• Title/Summary/Keyword: texture gradient

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Robust Illumination Change Detection Using Image Intensity and Texture (영상의 밝기와 텍스처를 이용한 조명 변화에 강인한 변화 검출)

  • Yeon, Seungho;Kim, Jaemin
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.16 no.2
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    • pp.169-179
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    • 2013
  • Change detection algorithms take two image frames and return the locations of newly introduced objects which cause differences between the images. This paper presents a new change detection method, which classifies intensity changes due to introduced objects, reflected light and shadow from the objects to their neighborhood, and the noise, and exactly localizes the introduced objects. For classification and localization, first we analyze the histogram of the intensity difference between two images, and estimate multiple threshold values. Second we estimate candidate object boundaries using the gradient difference between two images. Using those threshold values and candidate object boundaries, we segment the frame difference image into multiple regions. Finally we classify whether each region belongs to the introduced objects or not using textures in the region. Experiments show that the proposed method exactly localizes the objects in various scenes with different lighting.

Test for the TOPMODEL′s Ability to Predict Water Table Depths of the Transient Saturation Zones which Are Formed on the Steep Hillslope (급사면에 형성된 일시적 포화대의 지하수면깊이에 대한 TOPMODEL의 예측능력 검증)

  • An, Jung-Gi
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.36 no.6
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    • pp.1035-1046
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    • 2003
  • In order to evaluate the TOPMODEL's prediction ability for spatial distribution of water table depths, two major assumptions and governing equation of water table depth are tested. For the test, data of hydrological observations are used and a soil survey is made in the steep hillslope with thin soils. Responses of water table and hydraulic properties of soil are coincident with two major assumptions of the TOPMODEL's such as water table gradient parallel to the local topographical slope and exponential decline in transmissivity with depths. Soil texture and the decline rate of transmissivity(f) we homogeneous in space at the 0∼0.3m depths of the soil of the hillslope, but they are heterogeneous in space below its 0.3m depths due to the vertical change of soil texture and the ‘f’. It is shown that the TOPMODEL's equation can be used for simulating distribution of water table depth at the depths with uniform values of the 'f'.

A Study on the Performance Improvement of Image Segmentation by Selective Application of Structuring Element in MPEG-4 (MPEG-4 기반 영상 분할에서 구조요소의 선택적 적용에 의한 분할성능 개선에 관한 연구)

  • 이완범;김환용
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea SP
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    • v.41 no.5
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    • pp.165-173
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    • 2004
  • Since the conventional image segmentation methods using mathematical morphology tend to yield over-segmented results, they normally need postprocess which merges small regions to obtain larger ones. To solve this over-segmentation problem without postprocess had to increase size of structuring element used marker extraction. As size of structuring element is very large, edge of region segments incorrectly. Therefore, this paper selectively applies structuring element of mathematical morphology to improve performance of image segmentation and classifies input image into texture region, edge region and simple region using averaged local variance and image gradient. Proposed image segmentation method removes the cause for over-segmentation of image as selectively applies size of structuring element to each region. Simulation results show that proposed method correctly segment for pixel region of similar luminance value and more correctly search texture region and edge region than conventional methods.

No-reference Image Blur Assessment Based on Multi-scale Spatial Local Features

  • Sun, Chenchen;Cui, Ziguan;Gan, Zongliang;Liu, Feng
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.14 no.10
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    • pp.4060-4079
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    • 2020
  • Blur is an important type of image distortion. How to evaluate the quality of blurred image accurately and efficiently is a research hotspot in the field of image processing in recent years. Inspired by the multi-scale perceptual characteristics of the human visual system (HVS), this paper presents a no-reference image blur/sharpness assessment method based on multi-scale local features in the spatial domain. First, considering various content has different sensitivity to blur distortion, the image is divided into smooth, edge, and texture regions in blocks. Then, the Gaussian scale space of the image is constructed, and the categorized contrast features between the original image and the Gaussian scale space images are calculated to express the blur degree of different image contents. To simulate the impact of viewing distance on blur distortion, the distribution characteristics of local maximum gradient of multi-resolution images were also calculated in the spatial domain. Finally, the image blur assessment model is obtained by fusing all features and learning the mapping from features to quality scores by support vector regression (SVR). Performance of the proposed method is evaluated on four synthetically blurred databases and one real blurred database. The experimental results demonstrate that our method can produce quality scores more consistent with subjective evaluations than other methods, especially for real burred images.

