• Title/Summary/Keyword: topographical features

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The Effects of Geological and Topographical Features on Landslide and Land-creep (지질(地質)과 지형(地形)이 산사태(山沙汰) 및 땅밀림에 미치는 영향(影響))

  • Jau, Jae-Gyu;Park, Sang-Jun;Son, Doo-Sik;Joo, Sung-Hyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.89 no.3
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    • pp.323-334
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    • 2000
  • This study was carried out to investigate the effects of geological and topographical features on landslide and land-creep at the twenty four surveyed sites of Kyungpook province. According to the results obtained, it was concluded that continuous heavy rainfall was one of the primary factors to occur landslide and land-creep. Most of the landslides occurred in the past were concentrated in the granite and granitic gneiss zones, while land-creeps were mainly occurred in the mud-stone zones. Therefore, it was thought that the physical properties such as soil texture, solid phase, moisture contents, density, hardness and porosity rate of weathered granite and granitic gneiss could affect the occurrence of landslide and land-creep. Due to the holding of sand contents in the upper soil layers of weathered granite and granitic gneiss, rainfall could infiltrate into the soil easily. While lower soil layers contained much quantity of clay and silt contents, those soils saturated with rainfall cause to lose viscosity and shear strength. Therefore, it was seemed that landslide was occurred more easily and the saturation of those soils was made much easily by bed rocks under those soils. Landslide and land-creep are slided into lower place by gravitation and slope degree factors. Therefore, prediction of landslide occurrence is very difficult because landslide is occurred abruptly, and physical properties of the soil have to be understood and checking the existence of bed rocks under the soils is not easy, on the other hand, land-creep is progressed very slowly. Therefore, it was suggested that in a degree creeping could be protected by removing of several causing factors.

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A Study on the Application and Requirements of Socioeconomic GIS Data (사회경제적 지리정보 활용 및 데이터 요구조건에 관한 연구)

  • Nam, Kwang-Woo;Kim, Ho-Yong;Lee, Sung-Ho;Lee, Sang-Hak;Ha, Su-Wook;Choi, Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.44-54
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    • 2005
  • Most advanced countries in GIS field have established and managed georeferenced socioeconomic data systematically and made a great profit on various social and economic areas. In Korea, however, socioeconomic geographical information is relatively poor compared to systems related to geographical and topographical features. This is mainly due to the characteristics of the process from the construction to the utilization of socioeconomic data. That is, from the stage of data construction, socioeconomic data require solutions for frequent changes compared to data on geographical and topographical features and, because of difficulties in marking the positions of individual entities, information is built up through setting appropriate spatial units of aggregation. In the stage of data utilization, the data often need to be combined with other types of socioeconomic data due to the complexity of socioeconomic phenomena. Thus, the this study examined usability of GIS in socioeconomic fields and the spatial dimension of socioeconomic information through representative cases of GIS in developed countries and, based on the results, derived data requirements for socioeconomic GIS found in the construction and utilization of data and proposed solutions for the requirements.

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Relevancy between Aliases of Eight Provinces and Topographical Features during the Chosun Dynasty (′조선 8도′의 별칭과 지형의 관련성)

  • 범선규
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.38 no.5
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    • pp.686-700
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    • 2003
  • In Korea, aside from their official administrative names, aliases of each province or some regions are widely used not only today but also during the Joseon period when the provincial system as local administrative system was firmly implemented. Of aliases, the most representative were Giho, Gwandong, Hoseo, Haeseo, Honam, Yaeongnam, Gwanseo, and Gwanbuk representing the eight provinces (precisely, Gyeonggi and seven provinces) of Chosun Dynasty, as well as Yeongdong and Yeongseo that represent the east and the west of Gangwon-do. These aliases are mostly based on topographical features and physiographical elements, and compared to the official names of eight provinces which depended solely on city names. Of aliases, some appeared in literature during 13-l4th centuries, and all provincial aliases seem to have been widely used after the late 15th century. Aliases continued to be used for 500 to over 700 years. Aliases of eight provinces, geographically, played not lesser role than their official names. Aliases of the eight provinces and regions during the Chosun Dynasty that have been handed down are considered as holding their places' cultural and historical backgrounds, and have become important enough to be accepted as a unit of geographical regional division. The origin and meaning of aliases of each province have been partially disclosed to the geographical circle and the general public. However, the details should be reviewed. First of all, Gwan in Gwanbuk, Gwanseo and Gwandong, as well as Yeong in Yeongnam, Yeongdong and Yeongseo, are each considered as meaning Sobaek Mountain Range and Taebaek Mountain Range with many borderline areas (borders) and military strategic hubs. Also, Ho in Honam, Hoseo, and Giho, are considered as based on the Geum River and Eurimji, and Haeseo are considered as meaning the west of the Gyeonggi Bay, and having relevancy with the first letters of Haeju and Seoha (Pungcheon).

