• Title/Summary/Keyword: torsion moment

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Design and behavior of 160 m-tall post-tensioned precast concrete-steel hybrid wind turbine tower

  • Wu, Xiangguo;Zhang, Xuesen;Zhang, Qingtan;Zhang, Dong;Yang, Xiaojing;Qiu, Faqiang;Park, Suhyun;Kang, Thomas H.K.
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.44 no.3
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    • pp.407-421
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    • 2022
  • Prefabricated hybrid wind turbine towers (WTTs) are promising due to height increase. This study proposes the use of ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) to develop a new type of WTT without the need to use reinforcement. It is demonstrated that the UHPC WTT structure without reinforcing bars could achieve performance similar to that of reinforced concrete WTTs. To simplify the design of WTT, a design approach for the calculation of stresses at the horizontal joints of a WTT is proposed. The stress distribution near the region of the horizontal joint of the WTT structure under normal operating conditions and different load actions is studied using the proposed approach, which is validated by the finite element method. A further parametric study shows that the degree of prestressing and the bending moment both significantly affect the principal stress. The shear-to-torsion ratio also shows a significant influence on the principal tensile stress.

Thickness of shear flow path in RC beams at maximum torsional strength

  • Kim, Hyeong-Gook;Lee, Jung-Yoon;Kim, Kil-Hee
    • Computers and Concrete
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    • v.29 no.5
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    • pp.303-321
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    • 2022
  • The current design equations for predicting the torsional capacity of RC members underestimate the torsional strength of under-reinforced members and overestimate the torsional strength of over-reinforced members. This is because the design equations consider only the yield strength of torsional reinforcement and the cross-sectional properties of members in determining the torsional capacity. This paper presents an analytical model to predict the thickness of shear flow path in RC beams subjected to pure torsion. The analytical model assumes that torsional reinforcement resists torsional moment with a sufficient deformation capacity until concrete fails by crushing. The ACI 318 code is modified by applying analytical results from the proposed model such as the average stress of torsional reinforcement and the effective gross area enclosed by the shear flow path. Comparison of the calculated and observed torsional strengths of existing 129 test beams showed good agreement. Two design variables related to the compressive strength of concrete in the proposed model are approximated for design application. The accuracy of the ACI 318 code for the over-reinforced test beams improved somewhat with the use of the approximations for the average stresses of reinforcements and the effective gross area enclosed by the shear flow path.

Characteristics of Structural Behavior of Steel Fiber Reinforced Ultra High Performance Concrete Beams Subjected to Torsion (강섬유 보강 초고성능 콘크리트 보의 비틀림 거동 특성)

  • Yang, In-Hwan;Joh, Changbin;Lee, Jung-Woo;Kim, Byung-Suk
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.87-95
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    • 2014
  • Experimental investigation on the structural behavior of steel fiber-reinforced ultra high performance concrete (UHPC) beams subjected to torsion are presented. Six tests carried out on square beams under torsional moment are presented. The experimental parameters were the volume fraction of the fibers and closed-stirrup ratio. The volume fraction of the fibers was 1.0% and 2.0%. The closed-stirrup ratio was 0, 0.35%, and 0.70%. The test results indicated that ultimate torsional strength increased with increasing fiber volume, and that ultimate torsional strength also increased with increasing the closed-stirrup ratio. In addition, predictive equations for evaluating the ultimate torsional strength of UHPC beams were proposed. The comparison between computed values and the experimentally observed values was shown to validate the proposed analytical equations. It was found that predictions by using proposed equation provides good agreement with test results of UHPC beams.


  • Kim, Tae-Oh;Lee, Chan-Joo;Kim, Byung-Min;Park, Jeong-Kil;Hur, Bock;Kim, Hyeon-Cheol
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.33 no.4
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    • pp.323-331
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    • 2008
  • Flexibility and fracture properties determine the performance of NiTi rotary instruments. The purpose of this study was to evaluate how geometrical differences between three NiTi instruments affect the deformation and stress distributions under bending and torsional conditions using finite element analysis. Three NiTi files (ProFile .06 / #30, F3 of ProTaper and ProTaper Universal) were scanned using a Micro-CT. The obtained structural geometries were meshed with linear, eight-noded hexahedral elements. The mechanical behavior (deformation and von Mises equivalent stress) of the three endodontic instruments were analyzed under four bending and rotational conditions using ABAQUS finite element analysis software. The nonlinear mechanical behavior of the NiTi was taken into account. The U-shaped cross sectional geometry of ProFile showed the highest flexibility of the three file models. The ProTaper, which has a convex triangular cross-section, was the most stiff file model. For the same deflection, the ProTaper required more force to reach the same deflection as the other models, and needed more torque than other models for the same amount of rotation. The highest von Mises stress value was found at the groove area in the cross-section of the ProTaper Universal. Under torsion, all files showed highest stresses at their groove area. The ProFile showed highest von Mises stress value under the same torsional moment while the ProTaper Universal showed the highest value under same rotational angle.


