Silva Jaime A. Teixeira da;Giang Dam Thi Thanh;Tanaka Michio
Journal of Plant Biotechnology
To overcome various disadvantages of conventional cul-ture vessels for micropropagation, a novel disposable vessel, the 'Vitron', made of a multi-layered $OTP^{(R)}$ film and supported by a polypropylene frame, was developed. The film possesses superior properties such as: high light transmittance, low water vapor transmittance and thermal stability and in particular, high gas-permeability. Single nodal explants, which were excised from the multiple shoots derived from shoot-tip culture, were cultured in Vitron and polycarbonate vessels on $3\%$ sugar-containing agar on MS medium and placed at 3000 ppm $CO_2$-enrichment at a low photosynthetic photon flux density (PPFD) ($45{\mu}mol\;m^{-2}\;s^{-1}$). The in vitro and ex vitro growth, and the net photosynthetic rate of in vitro and ex vitro plantlets were significantly enhanced in the Vitron compared to those cultured in a polycarbonate vessel. Explants that were cultured on the same MS medium under low PPFD at various $CO_2$ concentrations were also cultured at 3000 ppm $CO_2$- enrichment at various PPFD: 30, 45, 60, 75 and $90{\mu}mol\;m^{-2}\;s^{-1}$. The best in vitro and ex vitro growth obtained for 3000 ppm $CO_2$-enrichment at $75{\mu}mol\;m^{-2}\;s^{-1}$ PPFD. The novel Vitron vessel, when placed under the two conditions, may replace conventional culture vessels for the successful micropropagation of sweetpotato.
Variability in growth and sporulation of five isolates of Arthrobotrys dactyloides was studied on five agar, 6 bran and 5 grain media. Potato dextrose agar (PDA) supported maximum growth of isolate A, C and E, while growth of isolate Band D was significantly lower on this medium. On Czapek's agar and yeast glucose agar media the differentiation in the isolates in relation to growth was poor than PDA. The other two media showed much poorer differentiation. On Czapek's agar medium, sporulation was recorded in isolate B only, whereas other isolates showed rare sporulation. Among the bran media, pea bran agar medium supported maximum growth of all the isolates except isolate B. Gram and rice bran agar media were next best. However, the growth of isolate B on the gram bran agar medium was more or less equal as other isolates. On pigeon pea bran agar medium, isolate E failed to grow while other isolates recorded poor growth. On lentil bran agar medium, only isolate Band D recorded little growth, whereas other isolates failed to grow. All the isolates recorded good sporulation on bran agar media except pigeon pea and lentil bran agar media. The grain agar media supported moderate to very good growth of all the isolates. In general isolate B remained slow growing on these media except gram grain and sorghum grain agar media on which growth of this isolate was comparable to other isolates. Sporulation in general, was good on all the grain agar media. Among different substrates screened, barley grain and pea bran were found superior to others for mass culture of isolate A of A. dactyloides.
Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
The effects of cooking methods by boiling, electric oven and microwave on the proximate composition, minerals and water-soluble vitamins of two major Korean potato varieties (Soomi and Namjac) were studied. The dry matter content was increased after the cooking by the methods of electric oven and microwave, however, the crude fiber content was highly decreased by both methods. The crude ash content was not affected by the cooking methods used. The potassium content was increased by electric oven and microwave methods, and iron content was increased by electric oven baking, however, the copper content was significantly decreased by the electric oven and microwave cooking methods. The macrominerals (phosphorus, magnesium, calcium) and microminerals (zinc, manganese, nickel, lead, cadmium) content present initially in potatoes have not been changed by the cooking methods employed in this study. Relative retention value of ascorbic acid was the lowest and the value of thiamin was the highest in the potatoes cooked by microwave. The retention values of riboflavin and folic acid obtained. after boiling were similar to those after microwave cooking, and both of these treatments were superior to the electric oven baking. The retention values of niacin and vitamin $B_6$ varied between 93 and 100% depending on the cooking methods used. Overall, with a few exceptions, the retention values of water-soluble vitamins in boiled and microwave cooked potatoes were superior to those of the electric oven baked.