An Analysis of High School Students' Mental Models on the Plate Boundaries (판의 경계에 대한 고등학생들의 정신모형 분석)

  • Park, Soo-Kyong
    • Journal of the Korean earth science society
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.111-126
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    • 2009
  • The purpose of this study was to derive the criterions of each type of mental models on the plate boundaries and to investigate high school students' mental models on these concepts. The 11th grade student participants were requested to draw the collisional, convergent, and divergent boundaries and were interviewed individually. The drawings and the data gathered through the interviews were analyzed qualitatively. The mental models on the plate boundaries were classified as 'naive model', 'unstable model', 'causal model', and 'conceptual model'. The criterions for analyzing the mental models were the differentiations of the lithospheric plates and the mantle, the explanations of the motion of the plates and lower mantle, the demonstrations of topographical features of the plate boundaries and the causal relationships between the mantle convection and the topographical features. The findings revealed that the students holding 'the naive model' and 'the unstable model' were unable to relate the mantle convection and the three boundaries. In contrast, the students holding 'the causal model' and 'the conceptual model' were able to explain that the mantle convection causes the three boundaries. Also, the types of epistemological belief were different depending on their mental models. Students holding the naive model and the unstable model tended to rely upon the external authorities.

Topographic Factors Computation in Island: A Comparison of Different Open Source GIS Programs (오픈소스 GIS 프로그램의 지형인자 계산 비교: 도서지역 경사도와 지형습윤지수 중심으로)

  • Lee, Bora;Lee, Ho-Sang;Lee, Gwang-Soo
    • Korean Journal of Remote Sensing
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    • v.37 no.5_1
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    • pp.903-916
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    • 2021
  • An area's topography refers to the shape of the earth's surface, described by its elevation, slope, and aspect, among other features. The topographical conditions determine energy flowsthat move water and energy from higher to lower elevations, such as how much solar energy will be received and how much wind or rain will affect it. Another common factor, the topographic wetness index (TWI), is a calculation in digital elevation models of the tendency to accumulate water per slope and unit area, and is one of the most widely referenced hydrologic topographic factors, which helps explain the location of forest vegetation. Analyses of topographical factors can be calculated using a geographic information system (GIS) program based on digital elevation model (DEM) data. Recently, a large number of free open source software (FOSS) GIS programs are available and developed for researchers, industries, and governments. FOSS GIS programs provide opportunitiesfor flexible algorithms customized forspecific user needs. The majority of biodiversity in island areas exists at about 20% higher elevations than in land ecosystems, playing an important role in ecological processes and therefore of high ecological value. However, island areas are vulnerable to disturbances and damage, such as through climate change, environmental pollution, development, and human intervention, and lacks systematic investigation due to geographical limitations (e.g. remoteness; difficulty to access). More than 4,000 of Korea's islands are within a few hours of its coast, and 88% are uninhabited, with 52% of them forested. The forest ecosystems of islands have fewer encounters with human interaction than on land, and therefore most of the topographical conditions are formed naturally and affected more directly by weather conditions or the environment. Therefore, the analysis of forest topography in island areas can be done more precisely than on its land counterparts, and therefore has become a major focus of attention in Korea. This study is focused on calculating the performance of different topographical factors using FOSS GIS programs. The test area is the island forests in Korea's south and the DEM of the target area was processed with GRASS GIS and SAGA GIS. The final slopes and TWI maps were produced as comparisons of the differences between topographic factor calculations of each respective FOSS GIS program. Finally, the merits of each FOSS GIS program used to calculate the topographic factors is discussed.