Diffusion of Salt and Drying Characteristics of Beef Jerky (육포 제조시 염의 확산속도 및 건조 특성)

  • Lee Sin-Woo;Lee Bo-Su;Cha Woen-Suep;Park Joon-Hee;Oh Sang-Lyong;Cho Young-Je;Kim Jong-Kuk;Hong Joo-Heon;Lee Won-Young
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.11 no.4
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    • pp.508-515
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    • 2004
  • In this study, salting conditions and dehydration methods were investigated. Salting time, concentration and temperature could be considered to variables in salting conditions. The diffused salt amounts to beef jerky depending on time are sharply increased in two hours. This result is caused by the difference decrease of concentration gradient between bulk solution and beef jerky. The increase of salting concentration and temperature resulted also in the increase of a diffused salt. The deeper bulk concentration made diffusion to beef easily with the bigger driving force and the movement of molecules is more active according to temperature increase. Dehydration is conducted with various methods such as natural drying, cold air drying and hot air drying. Comparing with color and texture among the drying methods, cold air drying showed superior quality in color and texture. Beef jerky by cold air drying colored more reddish than other drying methods and good cutting shear stress and tensile strength. In case of hardness and chewiness, hot air drying method showed the highest value, which means the worst texture.

Infrared Target Recognition using Heterogeneous Features with Multi-kernel Transfer Learning

  • Wang, Xin;Zhang, Xin;Ning, Chen
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.14 no.9
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    • pp.3762-3781
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    • 2020
  • Infrared pedestrian target recognition is a vital problem of significant interest in computer vision. In this work, a novel infrared pedestrian target recognition method that uses heterogeneous features with multi-kernel transfer learning is proposed. Firstly, to exploit the characteristics of infrared pedestrian targets fully, a novel multi-scale monogenic filtering-based completed local binary pattern descriptor, referred to as MSMF-CLBP, is designed to extract the texture information, and then an improved histogram of oriented gradient-fisher vector descriptor, referred to as HOG-FV, is proposed to extract the shape information. Second, to enrich the semantic content of feature expression, these two heterogeneous features are integrated to get more complete representation for infrared pedestrian targets. Third, to overcome the defects, such as poor generalization, scarcity of tagged infrared samples, distributional and semantic deviations between the training and testing samples, of the state-of-the-art classifiers, an effective multi-kernel transfer learning classifier called MK-TrAdaBoost is designed. Experimental results show that the proposed method outperforms many state-of-the-art recognition approaches for infrared pedestrian targets.

CAD Scheme To Detect Brain Tumour In MR Images using Active Contour Models and Tree Classifiers

  • Helen, R.;Kamaraj, N.
    • Journal of Electrical Engineering and Technology
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.670-675
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    • 2015
  • Medical imaging is one of the most powerful tools for gaining information about internal organs and tissues. It is a challenging task to develop sophisticated image analysis methods in order to improve the accuracy of diagnosis. The objective of this paper is to develop a Computer Aided Diagnostics (CAD) scheme for Brain Tumour detection from Magnetic Resonance Image (MRI) using active contour models and to investigate with several approaches for improving CAD performances. The problem in clinical medicine is the automatic detection of brain Tumours with maximum accuracy and in less time. This work involves the following steps: i) Segmentation performed by Fuzzy Clustering with Level Set Method (FCMLSM) and performance is compared with snake models based on Balloon force and Gradient Vector Force (GVF), Distance Regularized Level Set Method (DRLSE). ii) Feature extraction done by Shape and Texture based features. iii) Brain Tumour detection performed by various tree classifiers. Based on investigation FCMLSM is well suited segmentation method and Random Forest is the most optimum classifier for this problem. This method gives accuracy of 97% and with minimum classification error. The time taken to detect Tumour is approximately 2 mins for an examination (30 slices).

