• 제목/요약/키워드: the kinds of weed

검색결과 44건 처리시간 0.018초

Weed Occurrence, Rice Growth, and Soil Temperature as Affected by Different Biodegradable Mulching Materials in Wet Seeded Rice

  • Yang, Woon-Ho;Kim, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Je-Kyu;Han, Hee-Suk;Shin, Jeong-Ju
    • 한국작물학회지
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    • 제48권1호
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2003
  • In spite water direct seeding cultivation of rice has advantages in terms of laborsaving and cost-down, it demonstrates uneven seedling establishment and difficult weed management. To select an applicable mat for mulching system of water seeded rice, weed occurrence, growth and yield performances of rice, and soil temperature were evaluated in several kinds of biodegradable mulching material. Field studies were conducted at the experimental farm of National Crop Experiment Station in 1999 and 2000. Among the mats tested in 1999, Safer-mat had the greatest effect on inhibiting weed occurrence and Lawn-mat demonstrated the least efficacy of weed control (EWC) value. In Safer-mat treatment, Ludwigia prostrata was the dominant weed species but Echinochloa crus-galli was not observed. Different kinds of mulching material from the mats studied in 1999 were tested in 2000. Biodegradable polyester (PES) coated on the recycled paper for newspaper press (RP) treatments showed similar or higher EWC values than non-mulched broadcast seed rice with 2 times of herbicide application (BC-herbicide) and Safer-mat that was the most effective mat on preventing weed appearance in 1999. Immediately after mat mulching on the surface of paddy soil, five pregerminated rice seeds were manually sown in each 3cm-hole formerly punctured at 30${\times}$14 cm spacing in 2000. All the 3 kinds of mulching material tested in 2000 had better seedling stand than BC-herbicide treatment. Rice yield in PES coated with 10 thickness on RP (PES10 $\mu\textrm{m}$+RP) was a little higher than in BC-herbicide treatment but the former produced less panicles in unit land area than the latter. PES10 $\mu\textrm{m}$+RP demonstrated a great effect on raising soil surface temperature than non-mulching treatment throughout the period of seedling establishment.

묘포장 및 산지에서 제초제를 이용한 효과적인 잡초방제에 대한 연구(I) -조림.조경용 수묘포장의의 제초관리- (A Study of the Effective Weed Control by Herbicides in a Nursery and Forests(I) -Weed Control in a Nursery for Silviculture and Landscape Architecture-)

  • 서병수;김세천;박종민;이창헌
    • 한국조경학회지
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    • 제27권1호
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    • pp.29-38
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    • 1999
  • Three kinds of soil surface applied herbicides and three kinds of foliage applied herbicides were used to study weed control effect, appropriate concentration, phyto-toxicity against trees and economical efficiency of weed control on trees, Pinus thunbergii, Picea abies, Chamaecyparis obtusa, Quercus accutissima, and Fraxinus rhynchopylla in a nursery. The results were obtained as follows; 1.The control effect of the soil surface applied herbicides showed that the three herbicides; Alachlor, Pendimenthalin and Simazine were alike in their holding effect of weed development, and the sensibility of weed spp. on the herbicides was different. The mean control effect was 58~89%. 2. The weed control effect of the foliage applied herbicides demonstrated that Paraquat dichloride was the best of 84~95% and followed by Glufosnate ammonium and Glyphosate. Especially when the half of its standard amount was treated, the effect of Paraquat dichloride was higher than the other herbicides. 3. Generally, the weed control effect became better as the concentration of the herbcide getting higher. As the concentration of the herbicide got higher, the restraining effect of weed development was continued for a long time in the soil surface applied herbicides, while the weed control effect appeared earlier in the foliage applied herbicides. 4. As the result of the soil surface treatments, 20% of short seedings of Fraxinus rhychopylla treated with twice amount of standard Alachlor died and the rest seeding showed low growth. In the other treatments, there was neither harmful effect of herbicides on the seedings nor growth decrease of them compared to those weeded by men. 5. When treated with foliage applied herbcides, leaves were partially of and discolorated in most treatments. About 0.4~6.2% of Fraxinus thynchopylla, which had short seedings died, and there was no difference in growth with the other treatments. 6. The herbicides showed better economical efficiency over 68% than weed control by men. Especially, Alachlaor of the soil surface applied herbicides showed the highest efficiency(77.6%), while Paraquat dichloride of the foliage applied herbicides was the best(70.3%)..

