• Title/Summary/Keyword: the 2000s

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A Study on Space Program Based on the Library Facility Program (도서관 소요공간에 따른 면적구성에 관한 연구)

  • Ko, Jae-min;Cho, Hyun-Yang;Ko, Hung-Kwon
    • Journal of Korean Library and Information Science Society
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    • v.46 no.3
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    • pp.349-379
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    • 2015
  • In the 1980's opening 79 of the end of 2013, the National Public Library that had been It was 885 its opening remains in effect. Especially in the 2000s after 60% of the whole library, a library erected since the advent of the library is enough to be a significant quantitative expansion. The resulting to make a qualitative aspect of public libraries and increase users' needs for efficient space configuration. IIn particular, the user is to serve the needs of digital reading room and the increase of the cultural training changes after 2000 years ago, and appears as due to the implications of space configuration in an age-appropriate library space off the rate plan is a necessary point. The study in the 1980s-1990s, built public library established since the year 2000 centered on public library mutual comparative analysis of space configuration form. Book reading function was the conservation and highlight 1980-1990s and considered by the side of the users culture area extended since the 2000s, public library takes the difference between the ratio of the area of the facility by the area in which you can meet the standards required and the age.

Effect of Dietary Supplementation of Silicate Mineral $(Vita2000^{(R)})$ on Growth Performance and Intestinal Microflora in Broiler Chicks (사료 내 규산염 광물질$(Vita2000^{(R)})$ 첨가 급여가 육계 생산성과 장내 균총에 미치는 영향)

  • Ahn S.M.;Shin S.C.;Park S.S.;You S.J.;Kim Y.R.;Kim E.J.;Ahn B.K.;Kang C.W.
    • Korean Journal of Poultry Science
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.25-32
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    • 2006
  • This experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of dietary Vita2000 on growth performances and immune response in broiler chickens. One-day-old male chicks were fed diets containing 0, 0.5 and 1% Vita2000 (with or without antibiotics) for 5 wks. There were no significant differences in daily weight gain among the treatments, but feed intake in 1% Vita2000 groups (T3 and T4) were significantly lower than control (P<0.05). The relative abdominal fat weight and the level of crude fat in leg meat on groups fed diets containing 1% Vita2000 (T3 and T4) were significantly decreased as compared to those of control (P<0.05). The content of cholesterol in leg meat was not affect by dietary treatment. The intestinal total microbes, Coli form, Lactic acid bacteria and Salmonella spp. from bird fed 1% Vita2000 diets was significantly reduced compared to those of control. The production of IB antibody in chicks fed diet containing 0.5% Vita2000 was significantly higher than that of control groups. The overall results indicate that dietary Vita2000 may be a valuable alternative to antibiotics for optimizing growth performances, particularly for reducing the abdominal fat of broiler chicks.

QoS Provisioning for Next Generation Mobile Multimedia Networks (차세대 이동 멀티미디어 통신망을 위한 QoS 보장 방안)

  • 이문호
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.25 no.11A
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    • pp.1740-1747
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    • 2000
  • 차세대 이동 멀티미디어 통신망의 IMT-2000에서 음성뿐만 아니라 데이타, 화상, 비디오와 같은 멀티미디어 서비스를 지원하기 위해서는, QoS를 보다 효과적으로 보장할수 있는 방안이 필요하다. 본 연구에서는 핸드오프 시에 멀티미디어 서비스의 QoS를 보장하기 위한 방안의 하나로서 이동체 위치 추정에 기반을 둔 채널관리 기법인 FTC+DE를 제안한다. 시뮬레이션 결과에 의하면 제안 방법은 핸드오프 호의 블록킹율을 줄임으로서 멀티미디어 서비스의 QoS를 보다 효과적으로 유지할 수 있음이 확인되었다.

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Migration and Distribution of the Common Squid (Todarodes pacificus) in Korean Waters (한국주변해역 살오징어(Todarodes pacificus)의 회유 및 분포특성)

  • Kim, Yoon-Ha;Choi, Kwangho;Lee, Chung Il
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.173-181
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    • 2017
  • Catch data for the common squid (Todarodes pacificus), classified by squid-jigging fisheries per grid (size: $0.5^{\circ}latitude{\times}0.5^{\circ}longitude$), and the water temperature values KODC (Korea Ocean Data Center) were collected for the 1980-2009 period to study the changes in squid distribution and migration with climate regimes (1980s, 1990s, and 2000s). The primary fishing period in the 1990s and 2000s was approximately 2-3 months earlier than that in the 1980s. Especially in the East Sea, the fishing grounds in the 1980s stayed longer at high latitudes than those in the other decades. Moreover, in the 1980s, centers of the fishing ground were located near the Yamato bank (central East Sea), whereas in the 1990s and 2000s, they were situated near the southeastern coast of the Korean peninsula.

