• Title/Summary/Keyword: the thickness of soil layers

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Comparative Studies of Kriging Methods for Estimation of Geo-Layer Distribution of Songdo International City in Incheon (인천 송도국제도시 지층분포추정을 위한 크리깅 방법의 비교연구)

  • Kim, Dong-Hee;Ryu, Dong-Woo;Lee, Ju-Hyoung;Choi, In-Gul;Kim, Jong-Kook;Lee, Woo-Jin
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.26 no.5
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    • pp.57-64
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    • 2010
  • Kriging techniques have been used to estimate the spatial distribution of soil layers and soil properties in the geotechnical engineering area. Since the selected kriging technique may provide different values of estimation, the selection of method is important in the geotechnical estimation. In this paper, the spatial distribution of the thickness of consolidation layer of Songdo International City is estimated using simple, ordinary, and universal kriging techniques, and the reliability of estimated results is analyzed. It is shown that the consolidation layer thickness estimated by the simple kriging technique is larger than those by other kriging techniques when the location of estimation is far from the locations where the measured data exist. In this case, the reliability of the simple kriging technique is observed to be lower than those of other techniques. Universal kriging gives a negative value for thickness of consolidation layer in some locations away from the data. It is concluded that the ordinary kriging is the most optimized estimation technique because the reliability of ordinary kriging technique is higher than those of other ones and the consolidation layer thickness estimated by the ordinary kriging locates within the reasonable range.

Comparative Study on the Runoff Process of Granite Drainage Basins in Korea and Mongolia

  • Yukiya, Tanaka;Yukoinori, Matsukura
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.18 no.2 s.23
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 2004
  • Dissected erosional surfaces are widely distributed in the western part of Korea (e.g. Icheon, Chungju, Jecheon, Seosan). The deposits with thickness of less than 2m occur on the smooth bedrock surface are composed of poorly sorted subangular gravels with less than 20cm diameter. However, only weathered mantle of granites without the gravel layer are observed at some outcrops. The results of grain size analysis of deposits of Icheon district revealed that the characteristic of the gain size distribution is very similar with the results of sheetflood deposits presented by Blair (1999) in the Death Valley. Loess layer with buried soil layers of MIS7 covers the sheetflood deposits. The loess layer implies that the sheetflood deposits occurred before MIS7 based on the typical Loess sequences presented by Naruse et al.(2003). On the other hand, the climate of Korean Peninsula in MIS2 was very dry and cold (Yoon and Hwnag, 2003) by pollen analysis. This is because Yellow Sea was completely emerged during the MIS2(e.g. Sau\ito, 1998). So, it is thought that the climate in Korean Peninsula of not only MIS2 but also other glacial ages such as MIS8 was similar with present Mongolian climates. Tanaka et al.(2005) pointed out that Hortonian overlandflow occurs in grass vegetated granite basin in Mongolia. Therefore, dissected piedmont gentle slopes in the western Korea were possibly formed by sheetflood erosion during probably MIS8 as pediment widely distributed in Mongolia.

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Effect of Seaweeds Addition to Layer′s Rarion on Egg Productivity and Reduction of Calcium . Phosphorus Excretion (해조분의 첨가가 산란계의 생산성 및 칼슘 . 인의 배설량 저감에 미치는 영향)