Patho-epidemiological Features of Esophageal and Gastric Cancers in an Endemic Region: a 20-year Retrospective Study

  • Hajmanoochehri, Fatemeh;Mohammadi, Navid;Nasirian, Neda;Hosseinkhani, Mohsen
    • Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention
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    • v.14 no.6
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    • pp.3491-3497
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    • 2013
  • Background: Gastric and esophageal cancers are among the most lethal human malignancies worldwide. Of all malignancies estimated in Iran (47,100), gastric and esophageal cancers were responsible for 7,800 and 3,500 deaths in 2008 respectively. The present study aimed to provide an image of patho-epidemiological characteristics with their trends during two past decades with emphasis on topographic, morphologic, and some demographic features. Materials and Methods: In a hospital-based retrospective study in 2009, all pathological reports from esophageal endoscopies and gastric biopsies through a 20 years period (1989-2008) were collected and analyzed in four interval periods(five years each). Also, all eligible samples in hospital archives were enrolled for further testing. Besides, demography, topography and morphology of all samples were determined and analyzed by statistical software. Results: No significant statistical difference was seen in frequency of espohageal and gastric tumors throughout the study. Esophageal cancer cases were older than gastric. Sex ratio was 2.33/1 and men had a higher rate of both esophageal and gastric tumors. Stomach cancer included 64.3% of all cases. Inferior third and end of esophagus were common locations for esophageal tumors whereas proximal stomach was common for gastric tumors. Squamous cell carcinoma and adenocarcinoma were common morphological types of tumors in esophagus and stomach respectively. Conclusions: Morphological trends showed an increase of esophageal adenocarcinoma and diffuse/intestinal ratio in stomach cancers. Trends in incidence from gastric cancer decreased based on topographic studies but we could not find a topographical trend toward cadia.

Wetlands Classifying Characteristics by Wetland Classifying Systems - Cases on the Tu-men River and Han River - (습지 유형 분류 체계별 습지 분류 특성 -두만강과 한강을 사례로-)

  • Zhu, Weihong;Koo, Bon-Hak
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.9 no.6
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    • pp.152-161
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    • 2006
  • This study is the primary study for analyzing the classifying characteristics of river wetlands in Korea and China. It is the first step for constructing the wetlands inventories and establishing the wetland conservation strategies in North-Eastern Asia. The case study sites are Han-river which is the representative river of Korea and Tu-men river which is flowing on the borderline of 3 nations, China, North Korea and Russia. The results are as follows : 1. The types of wetlands of Han-river in Korea and Tumen-river in China were classified by the methods of Koo(2002) which is focused on the topography and hydrology and Zhu(2002) which is emphasized the vegetation and habitats. 2. There are three features which are hydrology, topography and soil cover, and vegetation to classify the wetlands into each types. 3. According to the two wetland types by Koo and Zhu, classification system, wetlands in the case study area(Han river and Duman river) were classified by types. 4. In Koo's classifying system(2002), lots of Riverine, Lacustrins and Flat wetlands are found because the topographical and hydrological features are emphasized. On the contrary in Zhu's system(2002), there are lots of Palustrine wetlands because of emphasizing the vegetation. 5. By the topographic and geological characteristics of each sites, there are more wetland types in the lower Tumen river.

Interaction of a road-pavement system with pollution sources and environments (도로-포장시스템의 오염원 및 주변환경적 요인과의 상호작용)

  • Kim, Tae-Hyung;Nam, Jung-Man;Jeong, Jin-Seob
    • International Journal of Highway Engineering
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    • v.6 no.3 s.21
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 2004
  • The performance of road-pavement system is closely related to the constituent materials and their susceptibility to mechanical as well as physicochemical stresses. However, the influence of physical and chemical effects on the road-pavement system due to pollution intrusion has not been investigated fully. To study this topic, thu.;, the interaction of a road-pavement system with pollution sources and environments are identified and discussed preliminarily in this paper. Pollution intrusion to road-pavement system occurs by three basic mechanisms; 1) direct intrusion into pavement surface, 2) intrusion from the Right of way, and 3) physical-chemical-biological alterations. Pollution intrusion potential is closely related to material type, particle size, and climatological and topographical features. Stability and performance of road-pavement system is also directly affected by pollution intrusion. Based on these features, thus, engineers working in related to the road design, construction, and maintenance should be seriously considered this topic.

