• Title/Summary/Keyword: tetragonal phase

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Phase Transformation and Mechanical Properties of Reaction Sintered Mullite-Zirconia (Yttria) Composite (반응소결된 물라이트-지르코니아(이트리아) 복합체의 상변태와 기계적 성질에 관한 연구)

  • 오경영;장성도
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.28 no.7
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    • pp.549-555
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    • 1991
  • Mullite-zirconia (0∼4 mol% yttria) composites were obtained by In-situ sintering of zircon and alumina mixture, and their mechanical properties were studied in conjuction with microstructure observation. Martensitic transformation temperature (Ms) of zirconia dispersed in the mullite matrix decreased with Y2O3 contents and was about 600$^{\circ}C$ for ZrO2 containing 4 mol% Y2O3. On cooling of this composites, tetragonal to monoclinic phase transformation induced microcracks at the grain boundary of mullite matrix. The microcracks seemed to absorb the fracture energy in stress field during mechanical tests. Therefore, toughening mechanisms of this composite were considered to nucleation and extension of microcrack, and crack deflection mechanism due to the difference of thermal expansion coefficient between matrix and dispersed phase.

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Aging of Resonant Frequency of PZT Piezoelectric Ceramic Resonantors (PZT 압전세라믹스 공진자의 공진주파수의 경시변화)

  • 이개명;강찬호;김병효;황충구;고승우
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of Electrical and Electronic Material Engineers Conference
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    • 2002.07a
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    • pp.109-114
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    • 2002
  • Aging stabilities of the operating frequency of piezoelectric devices such as filter, oscillator and discriminator are very important. In this study it was studied aging stabilities of the length-extensional vibration mode of Pb(Zr$\_$y/Ti$\_$1-y/)O$_3$+x[wt%]Cr$_2$O$_3$ ceramics. PZT ceramics in Morphotropic phase boundary have higher aging rates of k$\_$31/ and resonant frequency than those in tetragonal phase or rhombohedral phase. Thermal aging moves the composition with maximum aging rate to Zr-rich side in Cr not added PZT system. Aging rate of resonant frequency of the ceramics with x=0.1, y=0.53 and x=0.3, y=0.53 increased by thermal aging.

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Ferromagnetic Resonance Observation of Martensitic Phase Transformation in Ni-Mn-Ga Ferromagnetic Shape Memory Films

  • Dubowik, J.;Kudryavtsev, Y.V.;Lee, Y.P
    • Journal of Magnetics
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.37-39
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    • 2004
  • Polycrystalline Ni-Mn-Ga films have been deposited onto mica substrates held at 720 K by flash-evaporation method. At room temperature the films have a tetragonal structure with a = b = 0.598 and c = 0.576 nm typical for bulk $Ni_2MnGa$ below a martensitic transformation. Temperature measurements of ferromagnetic resonance reveal a martensitic phase transformation at 310 K. The transformation brings about a substantial decrease in the effective magnetization and a drastic increase in the ferromagnetic resonance linewidth due to a strong increase in the magnetic anisotropy in the martensitic phase.

Mechanical Properties of $Zr(Y,Ce)O_2$ TZP After Aging in Hydrothermal Conditon ($Zr(Y,Ce)O_2$ TZP의 수열분위기 시효후의 기계적 성질)

  • 손영국;박홍채
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.36 no.12
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    • pp.1390-1395
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    • 1999
  • Zr(Y,Ce)O2 TZP ceramics were prepared by sintering compacts of 3 mol% Y2O3-TZP(3Y-TZP) powders with different amount of 12 mol% CeO2-TZP(12Ce-TZP) in air at 140$0^{\circ}C$ for 2 h. The phase changes microstructure and mechanical properties of Zr(Y. Ce)O2 TZP after hydrothermal aging(20$0^{\circ}C$ 5h) were investigated. Although an addition of 12Ce-TZP accelerated the grain growth of Zr(Y, Ce)O2 TZP it restrained the transformation of tetragonal to the monoclinic phase during aging. The degradation in mechanical properties of sintered bodies was governed by the formed monoclinic phase and chemical composition. Induced Vickers indentation crack was propagated intergranually. From SEM observation of the fracture surfaces the pull-out of individual grain was confirmed.

