• Title/Summary/Keyword: subsidy

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The Growth Effects of R&D Policy: A Theoretical Approach Focusing on Public R&D and Business R&D Subsidy (연구개발정책의 경제성장효과: 공공연구개발과 기업연구개발보조 중심의 이론적 접근)

  • Sang Choon Kim;Chuhwan Park
    • Journal of Information Technology Applications and Management
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    • v.29 no.6
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    • pp.23-42
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    • 2022
  • This paper introduces two R&D policy instruments of public R&D and business R&D subsidy into the growth model of endogenous innovation simultaneously, and studies how they respectively affect economic growth, as well as how they interact with each other for the growth effects. Main results are as follow. The growth effects of each instrument are non-monotonous but various depending on the structure of economy. For example, the growth effects of public R&D become positive in the economy of more innovation-friendly structure such as larger marker size, more monopolistic market structure and more patient consumer, but the growth effects of business R&D subsidy become positive in the economy of less innovation-friendly structure such as smaller market size, more competitive market structure and more inpatient consumer. Meanwhile business R&D subsidy does not affect the growth effects of public R&D, but public R&D affects the growth effects of business R&D subsidy. Particularly, in the economy of less innovation-friendly structure public R&D becomes complimentary to business R&D subsidy.

A Suggestion on the Subsidy System to Promote the Construction of Urban Rail Transit (도시철도 건설확충을 위한 국고지원체제)

  • Lee, Chang-Woon
    • Proceedings of the KSR Conference
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    • 2003.10b
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    • pp.46-51
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    • 2003
  • The government's financial subsidy system for the construction project of urban rail transit needs to be revised. In 1998, the central government raised its subsidy rate to 50$\%$ of the total cost of construction. The 'method for differentiating subsidies depending on construction type and transit System' is suggested here, so that a subsidy rate can be raised for the construction of Light Rail Transit, which costs less to construct. Such methods will force local governments to make decisions regarding construction method and project size in a more rational manner.

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An Analysis of Relationship between R&D Policies and Firm R&D Expenditures: Focused on R&D Subsidies and Tax Incentives (R&D 지원제도와 기업 R&D 지출액간 관계 분석: 정부 R&D 보조금과 세제혜택을 중심으로)

  • Suh Kyoo-Won;Lee Chang-Yang
    • Journal of Technology Innovation
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.101-118
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    • 2006
  • The relationship between R&D Polices(R&D subsidy, tax incentives) and firm R&D expenditures is analyzed through firm's profit maximization function. As a result, the relationship between R&D policies and fmn R&D expenditures is determined by the relationship between firm R&D expenditures and market price. In case of major innovation which cause the fall of market price, the elasticity R&D subsidy and firm R&D expenditures is negative(substitution). In case of minor innovation which cause the rise of market price, the elasticity R&D subsidy and firm R&D expenditures is positive(complement). Tax incentives is bring about the increase of firm R&D expenditures. R&D subsidy and tax incentives are substitutively influenced at firm R&D expenditures.

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A Study on the Revitalization of the Private Subsidy for Environmentally Friendly Aquaculture (친환경양식어업육성 민간보조사업의 활성화 방안)

  • Kim, Kuk-Ju
    • The Journal of Fisheries Business Administration
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    • v.50 no.4
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    • pp.45-57
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    • 2019
  • Effective implementation of private subsidy projects requires comprehensive expertise in the aquaculture and construction sectors to be provided to private subsidy operators, local government officials and others involved in budget execution and settlement. Due to the strengthening of laws and systems related to the execution of state subsidies since 2015, the efficient implementation of private-sector grant projects has been difficult for delays in projects, cancellations, and conflicts with local governments from lack of prior awareness and understanding of related regulations. It is expected that the government will be able to activate the project by analyzing the current status and problems of each phase of project implementation for improving quality internalization of the project effects, as well as quantitative growth of the private sector subsidy project for environmentally friendly aquaculture development projects.