  • 김동균;박정래;정인학
    • Journal of Animal Environmental Science
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    • v.6 no.3
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    • pp.141-151
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    • 2000
  • Over-grown seaweeds in Donghae(east sea of Korea peninsula) may impedes ocean environment, however, they can be a good nutrient resources for poultry feeds if they are utilized properly. In this study, seaweeds powder were tested for laying hens\` ration to investigate the effects on egg production rate, egg quality and calcium phosphorus excretion. One hundred 65wks-old brown layers were fed for 5 weeks alotted with seaweeds powder addition to experimental diet by 0(control), 0.5, 1.0 and 2.0%, respectively, and obtained following results; 1. Seaweeds proved a mid-protein low-energy feed resources with planty of K, Na, Ca, Mg, Sr and Fe. 2. Seaweeds addition by 0.5% and 1.0% improved egg production rate and egg-mass output markedly(p<0.05) than control. Seaweeds addition did not alter cholesterol level of yolk and yolk index, however egg shell thickness showed increasing trend by increasing seaweeds addition level. 3. Protein absorption and digestibility in seaweed addition treatments were significantly higher(p<0.05) than control group and protein contents of excreta in 0.5% and 1.0% treatments were reduced(p<0.05), which suggests effective protein metabolism for egg production. Increasing seaweeds addition reduces Ca and P contents in rectum and excreta, suggesting Ca and P utilization improvement in laying hens and lessening soil pollution. 4. In conclusion, seaweeds addition in layers' diet by 1.0% level improves egg-mass production and might be egg quality by increasing metabolism of protein, calcium and phosphorus.

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Shoot induction and regeneration using internodal transverse thin cell layer culture in Sesamum indicum L.

  • Chattopadhyaya, Banani;Banerjee, Joydeep;Basu, Asitava;Sen, Soumitra K.;Maiti, Mrinal K.
    • Plant Biotechnology Reports
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    • v.4 no.2
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    • pp.173-178
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    • 2010
  • An efficient protocol for shoot regeneration was developed for sesame (Sesamum indicum L.) internodes using the transverse thin cell layer (tTCL) culture method. The frequency of shoot regeneration and the number of adventitious buds produced from regenerated shoots depend significantly on explant age, thickness of the tTCL sections, and the phytohormones supplemented to the culture medium. A combination of 6-benzyladenine (2.0 $mg\;l^{-1}$) and a-naphthaleneacetic acid (0.5 $mg\;l^{-1}$) was found to be the best phytohormone combination for shoot bud induction, with the maximum number of shoots obtained when the tTCL sections were 0.5-1.0 mm thick and derived from 4- to 6-week-old seedlings of sesame. Well-developed shoots were rooted on MS medium without phytohormones, and 80% of the regenerated plantlets were successfully established in soil.

The Relationship between Loading Velocity and Ground Heaving Characteristics (재하속도와 지반융기 특성의 상호관계)

  • Oh, Se-Wook
    • Journal of the Korean GEO-environmental Society
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    • v.7 no.3
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    • pp.77-83
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    • 2006
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze lateral displacement behavior of clay layers in case of the banking in soft ground through model tests. Seven model tests varying with thickness of soft clay and loading velocity are performed to correlate between ground heaving and loading velocity. In case of low loading velocity, vertical settlement below loading plate and small ground heaving are obviously observed. In case of the high loading velocity, it is shown that both soil displacement at the end of a loading plate and surface heaving are large. In addition, the calculated displacements show good agreement with three cases of field measurements in clay with high moisture contents so that we can predict the range of heaving area and the amount of heaving.

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Environmental survey on the vectors and hosts of Tsutsugamushi disease in Jeonnam province, Korea (전남지방에서 쯔쯔가무시병 숙주와 매개체의 서식환경 조사)

  • Song, Hyeon-Je
    • Korean Journal of Veterinary Service
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.183-189
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    • 2012
  • Tsutsugamushi disease or scrub typhus cause by Orientia tsutsugamushi is an endemic disease in Korea. Chigger mites and field rodents play roles in transmission of the disease by the vector and host of the agent. The purpose of this study is to investigate the density of the chigger mites and field rodents due to environmental factors such as temperature, relative humidity, soil thickness and the various vegetations to the 9 field rodent collection sites. The total 62 field rodents was captured by the Sherman collapsible traps from April to October 2009 at the Jangseong of Jeonnam Province, Korea. The trapping rate of the field rodents by the different collecting sites was dominant at subside storage water (24%), bush near by dam (22%), bank around field (20%), followed by 18% of grassy field and surround cattle shed. The distribution of chigger mites by the different collecting sites was the highest at Bush near by dam (28.7%). And the sites of subside storage water, bank around field and surround cattle shed were 20.4%, 18.8%, 16.4%, respectively. On the other hand the collecting sites of stream bank and ridges between rice paddies were not collected. The temperature to the collecting sites was showed $24.1^{\circ}C$ in June and $24.2^{\circ}C$ in October which was higher than April ($10.6^{\circ}C$), whereas lower than May ($25.3^{\circ}C$) and September ($26.8^{\circ}C$). The highest number of mites was collected at $24.2^{\circ}C$ and 46.6% relative humidity in October. The chigger mites and field rodents were highly collected between 18 and 24% at the sites where are loosely in the superficial layers of the soil from 8.0 cm to 10.2 cm. Total 25 species of vegetation were distributed at the collecting sites. In the present study, strong evidence was found that bank around field and grassy field were provided for the prevalence sites of tsutsugamushi disease.