Nam, Jung Hwan;Hong, Su Young;Kim, Su Jeong;Sohn, Hwang Bae;Kim, Yul Ho;Park, Young Eun;Lee, Kyung Tea;Park, Soo jin;Lee, Jae Kwon
Proceedings of the Plant Resources Society of Korea Conference
Color-fleshed potatoes 'Hong-young' and 'Ja-young' were developed by RDA, and it has reported that they have high content of anthocyanin. Additionally they show higher radical scavenging activity compared to white or yellow fleshed potatoes. So it will be expected that the consumption of color-fleshed potatoes gradually increase by pre-peeled potatoes and color potato chips. This study was conducted to enhance the utilization of the tuber of color-fleshed potatoes. At first, we isolated four compounds from the organic solvents soluble layer in ethanol extract of tuber, and their structures were characterized by spectroscopic methods and by comparing their data to those in the literature. Their structures were characterized to be caffeic acid (1), chlorogenic acid (2), gallic acid (3) and protocatechuic acid (4) for the first time reported from this source. These compounds were already reported ingredients but considered to exhibit a high physiological activity. The quantitative determination on the four compounds in tuber of color-fleshed [Hong-young (HY) & Ja-young (JY)] and white-fleshed [Superior (SP)] potatoes samples were measured using HPLC. The concentration of caffeic acid in each total fractionations of HY (184.4 g/g) and JY (435.1 g/g) were higher than in total fractionation of SP (31.1). The concentration of gallic acid in each total fractionations of HY (282.1 g/g) and JY (315.2 g/g) were higher than in total fractionation of SP (143.3 g/g). The concentration of chlorogenic acid contents appeared to be highest in total fractionation of SP (954.2 g/g). The concentration of protocatechuic acid in total fractionation of HY (120.3 g/g) was higher than in each total fractionationss of JY (74.4 g/g) and SP (102.7 g/g). Overall, color-fleshed potatoes had higher amount of physicochemical properties than 'Superior'. Therefore, color-fleshed potatoes are expected to be highly valuable items for the development and applications of a functional food. In addition, these results will provide fundamental information for improving sitological value, and breeding of new cultivar.
Kim, Su Jeong;Sohn, Hwang Bae;Hong, Su Young;Nam, Jung Hwan;Chang, Dong Chil;Suh, Jong Taek;Kim, Yul Ho
Potato greening determines the shelf life and affects the marketability of this tuber. Various stresses during handling and storage interact to affect the tuber's physiological status and can affect the rate of greening. This study investigated the effects of storage temperature on tuber greening and shelf life in unwashed and washed potatoes of the cultivar Superior. Physiological and biochemical changes were examined during 15 days at room temperature ($23{\pm}2^{\circ}C$) under cool-white fluorescent light after storage for 1 month at different temperatures ($4^{\circ}C$, $20^{\circ}C$). Hunter a values were negative (-) for washed potatoes after 3 days (-0.8) and 15 days (-2.5) at room temperature following 1 month of storage at $4^{\circ}C$ while positive (+) values were observed for unwashed potatoes after 15 days at room temperature. The Hunter ${\Delta}E$ values of washed potatoes previously stored at $4^{\circ}C$ for 1 month increased after 3 days at room temperature compared with those of unwashed potatoes. The total chlorophyll content of washed potatoes was higher than that of unwashed potatoes. The highest correlation was observed between the Hunter ${\Delta}E$ value and Hunter a value (-0.93506), while a positive correlation coefficient (0.89806) was observed between greening criteria and Hunter ${\Delta}E$ value by using colorimetry. We conclude, therefore, that there is a biosynthetic link between temperature-induced chlorophyll accumulation and tuber greening in storage.
