• Title/Summary/Keyword: thermocoagulation

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A Case of Occipital Neuralgia in the Greater and Lesser Occipital Nerves Treated with Neurectomy by Using Transcranial Doppler Sonography: Technical Aspects

  • Jung, Sang-Jin;Moon, Seong-Keun;Kim, Tae-Young;Eom, Ki-Seong
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.48-52
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    • 2011
  • Occipital neuralgia is usually defined as paroxysmal stabbing pain in the greater or lesser occipital nerve (GON or LON) distribution. In occipital neuralgia patients, surgical considerations are carefully taken into account if medical management is ineffective. However, identification of the occipital artery by palpation in patients with thick necks or small occipital arteries can be technically difficult. Therefore, we established a new technique using transcranial Doppler (TCD) sonography for more accurate and rapid identification. The patient was a 64-year-old man who had undergone C1-C3 screw fixation and presented with intractable stabbing pain in the bilateral GON and LON distributions. In cases in which pain management was performed using medication, physical therapy, nerve block, or radiofrequency thermocoagulation, substantial pain relief was not consistently achieved, and recurrence of pain was reported. Therefore, we performed occipital neurectomy of the bilateral GON and LON by using TCD sonography, which helped detect the greater occipital artery easily. After the operation, the patient’s headache disappeared gradually, although he had discontinued all medication except antidepressants. We believe that this new technique of occipital neurectomy via a small skin incision performed using TCD sonography is easy and reliable, has a short operative time, and provides rapid pain relief.

Radiofrequency Facet Joint Denervation in the Treatment of Low Back Pain: Relationship with the Diagnostic Block (요부 후지낵측지 고주파 열응고술: 진단적 차단과의 연관성)

  • Shim, Jae-Chol;Seung, Ik-Sang
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.218-224
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    • 2001
  • Background: Response to diagnostic blocks does not consistently predict the outcome of interventional facet denervation. We investigated the relationship between pain relief by the percutaneous radiofrequency denervation of the lumbar zygapophysial joints with the result of facet joint diagnostic local anesthetic injection in patients with back pain originating from the lumbar zygapophysial joint. Methods: There were 35 patients enrolled, with ranging in age from 25 to 76 years ($52.6{\pm}12.7$ years, mean ${\pm}$ SD). We studied 7 men (20%) and 28 women (80%). All patients underwent double diagnostic block of $L_{3/4}$, $L_{4/5}$ and $L_5-S_1$ facet joint with 0.5% bupivacaine. The 35 patients fell into the following group. (1) Group A (n = 16): those who felt clear relief (pain free with Likert scale) from the double diagnostic block (2) Group B (n = 19): 11 patients who were always equivocal in their response to the double diagnostic block and 8 patients who were either pain free or equivocal in their response to the double diagnostic block. All 11 patients were done the facet joint denervation. The effect on the pain was evaluated with 4 point Likert scale 1, 6 and 12 weeks after the procedure. We evaluated the relationship between the pain response to diagnostic block and the pain relief with facet joint denervation. Results: Significant correlation was observed between the response to diagnostic block and pain relief with facet denervation (P < 0.05). We found no correlation between the categories of spinal operation and pain response to facet denervation (P value > 0.05). Conclusions: A satisfactory result of lumbar facet joint denervation can be obtained in many patients, especillay in patients whose pain were relieved by the diagnostic double facet joint block. It may be said that facet joint denervation for mechanical low back pain using radiofrequency thermocoagulation is a safe, easy, and repeatable technique.

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Long Term Results of Microsurgical Dorsal Root Entry Zonotomy for Intractable Pain Associated with Brachial Plexus Injury

  • Park, Yeul-Bum;Kim, Seong-Ho;Kim, Sang-Woo;Chang, Chul-Hoon;Ahn, Sang-Ho;Jang, Sung-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Neurosurgical Society
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    • v.40 no.3
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    • pp.143-147
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    • 2006
  • Objective : Brachial plexus injury can produce a intractable chronic neuropathic pain. This study was undertaken to assess the long term outcome of microsurgical dorsal root entry zonotomy[MDT]. Methods : Between October 1997 and December 2002, 21 patients received MDT because of a intractable pain resulting from brachial plexus injury. Of these, 19 patients were followed for more than 2 years. Fourteen of 19 patients were male and patient ages ranged from 22 to 69 years. Mean pain duration was 36.8 months and all patients had severe pain of $9{\sim}10$ visual analogue scale. To achieve complete destruction of abnormal dorsal horns, thermocoagulation of the posterolateral sulcus were performed and careful gluing was done to prevent postoperative adhesion and pain recurrence. Results : Of the 19 patients, 15 patients had excellent [>75% reduction in pain] and good [$51{\sim}75%$ pain relief] results in a average postoperative period of 4.1 years. One patient had a poor [less than 25% pain relief] result. Three patients were considered to have a fair result [$26{\sim}50%$ pain relief]. Postoperative complications were 2 transient ipsilateral ataxia and 1 CSF fistula that resolved without surgical revision. Conclusion : These results indicate that MDT provides excellent long-term pain relief in medically intractable chronic neuropathic pain following brachial plexus injury without significant complications.

