• 제목/요약/키워드: thermoelastic layer

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Analysis of stress, magnetic field and temperature on coupled gravity-Rayleigh waves in layered water-soil model

  • Kakar, Rajneesh;Kakar, Shikha
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.111-126
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    • 2015
  • In this study, the coupled effects of magnetic field, stress and thermal field on gravity waves propagating in a liquid layer over a solid surface are discussed. Due to change in temperature, initial hydrostatic stress and magnetic field, the gravity-sound Rayleigh waves can propagate in the liquid-solid interface. Dispersion properties of waves are derived by using classical dynamical theory of thermoelasticity. The phase velocity of gravity waves influenced quite remarkably in the presence of initial stress parameter, magneto-thermoelastic coupling parameter in the half space. Numerical solutions are also discussed for gravity-Rayleigh waves. In the absence of temperature, stress and magnetic field, the obtained results are in agreement with classical results.

Modeling of fractional magneto-thermoelasticity for a perfect conducting materials

  • Ezzat, M.A.;El-Bary, A.A.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.18 no.4
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    • pp.707-731
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    • 2016
  • A unified mathematical model of the equations of generalized magneto-thermoelasticty based on fractional derivative heat transfer for isotropic perfect conducting media is given. Some essential theorems on the linear coupled and generalized theories of thermoelasticity e.g., the Lord- Shulman (LS) theory, Green-Lindsay (GL) theory and the coupled theory (CTE) as well as dual-phase-lag (DPL) heat conduction law are established. Laplace transform techniques are used. The method of the matrix exponential which constitutes the basis of the state-space approach of modern theory is applied to the non-dimensional equations. The resulting formulation is applied to a variety of one-dimensional problems. The solutions to a thermal shock problem and to a problem of a layer media are obtained in the present of a transverse uniform magnetic field. According to the numerical results and its graphs, conclusion about the new model has been constructed. The effects of the fractional derivative parameter on thermoelastic fields for different theories are discussed.

Collinear cracks in a layered structure with a thermoelastically graded interfacial zone under thermal shock (열충격하 적층체의 열탄성 구배기능 계면영역을 고려한 동일선상 복수균열 해석)

  • Choi, Hyung-Jip;Jin, Tae-Eun;Lee, Kang-Yong
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers A
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.779-789
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    • 1998
  • In this paper, the thermal shock responses of collinear cracks in a layered medium are investigated based on the uncoupled, quasi-static plane thermoelasticity. The medium is modeled as a bonded structure composed of a surface layer and a semi-infinite substrate. Between these two dissimilar homogeneous constituents, a functionally graded interfacial zone exists with the nonhomogeneous features of continuously varying thermoelastic properties. Three cracks are assumed to be present in the layered medium, one in each one of the constituent materials, aligned collinearly normal to the nominal interfaces. A system of singular integral equations is solved, subjected to the forcing terms of equivalent transient thermal tractions acting on the locations of cracks via superposition. Main results presented are the transient thermal stress intensity factors to illustrate the parametric effects of various geometric and amterial combinations of the medium with the thermoelastically graded interfacial zone and the collinear cracks.

High-speed angular-scan pulse-echo ultrasonic propagation imager for in situ non-destructive evaluation

  • Abbas, Syed H.;Lee, Jung-Ryul
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.22 no.2
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    • pp.223-230
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    • 2018
  • This study examines a non-contact laser scanning-based ultrasound system, called an angular scan pulse-echo ultrasonic propagation imager (A-PE-UPI), that uses coincided laser beams for ultrasonic sensing and generation. A laser Doppler vibrometer is used for sensing, while a diode pumped solid state (DPSS) Q-switched laser is used for generation of thermoelastic waves. A high-speed raster scanning of up to 10-kHz is achieved using a galvano-motorized mirror scanner that allows for coincided sensing and for the generation beam to perform two-dimensional scanning without causing any harm to the surface under inspection. This process allows for the visualization of longitudinal wave propagation through-the-thickness. A pulse-echo ultrasonic wave propagation imaging algorithm (PE-UWPI) is used for on-the-fly damage visualization of the structure. The presented system is very effective for high-speed, localized, non-contact, and non-destructive inspection of aerospace structures. The system is tested on an aluminum honeycomb sandwich with disbonds and a carbon fiber-reinforced plastic (CFRP) honeycomb sandwich with a layer overlap. Inspection is performed at a 10-kHz scanning speed that takes 16 seconds to scan a $100{\times}100mm^2$ area with a scan interval of 0.25 mm. Finally, a comparison is presented between angular-scanning and a linear-scanning-based pulse-echo UPI system. The results show that the proposed system can successfully visualize defects in the inspected specimens.

Thermopiezoelastic Nonlinear Dynamic Characteristics of Piezolaminated Plates (압전적층판의 열-압전-탄성 동적 비선형 작동특성)

  • Oh, Il-Kwon
    • Transactions of the Korean Society for Noise and Vibration Engineering
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    • v.15 no.7 s.100
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    • pp.836-842
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    • 2005
  • Nonlinear dynamic characteristics of active piezolaminated plates are investigated with respect to the thermopiezoelastic behaviors. For largely deformed structures with small strain, the incremental total Lagrangian formulation is presented based on the virtual work principles. A multi-field layer-wise finite shell element is proposed for assuring high accuracy and non-linearity of displacement, electric and thermal fields. For dynamic consideration of thermopiezoelastic snap-through phenomena, the implicit Newmark's scheme with the Newton-Raphson iteration is implemented for the transient response of various piezolaminated models with symmetric or eccentric active layers. The bifurcate thermal buckling of symmetric structural models is first investigated and the characteristics of piezoelectric active responses are studied for finding snap-through piezoelectric potentials and the load-path tracking map. The thermoelastic stable and unstable postbuckling, thermopiezoelastic snap-through phenomena with several attractors are proved using the nonlinear time responses for various initial conditions and damping loss factors. Present results show that thermopiezoelastic snap-through phenomena can result in the difficulty of buckling and postbuckling control of intelligent structures.

