of 55 test specimens found in literature. The nominal torsional moment strengths by the proposed model show the best results.

Hysteresis modelling of reinforced concrete columns under pure cyclic torsional loading

  • Mondal, Tarutal Ghosh;Kothamuthyala, Sriharsha R.;Prakash, S. Suriya
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제64권1호
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    • pp.11-21
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    • 2017
  • It has been observed in the past that, the reinforced concrete (RC) bridge columns are very often subjected to torsional moment in addition to flexure and shear during seismic vibration. Ignoring torsion in the design can trigger unexpected shear failure of the columns (Farhey et al. 1993). Performance based seismic design is a popular design philosophy which calls for accurate prediction of the hysteresis behavior of structural elements to ensure safe and economical design under earthquake loading. However, very few investigations in the past focused on the development of analytical models to accurately predict the response of RC members under cyclic torsion. Previously developed hysteresis models are not readily applicable for torsional loading owing to significant pinching and stiffness degradation associated with torsion (Wang et al. 2014). The present study proposes an improved polygonal hysteresis model which can accurately predict the hysteretic behavior of RC circular and square columns under torsion. The primary curve is obtained from mechanics based softened truss model for torsion. The proposed model is validated with test data of two circular and two square columns. A good correlation is observed between the predicted and measured torque-twist behavior and dissipated energy.

순수비틀림을 받는 철근콘크리트 보의 균열후 비틀림 강성 (Postcracking Torsional Stiffness of Reinforced Concrete Beams under Pure Torsion)

  • 음성우
    • 한국콘크리트학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국콘크리트학회 1991년도 가을 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.51-58
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    • 1991
  • In staically indeterminate structures torsional stiffness is an important factor for prediction of mechanical behavior at all loading stages in reinfored concrete beams, which also for calculation of torsional moment. This paper proposes equation for postcracking torsional stiffness of reinforced concrete beams under pure torsion, which is derived considering the equilibrium and compatibility condition for shear panel based on the variable angle space truss model. The equation describes well the effect according to the variation of aspect ratio and steel volume ratio per unit concrete volume. It agress with experimental results in this paper as well as available literature.

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Predicting the seismic behavior of torsionally-unbalanced RC building using resistance eccentricity

  • Abegaz, Ruth A.;Kim, In-Ho;Lee, Han Seon
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • 제83권1호
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 2022
  • The static design approach in the current code implies that the inherent torsional moment represents the state of zero inertial torsional moments at the center of mass (CM). However, both experimental and analytical results prove the existence of a large amount of the inertial torsional moment at the CM. Also, the definition of eccentricity by engineers, which is referred to as the resistance eccentricity, is defined as the distance between the center of mass and the center of resistance, which is conceptually different from the static eccentricity in the current codes, defined as the arm length about the center of rotation. The difference in the definitions of eccentricity should be made clear to avoid confusion about the torsion design. This study proposed prediction equations as a function of resistance eccentricity based on a resistance eccentricity model with advantages of (1) the recognition of the existence of torsional moment at the CM, (2) the avoidance of the confusion by using resistance eccentricity instead of the design eccentricity, and (3) a clear relationship of applied inertial forces at the CM and resisting forces. These predictions are compared with the seismic responses obtained from time-history analyses of a five-story building structure under moderate and severe earthquakes. Then, the trend of the resistance eccentricity corresponding to the maximum edge drift is investigated for elastic and inelastic responses. The comparison given in this study shows that these prediction equations can serve as a useful reference for the prediction in both the elastic and the inelastic ranges.