Influence of different cultivated areas on the processing-grade tuber yield, specific gravity, reducing sugar content and tuber qualities of five promising varieties was studied to get the basic information for selecting potato varieties with good processing quality under the different cultivated conditions on Korea. The average total tuber yields of 5 tested varieties at the 2nd harvest time was 3,.051kg/10a in Daekwallyoung. The processing-grade tuber yield of the late-maturing variety of Gemchip was over 3.2 tons per 10a, whereas that of late-maturing variety, NS1 was 2.8 tons per 10a. The dry matter content of the tubers produced from Daekwallyoung was the highest, followed by the order of Bosung, atlantic was the highest in dry matter content, followed by the order of NS1, NS2, Superior and Gemchip. Degrees of change in glucose content as affected by change of cultivated areas were different among varieties. Atlantic and NS1 showed less change of glucose content as compared with other varieties.
This study was carried out to exploit and utilize American sycamore (Platanus occidentalis) and poplar grown in Korea as veneer species for plywood manufacture. At this study to save the imported lauan logs and dollars, the effects affecting to the properties of plywood constructed by sycamore, poplar and lauan veneers were studied. Important items dealt with this study were dry and wet shear strength, moisture content, and specific gravities By the results and discussion it may be summarized as followings. 1) Sycamore core lauan plywood (A-II type) was shown best dry shear strength, and the next were all lauan veneer plywood (A-I type), poplar core lauan plywood (B-I type), lauan core sycamore plywood (A-III type) in order. There are no differences between dry shear strength of A-II type and A-I type, A-II type and B-I type plywood. 2) Wet shear strength showed the same order with dry shear strength. A-II type plywood showed best wet shear strength and it showed more difference than other plwoods. A-I type, B-I type and A-III type plywood were all very good without significant difference in wet shear strength. 3) B-I type plywood showed highest moisture content of all type plywood and the next were all sycamore(A-IV type) all poplar plywood (B-III type), A-III type, B-II type, A-II type pllywood in order. Generally high moisture content showed when two or three veneers were same species in the three layer plywood. 4) A-III type plywood showed highest specific gravity of all and the next was A-IV type plywood without a difference to A-I type plywood on the whole. plywoods constructed by lauan and sycamore were shown high specific gravities and the next was lauan, sycamore and poplar, lauan and poplar. It seemed to be that connected wi th the specific gravity of veneer itself in different species. 5) The plywood manufactured by extension of potato flour is not only superior but also profitable in the price aspect than the plywood manufactured by extension of wheat flour.
These researches were carried out for improvement of medium for mycelial growth of Hericium erinaceus isolate KU-1. It grew well at pH 4 and $25^{\circ}C$. Glucose and sucrose were favorable carbon sources for mycelial growth. As nitrogen sources, ammonium acetate and arginine enhanced mycelial growth. Optimum C/N ratio was 200. Based On the results, the following recipe is suggested for synthetic medium for the mycelial growth: glucose 18.02 g, arginine 2.613 g, ammonium acetate 2.313 g, $CaCl_2\;0.33\;g$, $KH_2PO_4\;8.5\;g$, $MgSO_4{\cdot}7H_2O\;2.0\;g$, $FeSO_4{\cdot}7H_2O\;0.02\;g$, $ZnSO_4{cdot}7H_2O\;0.02\;g$, $MnSO_4{\cdot}7H_2O\;0.02\;g$, water 1 liter. This medium was superior for the mycelial growth to other conventional media such as Yeast malt extract agar (YMA), Park medium, Potato dextrose agar (PDA), Malt extract agar, Czapek-dox agar, Macaya-lizano medium and Yeast extract agar. This new synthetic medium is designated as Ko medium.