  • So, Mun-Seop;Im, Mi-Kyung;Lee, Keon-Il;Lee, Yong-Keun;Lee, Su-Jong
    • Restorative Dentistry and Endodontics
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.659-669
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    • 1997
  • The goals of root canal instrumentation are complete debridement of pulp tissue, removal of microbes and affected dentin, and proper cleaning and shaping of the root canal space before obturation. Instrumentation with stainless steel files has been shown to produce undesirable results in canals, regardless of the improved technique or modified file type used. Nickel-Titanium(Ni-Ti) alloy has been shown to be exceptionally elastic, having a lower bending moment and lower permanent set after torsion, compared with similar gauge stainless steel. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the change of root canal prepared by Ni-Ti rotary and stainless steel instruments. Thirty-four single rooted teeth of similar shape and canal size were divided into three groups. The teeth were scanned by computed tomography before instrumentation. In group 1, canals were instrumented using a step-back technique with K-file. In group 2, canals were prepared with K-flex file using the same technique as group 1. Group 3 was prepared with nickel-titanium(Ni-Ti) rotary instrument using a manufacture's instruction. Instrumented teeth were again scanned using computed tomography, and reformated images of the uninstrumented canals were compared with images of the instrumented canals. K-flex file and Ni-Ti file caused significantly less canal transportation than K-file in the 8mm root canal section from the apex(p<0.05). K-flex file and Ni-Ti file produced more centered canal preparation than K-file in the 2mm section(p<0.05). Ni-Ti file maintained more precisely the center of the canal than K-flex file in the 10mm section (p<0.05). There was no difference in the removed volume of canals among each groups.

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Analytical Simulation of the Seismic Response of a High-Rise RC Building Model (고층 철근콘크리트 건축구조모델의 지진응답에 대한 해석적 모사)

  • Lee, Han-Seon;Lee, Jeong-Jae;Jung, Dong-Wook
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.12 no.5
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2008
  • A series of shaking table tests were conducted on a 1:12 scale model using scaled Taft N21E earthquake records to investigate the seismic performance of a 17-story high-rise reinforced concrete building structure with a high degree of torsional eccentricity and soft-story irregularities in the bottom two stories. The main characteristics of the behaviors were: (1) a sudden change of the predominant vibration mode from the mode of translation and torsion to the torsional mode after the flexible side underwent a substantial inelastic deformation; (2) an abrupt increase in the torsional stiffness during this change of modes; (3) a warping behavior of the wall in the torsional mode; and (4) a unilateral overturning moment in the transverse direction to the table excitations. In this study, efforts were made to simulate the above characteristics using a nonlinear analysis program, Perform3D. The advantages and limitations are presented with the nonlinear models available in this software, as they are related to the correlation between analysis and test results.

A new method for infill equivalent strut width

  • Tabeshpour, Mohammad Reza;Arasteh, Arash Mahdipour
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.69 no.3
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    • pp.257-268
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    • 2019
  • Infills are as important members in structural design as beams, columns and braces. They have significant effect on structural behavior. Because of lots of variables in infills like material non-linear behavior, the interaction between frames and infill, etc., the infills performance during an earthquake is complicated, so have led designers do not consider the effect of infills in designing the structure. However, the experimental studies revealed that the infills have the remarkable effect on structure behavior. As if these effects ignored, it might occur soft-story phenomena, torsion or short-column effects on the structures. One simple and appropriate method for considering the infills effects in analyzing, is replacing the infills with diagonal compression strut with the same performance of real infill, instead of designing the whole infill. Because of too many uncertainties, codes and researchers gave many expressions that were not as the same as the others. The major intent of this paper is calculation the width of this diagonal strut, which has the most characteristics of infill. This paper by comprehensive on different parameters like the modulus of young or moment of inertia of columns presents a new formula for achieving the equivalent strut width. In fact, this new formula is extracted from about 60 FEM analyses models. It can be said that this formula is very efficient and accurate in estimating the equivalent strut width, considering the large number of effective parameters relative to similar relationships provided by other researchers. In most cases, the results are so close to the values obtained by the FEM. In this formula, the effect of out of plane buckling is neglected and this formula is used just in steel structures. Also, the thickness of infill panel, and the lateral force applied to frame are constant. In addition, this new formula is just for modeling the lateral stiffness. Obtaining the nearest response in analyzing is important to the designers, so this new formula can help them to reach more accurate response among a lot of experimental equations proposed by researchers.

