• 제목/요약/키워드: struggle

검색결과 443건 처리시간 0.026초

게젤샤프트 속의 가족공동주의 -이순의 우리들의 아이를 중심으로 - (A Study on the Family Cooperation Doctrine in Gesellschaft: Lee Sun′s Our Children)

  • 전혜자
    • 인문언어
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    • 제1권2호
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    • pp.161-178
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    • 2001
  • This study investigates how Korean traditional family consciousness interacts with Korean industrialization in the 1970s. In Our Children, Lee Sun depicts a family's struggle within the turmoil brought about by rapid industrialization to escape from the ranks of the working class. It is well known that one of the consequences of industrialization was the breakup of the larger family structure into nuclear families, but Lee Sun presents Korea's industrialization in the 1970s in the light of the traditional Korean family culture before the breakup. In other words, he gives us a portrayal of Gemeinschaft in Gesellschaft in his description of the extended family's struggle to overcome the day-to-day pressures of modernization and urbanization. The novel presents three generations of a traditional extended family. The eldest son is portrayed as a knife, strong and sharp. His wife has a temporary job that she hopes to give up once they own a house, which symbolizes the family's escape from the working class. The relationship among the family members reveals the core aspects of the ideology governing traditional extended families: the husband is the despotic monarch of the household, solely responsible for the family's economy; the husband is the sky and the wife the earth; and children (the more the better) are expected to lead to stability, welfare, and prosperity. One curious aspect of this family relationship as portrayed by Lee Sun is the expectation that being the eldest son, who already is or will become the patriarch of the family, is the fastest way of reaching middle-class status. And, despite a slight reversal, the novel has a happy ending wherein the family's expectations are fulfilled without much suffering. This aspect should be considered in light of the revolutionary romantic idealism of the novels of the 1930s. The lack of suffering and the easy happy ending may be attributed to the fact that Korea's industrialization came about rapidly and radically, and therefore it is likely that Lee Sun was not able fully to appreciate the full costs of industrialization. This limitation calls for a deeper investigation into the social structure and class consciousness of the 1970s, and also a study of the intertextual relationship of Our Children with other novels of the time.

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아랍-이스라엘 분쟁의 종식 가능성 연구: 로버트 하조의 논의 분석 (Is Arab-Israeli Conflict Terminable?: Analysing Robert Hazo)

  • 전광호
    • 국제지역연구
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    • 제15권2호
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    • pp.25-47
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    • 2011
  • 본 논문은 로버트 하조의 1993년 논문을 바탕으로 중동지역에서의 평화와 갈등의 과정을 분석 하였다. 중동지역에서는 이스라엘과 연관된 수많은 무력적 충돌 가능성이 상존하고 있는 지역이다. 특히 로버트 하조의 분석처럼 팔레스타인과 시리아, 그리고 이스라엘 간의 관계는 중동 문제의 핵심이라고 볼 수 있다. 그가 지적한 이 두가지 문제는 우리가 그간 간과해왔던, 혹은 전체적으로 중동문제를 일괄적으로 다루어왔던 결과이다. 아랍 이스라엘 분쟁은 역사상 가장 다루기 힘든 분쟁 중 하나이다. 이에 관련하여 로버트 하조의 분석은 여러면에서 시사하는 바가 크다고 볼 수 있다. 먼저 1993년 로버트 하조는 '이 분쟁은 끝나지 않는 투쟁이다.' 라고 결론 내렸다. 본 논문에서는 진전, 혹은 개입 기간 부족이라는 관점에서, 그리고 현 시대의 전략적 환경에 대항하는 방식으로서 그의 분석을 살펴보고자 한다. 이를 위해 여러 가지 실증적 문헌연구를 통해 하조의 평가가 유효하다는 것을 증빙해 보려고 한다. 1993년부터 미국, 이스라엘, 그리고 시리아가 희망적인 합의를 이끌어 낼 수 있다는 잠재적인 시각이 다양한 논의들과 결합되어 진행된 가운데, 난민들에 대한 귀환의 권리, 국경문제, 그리고 예루살렘에 대한 논쟁은 가까운 미래에는 제기되지 않을 것으로 보인다.