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Microstructures and Densification Behaviors of $Al_2O_3-ZrO_2(ZTA)$ Composites Fabricated by a Surface-induced Coating (표면-유기 코팅에 의해 합성한 $Al_2O_3-ZrO_2(ZTA)$ 복합체의 미세구조와 소결거동)

  • 장현명;문종하;김광수
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.31 no.1
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    • pp.17-24
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    • 1994
  • Al2O3-ZrO2(ZTA) composites were fabricated by a surface-induced coating of the precursor for the ZrO2 phase on the kinetically stable colloid particles of Al2O3. The fabricated composites were characterized by a uniform spatial distribution of the dispersed ZrO2 phase and by the absence of large ZrO2 grains throughout the Al2O3 matrix. The fracture toughness (KIC) and the bending strength of ZTA composites sintered at 1$600^{\circ}C$, respectively, were 5.6 MPa.m1/2 (for 20 wt% ZrO2) and 600 MPa (for 15wt% ZrO2). The fraction of tetragonal ZrO2 phase decreases as the total content of ZrO2, suggesting that both the stress-induced tlongrightarrowm transformation and the microcrack nucleation contribute to the toughening of the ZTA composites fabricated by the surface-induced coating.

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Magnetic and Ordering Behavior of Nb-doped FePt Alloy Films

  • Kim, Min-Kyu;Lee, Seong-Rae
    • Journal of Magnetics
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.28-32
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    • 2005
  • The magnetic properties and ordering behavior of Nb-doped FePt alloy films prepared by dc-magnetron sputtering were investigated. It was found that Nb addition retarded the ordering reaction from the disordered face-centered-cubic (fcc) Al phase to the ordered face-centered-tetragonal (fct) L10 phase. The tetragonality (c/a ratio) of the ordered fct L10 phase increased with the Nb concentration. Nb addition hampered c-axis contraction during ordering, probably because the larger Nb atoms occupy Pt sites. Consequently, the coercivity and magnetocrystalline anisotropic energy of Nb-doped FePt alloy films are lower than those of un-doped FePt film under equivalent annealing conditions.

Field-Induced Strains and Polarization Switching Mechanisms in La-Modified $Pb(Sc_{1/2}Nb_{1/2})O_3-PbTiO_3$ Ceramics (La 변성 $Pb(Sc_{1/2}Nb_{1/2})O_3-PbTiO_3$계 요업체의 전계유기변위와 분극특성)

  • 장명철
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.63-69
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    • 2000
  • Electrically-induced strain(S) and polarization(P) for Pb(Sc1/2Nb1/2)O3-PbTiO3(1-x)PSN-xPT) crystalline solutions were studied. From the compositional dependence of S and P we could observe two maximum values at x=0.10 and x=0.425. It is considered that PSNT10(x=0.10) composition is the structural phase boundary to indicate the variable order-disorder[VOD] region. PSNT(x=0.425) composition is the morphotropic phase boundary[MPB] to indicate the rhombohedral to tetragonal phase transition. Higher S (0.437%) and P (0.3974$\mu$C/$\textrm{cm}^2$) values were attained by the La substitution (5 wt%) at Pb site in the MPB composition of 57.5PSN-42.5PT.

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The Preparation and Thermal Decomposition of the Basic Zirconium Sulfate (Basic Zirconium Sulfate의 제조와 그 열분해 거동)

  • 석상일;정하균;주명희;박도순
    • Journal of the Korean Ceramic Society
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    • v.27 no.6
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    • pp.707-712
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    • 1990
  • The basic zirconium sulfate was prepared from ZrOCl2.8H2O and H2SO4 in the 9$0^{\circ}C$ aqueous solution. The pH and amount of unreacted zirconium in the solution that reacton had completed was 0.2 and 10%. As the pH was increased to 1.4 by NH4OH theresulting precipitates were the mixtures of the basic zirconium sulfate and the zirconium hydroxide although the precipitates were recovered completely. The thermal decomposition behavior of this sample has been examined by thermal analysis(TG-DTA), X-ray diffraction study, infrared spectroscopy and sulfur analysis. As a result, it was found that the precipitates have perfectly been decomposed at 85$0^{\circ}C$ accompanying to the release of a molecule of water below 25$0^{\circ}C$ and 85% sulfate at about $600^{\circ}C$. The thermally decomlposed products were initially amorphous phase, which were become metastable tetragonal phase with increment of temperature and finally transformed to the stable monoclinic phase at 100$0^{\circ}C$.