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Uniform Seedling Establishment and Weed Occurrence Inhibition by Seed-Mulching in Wet Seeded Rice

  • Yang, Woon-Ho;Kim, Jae-Hyun;Kim, Je-Kyu;Han, Hee-Suk;Lee, Moon-Hee
    • 한국작물학회지
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    • 제47권2호
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    • pp.80-84
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    • 2002
  • In spite of simple and cheap cultivation method, water broadcast-seeded rice demonstrates uneven and unstable seedling establishment per unit land area and requires more herbicide and labor-input for weed control. Three experiments were conducted in a phytotron at 18$^{\circ}C$ to evaluate the adaptability of seed-mat mulching cultivation technologies in water seeded rice for the uniform seedling establishment and the inhibition of weed occurrence without herbicide application. Five different kinds of mat with different mesh sizes and fabric properties were tested. The emergence of rice was the highest in Lawn-mat treatment, being comparable with the control, in which seeds were sown without mat. The Lawn-mat also exhibited the lowest mat tension. Mat tension may influence the emergence of rice. And once it was soaked in water, it didn't maintain its original shape any more. The emergence rate of rice was the lowest in Safer-mat treatment. In Lawn-mat treatment, which was the most effective for rice emergence in the first study, the differences of emergence and seedling establishment of rice depending on the seeding position (upper, beneath, and between mats) treatments were negligible, while they were higher in dry seeds than in pre-germinated seeds treatment. The emergence as affected by the kinds of mat also showed the same trend when tested using barnyard grass. Depending on the kinds of mat, the inhibition effect of weeds was the greatest in Safer-mat and the poorest in Lawn-mat. These results strongly suggest the possibility that the uniform seedling establishment and weed management without chemical could be achieved simultaneously by seed-mat mulching through the combination of effective mat for the emergence of rice and another efficient mat for the inhibition of weed occurrence. This possibility was also tested in the field.

배 과원에서 잡초방제 방법에 따른 제초효과와 배나무생육 (Weed Control Efficacy and Growth of Pear Tree according to Several Weed Control Method in Pear Orchard)

  • 장일;김향미;박용석;이정득;김성민;최진호;이중섭
    • Weed & Turfgrass Science
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    • 제2권1호
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2013
  • 일반적으로 과수원에서는 배의 생육기 동안 제초방법에 따라 연간 2~4회정도 제초하게 된다. 현재까지 개발된 잡초방제 방법 중 제초제 사용이 가장 생력적이고, 효과적이며 경제적인 것이 사실이나 장기적인 측면에서 생태적 및 생물적 잡초방제를 할 필요가 있다고 하여 배 과원에 비선택성 제초제 GLU 540 g a.i. $ha^{-1}$를 매년 2회, 3회 처리, 부직포, 기계 예취 등의 방법으로 처리하여 최적의 잡초방제방법을 구명하고 방제방법이 과수에 미치는 영향을 조사하였다. 배 과원에서는 주름잎, 쑥, 갈퀴덩쿨, 쇠뜨기, 뚝새풀 등이 생육기 중 우점하였다. 처리방법에 따른 방제효과는 생육초기 1번 부직포 피복처리가 시기와 상관없이 방제효과가 100%로 가장 높았으며 GLU 540 g a.i. $ha^{-1}$ 3회 처리, GLU 540 g a.i. $ha^{-1}$ 2회 처리, 기계 예취 순으로 잡초방제가가 높았다. 수관 하부 제초방법에 따른 수체 생육은 GLU 540 g a.i. $ha^{-1}$ 2회, 3회 살포한 처리에서 간주비대량과 신초의 생장량이 높고, 신초의 발생개수가 많았으며 부직포 피복, 기계 예취, 무처리와 유의한 차이가 인정되었다. GLU 540 g a.i. $ha^{-1}$를 3회 처리하여 시기별 방제효과를 비교하였을 때 6월보다 8월에서 방제효과가 증대되었다. 잡초방제 방법차이 및 제초제 2회 처리와 3회 처리 간의 차이는 없었다. 시험기간 동안 제초제 처리에 따른 배나무에 약해 증상은 나타나지 않았다.

