• Title/Summary/Keyword: topography generation

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Segmentation of Seabed Points from Airborne Bathymetric LiDAR Point Clouds Using Cloth Simulation Filtering Algorithm (항공수심라이다 데이터 해저면 포인트 클라우드 분리를 위한 CSF 알고리즘 적용에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Jae Bin;Jung, Jae Hoon;Kim, Hye Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.1
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2020
  • ABL (Airborne Bathymetric LiDAR) is an advanced survey technology that uses green lasers to simultaneously measure the water depths and oceanic topography in coastal and river areas. Seabed point cloud extraction is an essential prerequisite to further utilizing the ABL data for various geographic data processing and applications. Conventional seabed detection approaches often use return waveforms. However, their limited accessibility often limits the broad use of the bathymetric LiDAR (Light Detection And Ranging) data. Further, it is often questioned if the waveform-based seabed extraction is reliable enough to extract seabed. Therefore, there is a high demand to extract seabed from the point cloud using other sources of information, such as geometric information. This study aimed to assess the feasibility of a ground filtering method to seabed extraction from geo-referenced point cloud data by using CSF (Cloth Simulation Filtering) method. We conducted a preliminary experiment with the RIGEL VQ 880 bathymetric data, and the results show that the CSF algorithm can be effectively applied to the seabed point segmentation.

Generation of the Ortho-Rectified Photo Map and Analysis of the Three-Dimensional Image Using the PKNU 2 Imagery (PKNU2호 영상을 이용한 정사영상 지도 제작 및 3차원 입체 분석)

  • Lee, Chang Hun;Choi, Chul Uong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.77-87
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    • 2004
  • It is important for hydrographers to extract the accurate cross section of a river for the hydrographical analysis of the topography. Aerial photographs were used to extract the cross section of a river for the advantages of the accuracy and economical efficiency in this study, while the direct measurement has been used in existing studies. An ortho-rectified photo map using imageries taken by the PKNU 2 (High-resolution, multi-spectral, aerial photographic system developed by our laboratory) was generated using the surveyed data and a digital map. The cross section of a river that was obtained from the ortho-rectified by the surveyed Kinematic data of GPS was compared with the result using ImageStation stereo-plotter of corp. Z/I Imaging. As a result of this study, the RMSE in the ortho-rect process using the surveyed GPS data was lowered as from 5.5788 pixels (about 2m) to 2.84 (about 1m) in comparison with it in the process using a digital map. The surveyed kinematic GPS in extraction of the cross section of a river was excellent as 6.6cm of the planimetric and precision in the confidence level of 95%. The correlation coefficient between the result from the using stereo-plotter and the extraction of cross section of a river using aerial photos was 0.8 hydrographical acquisition of it using PKNU 2 imagery will be possible.

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Development of Generating Technique for Triangular Mesh by using Distinct Element Method (개별요소법을 이용한 삼각망 생성기법 개발)

  • Kim, Nam-Hyeong;Yun, Hyeon-Cheol;Hur, Young-Teck
    • Journal of Navigation and Port Research
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    • v.34 no.5
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    • pp.367-373
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    • 2010
  • When the numerical analysis is carried out, it is necessary to set proper elements as a feature of analysis domains for more accurate simulations. In this study, Distinct Element Method(DEM) is applied, only considering repulsive force and tensile force except for frictional force and resisting force of particle. When the filled particles with initial Quad-tree type is relocated by DEM, a blank space existing among the particles can be minimized because the shape of particle is circular. Finally, it is the effective feature that the centroidal disposion of the particles is similar to an equilateral triangle. Triangular mesh are formed by using the Delaunay triangular technique on these relocated particles, the quality of triangular mesh is more improved by carrying out Laplace interpolations. The compared result of Aspect Ratio before and after the Laplace interpolation is shown that although the quality of triangular mesh made by DEM is good, the later triangular mesh are higher quality than the formers. In this study, although the developed technique takes a longer calculational time than the previous technique to generate triangular mesh, it is considered that the applicable possibility is very high in the generation of finite element mesh about wave analysis and various numerical simulation to need a complex or reappearance of exact topography.