Post-Processing for JPEG-Coded Image Deblocking via Sparse Representation and Adaptive Residual Threshold

  • Wang, Liping;Zhou, Xiao;Wang, Chengyou;Jiang, Baochen
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.11 no.3
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    • pp.1700-1721
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    • 2017
  • The problem of blocking artifacts is very common in block-based image and video compression, especially at very low bit rates. In this paper, we propose a post-processing method for JPEG-coded image deblocking via sparse representation and adaptive residual threshold. This method includes three steps. First, we obtain the dictionary by online dictionary learning and the compressed images. The dictionary is then modified by the histogram of oriented gradient (HOG) feature descriptor and K-means cluster. Second, an adaptive residual threshold for orthogonal matching pursuit (OMP) is proposed and used for sparse coding by combining blind image blocking assessment. At last, to take advantage of human visual system (HVS), the edge regions of the obtained deblocked image can be further modified by the edge regions of the compressed image. The experimental results show that our proposed method can keep the image more texture and edge information while reducing the image blocking artifacts.

Adaptive Detection of a Moving Target Undergoing Illumination Changes against a Dynamic Background

  • Lu, Mu;Gao, Yang;Zhu, Ming
    • Journal of the Optical Society of Korea
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    • v.20 no.6
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    • pp.745-751
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    • 2016
  • A detection algorithm, based on the combined local-global (CLG) optical-flow model and Gaussian pyramid for a moving target appearing against a dynamic background, can compensate for the inadaptability of the classic Horn-Schunck algorithm to illumination changes and reduce the number of needed calculations. Incorporating the hypothesis of gradient conservation into the traditional CLG optical-flow model and combining structure and texture decomposition enable this algorithm to minimize the impact of illumination changes on optical-flow estimates. Further, calculating optical-flow with the Gaussian pyramid by layers and computing optical-flow at other points using an optical-flow iterative with higher gray-level points together reduce the number of calculations required to improve detection efficiency. Finally, this proposed method achieves the detection of a moving target against a dynamic background, according to the background motion vector determined by the displacement and magnitude of the optical-flow. Simulation results indicate that this algorithm, in comparison to the traditional Horn-Schunck optical-flow algorithm, accurately detects a moving target undergoing illumination changes against a dynamic background and simultaneously demonstrates a significant reduction in the number of computations needed to improve detection efficiency.

Person-Independent Facial Expression Recognition with Histograms of Prominent Edge Directions

  • Makhmudkhujaev, Farkhod;Iqbal, Md Tauhid Bin;Arefin, Md Rifat;Ryu, Byungyong;Chae, Oksam
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.12 no.12
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    • pp.6000-6017
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    • 2018
  • This paper presents a new descriptor, named Histograms of Prominent Edge Directions (HPED), for the recognition of facial expressions in a person-independent environment. In this paper, we raise the issue of sampling error in generating the code-histogram from spatial regions of the face image, as observed in the existing descriptors. HPED describes facial appearance changes based on the statistical distribution of the top two prominent edge directions (i.e., primary and secondary direction) captured over small spatial regions of the face. Compared to existing descriptors, HPED uses a smaller number of code-bins to describe the spatial regions, which helps avoid sampling error despite having fewer samples while preserving the valuable spatial information. In contrast to the existing Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) that uses the histogram of the primary edge direction (i.e., gradient orientation) only, we additionally consider the histogram of the secondary edge direction, which provides more meaningful shape information related to the local texture. Experiments on popular facial expression datasets demonstrate the superior performance of the proposed HPED against existing descriptors in a person-independent environment.