Herbicide Activities in Relation to Oxygenase and Active Oxygens

  • Matsunaka, Schooichi
    • 한국잡초학회지
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.124-132
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    • 1988
  • Herbicides show many kinds of mode of action and are metabolized in many ways. These biochemical patterns are closely related to the efficacy or mammalian toxicity and also to the selectivity of environmental persistance of herbicides, respectively. In this short review, oxygenase will be discussed as to the metabolisms of monuron, EPTC and bensulfuron methyl, and active oxygens will be reviewed from the standpoint of the mode of action of paraquat and diphenylether herbicides.

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한국산 김중의 미량금속 함량 조사연구 (A Study of the Trace Elements in Sea-weed (Dried Laver))

  • 윤혜경;노영수
    • Environmental Analysis Health and Toxicology
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    • 제12권3_4호
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    • pp.67-73
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    • 1997
  • This study was carried out to investigate the contents of heavy metals such as iron, copper, lead, cadmium, magnesium, platium in connection with water pollution in sea weed (dried laver) collected from the west, south, south- west, and east coasts of Korea. The results of the study are as follows; Iron was shown the highest value (1.280ppm) in the wild laver from the south coast. Copper was detected in larger qauntities (0.169 ppm) in green laver than in any other kinds of laver observed in this study. Lead was detected in larger quantities (0.195ppm) in the usual laver and green laver from the south-west coast as compared with the other coasts. Although cadmium and platium was also detected from every kind of laver, the concentrations were not over the allowance of the residual.

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Status of Forest Weed Control in Japan -Mainly Herbicides Use Technique Including Tetrapion and Its Mixture-

  • Yamada, Takayasu
    • 한국잡초학회지
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    • 제8권2호
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    • pp.141-155
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    • 1988
  • We have large areas of forests in our country where various types of trees can grow. Since Japan geographically locates on a wide region with the extention of 3,000 km south and north, the climate varies from subtropical to subarctical one. Many mountains additionally make the climatic condition more complicated. Thus, we are able to see many kinds of trees in our forest areas. We have also frequent rainfalls through whole season and the precipitation reaches approximately 1,500 mm per year in many forests areas. In some rainy regions, it sometimes account for more than 2,000 mm. The condition is so advantageous for the growth of weeds and shrubs that it makes them very strong competitors with plantation trees in our forestries. It, therefore, may be said that the most important problem in Japanese forestries is to combat with undesirable vegetations continuously and to keep trees from weeds.

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동일비료연용(同一肥料連用)이 답토양(畓土壤)의 봄잡초(雜草) 발생에 미치는 영향(影響) (Effect of the Annual Repeated Fertilizer Application on the Occurrence of Paddy Weed in Spring)

  • 이재석;김상효;최대웅;윤재탁;박노권
    • 한국토양비료학회지
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    • 제18권3호
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    • pp.304-311
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    • 1985
  • 본시험(本試驗)은 경상북도농촌진흥원(慶尙北道農村振興院) 시험포장(試驗圃場)에서 8개(個) 연간(年間) 동일비료(同一肥料)를 연용(連用)하여 토양(土壤)의 이화학적(理化學的) 특성(特性)이 다른 답토양(畓土壤)에서 발생(發生)하는 봄 잡초(雜草)의 발생양상(發生樣狀)이 크게 차이(差異)가 있어 처리별(處理別)로 발생(發生)된 초종(草種), 잡초(雜草)의 수량(收量), 잡초(雜草)의 발생양상(發生樣相) 등을 조사(調査)하였는데 그 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 발생(發生)된 전초종(全草種)은 1~6종(種) 이었는데 인산흠제구(燐酸欠除區)는 너도방동산이만 발생(發生)되었고 3요소구(要素區), N+P구(區), 3요소(要素)+퇴비구(堆肥區) 등은 4~6 종(種)으로 초종(草種)이 다양(多樣)하게 발생(發生)되었다. 2. 인산단용구(燐酸單用區), P+K구(區), NPK+퇴비구(堆肥區), 3 요소구(要素區) 등 인산시용구(燐酸施用區)가 잡초(雜草)의 발생(發生)이 많았고 인산흠제구(燐酸欠除區)와 질소단용구(窒素單用區)는 잡초발생(雜草發生)이 적은 경향(傾向)이었다. 3. 독새풀, 여뀌, 명아주 등의 발생량(發生量)은 토양중(土壤中)의 유효인산함량(有效燐酸含量)과 1~5% 정(正)의 유의적(有意的)인 상관계(相關係)가 있었다. 4. 토양중(土壤中)의 유효인산함량(有效燐酸含量)은 잡초(雜草)의 생육(生育)과 군락상호간(群落相互間)의 초종구성(草種構成)에 영향(影響)을 미쳤다. 5. 잡초중(雜草中)의 성분함량(成分含量)을 보면 개여뀌, 명아주, 여뀌 등은 질소(窒素), 인산(燐酸), 석회(石灰) 고토(苦土) 등이 많았고 독새풀, 너도방동산이, 벼룩나물 등에서는 적었다.

