• Title/Summary/Keyword: three-dimensional space

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Phase Image of Susceptibility Weighted Image Using High Pass Filter Improved Uniformity (위상영상 획득 시 영상의 균일도 향상을 위한 high pass filter의 적용)

  • Lee, Ho-Beom;Choi, Kwan-Woo;Son, Soon-Yong;Na, Sa-Ra;Lee, Joo-Ah;Min, Jung-Whan;Kim, Hyun-Soo;Ma, Sang-Chull;Jeong, Yeon-Jae;Jeong, Yeon-Gyu;Yoo, Beong-Gyu;Lee, Jong-Seok
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.15 no.11
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    • pp.6702-6709
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    • 2014
  • In this study, a susceptibility weighted image (SWI) showed a wrapped phase and a non-uniformity of the rapid susceptibility difference. Consequently, the bandwidth limits at low frequency were improved by applying HPF. From November 2013 to March 2014, a three-dimensional SWI was obtained from patients and compared with the existing images and HPF phase images. The maximum and minimum signal intensity differences and non-uniformity were analyzed. As a result, a high pass filter before and after applying the maximum and minimum of the signal intensity difference was decreased by 274.16% (498.98), and the non-uniformity was decreased by 439.55% (19.83). After applying the HPF, a comparison with the existing phase images revealed the HPF phase images to have high signal and image uniformity of the SWI image. A high pass filter method can effectively remove the non-uniformity and improve the overall image quality.

Study on the Prototype of the Rear Garden in Changdeok Palace through Gang Sehwang's "Record of Strolling with King in the Forbidden Garden" (강세황의 "호가유금원기(扈駕遊禁苑記)"로 살펴본 창덕궁 후원의 원형경관 탐색)

  • Jung, Woo-Jin;Oh, Lee-Chun;Sim, Woo-Kyung
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.87-97
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    • 2013
  • This study was carried out to find the prototype of the rear garden in Changdeok Palace during King Jungjo's reign through Gang Sehwang's "Record of Strolling with King in the Forbidden Garden", and the site of this study included the whole areas of Ongnyucheon(玉流川), Mansongjeong(萬松亭), Mangchunjeong(望春亭), Jondeokjeong(尊德亭), Pyemwoosa and Taichungmun(太淸門). The characteristics of the area of Ongnyucheon described in Record of Strolling with King in the Forbidden Garden was the shape of Wiyiam expressed three-dimensional mountain such as the fence surrounding Soyojeong(逍遙亭) and the painting techniques of Fu Pi' ts'un and pond in front of Taegeukjeong(太極亭). The pond in front of Taegeukjeong(which was described by Gang Sewhang) is also identified in Donggwoldo(東闕圖) and this study judged that the pond was removed during the maintenance process of Ongnyucheon, where was scheduled as the place of entertainment when Chinggyong-Yesik(稱慶禮式: Royal court rites) was held to celebrate the 40th anniversary of King Gojong's reign. The characteristics of the whole area of Mangchunjeong where was the attraction point for flower viewing in the forbidden garden was surrounded by the sculptured fence, and Mangchunjeong which was hexagonal structure was located in the inside of the structure on both sides of the main building. The cornerstone was carved with white jade. Also a corridor assumed as Chunhyanggak(天香閣) was adjacent to Mangchunjeong. Gang Sehwang confirmed the space organization appeared in Donggwoldo by describing the attached building of Pyemwoosa, Taichungmun, and surrounding fence in detail.

Brain Mechanisms about cognition a virtual avatar when we shake hands with the virtual avatar ; a preliminary study (가상의 아바타와 악수 시 아바타의 인지와 관련된 뇌 메커니즘 - 선행연구)

  • Lee, Hyeong-Rae;Ku, Jeong-Hun;Lee, Won-Ho;Han, Ki-Wan;Park, Jin-Sick;Kim, Jae-Jin;Kim, In-Young;Kim, Sun-I.
    • 한국HCI학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.02b
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    • pp.651-655
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    • 2008
  • It provides a three-dimensional virtual experience consisting of information presented to and perceived by the senses of the user. Recently, the advent of a virtual avatar, which mimics the appearance and behavior of humans, enable that the virtual reality (VR) can provide not only a virtual space but also a virtual society to be interact with a virtual avatar which represents humans. But, it is impossible that the user directly interacts with the VE in previous studies, though direct interactions occur in real social relationship. Therefore, In this study, we know that the cognition about a avatar when the user directly interacts with the virtual avatar in the VE. In order to investigate this purpose, we performed a fMRI study using VE that a avatar accept or reject the user's offer when the user offer his (or her) hand to a avatar. In result of questionnaire about the user's feeling by avatar's action, the user feels about avatar's acceptance action that the avatar acts positively and suitably. In contrast the user feels about avatar's rejective action that the avatar acts negatively and disapprovingly. In result of fMRI analysis, the primary visual area, the visual association area, the SMA, the premotor area, the cerebellum and etc, activate in common with the other avatar's acceptance action and rejective action. The results show that the subject recognizes not only avatars as social objects but also avatar's action as socially meaningful action. In other words, it is possible to transfer social context and emotion through avatar's action.