사회성과 정서에 어려움이 있는 초등학생 남아의 모래놀이치료 사례연구 (A Case Study of Sandplay Therapy for a Boy in an Elementary School with Social and Emotional Difficulties)

  • 김신화;심희옥
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • 제56권6호
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    • pp.589-601
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    • 2018
  • This study explored the internal world through sandplay therapy for an elementary school boy who had social and emotional difficulties of poor peer relations, anxiety and withdrawal. This study examined the changing processes of sandboxes, how a boy expressed his internal world by the content themes in sandplay according to Turner (2009) based on analytical psychology and sandplay theories. There were 72 sessions. The initial phase was 1-6 (The beginning of war) expressing confusing wars as the start of a long internal journey. The intermediate phase was 7-55 (Struggle), dividing by phase I 7-18 (Hero's fight I), phase II 19-36 (Hero's fight II), phase III 37-48 (Seeking for a male identity), and phase IV 49-55 (Centering). The client identified himself as a teenaged hero and expressed the conflict between good and bad, between death and rebirth and struggled for seeking treasures in the fight of heroes. He found identity as a male by finding a sense of existence, establishing order in the middle of confusion, and expressing strong and rational masculinity. The final phase was 56-72 (The winner of the struggle). In the fights repeating, he expressed an adventurous and positive male energy such as racing, speed contests and a union in the opposites of hero and heroine as well as the birth of a new conscious. This study provides a basic knowledge of educational guidance in school and counseling fields by expanding the understanding of a boy's unconsciousness.

기억의 기록학적 의미와 실천 (Meaning of Memory in Archival Activism)

  • 설문원
    • 기록학연구
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    • 제67호
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    • pp.267-318
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    • 2021
  • 이 연구는 기록학에서의 기억 접근법을 기록전문직의 실천이라는 관점에서 살펴보기 위한 것이다. 국내외 기록학계의 기억 연구들을 토대로 실천 영역별로 나누고 이를 모형화하였다. 기억 연구들이 제시하는 실천 영역은 다음과 같이 범주화하였다. 첫째, 기억기관(사회적 기억의 형성자 역할), 둘째, 기억투쟁(과거사 진상규명을 위한 기록활동), 셋째, 회복적 기억(사회적 참사나 인권침해 피해자들의 트라우마 기억 치유를 기록활동), 넷째, 기억과정(공동체 정체성을 추구하는 기록활동)이다. 또한 각 범주 별로 의미와 쟁점을 분석하였고, 아울러 실천에 필요한 역량으로서 기록전문성의 개입을 통한 실천과 정치사회적 실천성을 함께 살펴보았다.

민족혁명과 시민혁명: 타이와 미얀마 (National Revolution vs. Civil Revolution: The Comparison between Thailand and Myanmar)

  • 박은홍
    • 동남아시아연구
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    • 제24권2호
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    • pp.127-165
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    • 2014
  • This article regards the phase of political confrontations in Thailand and Burma as a prolonged and inconclusive political struggle between national revolution forces and civil revolution forces. It argues that in Thai case, anti-monarchy constitutional revolution has led to a right-wing national revolution based on state nationalism consolidating capitalist economic system by Sarit's military coup, while in Burmese case, anti-British imperialism movement in colonial era has resulted in a left-wing national revolution grounded on state nationalism associating with socialist economic system by Ne Win's military coup. It is also interesting to note that the two cases experienced state nationalism denying autonomous civil society as a process of nation-building in spite of their contrasting ideologies. In both cases, it became inevitable to have national revolution forces clinging to official nationalism and state nationalism confronting with civil revolution forces seeking popular nationalism and liberal nationalism. In particular, unlike Burmese society, Thai society, without colonial history has never experienced a civil war mobilizing anti-colonial popular nationalism including ethnic revolt. This article considers Dankwart Rustow's argument that national unity as a background condition must precede all the other phases of democratization, but that otherwise its timing is irrelevant. In this context, Thai democratization without national unity which began earlier than Burmese is taking a backward step. For the time being, there would be no solution map to overcome severe political polarization between the right-wing national revolution forces defending official nationalism cum state nationalism and the civil revolution forces trying to go beyond official nationalism towards popular nationalism cum liberal nationalism. In contrast, paradoxically belated Burmese democratization has just taken a big leap in escaping from serious and inconclusive nature of political struggle between the left-wing national revolution forces to defend official nationalism cum state nationalism and civil revolution based on popular nationalism cum liberal nationalism towards a reconciliation phase in order to seek solutions for internal conflicts. The two case studies imply that national unity is not a background condition, but a consequence of the process of political polarization and reconciliation between national revolution forces and civil revolution forces.