Analysis on the Profitability of Coastal Passenger Ships on the Subsidized Routes and Optimization of the Subsidy (우리 나라 연안여객선 보조항로의 운항수지분석과 보조금 적정성에 관한 연구)

  • 이태우;임종길
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Navigation
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.45-59
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    • 1999
  • This paper aims, first to analyse the profitability of coastal passenger ships deployed on both subsidized and non-subsidized routes, ie competitive routes, in Korea, second to evaluate them by route, by ship type, and by ship size, and finally to identify whether the ships deployed on subsidized routes are justifiable to receive subsidy from the government. They are followed by the analyses on the profitability of all ships on the coastal routes and their dependence rate of subsidy. The research covers the period of 1995-1997. The research results say that 35% of the total subsidized routes has more than 90% of subsidy dependence rate and that some monopolized routes among subsidized ones with moderate rate of profitability need to be crossed out from the list of subsidy beneficiary. In addition, some ships deployed are not appropriate type in terms of characteristics of route and traffic. One of implications drawn from this study is that the government has to set up a watchdog to monitor subsidized routes, which enables to make them competitive and save the budget.

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A Quantitative Analysis of the Effects of a Handset Subsidy on Consumer Welfare

  • Han, Sung-Soo;Choi, Sung-Ho;Kim, Byeong-Kwan;Chung, Hyun
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.621-630
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    • 2006
  • Observation of the effects of a handset subsidy on the mobile telecommunication industry has revealed two different aspects. The activation of various mobile services and the handset market, has led to the rapid acceleration of the related technological development, which is a desirable result, while rising prices and the overspending of related resources are undesirable. A great deal of research has been conducted to assess both desirable and undesirable factors using qualitative methods. However, quantitative studies into the effects of a handset subsidy are rare. In this study, we consider the positive and negative effects on consumer welfare of a change in demand and prices brought about by a handset subsidy. Then, we quantitatively compare the positive and negative effects and analyze their direct effects on consumer welfare.

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Does the R&D Subsidy of Developing Countries Overcome the First Mover Advantage of Foreign Firm? (후발국의 보조금정책은 외국기업의 선도자의 이익을 극복하는가?)

  • Li Kim;Sang-Kee Kim
    • Korea Trade Review
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    • v.47 no.5
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    • pp.305-319
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    • 2022
  • The Chinese government has been promoting core industries in accordance with the 'Made in China 2025'. As a result of injecting huge subsidies to develop core industries, a great success has been achieved in the electric vehicle and battery industry, however, the semiconductor industry has almost no performance. This study aims to examine whether the subsidy policy of a developing country helps their own domestic firm to overcome the first mover advantage of an advanced country's firm. From the game theoretical analysis, the results have shown that the subsidy policy of the developing country's government creates the profits shifting effect which arises from the developed country's firm to the developing country's firm. When there exists R&D efficiency gap between the two firms, however, most of these profit shifting effects are offset, which implies that the subsidy policy of developing countries is likely to fail.

A Study on the Operation of Export Credit Policy preparing for possible WTO ASCM Disputes (WTO 보조금 분쟁을 대비한 수출신용제도 운영방안에 관한 연구)