Intercostal Neuralgia and Spinal Cord Compression Symptom due to Spinal Tumor -A Case Report- (척추 종양에 의한 늑간 신경통 및 척수 압박 증상 -증례 보고-)

  • Lee, Hyo-Keun;Shin, Dong-Yeop;Lee, Hee-Jeon;Kim, Chan
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.287-291
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    • 1994
  • A 49 years old male patient was admitted to our neuro-pain clinic with symptoms of left 11th intercostal neuralgic pain and low back pain that developed 2 months prior to admission. Upon initial physical examination, motor weakness or sensory deficit were absent. Intercostal neuralgic pain improved significantly after we performed thoracic root thermocoagulation. However on the afternoon of the procedure the patient started to experience voiding difficulty, saddle anesthesia and rapidly progressing motor weakness and hypoesthesia that involved the lower back area and the lower extremities for three days. Based on these symptoms spinal cord compression was suspected and subsequently plain T-L spine X-rays and T-L spine MRI were performed. A spinal tumor that appeared metastatic in origin was seen at the T11 and T12 level. Liver ultrasonography demonstrated the presence of a $4{\times}4cm$ sized ill defined mass in the posterior segment of the right lobe. The patient was diagnosed to have hepatocellular carcinoma after needle aspiration biopsy and cytologic studies. Further orthopedic surgery was recommended but as the patient rejected any further treatment and examination, it was not possible to confirm the primary focus of the tumor. However as metastasis of a primary liver tumor to the spine is a rare occurrence, some other primary focus of metastasis or even a malignant primary tumor of the spine is more likely to explain this patient's condition.

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Clinical Identification of the Vertebral Level at Which the Lumbar Sympathetic Ganglia Aggregate

  • An, Ji Won;Koh, Jae Chul;Sun, Jong Min;Park, Ju Yeon;Choi, Jong Bum;Shin, Myung Ju;Lee, Youn Woo
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.103-109
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    • 2016
  • Background: The location and the number of lumbar sympathetic ganglia (LSG) vary between individuals. The aim of this study was to determine the appropriate level for a lumbar sympathetic ganglion block (LSGB), corresponding to the level at which the LSG principally aggregate. Methods: Seventy-four consecutive subjects, including 31 women and 31 men, underwent LSGB either on the left (n = 31) or the right side (n = 43). The primary site of needle entry was randomly selected at the L3 or L4 vertebra. A total of less than 1 ml of radio opaque dye with 4% lidocaine was injected, taking caution not to traverse beyond the level of one vertebral body. The procedure was considered responsive when the skin temperature increased by more than $1^{\circ}C$ within 5 minutes. Results: The median responsive level was significantly different between the left (lower third of the L4 body) and right (lower margin of the L3 body) sides (P = 0.021). However, there was no significant difference in the values between men and women. The overall median responsive level was the upper third of the L4 body. The mean responsive level did not correlate with height or BMI. There were no complications on short-term follow-up. Conclusions: Selection of the primary target in the left lower third of the L4 vertebral body and the right lower margin of the L3 vertebral body may reduce the number of needle insertions and the volume of agents used in conventional or neurolytic LSGB and radiofrequency thermocoagulation.

Facet Joint Syndrome (추간관절 증후군)

  • Kang, Jeom-Deok
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.93-97
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    • 2009
  • Anatomy: Facet joint syndrome most often affects the lower back and neck and refers to pain that occurs in the facet joints, which are the connections between the vertebrae in the spine that enable the spine to bend and twist. Many physicians have believed that the usual lesion of facet syndrome was an anatomical impairments of facet joint itself.. Facet joint injection using local anesthetics is a reliable method for the diagnosis and treatment for facet syndrome. Etiology: One of many possible causes is imbalances that can occur in stress levels, hormone levels, and nutritional levels. These imbalances can adversely affect posture, which can lead to neck and back pain. The common disorder called facet syndrome exhibits lower back pain, with or without, radiating pain to buttock and thigh due to facet joint arthropathy. Pain in the facet joint is supposedly the secondary effect of narrowing of joint space by sustained muscle contracture around joints. Syndrome: Facet joint syndrome tends to produce pain or tenderness in the lower back that increases with twisting or arching the body, as well as pain that moves to the buttocks or the back of the thighs. Other symptoms include stiffness or difficulty standing up straight or getting out of a chair. Pain can be felt in other areas such as the shoulders or mid-back area. Treatment: Non-drug treatments include hot packs, ultrasound, electrical stimulation, and therapeutic exercises. Stimulating blood flow using massage or a hot tub may also help. Alternative treatments include yoga and relaxation therapy. If your pain persists after trying these treatments, a surgical procedure called radiofrequency rhizotomy, which destroys the sensory nerves of the joint, may bring relief. Facet joint injection has been helpful in diagnosis and therapy for this facet syndrome. Radiofrequency thermocoagulation of medial branches is known to be an effective method of relieving pain caused by facet joint problems. We conclude that spasmolytic treatment of muscles connecting the two vertebral articular space would be better for treatment and diagnosis of facet syndrome rather than facet block with local anesthetic and steroid only.