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Site Prioritization for Artificial Recharge in Korea using GIS Mapping (지리정보시스템을 이용한 우리나라 인공함양 개발 유망지역 분석)

  • Seo, Jeong-A;Kim, Yong-Cheol;Kim, Jin-Sam;Kim, Yong-Je
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.66-78
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    • 2011
  • It is getting difficult to manage water resources in South Korea because more than half of annual precipitation is concentrated in the summer season and its intensity is increasing due to global warming and climate change. Artificial recharge schemes such as well recharge of surface water and roof-top rainwater harvesting can be a useful method to manage water resources in Korea. In this study, potential artificial recharge site is evaluated using geographic information system with hydrogeological and social factors. The hydrogeological factors include annual precipitation, geological classification based on geological map, specific capacity and depth to water level of national groundwater monitoring wells. These factors were selected to evaluate potential artificial recharge site because annual precipitation is closely related to source water availability for artificial recharge, geological features and specific capacity are related to injection capacity and depth to water is related to storage capacity of the subsurface medium. In addition to those hydrogeological factors, social aspect was taken into consideration by selecting the areas that is not serviced by national water works and have been suffered from drought. These factors are graded into five rates and integrated together in the GIS system resulting in spatial distribution of artificial recharge potential. Cheongsong, Yeongdeok in Gyeongsangbuk-do and Hadong in Gyeongsangnam-do, and Suncheon in Jeollanam-do were proven as favorable areas for applying artificial recharge schemes. Although the potential map for artificial recharge in South Korea developed in this study need to be improved by using other scientific factors such as evaporation and topographical features, and other social factors such as water-curtain cultivation area, hot spring resorts and industrial area where groundwater level is severely lowered, it can be used in a rough site-selection, preliminary and/or feasibility study for artificial recharge.

A Study on the Characteristics of Vegetation Landscape of Fortress of Jeonju District in Represented on the (<전주지도>에 표현된 조선 후기 전주부성의 식생경관상)

  • Kang, In-ae;Rho, Jae-hyun
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.1-10
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    • 2018
  • This study aims to find out the characteristics of the vegetation landscape characteristics and system which led the formation of the urban image in Jeonju in the late Joseon period connected with urban spatial structure, using designated as treasure No. 1586 which was made in the middle of 18C. The vegetation landscape characteristics of Jeonju in the late Joseon Dynasty derived from the analysis of are summarized as follows. Firstly, the vegetation landscape system in Jeonju is composed of the natural vegetation around mountain area of Jeonju-Buseong, the independent vegetation or cluster planting forests linked with the main facilities, the Bibo-Forests connected with topographical characteristics of Jeonju, and the vegetation combined with a private garden. Secondly, planting landscape was specialized using flag species and local species. Thirdly, the garden-type plantation centered on the back yard or front of main facilities, with the background of natural vegetation landscape combined with the mountain area and the vegetation combined with a private garden, dominates vegetation landscape of Jeonju Buseong as objects. Fourthly, in order to overcome the defects of topographical characteristics, the Bibo-Forests were emphasized as an important planting landscape element in addition to the vegetation landscape elements connected with main facilities. Fifth, ecological vegetation landscape technique was taken considering the topographical characteristics. The characteristics of vegetation landscape of Jeonju Buseong, which is derived from , have an important meaning to restore and reproduce Jeonju's historical features. Especially, the vegetation communities of the non-booming concept combined with the geographical features, the ecological landscape harmonizing with the topography, the round house type landscape mixed with the private house, and the specialization of vegetation landscape using local species are important factors in securing the city image based on the historical characteristics and creating a city brand that utilizes vegetation landscape.