  • Oh, Won Suk;Kim, Pil Joon;Baek, Seung Taek
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    • v.57
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    • pp.283-303
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    • 2013
  • When a trade conflict arises related to an officially supported export credit programme, The World Trade Organization(WTO), decides on whether the programme is a forbidden subsidy stipulated in the Agreement on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures(the ASCM Agreement). Korea was taken to the WTO panel two times for the export credit programme. One is the semiconductor case in 2002 and the other was the shipbuilding disputes in 2004. And, In 2012, the U.S. Commerce Department ruled K-SURE's export insurance for Korean refrigerator manufacturers as a forbidden subsidy even if the case was not taken to the WTO. This paper examines the significance of export credit programmes on the WTO ASCM Agreement and discusses how to operate these programmes so they would not infringe upon the Agreement by analyzing the actual cases of WTO subsidy conflicts that involved Korean enterprises in relation to export credit programmes for the purpose of determining the related issues and impacts. From this research the results were as follows: First, on whether export credit is a prohibited subsidy, the deciding factor was whether a benefit has been conferred to the beneficiary. On the presence of a benefit, the WTO panel used market benchmarks as the main criteria. Thus, official export credit agencies(ECAs) should be careful not to provide export credit support which had been granted to the beneficiary at better than market terms. Second, in the case of export credit, the special status of ECA as a public body receiving government support itself does not constitute a subsidy. However, caution must be taken not to provide export credit that may lead to WTO ASCM subsidy conflicts involving a certain exporter or industry by setting up clear and valid regulations and fair work processes in the operation of export credit programmes. Third, item (j) of Annex I cannot be interpreted reversely as this item is for interpreting the presence of a prohibited subsidy, not the presence of a benefit. Thus, an export credit program that confers a financial contribution, a benefit and specificity, could qualify as a prohibited subsidy. Fourth, ECAs not only have to maintain long-term account balance but also introduce additional measures to meet this long-term balance such as a clear and systematic premium system. Finally, export credit programmes that are not defined in item (j) of Annex I of the ASCM Agreement would not deemed as an prohibited export subsidy as long as the continued support of the programmes are not being forced.

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Tax Subsidy and Information Effect of Future Earnings (조세혜택과 미래이익의 정보효과)

  • Byun, Sun-Young;Kim, Jin-Wook;Jung, Hyun-Uk
    • Management & Information Systems Review
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    • v.35 no.4
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    • pp.123-140
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    • 2016
  • This study investigates whether tax subsidy is associated with the information effect of future earnings (Future Earnings Response Coefficient, hereafter 'FERC'). Prior studies related with tax subsidy suggest that high- tax subsidy is associated with high-Conservatism. And high-tax subsidy is associated with low-information asymmetry. The hypothesis is tested by using sample firms listed on the Korean Stock Exchange from the year of 2002 to the year of 2009 inclusively. We followed methodology of Tucker and Zarowin (2006). We find that the regression coefficient for tax $subsidy{\times}X_{t3}$ shows a significant positive sign. Also, we performed additional test after controlling for variables related with FERC. The regression coefficient for tax $subsidy{\times}X_{t3}$ is consistent with main results. This result means that the changes in the current stock price of higher-tax subsidy contain more information about their future earnings than the changes in the stock price of lower-abnormal audit hours. The evidence suggests that investors positively understand high-tax subsidy.

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An Analysis of the Correspondence between Environmental Damage and the Subsidy in the Vicinity of a Landfill in the Seoul Methropolitan Area (수도권매립지 주변의 환경피해와 주민지원금 간의 상응성 분석)

  • Kang, Heechan
    • Environmental and Resource Economics Review
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    • v.30 no.3
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    • pp.365-393
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    • 2021
  • Using the Choice Experiment Method, this paper identified whether subsidy to the household around landfil in Seoul metropolitan area is being provided corresponding to the scale of the environmental damage. Since 2001, the subsidy program has been operating for nearly 20 years to compensate for various environmental damage (foul odor, noise, air pollution, water pollution, etc.) from landfill site in the metropolitan area, but it is not clear on what ground the subsidy is allocated. This paper estimated the marginal WTP by attribute (odor, noise, air pollution, and water pollution) based on mixed logit model and compared them with current subsidy level per household in each town. As a result of the comparison, it was found that the subsidy for each town was not allocated in proportion to the amount of the marginal WTP for each household in the corresponding town. In addition, this paper constructs a level-by-level scenario for environmental improvement attributes and compares economic benefits and current subsidy levels. As a result, the current subsidy level is insufficient compared to the level at which environmental damage is completely eliminated, but excessive subsidy is allocated compared to partial improvement levels.