Intertidal DEM Generation Using Waterline Extracted from Remotely Sensed Data (원격탐사 자료로부터 해안선 추출에 의한 조간대 DEM 생성)

  • 류주형;조원진;원중선;이인태;전승수
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.221-233
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    • 2000
  • An intertidal topography is continuously changed due to morphodynamics processes. Detection and measurement of topographic change for a tidal flat is important to make an integrated coastal area management plan as well as to carry out sedimentologic study. The objective of this study is to generate intertidal DEM using leveling data and waterlines extracted from optical and microwave remotely sensed data in a relatively short period. Waterline is defined as the border line between exposed tidal flat and water body. The contour of the terrain height in tidal flat is equivalent to the waterline. One can utilize satellite images to generate intertidal DEM over large areas. Extraction of the waterline in a SAR image is a difficult task to perform partly because of the presence of speckle and partly because of similarity between the signal returned from the sea surface and that from the exposed tidal flat surface or land. Waterlines in SAR intensity and coherence map can effectively be extracted with MSP-RoA edge detector. From multiple images obtained over a range of tide elevation, it is possible to build up a set of heighted waterline within intertidal zone, and then a gridded DEM can be interpolated. We have tested the proposed method over the Gomso Bay, and succeeded in generating intertidal DEM with relatively high accuracy.

Development of integrated disaster mapping method (I) : expansion and verification of grid-based model (통합 재해지도 작성 기법 개발(I) : 그리드 기반 모형의 확장 및 검증)

  • Park, Jun Hyung;Han, Kun-Yeun;Kim, Byunghyun
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.55 no.1
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    • pp.71-84
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    • 2022
  • The objective of this study is to develop a two-dimensional (2D) flood model that can perform accurate flood analysis with simple input data. The 2D flood inundation models currently used to create flood forecast maps require complex input data and grid generation tools. This sometimes requires a lot of time and effort for flood modeling, and there may be difficulties in constructing input data depending on the situation. In order to compensate for these shortcomings, in this study, a grid-based model that can derive accurate and rapid flood analysis by reflecting correct topography as simple input data was developed. The calculation efficiency was improved by extending the existing 2×2 sub-grid model to a 5×5. In order to examine the accuracy and applicability of the model, it was applied to the Gamcheon Basin where both urban and river flooding occurred due to Typhoon Rusa. For efficient flood analysis according to user's selection, flood wave propagation patterns, accuracy and execution time according to grid size and number of sub-grids were investigated. The developed model is expected to be highly useful for flood disaster mapping as it can present the results of flooding analysis for various situations, from the flood inundation map showing accurate flooding to the flood risk map showing only approximate flooding.

A Study on Automatic Calculation of Earth-volume Using 3D Model of B-Rep Solid Structure (B-Rep Solid 구조의 3차원 모델을 이용한 토공량 자동 산정에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jong Nam;Um, Dae Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.40 no.5
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    • pp.403-412
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    • 2022
  • As the 4th industrial revolution is in full swing and next-generation ICT(Information & Communications Technology) convergence technology is being developed, various smart construction technologies are being rapidly introduced in the construction field to respond to technological changes. In particular, since the earth-volume calculation process for site design accounts for a large part of the design cost at the construction site, related researches are being actively conducted to improve the efficiency of the process and accurately calculate the earth-volume. The purpose of this study is to present a method for quickly constructing the topography of a construction site in 3D and efficiently calculating earth-volume using the results. For this purpose, the construction site was constructed as a 3D realistic model using large-scale aerial photos obtained from UAV(Unmanned Aerial Vehicle). At this time, since the constructed 3D realistic model has a surface model structure in which volume calculation is impossible, the structure was converted into a 3D solid model to enable volume calculation. And we devised a methodology to calculate earth-volume based on CAD(Computer-Aided Design and Drafting) using the converted solid model. Automatically calculating earth-volume from the solid model by applying the method. As a result, It was possible to confirm a relative deviation of 1.52% from the calculated earth-volume from the existing survey results. In addition, as a result of comparative analysis of the process time required for each method, it was confirmed that the time required is reduced of 60%. The technique presented in this study is expected to be utilized as a technology for smart construction management, such as periodic site monitoring throughout the entire construction process, as well as cost reduction for earth-volume calculation.