An Experimental Study on the Thermal Load of a Cryochamber with Radiation Shields (복사 차폐막이 설치된 극저온 용기의 열부하 특성에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • Kim, Young-Min;Kang, Byung-Ha;Park, Seong-Je
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.11-16
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    • 2008
  • Infrared (IR) detectors are widely used for such applications as thermoelastic stress analysis, medical diagnostics and temperature measurement. Infrared detectors commonly need to be refrigerated below 80 K, and thus a cooling system should be equipped together with the detector system. The cooling load, which should be removed by the cooling system to maintain the nominal operating temperature of the detector, critically depends on the insulation efficiency of the cryochamber housing the detector. Thermal load of a cryochamber is attributed to the conduction heat transfer through a cold finger, the gases conduction and radiation heat transfer. The thermal loads of an infrared detector cryochamber with a radiation shield are investigated experimentally in present study. Since the effect of radiation heat transfer on thermal loads is significant, radiation shields is installed in the cold finger part to protect heat input through radiation.

CNT-PDMS Composite Thin-Film Transmitters for Highly Efficient Photoacoustic Energy Conversion

  • Song, Ju Ho;Heo, Jeongmin;Baac, Hyoung Won
    • Proceedings of the Korean Vacuum Society Conference
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    • 2016.02a
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    • pp.297.2-297.2
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    • 2016
  • Photoacoustic generation of ultrasound is an effective approach for development of high-frequency and high-amplitude ultrasound transmitters. This requires an efficient energy converter from optical input to acoustic output. For such photoacoustic conversion, various light-absorbing materials have been used such as metallic coating, dye-doped polymer composite, and nanostructure composite. These transmitters absorb laser pulses with 5-10 ns widths for generation of tens-of-MHz frequency ultrasound. The short optical pulse leads to rapid heating of the irradiated region and therefore fast thermal expansion before significant heat diffusion occurs to the surrounding. In this purpose, nanocomposite thin films containing gold nanoparticles, carbon nanotubes (CNTs), or carbon nanofibers have been recently proposed for high optical absorption, efficient thermoacosutic transfer, and mechanical robustness. These properties are necessary to produce a high-amplitude ultrasonic output under a low-energy optical input. Here, we investigate carbon nanotube (CNT)-polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) composite transmitters and their nanostructure-originated characteristics enabling extraordinary energy conversion. We explain a thermoelastic energy conversion mechanism within the nanocomposite and examine nanostructures by using a scanning electron microscopy. Then, we measure laser-induced damage threshold of the transmitters against pulsed laser ablation. Particularly, laser-induced damage threshold has been largely overlooked so far in the development of photoacoustic transmitters. Higher damage threshold means that transmitters can withstand optical irradiation with higher laser energy and produce higher pressure output proportional to such optical input. We discuss an optimal design of CNT-PDMS composite transmitter for high-amplitude pressure generation (e.g. focused ultrasound transmitter) useful for therapeutic applications. It is fabricated using a focal structure (spherically concave substrate) that is coated with a CNT-PDMS composite layer. We also introduce some application examples of the high-amplitude focused transmitter based on the CNT-PDMS composite film.

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Bending analysis of nano-Fe2O3 reinforced concrete slabs exposed to temperature fields and supported by viscoelastic foundation

  • Zouaoui R. Harrat;Mohammed Chatbi;Baghdad Krour;Sofiane Amziane;Mohamed Bachir Bouiadjra;Marijana Hadzima-Nyarko;Dorin Radu;Ercan Isik
    • Advances in concrete construction
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.111-126
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    • 2024
  • During the clinkering stages of cement production, the chemical composition of fine raw materials such as limestone and clay, which include iron oxide (Fe2O3), silicon dioxide (SiO2) and aluminum oxide (Al2O3), significantly influences the quality of the final product. Specifically, the chemical interaction of Fe2O3 with CaO, SiO2 and Al2O3 during clinkerisation plays a key role in determining the chemical reactivity and overall quality of the final cement, shaping the properties of the concrete produced. As an extension, this study aims to investigate the physical effects of incorporating nanosized Fe2O3 particles as fillers in concrete matrices, and their impact on concrete structures, namely slabs. To accurately model the reinforced concrete (RC) slabs, a refined trigonometric shear deformation theory (RTSDT) is used. Additionally, the stochastic Eshelby's homogenization approach is employed to determine the thermoelastic properties of nano-Fe2O3 infused concrete slabs. To ensure comprehensive coverage in the study, the RC slabs undergo various mechanical loads and are exposed to temperature fields to assess their thermo-mechanical performance. Furthermore, the slabs are assumed to rest on a three-parameter viscoelastic foundation, comprising the Winkler elastic springs, Pasternak shear layer and a damping parameter. The equilibrium governing equations of the system are derived using the principle of virtual work and subsequently solved using Navier's technique. The findings indicate that while ferric oxide nanoparticles enhance the mechanical properties of concrete against mechanical loading, they have less favorable effects on its performance against thermal exposure. However, the viscoelastic foundation contributes to mitigating these effects, improving the concrete's overall performance in both scenarios. These results highlight the trade-offs between mechanical and thermal performance when using Fe2O3 nanoparticles in concrete and underscore the importance of optimizing nanoparticle content and loading conditions to improve the structural performance of concrete structures.