Classification of Ground Subsidence Factors for Prediction of Ground Subsidence Risk (GSR) (굴착공사 중 지반함몰 위험예측을 위한 지반함몰인자 분류)

  • Park, Jin Young;Jang, Eugene;Kim, Hak Joon;Ihm, Myeong Hyeok
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.153-164
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    • 2017
  • The geological factors for causing ground subsidence are very diverse. It can be affected by any geological or extrinsic influences, and even within the same geological factor, the soil depression impact factor can be determined by different physical properties. As a result of reviewing a large number of papers and case histories, it can be seen that there are seven categories of ground subsidence factors. The depth and thickness of the overburden can affect the subsidence depending on the existence of the cavity, whereas the depth and orientation of the boundary between soil and rock are dominant factors in the ground composed of soil and rock. In case of soil layers, more various influencing factors exist such as type of soil, shear strength, relative density and degree of compaction, dry unit weight, water content, and liquid limit. The type of rock, distance from the main fracture and RQD can be influential factors in the bedrock. When approaching from the hydrogeological point of view, the rainfall intensity, the distance and the depth from the main channel, the coefficient of permeability and fluctuation of ground water level can influence to ground subsidence. It is also possible that the ground subsidence can be affected by external factors such as the depth of excavation and distance from the earth retaining wall, groundwater treatment methods at excavation work, and existence of artificial facilities such as sewer pipes. It is estimated that to evaluate the ground subsidence factor during the construction of underground structures in urban areas will be essential. It is expected that ground subsidence factors examined in this study will contribute for the reliable evaluation of the ground subsidence risk.

Formation Environment of Quaternary deposits and Palynology of Jangheung-ri Archaeological Site (Jiphyeon County, Jinju City), Korea (진주 집현 장흥리 유적 제4기 퇴적층 형성 및 식생환경 연구)

  • 김주용;박영철;양동윤;봉필윤;서영남;이윤수;김진관
    • The Korean Journal of Quaternary Research
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.9-21
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    • 2002
  • In Korea, many open-air upper palaeolithic sites are located at the river valley, particularly exposed in gently rotting terrain along the river course. They are situated at an altitude less trail 30 m above present river bottom, and covered with the blankets of slope deposits of several meters in thickness. The purpose of this research is to eluridate depositional and vegetational environment of the alluvial upper palaeolithic Jangheung-ri sites on the basis of analytical properties of grain size population, chronology, palynology, soil chemistry and clay mineralogy and magnetic susceptibility of the Jangheung-ri Quaternary formations. The lithostratograpy of Jangheung-ri sit is subdivided into 3 layers based on the depositional sequence and radiocarbon ages. From bottom to top, they are composed of slope deposits with lower paleosol layers, young fluvial sand and gravel with backswamp organic muds, and upper paleosol layers. The upper paleosol was formed under rather dry climatic condition between each flooding period. Dessication cracks were prevalent in the soil solum which was filled with secondarily minuted fragments due to pedogenetic process. The soil structure shows typical braided-typed cracks in the root part of cracking texture, and more diversified pattern of crackings downward. The young fluvial sand gravel were formed by rather perennial streams after LGM. The main part of organic muds was particularly formed after 15Ka. Local backswamp were flourished with organic muds and graded suspension materials in the flooding muds were intermittently accumulated in the organic muds until ca. 11Ka. This episode was associated with migration of Nam River toward present course. Organic muds were formed in backswamp or local pond. Abies/Picea-Betula with Ranunculaceae, Compositae, Cyperaceae were prevalent. This period is characterized with B$\Phi$lling, Older Dryas, Allerod, and Younger Dryas (MIS-1). Stone artefacts were found in the lower paleosol layers formed as old as 18Ka-22Ka. Based on the artefacts and landscape settings of the Jangheung-ri site, it is presumed that settlement grounds of old people were buried by frequent floodings of old Nam River, the river-beds of which were heavily fluctuated laterally and river-bed erosions were activated from south to north in Jangheung-ri site until the terminal of LGM9ca 17Ka).