Reservation and Prediction Algorithms in IS-2000 Networks (IS-2000 네트워크에서의 레져베이션 프로토콜과 프리딕션 알고리즘)

  • 안태호;강유화;서영주
    • Proceedings of the Korean Information Science Society Conference
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    • 2000.04a
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    • pp.460-462
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    • 2000
  • 무선 이동통신 네트워크 환경에서는 제한된 네트워크 대역폭과 모바일 호스트(Mobile Host)의 잦은 이동성에 기인한 핸드오프(Hand-Off)로 인하여 다양한 종류의 트래픽(Traffic)에 대한 QoS(Quality of Service)를 보장하기가 용이하지 않다. 그러나, 이렇게 예측하기 힘든 다양한 특징을 가지는 무선 이동통신 네트워크 환경에서도 특정 종류의 트래픽, 예를 들자면 실시간 트래픽(Real-time Traffic)에 대하여 요구된 범위 내에서의 QoS(Quality of Service)가 반드시 보장되어야 한다. 본 논문에서는 모바일 호스트의 이동성을 제공하는 차세대 무선 이동통신 네트워크, 즉 2.5 세대라 불리는 IS-2000 무선 네트워크에서 다양한 종류의 실시간 트랙픽에 대해 QoS를 보장하기 위한 개선된 레져베이션 프로토콜(Advanced Reservation Protocol) 및 GPS 베이스드 (Global-Positioning-System Based)핸드오프 프리딕션 (Hand-Off Prediction) 알고리즘을 제안하였다.

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Study on the aquisition and processing of the shipborne gravity data from the southern area of Yellow sea (서해남부에서의 선상중력 자료 획득 및 처리에 관한 고찰)

  • Choi, Kwang-Sun;Ok, Soo-Suk;Suh, Man-Cheol;Choi, Young-Sub;Kim, Baek-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.3 no.4
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    • pp.291-310
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    • 2000
  • In this study, a series of data processing methods to calculate gravity anomaly from observed marine gravity data by NORI(National Oceanic Research Institute) using RV 'Hayang2000' in 1999 at southern part of the yellow sea were developed. As a results, the RMS difference of Free air anomaly among 264 crossover points is 0.436 mGal. The shipborne gravity data by NORI using RV 'Haeyang2000' will be very useful for gravitational research in and around Korean peninsula.

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  • Lee, Keun-Hye;Nam, Dong-Woo;Kim, Hyun-Jung;Nam, Soon-Hyeun;Kim, Young-Jin
    • Journal of the korean academy of Pediatric Dentistry
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    • v.31 no.3
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    • pp.362-371
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    • 2004
  • It is essential to have adequate knowledge of the timing of root resorption of deciduous teeth for diagnosis and treatment planning in pediatric and orthodontic dentistry. Dental development is also influenced by hereditary characteristics, environmental factors, race, sex, endocrine reaction, nutrition, socioeconomic condition and secular factor. The aims of the present study were to determine the mean age of root resorption of deciduous teeth in contemporary Korean children and to compare the mean age of root resorption time of deciduous teeth between early 1990s and early 2000s. The study population was made up of Korean children attending the pediatric dentistry ward of Kyungpook National University Hospital. One thousand thirty seven children's panoramic radiograph (girls: 528 persons, boys: 509 persons) in $1990{\sim}1992$ and one thousand sixty five children's panoramic radiograph (girls: 394 persons, boys: 671 persons) in $2001{\sim}2003$ were examined. This study utilized a cross-sectional design. Due to the problems of imaging in the maxillary region and the mandibular incisor region, the mandibular deciduous canine, the mandibular deciduous first molar and the mandibular deciduous second molar were chosen for examination. The results were as follows. 1. There is a tendency for the teeth to resort earlier in the early 2000s group than the in early 1990s group. At the Res c stage, the difference of the mean age was 0.4 years. 2. At the Res c stage, the order of difference of the mean age from smaller to larger for the girls was the mandibular deciduous canine, the mandibular first deciduous molar, and the mandibular second deciduous molar. On the other hand, for the boys, the order was the mandibular second deciduous molar, the mandibular first deciduous molar, and the mandibular deciduous canine. The difference was larger with aging in girls and smaller with aging in boys. 3. There is a tendency for the teeth to resort earlier in girls in both the early 1990s group and the early 2000s group. The difference of the mean age between girls and boys was 0.3 year. 4. The commencement of root resorption of the mandibular deciduous canine was slower than that of the mandibular first deciduous molar. However, the completion of root resorption of the mandibular deciduous canine is faster than that of the mandibular first deciduous molar. The total elapsed time of root resorption from commencement to completion was shortest in the mandibular deciduous canine. 5. For each of the teeth in the early 1990s and the early 2000s groups, the speed of root resorption was in the later stage faster than in the earlier stage. In order to know about the exact timing of root resorption of deciduous teeth, periodic and longitudinal studies preferably covering the entire period of growth, is required.

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