• Title/Summary/Keyword: textbooks

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Investigating mathematics teachers' understanding of and intention to use textbooks (수학 교사의 교과서 이해 및 활용 의도 탐색)

  • Cho, Soohyun;Kim, Gooyeon
    • The Mathematical Education
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    • v.60 no.1
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    • pp.111-131
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    • 2021
  • This study aims to investigate how secondary mathematics teachers understand and intend to use textbooks for their mathematics instruction. For this purpose, we developed a set of survey items in order to unpack what the teachers understand the mathematical tasks suggested in the textbooks in terms of the levels of cognitive demand and how they intended to use the tasks in the textbooks for their teaching. Twenty-five teachers participated in the survey. The data from the survey were analyzed. The findings from the data analysis suggested as follows: a) the teachers seemed to closely follow textbooks without attempting to modify the tasks, even when the teachers consider it is necessary to modify textbook tasks to high-level tasks, b) the teachers seemed to be unstable in regards that they admitted themselves very competent for modifying tasks for developing students' mathematical thinking but, at the same time, they were uncomfortable with transforming tasks into cognitively demanding tasks that promote students' mathematical understanding, and c) the teachers appeared to consider textbooks as significant criteria in conducting tests including midterm and final exam. In conclusion, the teachers seemed to intend to follow closely the contents and sequence of mathematics textbooks in their mathematics classrooms.

A theoretical study to establish the concept of textbooks using online content and the direction of future textbooks (온라인 콘텐츠 활용 교과서의 개념과 미래형 교과서의 방향 정립을 위한 이론적 고찰)

  • Ahn, Sung Hun
    • Journal of Creative Information Culture
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    • v.7 no.4
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    • pp.257-264
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    • 2021
  • As online classes started in 2020 due to the COVID-19 outbreak, the use of online content in classes such as e-books, Google tools, and videos has increased. Accordingly, the need for textbooks made by teachers is emerging so that students can learn effectively even in an online environment. In addition, as online classes and student-participatory classes using various online contents expand, teachers are actively using online content-using textbooks as well as book-type textbooks. In other words, it is a time not only to prepare for online classes, but to establish the concept of online textbooks and to think about the system and direction of current textbooks in order to transform into a future education system. Therefore, in this paper, the basic data for establishing the concept of online content utilization textbooks that are currently being introduced have been analyzed and theoretical contents for the development direction of future textbooks to be developed in the future are explored.

Analysis of the 2015 Revised Mathematics Textbooks on Quadrilaterals: Focusing on the Instructional Components of 2-D Shape (평면도형의 교수·학습 요소에 따른 사각형에 관한 2015 개정 수학 국정 및 검정 교과서 분석)

  • Kwon, Misun
    • Education of Primary School Mathematics
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.237-255
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    • 2023
  • At a time when the textbooks publishing system is changing from government-administered to certified, it is necessary to analyze textbooks published in both systems. This study analyzed one government textbook and three certified textbooks on quadrilaterals based on the instructional components that must be taught in the area of 2-D shapes. As a result of the analysis, it was found that concept exploration was implemented appropriately, but classification activities were not presented in some lessons. In Defining Concepts, the definition of the concept was presented appropriately, but there were differences depending on the textbooks. In addition, it was found that there was little activity in talking about the components of shapes or shapes. In applying concepts, more diverse activities were presented in certified textbooks than in government textbooks. Knowing relationships are rarely presented in textbooks due to its influence on the curriculum. Based on the results of this analysis of quadrilaterals, this study provides textbook writers with implications on what to further consider is dealing with quadrilaterals.

A Comparative Study on Illustrations of Science Textbooks in Korean and American Elementary Schools -Focus on Biology Section of 3rd-6th Grades (한국과 미국 초등학교 과학 교과서 삽화 비교 연구: $3{\sim}6$학년 생명영역을 중심으로)

  • Chung, Choong-Duk;Oh, Hong-Sik;Choi, Jin-Seok;Kang, Kyung-Hee
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.27 no.7
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    • pp.639-644
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    • 2007
  • This study intended to examine the differences through comparative analysis of the illustrations in the 3rd - 6th grade elementary science textbooks. The analysis of the types and illustrations in the Korean and American textbooks revealed that the textbooks of both countries provide many photographs and illustrations, so as to deliver data mainly in the form of realistic illustration. In Korean textbooks, pictures and cartoons were mainly used with photographs to guide the students into experiments and to enhance their interests and curiosity. In contrast, the American textbooks place more emphasis on diagrams and photographs to train the students in analyzing and interpreting data. The Korean textbooks should place more emphasis on the diagrams in order to encourage elementary school students to analyze and interpret the given data. As a result the addition of more diverse forms of illustrations and the re-organization of illustrations according to the topic should be considered in future Korean textbooks.

The Analysis of Contents Relevant to Korean Medicine in Elementary School National Textbooks (초등학교 국정 교과서의 한의학 관련 내용에 관한 분석 연구)

  • Kim, Hui Joon;Kim, Min Yoo;Kim, Ki Bong
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.35 no.3
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    • pp.32-39
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    • 2014
  • Objectives: Elementary school national textbooks of 2013 were analyzed to examine the contents related to Korean medicine in the Korean elementary school curriculum. Methods: The contents related to Korean medicine were identified in the 118 elementary school national textbooks of 2013, and their proportion in the total textbooks was calculated. The Korean medicine-related contents were also analyzed. Results: There were twelve parts related to Korean medicine in seven chapters in six courses, and four directly related words and eight indirectly related words were found in twelve parts. The total number of lines for the contents related to Korean medicine were 205, which occupied 0.063% in the total elementary school national textbooks. The contents occupied 0.013% in the second grade, 0.265% in the third grade, 0.036% in the fourth grade, and 0.042% in the fifth grade. Conclusion: The results show that the coverage of Korean medicine in the elementary school national textbooks in 2013 does not provide enough information on Korean medicine. To help people get to know about Korean medicine and use it in the right way, it would be necessary to include more information about Korean medicine in textbooks, and continuous interest as well as research will be needed.