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Pulsed Radiofrequency of Lumbar Dorsal Root Ganglia for Treatment of Chronic Inguinal Herniorrhaphy Pain - A case report - (서혜부 탈장 교정술 후 발생한 서혜부 만성 통증 환자에서 요추 후근 신경절에 시행한 박동성 고주파술을 이용한 치료 - 증례보고 -)

  • Kang, Seung Hee;Han, Hyo Jo;Kim, Won Young;Kim, Dae Young;Moon, Dong Eon
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.203-207
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    • 2007
  • Inguinal hernia repair can result in paresthesia and/or pain in the inguinal region. Pharmacological and surgical management often yield inconsistent results associated with considerable risks and side effects. Radiofrequency thermocoagulation (RF) is a neuro-destructive treatment for severe pain, but associated with hypoesthesia, neuritis-like reactions, and occasional neuroma formation. Pulsed radiofrequency (PRF), unlike RF, delivers high intensity currents in pulses, is non-neurodestructive, and therefore less painful, without the potential complications. Here we report on PRF in chronic postoperative inguinal pain. A 23-year-old male who received right inguinal hernia repair and complained of right sided groin pain for approximately 10 years underwent PRF at the L1 and L2 dorsal root ganglia (DRG). He then reported a decrease in pain from 80-90/100 mm to 15-30/100 mm on a visual analogue scale (VAS), which lasted for twelve months.

Thoracoscopic Sympathectomy for a Patient with Facial Hyperhidrosis -A case report- (흉강경하 흉부교감신경절제술을 이용한 안면다한증 치료 -증례보고-)

  • Moon, Dong-Eon;Park, Byung-Cheul;Kim, Byung-Chan;Kim, Sung-Nyeon
    • The Korean Journal of Pain
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.399-402
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    • 1996
  • Endoscopic transthoracic sympathectomy (ETS) has recently become estabilished as a successful treatment for severe palmar and axillary hyperhidrosis. Descriptions have been published of neurolytic, operative and alternative endoscopic procedures involving thermocoagulation, laser coagulation, or or nonvideo-assisted ganglionectomy using equipment not widely available, with low morbidity and excellent results. All methods have advantage and disadvantages. A 19-year-old male who suffered from severe hyperhidrosis on face, palms and axillary areas, has been initially treated with stellate ganglion block in other pain clinic. He was transfered to our pain clinic for endoscopic thoracic sympathectomy. The patient was intubated left side 34 Fr. double lumen tube and positioned left semi-lateral position for right sympathectomy. Right side pneumothorax was created by clamping the ipsilateral side of the double lumen tube and aspiration of air. 11-mm trocar was introduced through incision at the third intercostal space in anterior axillary line, and then additional two 11-mm and 5-mm trocar was introduced through second and fifth intercostal space in mid axillary line. The lung was gently retracted and the parietal pleura over the heads of the appropriate ribs excised using 5-mm sharp insulated coagulating microprocesss. The T4, T3, and T2 ganglions, as well as accompanying rami communicantes, and other branchs arising from upper thoracic nerves to the brachial plexus and surrounding tissues were carefully dissected, coagulated. During sympathectomy, skin temperature of middle was continuously monitored. Elevation of palmar skin temperature intraoperatively indicated an adequate sympathectomy with a definite therapeutic effect. A No. 28 Fr. thoracotomy tube was introduced through a troca under video guidance, placed under water seal after the lung was reinflated. the controlateral side was performed same procedure. After bilateral sympathectomy, chest tubes were removed, and then, he was discharged 2 days after operation with great satisfaction. The ETS provides a well-tolerated, cost-effective alternative to thoracic sympathectomy for primary hyperhidrosis and sympathetic mediated neuropathic pain disorder. And T2 ganglion is considered the key ganglion for the treatment of primary hyperhidrosis. The low incidence of compensatory sweating may by explained by the limited extent of the sympathectomy.

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