• Title/Summary/Keyword: topographic characteristics

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Incision and Geomorphic Development of Rivers on Eastern and Western Sides of the Northern Sobaek Mountains (소백산맥 북부 영동영서 하천의 하각과 지형 발달)

  • Cho, Young-Dong;Park, Chung-Sun;Lee, Gwang-Ryul
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.27-40
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    • 2017
  • This study tries to analyze topographic distribution and characteristics of as well as formative age and incision rate of fluvial terraces in Danyang River on western side and Geum River on eastern side of the northern Sobaek Mountains and to estimate geomorphic development during the late Quaternary in the mountains regarded as one of the uplift axes in the Korean Peninsula. OSL age dating shows that the fluvial terrace I with an altitude above riverbed of approximately 7~13 m in Danyang River has a formative age of approximately 18 ka (MIS 2) and incision rate in the river is approximately 0.156~0.194 m/ka based on the age. Altitudes above riverbed of the fluvial terrace I in Geum River range from approximately 7 to 14 m and the terrace is thought to be older than 70 ka based on age result from aeolian sediments above the terrace deposits, suggestive of an incision rate less than approximately 0.10 m/ka. These results indicate lower uplift rate in the northern Sobaek Mountains than in the Taebaek Mountains. Moreover, it can be suggested that the northern Sobaek Mountains has experienced asymmetric uplift during the late Quaternary, because the river on western side of the northern Sobaek Mountains shows greater uplift rate than the eastern side river does. Low incision rate in Geum River can be attributed to low altitude of the river basin with little difference in altitude from the base level as well as to gentle river slope due to influence of Nakdong River.

Comparative Analysis of the Long-term Management Plan of Natural Parks - A Focus on Jeollabuk-do Provincial Parks -

  • Jeong, Nara;Kang, Sanghui;Ahn, Deugsoo
    • Journal of recreation and landscape
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.59-66
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of the present study was to compare the long-term management objectives, policy objectives, implementation plans, and detailed plans of four provincial parks established in 2013 using various analysis frameworks. Through this, the study aimed to identify the characteristics of the management plan and extract the implementation plan important to each park by analyzing the priorities in the detailed plan. The long-term management objectives of most parks were to maintain recreational functions by utilizing all the resources of the park, rather than merely preserving the ecosystem. From an ecological perspective, information on major plants and legal protection species are included for most parks, and geological and topographic features considered a major resource. For sustainable forests, it is important to induce the dispersion of concentrated use space. Efficient management systems are distinctively differentiated among the parks. For regional revitalization, the management of programs to link provincial parks and their surrounding areas has become most important. From an ecological perspective, priorities differed for the parks according to their ecological characteristics. For sustainable forests, Moaksan Provincial Park prioritized the visitor reservation system related to the overall park, while the other three parks prioritized alleviating the concentrated use of specific areas. From an efficient management perspective, Daedunsan Provincial Park prioritized aspects related to the cableway. Maisan Provincial Park prioritized inducing the linkage between the use of natural and cultural resources, and Seonunsan Provincial Park prioritized establishing an ecological and cultural commentary operating system. For the base-type leisure activity space, Moaksan Provincial Park prioritized the systematic management and operation of the pilgrimage route, Maisan Provincial Park the connection between the Maisan geography and residents' income, and Seonunsan Provincial Park providing a space for ecological education.

Morphological and Textural Characteristics of the Beach-dune System in South Korea, with the Possibility of a Dune Type Scheme Based on Grain-size Trend (국내 해안의 해빈-해안사구 지형 및 퇴적물 특성과 입도기반 사구유형 분석)