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Structure and Bonding of Perovskites A($Cu_{1/3}Nb_{2/3}$)$O_3$ (A=Sr, Ba and Pb) and their Series of Mixed Perovskites

  • Park Hyu-Bum;Huh Hwang;Kim Si-Joong
    • Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.122-127
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    • 1992
  • Some perovskites $A($Cu_{1}3}Nb_{2}3}$)O_3(A=$Sr^{2+}$$, $Ba^{2+}$ and $Pb^{2+}$) and their series of mixed perovskites have been prepared by solid state reaction. Single perovskite phase was obtained in Sr or Ba rich samples, but pyrochlore phase was found in Pb rich samples. The stability of perovskite phase is dependent on the ionicity of bonding as well as the tolerance factor. All the obtained perovskites have tetragonal symmetry distorted by Jahn-Teller effect of $Cu^{2+}$. In the case of $Sr(Cu_{1}3}Nb_{2}3})O_3$, some superlattice lines caused by threefold enlarging of fundamental unit cell were observed. And, the symmetry of B site octahedron and the bonding character of B-O bond have been studied by IR, ESR and diffuse reflection spectroscopy. It appeared that the symmetry and the bonding character are influenced by such factors as the size and the basicity of A cation.

Phase Transitions of $LiMn_2O_4$ on $CO_2$ Decomposition (($CO_2$ 분해시 $LiMn_2O_4$의 상변화)

  • Kwoen, Tae-Hwan;Yang, Chun-Mo;Park, Young-Goo;Cho, Young-Koo;Rim, Byung-O
    • Journal of the Korean Applied Science and Technology
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    • v.20 no.1
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    • pp.33-43
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    • 2003
  • $LiMn_2O_4$ catalyst for $CO_2$ decomposition was synthesized by oxidation method for 30 min at 600$^{\circ}C$ in an electric furnace under air condition using manganese(II) nitrate $(Mn(NO_3)_2{\cdot}6H_2O)$, Lithium nitrate ($LiNO_3$) and Urea $(CO(NH_2)_2)$. The synthesized catalyst was reduced by $H_2$ at various temperatures for 3 hr. The reduction degree of the reduced catalysts were measured using the TGA. And then $CO_2$ decomposition rate was measured using the reduced catalysts. Phase-transitions of the catalysts were observed after $CO_2$ decomposition reaction at an optimal decomposition temperature. As the result of X-ray powder diffraction analysis, the synthesized catalyst was confirmed that the catalyst has the spinel structure, and also confirmed that when it was reduced by $H_2$, the phase of $LiMn_2O_4$ catalyst was transformed into $Li_2MnO_3$ and $Li_{1-2{\delta}}Mn_{2-{\delta}}O_{4-3{\delta}-{\delta}'}$ of tetragonal spinel phase. After $CO_2$ decomposition reaction, it was confirmed that the peak of $LiMn_2O_4$ of spinel phase. The optimal reduction temperature of the catalyst with $H_2$ was confirmed to be 450$^{\circ}C$(maximum weight-increasing ratio 9.47%) in the case of $LiMn_2O_4$ through the TGA analysis. Decomposition rate(%) using the $LiMn_2O_4$ catalyst showed the 67%. The crystal structure of the synthesized $LiMn_2O_4$ observed with a scanning electron microscope(SEM) shows cubic form. After reduction, $LiMn_2O_4$ catalyst became condensed each other to form interface. It was confirmed that after $CO_2$ decomposition, crystal structure of $LiMn_2O_4$ catalyst showed that its particle grew up more than that of reduction. Phase-transition by reduction and $CO_2$ decomposition ; $Li_2MnO_3$ and $Li_{1-2{\delta}}Mn_{2-{\delta}}O_{4-3{\delta}-{\delta}'}$ of tetragonal spinel phase at the first time of $CO_2$ decomposition appear like the same as the above contents. Phase-transition at $2{\sim}5$ time ; $Li_2MnO_3$ and $Li_{1-2{\delta}}Mn_{2-{\delta}}O_{4-3{\delta}-{\delta}'}$ of tetragonal spinel phase by reduction and $LiMn_2O_4$ of spinel phase after $CO_2$ decomposition appear like the same as the first time case. The result of the TGA analysis by catalyst reduction ; The first time, weight of reduced catalyst increased by 9.47%, for 2${\sim}$5 times, weight of reduced catalyst increased by average 2.3% But, in any time, there is little difference in the decomposition ratio of $CO_2$. That is to say, at the first time, it showed 67% in $CO_2$ decomposition rate and after 5 times reaction of $CO_2$ decomposition, it showed 67% nearly the same as the first time.