Assessment of System Reliability and Capacity-Rating of Composite Steel Box-Girder Highway Bridges (합성 강 상자형 도로교의 체계신뢰성 해석 및 안전도평가)

  • Cho, Hyo Nam;Lee, Seung Jae;Kang, Kyoung Koo
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.51-59
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    • 1993
  • This paper develops practical and realistic reliability models and methods for the evaluation of system-reliability and system reliability-based rating of various types of box-girder bridge superstructures. The strength limit state model for box-girder bridges suggested in the paper are based on not only the basic flexural strength but also the strength interaction equations which simultaneously take into account flexure, shear and torsion. And the system reliability problem of box-girder superstructure is formulated as parallel-series models obtained from the FMA(Failure Mode Approach) based on major failure mechanisms or critical failure states of each girder. In the paper, an improved IST(Importance Sampling Technique) simulation algorithm is used for the system reliability analysis of the proposed models. This paper proposes a practical but rational approach for the evaluation of capacity rating in terms of the equivalent system-capacity rating corresponding to the estimated system-reliability index which is derived based on the concept of the equivalent FOSM(First Order Second Moment) form of system reliability index. The results of the reliability evaluation and rating of existing bridges indicate that the reserved reliability and capacity rating at system level are significantly different from those of element reliability or conventional methods especially in the case of highly redundant box-girder bridges.

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Development of Non-linear Analysis Model for Torsional Behavior of Composite Box-Girder with Corrugated Steel Webs (복부 파형강판을 갖는 복합교량의 비틀림 거동에 대한 비선형 해석 모델 개발)

  • Ko, Hee Jung;Moon, Jiho;Lee, Hak-Eun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.31 no.3A
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    • pp.153-162
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    • 2011
  • Composite box-girder with corrugated steel webs has been widely used in civil engineering practice as an alternative of conventional pre-stressed concrete box-girder because the efficiency of pre-stressing can be increased and weight reduction of superstructure can be achieved by replacing concrete webs as a corrugated steel webs. However, most of previous researches were limited in shear and flexural behavior of such girder so that the torsional behaviors of composite box-girder with corrugated steel webs are not fully understood yet and it needs to be investigated. Some of previous researchers developed the nonlinear theory for torsional analysis of composite box-girder with corrugated steel webs. However, their theories were developed by ignoring the tensile behavior of concrete. Thus, there are certain limitations in analysis of serviceability such as cracking moment and torsional stiffness of the girder. This paper presents the analytical model for torsional behavior of composite box-girder with corrugated steel webs considering tensile behavior of concrete. Based on the proposed analytical model, nonlinear torsional analysis program of composite box-girder with corrugated steel webs was developed. Then, for verification of validation of the developed model, test for the girder was conducted and the results were compared with those of analytical model. Finally, parametric study was conducted and the effects of tensile behavior of concrete on the torsional behavior of the girder were discussed.

Pseudo-Static Behaviors of U-shaped PSC Girder with Wide Flanges (확폭플랜지를 갖는 U형 프리스트레스 거더의 유사정적거동)

  • Rhee, In-Kyu;Lee, Joo-Beom;Kim, Lee-Hyeon;Park, Joo-Nam;Kwak, Jong-Won
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2008.11b
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    • pp.993-999
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    • 2008
  • A girder height limitation is the critical parameter for rapid construction of bridge deck and construction space limitation especially in urban area such as high population area and high density habitats. A standard post-tensioned I-shaped concrete girder usually demands relatively higher girder height in order to retain sufficient moment arm between compression force and tensile force. To elaborate this issue, a small U-shaped section with wide flanges can be used as a possible replacement of I-shaped standard girder. This prestressed concrete box girder allows more flexible girder height adjustment rather than standard I-shaped post-tensioned girder plus additional torsion resistance benefits of closed section. A 30m-long, 1.7m-high and 3.63m-wide actual small prestressed concrete box girder is designed and a laboratory test for its static behaviors by applying 6,200kN amount of load in the form of 4-point bending test was performed. The load-deflection curve and crack patterns at different loading stage are recorded. In addition, to extracting the dynamic characteristics such as natural frequency and damping ratio of this girder, several excitation tests with artificial mechanical exciter with un-symmetric mass are carried out using operational frequency sweep-up. Nonlinear finite element analysis of this 4 point bending test under monotonic static load is investigated and discussed with aids of concrete damaged plasticity formulation using ABAQUS program.

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