  • Rhew, Hosahng;Kang, Jihyun
    • Journal of The Geomorphological Association of Korea
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.53-73
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    • 2020
  • Morphology and grain size distribution of coastal dunes should be well documented because they are critical to dune's buffering capacity and resilience against storm surges. The nationwide coastal dune survey produced the dataset, including beach-dune topographic profiles and grain size parameters for frontal beaches, foredunes, and inland dunes. This research investigated the dataset to describe geomorphic and textural properties of coastal dunes: foredune slopes, dune heights above approximately highest high water, mean size, and sorting, together with associated variables of coastal setting that influence coastal dunes. It also explores the possibility of a dune type scheme based on gran size trends. The results are as follows. First, the coast in which dunes are developed is the primary control on foredune morphology and sediment texture. Coastal dunes on the east coast were developed more alongshore rather than inland, with gentler slopes on the higher ground and out of coarser sand. The shore aspect contributes to this pattern because the east coast cannot benefit from prevailing northwesterly. Second, grain size trends from beaches through foredunes to inland dunes were little identified. Third, 12 dune types were identified from 69 dunes, showing the indicative capability for the status of beaches and dunes. We confirmed that the dataset could increase our understanding of the overall characteristics of coastal dune morphology and texture, though there is something to be improved, for example, establishing the refined and comprehensive field survey protocol.

Characteristics of Radon Variability in Soils at Busan Area (부산광역시 일대의 토양 내 라돈 농도 변화 특성)

  • Kim, Jin-Seop;Kim, Sun-Woong;Lee, Hyo-Min;Choi, Jeong-Yun;Moon, Ki-Hoon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.45 no.3
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    • pp.277-294
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    • 2012
  • The characteristics of temporal spacial radon variation in soil according to parent rock type and affecting factors were studied in Busan, Korea. The concentration of $^{222}Rn$ in soils and their parent elements ($^{226}Ra$,$^{228}Ra$, U and Th) in rocks and soils were measured at 24 sites in Busan area. The distribution and transportation behavior of these parent elements were analyzed and their correlations to radon concentration in soil were determined. Topographic effects were also evaluated. Two in-situ radon measurement (soil probe and buried tube) methods were applied to measure radon concentration in soil and their accuracies were evaluated. The spatial variation of radon in soil generally reflected U concentration in the parent rock. Average radon concentrations were higher in plutonic rocks than in volcanic rocks and were decreased in the order of felsic>intermediate>mafic rock. However, the radon concentrations were significantly varied in soils developed from same parent rocks due to the disequilibrium of U and $^{226}Ra$ between rock and soil. As results, the correlation of these element concentrations between rocks and soils was very low and radon concentrations in soils had highly co-related to the concentrations of these elements in soils. Th and $^{228}Ra$ show complex enrichment characteristics, differing significantly with U, in soils developed from same parent rock because the geochemical behavior of these elements during weathering and soil developing process was different with U. The radon concentrations in the same depth of soil in slope area were also different according to positions. The radon concentrations in soils developed from same parent rocks (19 sites at Pusan National University) varied 6.8~29.8Bq/L range because of small scale topographic variation. The opposite seasonal variation pattern of radon were observed according to soil properties. It was determined that buried tube method is more accurate method than soil probe method and was very advantageous application for the analysis for the characteristics of temporal spacial radon variation in soil.

Mapping of the Righteous Tree Selection for a Given Site Using Digital Terrain Analysis on a Central Temperate Forest (수치지형해석(數値地形解析)에 의한 온대중부림(溫帶中部林)의 적지적수도(適地適樹圖) 작성(作成))

  • Kang, Young-Ho;Jeong, Jin-Hyun;Kim, Young-Kul;Park, Jae-Wook
    • Journal of Korean Society of Forest Science
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    • v.86 no.2
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    • pp.241-250
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    • 1997
  • The study was conducted to make a map for selecting righteous tree species for each site by digital terrain analysis. We set an algorithmic value for each tree species' characteristics with distribution pattern analysis, and the soil types were digitized from data indicated on soil map. Mean altitude, slope, aspect and micro-topography were estimated from the digital map for each block which had been calculated by regression equations with altitude. The results obtained from the study could be summarized as follows 1. We could develope a method to select righteous tree species for a given site with concern of soil, forest condition and topographic factors on Muju-Gun in Chonbuk province(2,500ha) by the terrain analysis and multi-variate digital map with a personal computer. 2. The brown forest soils were major soil types for the study area, and 29 tree species were occurred with Pinus densiflora as a dominant species. The differences in site condition and soil properties resulted in site quality differences for each tree species. 3. We tried to figure out the accuracy of a basic program(DTM.BAS) enterprised for this study with comparing the mean altitude and aspect calculated from the topographic terrain analysis map and those from surveyed data. The differences between the values were less than 5% which could be accepted as a statistically allowable value for altitude, as well as the values for aspect showed no differences between both the mean altitude and aspect. The result may indicate that the program can be used further in efficiency. 4. From the righteous-site selection map, the 2nd group(R, $B_1$) took the largest area with 46% followed by non-forest area (L) with 23%, the 5th group with 7% and the 4th group with 5%, respectively. The other groups occupied less than 6%. 5. We suggested four types of management tools by silvicultural tree species with considering soil type and topographic conditions.