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더덕 및 참취포장에서의 물리적인 방법을 이용한 잡초방제 I. 더덕 및 참취포장에서의 주요잡초 분포양상 및 잡초종자발아에 미치는 황산 및 열처리효과 (Weed Control in Herb Field by Means of Physical Treatments I.Weed Occurrence in Herb Field and Effect of $H_2SO_4$ and Heating on the Germination of Weed Seeds.)

  • 강화석
    • 한국자원식물학회지
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    • 제10권2호
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    • pp.169-174
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    • 1997
  • 1. 더덕 및 참취 포장에 출현빈도로 나타나는 주요 우점 잡초는 더덕포장에서는 바랭이, 여뀌, 씀바귀, 명아주 등이었으며, 참취포장에서는 바랭이, 망초, 깨풀, 쇠비름, 여뀌, 민들레 등이었다. 그리고, 생체중으로 본 주요 우점잡초는 더덕포장에서는 쇠비름, 여뀌, 명아주, 피, 닭의장풀, 바랭이등이었고, 취나물포자엥서는 쇠비름, 여뀌, 피, 털진득찰, 망초등이었다. 2. 더덕포장에서는 쌍자엽 잡초의 생체중이 1133g/$m^2$로 전체 잡초 생체중의 84.9%를 차지하였고 화본과 잡초가 13g/$m^2$로 12.5%, 사초과 잡초가 28g/$m2$로 2.6%를 차지하여 주로 쌍자엽 잡초가 발생하는 결과를 보였다. 3. 대부분 농황산 처리를 하였을 때 잡초 종자의 발아율이 증가하는 경향을 보였으나 농황산 처리 시간과 잡초발아율과는 잡초종에 따라 차이를 보였다. 4. 쇠비름 건조종자에는 $80^{\circ}C$ 3분 처리시 무처리에 비해 50%의 발아억제 효과를 나타냈으며, $150^{\circ}$이상의 고온에서는 30초 전후의 처리시간으로 100% 발아억제효과를 보였다. 습윤종자가 건조종자에 비해 발아력 상실에 요하는 온도 및 처리시간이 낮거나, 단축되는 경향을 보이며 $100^{\circ}C$의 30초 처리시, 쇠비름이 78%의 발아율을 보인 반면, 바랭이는 발아가 전혀 되지 않아 고온에 대한 종자 활력의 감퇴가 쇠비름 종자 보다 바랭이 종자가 더 심하였다.

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수도작 잡초방제체계의 전망 (Development of Weed Control System in Rice)

  • 안수봉
    • 한국작물학회지
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    • 제23권3호
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    • pp.47-54
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    • 1978
  • 수도작에서 잡초방제는 필수적인 바 유초방제체계는 재배적으로는 잡초의 초종과 발생량 및 온도등 변동요인에 의하여, 경영적으로는 노임단가와 곡치 등에 의하여 영향을 받는 바 1950연대 이전에는 인력에 의하여 철저히 방제하여 왔으나 1960연대에는 농업노동역이 감소하 농작업의 성력화가 필요하게 되고 이에 따라 인력제초는 줄고 제초제사용이 늘고 노동생산성향상과 수도수량유지에 많은 공헌을 하였으며 1970연대에는 제초제가 잡초방제수단의 주종을 이루게 되었다. 그러나 현재 제초체계로는 우점초종의 천이와 생태계에 여러가지 영향을 줌으로서 환경보전약인 견지에서도 문제가 되므로 장차에는 다년생잡초에도 유효하고 치묘 또는 모든 수도품종에도 안전한 제초제를 중심으로하고 여기에 생태적, 기계적 및 생물적방제법을 가미한 잡초의 종합적방제체계로의 발전이 바람직스러우며 이를 위하여 방제대상잡초의 생리생태와 제초제작용성 등의 상호관련성구명이 필요시된다.

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