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Distribution Characteristics of Quaternary Geology and Aggregate Resources in Geumsan-gun, Chungcheongnam-do (충청남도 금산군 일대 제4기 지질 및 골재자원 분포 특성)

  • Kim, Jin Cheul;Kim, Ju Yong;Lee, Jin-Young
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.54 no.5
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    • pp.595-603
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    • 2021
  • Sand layer distribution, which is the main target of river and land aggregate resources, mainly belongs to alluvial and river sedimentary environments among the Quaternary sedimentary environments. The distribution of aggregate resources in the area of Geumsan-gun, Chungcheongnam-do is characteristically developed around a sedimentation environment in which intrusive meandering river dominate. Although the area around Bonhwangcheon Stream and the area near the confluence of small streams are small, the river floodplain develops and corresponds to the aggregate distribution area. The sedimentary layer formed in the sedimentary environment such as colluvial deposits or alluvial fan deposits has a relatively low distribution rate of aggregate resources. The vertical distribution of the Quaternary sedimentary layers in the Geumsan-gun region ranges from about 5 to 12 m and has an average Quaternary sedimentary thickness of 8 m. The aggregate-bearing section has an average thickness of 3.6 m, and the average grain size is about 21% clay-silt, 67% sand, and 12% gravel. The main characteristics of the aggregate-bearing section are that coarse-grained sand predominates, and gravel is sub-angular or sub-rounded, and the sorting is generally poor and has a massive form of deposits, and the soil colour ranges from dark grey to yellowish-brown. In Geumsan-gun, the most likely distribution area for aggregate development is the alluvial sedimentary and river sedimentary layers distributed along the current and former riverbeds of the main Geumgang River, Bonhwangcheon and small River tributaries.

Site Classification for Incheon According to Site-Specific Seismic Response Parameters by Estimating Geotechnical Spatial Information Based on GIS (GIS 기반 지반공간정보 추정을 통한 부지고유 지진응답 매개변수 기반 인천 지역의 부지분류)

  • SUN, Chang-Guk;KIM, Han-Saem
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.17-35
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    • 2016
  • Earthquake-induced disasters are often more severe in locations with soft soils than firm soils or rocks due to differences in ground motion amplification. On a regional scale, such differences can be estimated by spatially predicting subsurface soil thickness over the entire target area. In general, soil deposits are generally deeper in coastal or riverside areas than in inland regions. In this study, a coastal metropolitan area, Incheon, was selected to assess site effects and provide information on seismic hazards. Spatial prediction of geotechnical layers was performed for the entire study area within the GIS framework. Approximately 7,000 existing borehole drilling data in the Incheon area were gathered and archived into the GIS Database (DB). In addition, surface geotechnical data were acquired from a walkover survey. Based on the built geotechnical DB, spatial zoning maps of site-specific seismic response parameters were created and presented for use in a regional seismic strategy. Site response parameters were performed to determine site coefficients for seismic design over the entire target area and compared with each other. Site classifications and subsequent seismic zoning were assigned based on site coefficients. From this seismic zonation case study in Incheon, we verified that geotechnical GIS-DB can create spatial zoning maps of site-specific seismic response parameters that are useful for seismic hazard mitigation particularly in coastal metropolitan areas.