Analysis of Nursing-related Content Portrayed in Middle and High School Textbooks under the National Common Basic Curriculum in Korea (우리나라 중.고등학교 교과서에 나타난 간호관련 내용분석)

  • Jung, Myun-Sook;Choi, Hyeong-Wook;Li, Dong-Mei
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.40 no.1
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    • pp.33-42
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    • 2010
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to analyze nursing-related content in middle, and high school textbooks under the National Common Basic Curriculum in Korea. Methods: Nursing-related content from 43 middle school textbooks and 13 high school textbooks was analyzed. Results: There were 28 items of nursing-related content in the selected textbooks. Among them, 13 items were in the 'nursing activity' area, 6 items were in the 'nurse as an occupation' area, 2 items were in the 'major and career choice' area, 6 items were 'just one word' and 1 item in 'others'. Conclusion: The main nursing related content which portrayed in the middle and high school textbooks were caring for patients (7 items accounting for 46.5%), nurses working in hospitals (6 items accounting for 21.4%). In terms of gender perspective, female nurses (15 items accounting for 53.6%) were most prevalent.

A Study on Textbooks of South Korea, Singapore, and Japan Focused on the Teaching of the Time (시간 지도에 관한 초등수학교과서 비교 연구 - 한국, 싱가포르, 일본을 중심으로 -)

  • Cho, Young-Mi;Lim, Sun-Hye
    • Journal of Elementary Mathematics Education in Korea
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.421-440
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    • 2010
  • Our country has excessive amount of learning per hour compared with Japan and Singapore. And as there is no consistence for definition of time between grades, it deteriorates understanding of students. Our country teaches students focusing on time algorism whereas Japan and Singapore teaches their students focusing on flow of time. In composing of mathematics textbook in Korea, Japan and Singapore, textbook of our country contains far more of learning compared with the amount designated in textbooks. Textbooks of Japan contains less teaching elements, but instead it contains much activities to expedite time sense As time is distributed in activities of students, it is more important to construct textbooks with experience of students rather than algorism approaches. In addition, textbooks of Singapore contains various examples and clarified concepts compared with those of our country. Like above, time teaching deployment methods of Japan and Singapore gives us good lessons for teaching time in our country, and it is expected be good reference for future development of our textbooks.

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The Conceptual Study on Driving Factors for Wind based on Land and Sea Breeze in the Elementary Textbooks (초등학교 교과서 속 해륙풍에 기반한 바람이 부는 이유에 대한 개념적 고찰)

  • Lee, Gyuho
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.486-501
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    • 2015
  • In the elementary school science curriculum, wind is one of the most important concept. In particular, land and sea breeze has been a key example to deliver how wind is driven, and thus its model experiments have been used to help students understand causes of wind. Here we compare causes and explanations for wind and land and sea breeze between textbooks in colleges and elementary schools to examine any potential improvement for the contents. In addition, we conducted survey to examine how pre-service teachers understand land and sea breeze, and convection box experiment used in elementary school textbooks is useful to understand land and sea breeze. Based on the comparison, we find that college level textbook explains the cause of wind as atmospheric pressure difference while elementary school textbooks explain them differently according to curriculums. In the textbooks, there are a difference in the way described for land and sea breeze. Analysis of questionnaire indicate that pre-service teachers understood land and sea breeze correctly, and they selected the convection box experiment in 2009 curriculum textbooks as the most suitable one. Explanations and experiments for land and sea breeze in the textbooks have been revised as the modification of elementary school curriculums. We expect this study helps to deliver more solid contents for wind and land and sea breeze in the upcoming new curriculum.

A Study on Subdividing Computer Textbooks into Lessons for Commerce.Information High Schools (상업.정보계 고등학교 컴퓨터 교과서의 단원별 제작 방안 연구)

  • Yoon, Seok-Ho;Hwang, In-Jae
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.1-12
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    • 2010
  • Commerce information high schools offer diverse computer related courses, and a number of different textbooks were published for each course. Since each corse covers broad area, the textbook has difficulties in keeping up with the rapid change. It is even more difficult to find textbooks that suit the needs and requirements of a school. Very frequently, chapters on application software cover software packages that are different from what school has in terms of producer or version. This kind of difficulties can be overcome by subdividing textbooks into lessons, and selecting lessons and textbooks for them that are most appropriate for each school. This paper proposes a way to subdivide computer textbooks into lessons, and discusses the advantages that come from it.

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An analysis of terms presented in Elementary school science textbooks (초등학교 과학 교과서에 제시된 용어 유형 분석)

  • Kwon, Chi-Soon;Sin, Won-Sub
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Earth Science Education
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.141-147
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    • 2010
  • This study was carried out to analyze terms in primary science textbooks. The results of the research are as follows. 1. The higher-grade science textbooks use more types of categories and less definitions for terms. Only 14% of definitions for terms are showed in textbooks, and no more than 0.4~0.6 definitions shows the shortage of definitions for terms in one class content. 2. The definitions by contract, which forms 68%, was the highest in elementary science textbooks. And the dictionary definitions, which are 62%, was the highest in experiment-observation textbooks. 3. The most used type of definitions is the way which is used for a case or a indicating methods, and its rate is increasing steadily. And its rate was 76% of the whole of terms. 4. Terms used in energy field are few as compared with terms of other fields. Each field has completely different ways of defining terms and presenting content in textbooks to other fields.

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