ASEM정상회의시 NGO집회 및 시위 성향性向에 따른 대응방안 (A Study on the Trend of NGOs' Rally and Struggle during Multi-Summit Meeting)

  • 양재열
    • 시큐리티연구
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    • 제4호
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    • pp.169-187
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    • 2001
  • NGOs occupy so high international position that it is said the age of NGOs or Renaissance of NGOs has came. Recently, they continuously succeeded in hindering and blocking large-scale international events through their violent struggles. This paper studied the concept of NGO, examples of NGO struggles during recent international events and stated anticipated struggles during ASEM III and their trend. Thereafter, with future prospect of NGO activities, some measures for successful 2002 World Cup and 2005 APEC were provided in this paper. The contents of this paper is as follows ; Chapter I : Introduction Chapter II : The concept of NGO and aspects of their struggles during recent international events Chapter III : Struggles during the 3rd ASEM, Seoul and their trend Chapter IV : Future prospect of NGO activities Chapter V : Conclusion

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Speaking of Religion

  • Pecora, Vincent P.
    • 인문언어
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    • 제2권2호
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    • pp.183-201
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    • 2002
  • Since the end of the Cold War, debate about the grand struggle between capitalism and communism has been largely replaced by debate about religious sectarianism. Some have even referred to a "clash of civilizations" in the wake of the spread of Islamic fundamentalism. This is in fact an old debate, but it has been given new life by arguments about globalization and economic development as envisioned by the West, and especially by the terrorist attacks in New York on September 11, 2001. While the political right has had little difficulty treating religious belief as a fundamental human and social interest, much of the political left has remained committed to secular Enlightenment, even when it criticizes the hegemony of the West. The dispute depends upon competing notions of history, secularism, and progress, and ultimately on the possibility or desirability of universal solidarity. While for many a world unified by one religion may no longer make sense, the old Enlightenment dream that a single version of secular and universal reason will eventually prevail over religious difference may also need to be reconsidered. The process that we call secularization is neither as singular, nor as transparent, as we might think.

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사진은 죽음을 어떻게 재현하는가? -죽음 사진의 유형과 기능 (How Does Photography Represent Death?)

  • 주형일
    • 한국언론정보학보
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    • 제68권
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    • pp.65-86
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    • 2014
  • 이 논문은 사진과 죽음이 맺는 관계를 고찰하면서 매체로서의 사진이 가진 독특한 특성이 이 관계에 어떻게 영향을 미치고 있는지를 살펴보고 실제로 사진이 죽음을 재현하는 여러 방식들의 구체적 사례들을 분류, 분석함으로써 죽음을 재현하는 사진의 사회적 역할을 이해하는 기회를 제공하고자 한다. 조사 결과, 죽음 사진은 영정사진, 사후사진, 재해 및 전쟁사진, 처형사진, 의학과 법의학적 사진으로 구분되며 애도와 추모, 저항과 투쟁, 통치와 지배, 폭로와 고발의 역할을 한다.

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행동분석 및 군집분석을 통한 전자출판 과정의 상호 관련도에 관한 연구 (A Study on Mutual Reciprocity Degree of Digital Publishing Process by Active and Cluster Analysis Method)

  • 김소연;이경숙;박길철
    • 한국산업정보학회논문지
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    • 제7권5호
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    • pp.159-166
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    • 2002
  • 오늘날 인쇄매체는 치열한 생존경쟁에서 살아남고 새로운 위상을 정립하기 위해서 컴퓨터를 적극 활용하는 새로운 편집 스타일과 제작 환경 개선은 물론 새로운 테크놀러지의 개발에 몰두하고 있으며 전자 출판이나 정보 산업 분야와 연계개발이 요구된다. 본 논문에서는 전자출판의 개념과 제작과정을 살펴보고, 행동분석 및 군집분석을 통하여 전자출판 과정의 상호 관련도를 분석하며, 전자 출판이 안고 있는 문제점 분석과 해결 방안을 제시한다.

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Statistical Diagnosis(SPD) for Control of SARS Epidemic Situation of Beijing

  • Zhang, Gongxu;Sun, Jing
    • International Journal of Quality Innovation
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    • 제4권1호
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    • pp.46-53
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    • 2003
  • Under the strong leadership of Chinese Government to the anti-SARS struggle, the situation has been successfully controlled. Since May 1 of 2003, the Ministry of Health of China published daily the number of newly increased SARS patient of Beijing, the authors analyzed these data using $X_cs$$-R_scs$ cause-selecting control charts of Statistical Diagnosis(SPD) Theory. Data about number of newly increased SARS patient consists of two kinds of variation: random variation and tendency variation of SARS epidemic. It is concluded that SARS epidemic of Beijing was already controlled since May 9 of 2003.