DEM Generation over Coastal Area using ALOS PALSAR Data - Focus on Coherence and Height Ambiguity - (ALOS PALSAR 자료를 이용한 연안지역의 DEM 생성 - 긴밀도와 고도 민감도 분석을 중심으로 -)

  • Choi, Jung-Hyun;Lee, Chang-Wook;Won, Joong-Sun
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.23 no.6
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    • pp.559-566
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    • 2007
  • The generation of precise digital elevation model (DEM) is very important in coastal area where time series are especially required. Although a LIDAR system is useful in coastal regions, it is not yet popular in Korea mainly because of its high surveying cost and national security reasons. Recently, precise DEM has been made using radar interferometry and waterline methods. One of these methods, spaceborne imaging radar interferometry has been widely used to measure the topography and deformation of the Earth. We acquired ALOS PALSAR FBD mode (Fine Beam Dual) data for evaluating the quality of interferograms and their coherency. We attempted to construct DEM using ALOS PALSAR pairs - One pair is 2007/05/22 and 2007/08/22, another pair is 2007/08/22 and 2007/10/22 with respective perpendicular baseline of 820 m, 312m and respective height sensitivity of 75 m and 185m at southern of Ganghwa tidal flat, Siwha- and Hwaong-lake over west coastal of Korea peninsula. Ganghwa tidal flat has low coherence between 0.3 and 0.5 of 2007/05/22 and 2007/08/22 pair. However, Siwha-lake and Hwaong-lake areas have a higher coherence value (From 0.7 and 0.9) than Ganghwa tidal area. The reason of difference coherence value is tidal condition between tidal flat area (Ganghwa) and reclaimed zone (Siwha-lake and Hwaong-lake). Therefore, DEM was constructed by ALOS PALSAR pair over Siwha-lake and Hwaong-lake. If the temporal baseline is enough short to maintain the coherent phases and height sensitivity is enough small, we will be able to successfully construct a precise DEM over coastal area. From now on, more ALOS PALSAR data will be needed to construct precise DEM of West Coast of Korea peninsular.

The Analysis of Successional Trends by Topographic Positions in the Natural Deciduous Forest of Mt. Chumbong (점봉산(點鳳産) 일대 천연활엽수림(天然闊葉樹林)의 지형적(地形的) 위치(位置)에 따른 천이(遷移) 경향(傾向) 분석(分析))

  • Lee, Won Sup;Kim, Ji Hong;Jin, Guang Ze
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.89 no.5
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    • pp.655-665
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    • 2000
  • Taking account of the structural variation on species composition by topography, the successional trends were comparatively analyzed for the three topographic positions (valley, mid-slope, and ridge) in the natural deciduous forest of Mt. Chumbong area. The analysis was based upon the subsequent process of generation replacement by understory saplings and seedlings over the overstory trees which will be eventually fallen down. This study adopted the plot sampling method, establishing twenty $20m{\times}20m$ quadrats and collecting vegetation and site data on each different topographic position. The transition matrix model, which was modified from the mathematical theory of Markov chain, was employed to analyze the successional trends and thereafter to predict the overstory species composition in the future for each different topographic position. In valley, the simulation indicated the remarkable decrease in the proportion of species composition of present dominants Quercus mongolica and Fraxinus mandshurica from current 23% and 21% to around 4% of each at the steady state, which is predicted to take less than 200 years. On the other hand, the proportion of such species as Abies holophylla, Acer mono, Tilia amurensis, and Ulmus laciniata will increase at the steady state. In mid-slope, the result showed the remarkable decrease in the proportion of Juglans mandshurica, Kalopanax pictus, and Tilia amurensis from current 15%, 8%, and 15% to 2%, 1%, and 5%, respectively, at steady state predicted to take more than 250 years. In ridge, the current dominant Quercus mongolica was predicted to be decreased dramatically from 58% to 8% at steady state which could be achieved about 200 years. On the contrary, the proportion of Acer mono and Tilia amurensis will be increased from current 4% and 3% to more than 20% and 40%, respectively, at the steady state. Overall results suggested that the study forest is more likely seral rather than climax community. Even though a lot of variation is inevitable due to various kinds of site and vegetation development, the study forest is considered to be more than 200 years away from the steady state or climax in terms of overstory species composition.