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Site Selection for Geologic Records of Extreme Climate Events based on Environmental Change and Topographic Analyses using Paleo Map for Myeongsanimni Coast, South Korea (고지도 기반 환경변화연구 및 지형분석을 통한 명사십리 해안의 제4기 연안지대 이상기후 퇴적기록 적지선정)

  • Kim, Jieun;Yu, Jaehyung;Yang, Dongyoon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.47 no.6
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    • pp.589-599
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    • 2014
  • This study selected optimal sites in Myeongsasimni located in west coast of Korea for stratigraphic research containing extreme climate event during quaternary period by spatio-temporal analyses of changes in sedimentary environment and land use employing 1918 topographic map, 2000 digital terrain map, 1976 and 2012 air photographies. The study area shows no significant changes in topographic characteristics that hilly areas with relatively large variations in elevation are distributed over north and south part of the study area, and sand dues are developed along the coast line. Moreover, flat low lying areas are located at the back side of the sand dues. The movement of surface run off and sediment loads shows two major trends of inland direction flow from back sides of sand dunes and outland direction flow from high terrains inland, and the two flows merge into the stream located in the center of the study area. Two sink with individual area of $0.2km^2$ are observed in Yongjeong-ri and Jaryong-ri which are located in south central part and south part of the study area, respectively. In addition, sea level change simulation reveals that $3.4km^2$ and $3.64km^2$ are inundated with 3 m of sea level rise in 1918 and 2000, respectively, and it would contribute to chase sea level change records preserved in stratigraphy. The inundated areas overlaps well with sink areas where it indicates the low lying areas located in south cental and south part of the study area are identical for sediment accumulation. The areas with minimal human impact on sediment records over last 100 years are $3.51km^2$ distributed over central and south part of the study area with the land use changes of mud and rice field in 1918 to rice field in 2012. The candidate sites of $0.15km^2$ in central part and $0.09km^2$ in south part are identified for preferable locations of geologic record of extreme climate events during quaternary period based on the overlay analysis of optimal sedimentary environment and land use changes.

The Geometric Characteristics of Landslides and Joint Characteristics in Gangneung Area (강릉지역 산사태의 기하학적 특성과 절리특성에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Yong-Chan;Chang, Tae-Woo
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.16 no.4 s.50
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    • pp.437-453
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    • 2006
  • More than 3,000 landslides were occurred by torrential rains in Gangneung area due to the typhoon Rusa in 2002. In order to analyze the landslide origin and its geometric characteristics, 1,365 landslide data were collected from the field survey of Sacheon, Jumunjin, and Yeongok areas in which the intensive landslides took place. The average landslide size in the study area was composed of 10m width, 30m length, and $21^{\circ}{\sim}35^{\circ}$ slope angle, and the plane view of landslides A-type (i.e. wide shape of lower part) that contains approximately 50.5% of the landslides commonly occurred. In particular the area of Sacheon heavily damaged by mountain fires had more occurrence of landslides than other areas. The landslides of uniform tendency of slope direction were examined resulted from the contribution of topographic characteristics due to the weathering and wind direction during heavy rainfalls. In order to analyze the direction of joint, 249 orientation data were collected from the study area. The window method was employed to determine the characteristics of joint density in 51 locations of the study area. The results showed that many landslides occurred in the areas of joint density with the range of $0.05{\sim}0.1$.