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Fireworks Modeling Technique based on Particle Tracking (입자추적기반의 불꽃 모델링 기법)

  • Cho, ChangWoo;Kim, KiHyun;Jeong, ChangSung
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics and Information Engineers
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.102-109
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    • 2014
  • A particle system is used for modeling the physical phenomenon. There are many traditional ways for simulation modeling which can be well suited for application including the landscapes of branches, clouds, waves, fog, rain, snow and fireworks in the three-dimensional space. In this paper, we present a new fireworks modeling technique for modeling 3D firework based on Firework Particle Tracking (FPT) using the particle system. Our method can track and recognize the launched and exploded particle of fireworks, and extracts relatively accurate 3D positions of the particles using 3D depth values. It can realize 3D simulation by using tracking information such as position, speed, color and life time of the firework particle. We exploit Region of Interest (ROI) for fast particle extraction and the prevention of false particle extraction caused by noise. Moreover, Kalman filter is used to enhance the robustness in launch step. We propose a new fireworks particle tracking method for the efficient tracking of particles by considering maximum moving range and moving direction of particles, and shall show that the 3D speeds of particles can be obtained by finding the rotation angles of fireworks. Also, we carry out the performance evaluation of particle tracking: tracking speed and accuracy for tracking, classification, rotation angle respectively with respect to four types of fireworks: sphere, circle, chrysanthemum and heart.

Combination of Different Numerical Methods for Efficient Thermal Stress Analysis of Casting Process (주조공정에서의 효율적인 열응력 해석을 위한 이종해석기법의 연계)

  • Kwak, Si-Young;Lim, Chae-Ho
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.34 no.8
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    • pp.1051-1057
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    • 2010
  • This paper proposes a method that involves a combination of FDM and FEM for analyzing casting process. At present, many numerical analysis methods such as FDM, FEM, and BEM are used for solving engineering problems. For a given problem, a specific method that is suited to the problem is adopted; in general, FDM or FVM is favored for problems related to fluid flow or heat transfer, and FEM is adopted in stress analysis. However, there is an increasing need for using a combined method for complex and coupled phenomena analysis. Hence, we proposed a method in which FDM and FEM are coupled in three-dimensional space, and we applied this method to analyze casting process. In the proposed method, solidification and heat transfer was analyzed by using FDM. The field data such as temperature distribution were converted into a format suitable for FEM analysis that was used for calculating thermal stress distribution. Using the proposed method, we efficiently analyzed the analysis process from the viewpoints of work and time.

A Study of Global Ocean Data Assimilation using VAF (VAF 변분법을 이용한 전구 해양자료 동화 연구)

  • Ahn, Joong-Bae;Yoon, Yong-Hoon;Cho, Eek-Hyun;Oh, He-Ram
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.69-78
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    • 2005
  • ARCO and TAO data which supply three dimensional global ocean information are assimilated to the background field from a general circulation model, MOM3. Using a variational Analysis using Filter (VAF), which is a spatial variational filter designed to reduce computational time and space efficiently and economically, observed ARGO and TAO data are assimilated to the OGCM-generated background sea temperature for the generation of initial condition of the model. For the assessment of the assimilation impact, a comparative experiment has been done by integrating the model from different intial conditions: one from ARGO-, TAO-data assimilated initial condition and the other from background state without assimilation. The assimilated analysis field not only depicts major oceanic features more realistically but also reduces several systematic model bias that appear in every current OGCMs experiments. From the 10-month of model integrations with and without assimilated initial conditions, it is found that the major assimilated characteristics in sea temperature appeared in the initial field remain persistently throughout the integration. Such implies that the assimilated characteristics of the reduced sea temperature bias is to last in the integration without rapid restoration to the non-assimilated OGCM integration state by dispersing mass field in the form of internal gravity waves. From our analysis, it is concluded that the data assimilation method adapted in this study to MOM3 is reasonable and applicable with dynamical consistency. The success in generating initial condition with ARGO and TAO data assimilation has significant implication upon the prediction of the long-term climate and weather using ocean-atmosphere coupled model.