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The Creation and Transformation Process of Ssangsanjae as a Private Garden in the Late Joseon Dynasty (조선 후기 민가 정원 쌍산재의 조영과 변화 과정)

  • Kim, Seo-Lin;Sung, Jong-Sang;Kim, Hee-Su;Cui, Yu-Na;Jung, Jin-Ah;Cho, Seong-Ah
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.1-14
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    • 2021
  • Ssangsanjae was created in the mid-1800s, It is located at Jiri Mountain to the north and the Seomjin River to the south. This garden has not changed much even though it has passed through the sixth generation since its creation, so it still retains the features of a private garden in the late Joseon Dynasty. This study focused on the changing landscape of Ssangsanjae as a historical garden; through field surveys, interviews and analysis of builder's collection, boards and couplets. Ssangsanjae is largely classified into inner and outer gardens, and the inner is divided into an entry space, a residential space, and a backyard. The backyard consists of Seodangchae, it's garden, Gyeongamdang, and swimming pool, and is connected to the Sado Reservoir area, which is the outer garden. The distinct vegetation landscape of Ssangsanjae are a 13,000m2 bamboo and green tea field, Peony(Paeonia suffruticosa Andr. and Paeonia lactiflora var. trichocarpa(Bunge) Stern) planted on both sides of the road that crosses the lawn, the view through a frame(額景) shown by the twisted branches of Camellia and Evergreen spindletree, and a fence made of Trifolia Orange(Poncirus trifoliata) and Bamboo. Ssangsanjae stands out for its spatial composition and arrangement in consideration of the topography and native vegetation. The main building was named by the descendants based on the predecessor's Aho(pseudonym), and it is the philosophical view of the predecessors who tried to cultivate the younger students without going up on the road. The standing stone and white boundary stone built by Mr. Oh Ju Seok are Ssangsanjae's unique gardening facilities. The stone chairs, and swimming pool which were created by the current owner for the convenience of families and visitors also make a distinctive landscape. Ssangsanjae, for residents, was a place for living, exchanging friendships, training himself and seculusion, for children was a place for learning, but now is 'the private garden' where many people can heal themselves. Over the 200 years, the landscape of Ssangsanjae's inner and outer gardens experienced large and small changes. As such, it is necessary to recognize the historical gardens with changing properties as a living heritage. This study is significant in that, as the first study to approach Ssangsanjae in the view of landscape research, it provides basic data on Ssangsanjae as a destination of garden tourism.

Analysis and Management Strategies of the Cold Air Characteristics in Hannamgeumbuk-Jeongmaek and Geumbuk-Jeongmaek (한남금북·금북정맥 일대의 찬공기 특성 분석을 통한 청주시 찬공기 관리방안)

  • SON, Jeong-Min;EUM, Jeong-Hee
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.152-171
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    • 2019
  • In this study, we analyzed the characteristics of the cold air generated in Hannamgeumbuk and Geumbuk-Jeongmaek and proposed their management strategies. We also suggested management strategies after analyzing detailed cold airflows for Cheongju located Hannamgeumbuk-Jeongmaek and we compared the degree of nighttime temperature reduction of the Jeongmaek by using data obtained from observatories located on Cheongju. We used KALM(Kaltluftabflussmodell), a cold air simulation model developed in Germanay and identified both cold airflows and altitude of cold air layers generated during 360minutes at night. As a result, the cold airflow generated in the Jeongmaek became strong and the cold air was appeared clearly in the western part of the Hannamgeumbuk-Jeongamek and in the northern part of the Geumbuk-Jeongmaek. The average velocity of cold airflow was recorded at 0.45m/s, and the maximum speed of cold airflow was recorded at 2.70m/s. The average height of the cold air layer was 104.27m/s and the maximum thickness was 255.0m. The average velocity of cold airflows in Cheongju was 0.51m/s and the average height of cold air layer was 48.87m high. The highest degree of nighttime temperature reduction appeared in the Cheongnamdae observatory($-3.8^{\circ}C$), where the altitude of the cold air layer is high. The results showed that cooling effect of Jeongmaek actually affected the temperature reduction during nighttime. Based on the results, we designated the main mountain area of the Jeongmaek with active cold air generation as "cold air conservation areas" and proposed the current forest and topography conservation. We also proposed to designate areas that facilitate the cold airflows as "cold air management areas" and to complement the function of Jeongmaek. This study could support the establishment of systematic management plans of the Jeongmaek. In addition, it is expected that the results can be applied as basic data for ventilation paths of Cheongju.