Estuary Classification Based on the Characteristics of Geomorphological Features, Natural Habitat Distributions and Land Uses (하구의 지형적.자연서식지.이용개발특성에 따른 유형 분류)

  • Lee, Kang-Hyun;Rho, Baik-Ho;Choi, Hyun-Jeong;Lee, Chang-Hee
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.53-69
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    • 2011
  • Classification of estuaries based on their multi-component and multidisciplinary processes is important for the systematic management of estuaries. In this study, an integrated GlS-based analysis system including high resolution aerial photographies and topographic maps was used to classify 463 estuaries based on estuarine circulation pattern, geomorphological feature, natural habitat distribution and characteristics of land use. These estuaries were divided into two basic types, open and closed. Two hundred and thirty five systems were open estuaries comprising of forty one mountainous type (OM), eighty sevcn sandpit type (OS) and one hundred seven funnel type (OF). Each type of open estuary was further classified into three types based on habitat distribution and land use characteristics resulting in total ninc types of open estuaries. Two hundred and twenty eight estuaries were closed systems comprising of one hundred and forty four blocked type (CB directly) and eighty four lake type (CL, indirectly). CB type estuary was further classified into three types based on habitat distribution and land use characteristics. This estuarine classification scheme can be applied to provide a framework for effective management strategies of individual estuaries to estimate the management priority and strategy.

Topographic characteristics of Yeonho lake, Uljin-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do (경북 울진 연호(蓮湖)의 지형적 특성)

  • Woo, Seung-Hyun
    • Journal of the Korean association of regional geographers
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.211-224
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    • 2016
  • Natural lakes are estimated in variety with that's function or value depending on age environment or geographical characteristics. There are many kind of natural lakes, but the kind of natural lake is limited in rivers in korea flowing into East Sea. However, Yeonho lake in Uljin has different geographical characteristics with oxbow lake or lagoon which is common in korea's river flowing into East Sea. Therefore the purpose of this study is to analyze geographical characteristics due to the process of Yeonho's formation. Further more research for protecting wetland is needed to adequately preserve, depending on the geomorpologic process. To analyze geographical characteristics, it was essential to compare and analyze topographical map of 1918 1956 2012 and I pictured estinated line of bedrock and longitudinal section of Nam-dae cheon(Riv) Yeonho cheon(Riv). In addition, I denoted flooded areas through design flood level of Nam-dae cheon(Riv) Yeonho cheon(Riv) and analyzed particle size distribution of deposited sediment due to consider deposit environment. The results of study are as follows. In conclusion, Yeonho lake is floodbasin which was not researched at river flowing into East Sea. Through this study, my opinion is that floodbasin can be formed in the river that is steep and short. I argue that preservation methods will be seeked by geomorphologic process of floodbasin and development of downtown.

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A Study on the Analysis of Disaster Prevention Characteristics According to the Surrounding Environments of State-designated Cultural Properties in Gyeongsangnam-do and Gyeongsangbuk-do Provinces (경상남·북도 국가지정 중요목조문화재 주변 환경에 따른 방재특성 분석 연구)

  • Koo, Wonhoi;Baek, Minho
    • Journal of the Society of Disaster Information
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.1-11
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: This study intends to determine how disaster prevention characteristics of important state-designated wooden cultural properties in Gyeongsangnam-do vary according to the surrounding environments and to examine disaster prevention measures for wooden cultural properties that fit their surrounding environments accordingly. Method: The designation status and characteristics of cultural properties in Gyeongsangnam-do and Gyeongsangbuk-do were identified, and the damage status of cultural properties in Gyeongsangnam-do and Gyeongsangbuk-do was reviewed based on the history of disasters. Also, the disaster prevention environments for 58 state-designated wooden cultural properties in Gyeongsangnam-do and Gyeongsangbuk-do were analyzed separately into mountainous area, rural area and urban area, topographic characteristics were drawn. Results: For cultural properties located in urban areas, it was found that security guards were arranged properly and disaster prevention training was carried out well. In addition, access condition to the cultural properties was adequate; prompt access to such properties was possible. In rural areas, flame retardant works have been undertaken properly and many cultural properties were found to be located on a flat ground. Mountainous areas had highly inadequate access condition to cultural properties and disasters occurred most frequently in these areas in the past. Conclution: First, for wooden cultural properties located in urban areas, it is necessary to secure the self-defense fire service manpower for an initial response and reinforce the disaster prevention education. Second, for wooden cultural properties located in rural areas, prevention projects such as insect control project and disaster prevention insurance should be carried out in order to protect the cultural properties. Third, as for wooden cultural properties located in mountainous areas, it is necessary to prepare establish to reinforce self-response capability.