A Study on the Three Dimensional Finite Element Analysis for the Tunnel Reinforced by Umbrella Arch Method (Umbrella Arch 공법이 적용된 터널의 3차원 유한요소 해석에 관한 연구)

  • 김창용;배규진;문현구;최용기
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.8 no.3
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    • pp.209-225
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    • 1998
  • Recently, Umbrella Arch Method(UAM), one of the auxiliary techniques for tunnelling, is used to reinforce the ground and improve stability of tunnel face. Because UAM combines the advantages of a modern forepoling system with the grouting injection method, this technique has been applied in subway, road and utility tunnel sites for the last few years in Korea. Also, several research results are reported on the examination of the roles of inserted pipes and grouted materials in UAM. But, because of its empirical design and construction methodology, more qualitative and systematic design sequences are needed. Therefore, above sequences using numerical analysis are proposed and, the effects of some design parameters were studied in this research. In order to acco,mplish these objects, first, the roles of pipe and grouting materials, steel-rib and the others in ground improving mechanism of UAM are clarified. Second, the effects of design parameters are investigated through parametric studies. Design parameters are as follows; 1) ground condition, 2) overburden, 3) geometrical formulation of pipes, 4) grouting region and 5) characteristics of pipes.

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Study of Blast Ground Vibration & Noise Measurements In-situ and Effect Analysis for Numerical Analysis, Rational Blasting Design at an Eel Farm (양만장의 발파 진동소음 현장측정과 수치해석을 통한 영향검토 및 합리적인 발파설계 연구)

  • Lee Song;Kim Sung-Ku;Rhee Yong-Ho
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.16 no.2 s.61
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    • pp.179-188
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    • 2006
  • The vibration or/and noise generated by blast operations might cause not only structural damage to properties but mentally also to humans and animals. For that reason, maximum permitted vibration and noise levels are set by sensitivities of structures and they are used for the management of blast vibration. It is known that the fish lived in water are more sensitive to vibration than land animals, and thus the adverse impact of the blasting on fish farms should be very concerned. This study investigated the vibration and noise levels at a large eel farm located some 840 meters of the blasting site through the large real-scale experiments of blastings, prior to conducting the actual blasting. As a result, it was found that the noise met the requirement to be within maximum permitted level, while the ground vibration exceeded the permitted vibration. Accordingly, the impact of the excess vibration was investigated by an existing empirical method and verified by a new three dimensional numerical analysis. In this study, such an inspection process was briefly described, and a method was suggested for the examination of possible adverse effects from blasting on vibration-sensitive structures like the eel farm. The study also introduced a design method that controls the blast effects - ground vibration and noise.

Status and Prospect of Unmanned, Global Ocean Observations Network (글로벌 무인해양관측 네트워크 현황과 전망)

  • Nam, Sunghyun;Kim, Yun-Bae;Park, Jong Jin;Chang, Kyung-Il
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    • v.19 no.3
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    • pp.202-214
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    • 2014
  • We introduce status and prospect of increasingly utilizing, unmanned, global ocean observing systems, and the global network to integrate, coordinate, and manage the systems. Platforms of the ocean observing system are diversified in order to resolve/monitor the variability occurring at multiple scales in both three-dimensional space and time. Here purpose, development history, and current status of the systems in two kinds - mobile (surface drifter, subsurface float, underwater glider) and fixed platforms (surface and subsurface moorings, bottom mounts), are examined and the increased future uses to produce synergies are envisioned. Simultaneous use of various mobile and fixed platforms is suggested to more effectively design the observing system, with an example of the NSF-funded OOI (Ocean Observations Initiative) program. Efforts are suggested 1) to fill the data gap existing in the deep sea and the Southern Ocean, and toward 2) new global network for oceanic boundary currents, 3) new technologies for existing and new sensors including biogeochemical, acoustic, and optical sensors, 3) data standardization, and 4) sensor calibration and data quality control.

Spatial Hedonic Modeling using Geographically Weighted LASSO Model (GWL을 적용한 공간 헤도닉 모델링)

  • Jin, Chanwoo;Lee, Gunhak
    • Journal of the Korean Geographical Society
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    • v.49 no.6
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    • pp.917-934
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    • 2014
  • Geographically weighted regression(GWR) model has been widely used to estimate spatially heterogeneous real estate prices. The GWR model, however, has some limitations of the selection of different price determinants over space and the restricted number of observations for local estimation. Alternatively, the geographically weighted LASSO(GWL) model has been recently introduced and received a growing interest. In this paper, we attempt to explore various local price determinants for the real estate by utilizing the GWL and its applicability to forecasting the real estate price. To do this, we developed the three hedonic models of OLS, GWR, and GWL focusing on the sales price of apartments in Seoul and compared those models in terms of model fit, prediction, and multicollinearity. As a result, local models appeared to be better than the global OLS on the whole, and in particular, the GWL appeared to be more explanatory and predictable than other models. Moreover, the GWL enabled to provide spatially different sets of price determinants which no multicollinearity exists. The GWL helps select the significant sets of independent variables from a high dimensional dataset, and hence will be a useful technique for large and complex spatial big data.

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