To develop an effective use for poor-quality individually quick-frozen (IQF) oysters Crassostrea gigas stored for a long period, the extract conditions, quality characteristics, and optimum reaction flavoring (RF) conditions of a complex extract from these IQF oysters were investigated. The moisture, pH, and volatile basic nitrogen contents of IQF oysters stored for 18 months (18M-IQFO) were 77.9%, 6.32, and 17.9 mg/100 g, respectively. Three different kinds of extract were prepared from 18M-IQFO: a hot-water extract (HE), scrap enzymatic hydrolysate (EH), and complex extract (CE). The respective extracts contained 5.5, 8.6, and 6.6% crude protein and 281.7, 366.0, and 343.0 mg/100 g amino nitrogen, and had 811, 359, and 1,170 mL/kg extraction yields. The CE was superior to the traditional HE in terms of the extraction yield, amino-nitrogen content, and organoleptic qualities, except for the odor. To improve flavor via the Maillard reaction, the reaction system used to produce a desirable flavor comprised CE (Brix $30^{\circ}$), 0.4 M glucose, 0.4 M glycine, and 0.4 M cysteine solution (4:2:1:1, v/v). The reaction time and pH were the independent variables, and the sensory scores for baked potato odor, masking shellfish odor, and boiled meat odor were the dependent variables. The surface response methodology (RSM) analysis of the multiple responses optimization gave a reaction time of 120.6 minutes and pH 7.33 at $120^{\circ}C$. The reaction improved the flavor of CE considerably, as compared to that of the unreacted extract.
This study aimed to investigate the effects of various soft steam treatments, namely, forced convection-boiler, forced convection-fan, and natural convection, on the pretreatment characteristics of potatoes. In this study, potatoes were exposed to various cooking conditions, including steaming method, treatment time (0-60 min), and temperature (60, 70, $80^{\circ}C$). Then, changes in temperature, cook value, ascorbic acid content, moisture content, and weight loss in the fresh and steam-treated samples were measured and evaluated. The results clearly showed that natural convective steaming was superior to other treatments in terms of heating characteristics, cook value (FC-b: $46.4{\pm}1.7$, FC-f: $21.8{\pm}1.1$, NC: $52.1{\pm}1.9min$ at $80^{\circ}C$), ascorbic acid content (FC-b: $36.5{\pm}2.7$, FC-f: $28.5{\pm}2.9$, NC: $48.2%{\pm}2.5%$ at $80^{\circ}C$), moisture retention (FCb: $74.6{\pm}0.8$, FC-f: $71.5{\pm}0.5$, NC: $77.6%{\pm}0.4%$ for 60 min at $80^{\circ}C$), and weight loss (FC-b: $13.9{\pm}0.8$, FC-f: $15.6{\pm}0.6$, NC: $10.6%{\pm}0.7%$ for 60 min at $80^{\circ}C$) for thermally processed potatoes.
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② 유료서비스를 이용하려는 회원은 정해진 요금체계에 따라 요금을 납부해야 합니다.
제 5 장 계약 해지 및 이용 제한
제 15 조 (계약 해지)
회원이 이용계약을 해지하고자 하는 때에는 [가입해지] 메뉴를 이용해 직접 해지해야 합니다.
제 16 조 (서비스 이용제한)
① 당 사이트는 회원이 서비스 이용내용에 있어서 본 약관 제 11조 내용을 위반하거나, 다음 각 호에 해당하는
경우 서비스 이용을 제한할 수 있습니다.
- 2년 이상 서비스를 이용한 적이 없는 경우
- 기타 정상적인 서비스 운영에 방해가 될 경우
② 상기 이용제한 규정에 따라 서비스를 이용하는 회원에게 서비스 이용에 대하여 별도 공지 없이 서비스 이용의
일시정지, 이용계약 해지 할 수 있습니다.
제 17 조 (전자우편주소 수집 금지)
회원은 전자우편주소 추출기 등을 이용하여 전자우편주소를 수집 또는 제3자에게 제공할 수 없습니다.
제 6 장 손해배상 및 기타사항
제 18 조 (손해배상)
당 사이트는 무료로 제공되는 서비스와 관련하여 회원에게 어떠한 손해가 발생하더라도 당 사이트가 고의 또는 과실로 인한 손해발생을 제외하고는 이에 대하여 책임을 부담하지 아니합니다.
제 19 조 (관할 법원)
서비스 이용으로 발생한 분쟁에 대해 소송이 제기되는 경우 민사 소송법상의 관할 법원에 제기합니다.
[부 칙]
1. (시행일) 이 약관은 2016년 9월 5일부터 적용되며, 종전 약관은 본 약관으로 대체되며, 개정된 약관의 적용일 이전 가입자도 개정된 약관의 적용을 받습니다.