• Title/Summary/Keyword: structure of meaning

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A Study on the Meaning and Methodology of Landscape Drawings in the Environmental Design (환경설계에서 경관드로잉의 의미와 방법론에 관한 연구)

  • 변찬우
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.95-104
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    • 1999
  • The Landscape Drawing is the main medium for constructing better environment which provides human beings with a place for dwelling well, even though it has some limitations. To provide places for people's daily lives, by what measure do we design\ulcorner, by what measure do we give dimension\ulcorner, and how can we appropriately measure the place with drawing\ulcorner On any given site, of course, much has already happened, i.e, there is history. Any adequate interpretation of such a site should poetically take into account the present effects of its absent past. The findings to reveal the meaning and methodology of landscape drawings in the environmental design with a case study are as follows: (1) The value of landscape drawings is the poetic, artistic interpretation which we sense and bodily experience through the simultaneous exposure of the site's temporal, spatial, and tactile conditions. (2) The landscape drawing should represent the invisible (imaginary) world as well as the visible (physical) world. (3) There can be classified as two methods in representing the rich experience of a place: expression and notation. Expression is the abstract representation and do not have a direct relationship to construction due to its ambiguous and connotative structure. But notation is constructional due to it's purely objective symbol system which is obviously denotative structure. (4) Collage is a medium of specific act that can represent the complex layered phenomena and the rich experience of given site. (5) The landscape drawings represent not only topographical space which can be measured objectively, but also topic which can be cognized culturally.

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An Investigation of Structure and Meaning of Rural Amenity (농촌 어메니티 인식의 구조와 의미)

  • 조영국;박창석;전영옥
    • Journal of the Economic Geographical Society of Korea
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.157-174
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    • 2002
  • This study aims to examine the structure and meaning of the perception of rural amenity which rural and urban residents have. Many Lickert scaled questions measure how much important the respondents think about the various items related to rural amenity respectively. It reveals that there is not meaningful difference in the relative importance among three upper dimensions composing the construct of rural amenity, historic-cultural dimension, natural environmental dimension and living condition dimension. This means that our respondents are not willing to pursue historic-cultural aspects and natural environmental aspects at the risk of living condition being able to enjoy comfortable and affluent opportunities. And also, this results reveals that people might have a quite different perception compared with academic discourse putting much weight on historic-cultural dimension and natural environmental dimension.

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Study on regional Distribution and Etymology according to the Type in the World's Tobacco Name (세계 담배이름의 유형에 따른 지역적 분포와 어원에 관한 연구)

  • Jeong, Kee-Taeg
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Tobacco Science
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    • v.37 no.1
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    • pp.8-17
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study is to classify the tobacco names in the world, to investigate the regional distribution of the classified type, and to show origin of names according to the type. The names of tobacco used in this study was 50. The type of tobacco names was classified by the presence or absence of nasal sound(morn) on the first syllable, the Number of syllable, and the structure of consonants and vowels of tobacco names. Type I (Dambago) has the nasal sound on the first syllable. The proportion of Type I(Dambago) was 28%. And the rest(Type I~Type V ; 72%) has no nasal sound. Type II(Tabaco) has three syllables, and its proportion was 20%. Type III(Tabac) has the two syllables and the structure of T+vowels+B+vowels. And its proportion was 30%. Type IV(Tutun) has the two syllables and the structure of T+vowels+T+vowels. And its proportion was 12%. Type V(Duhan) has the two syllables and the structure of D+vowels+H(V)+vowels. And its proportion was 10%. The world's most widely distributed type was Type I(Dambago). regional distribution of the world's tobacco names were clustered by the type. 72% of Type I(Dambago) was distributed in Asia. The etymology of Type I(Dambago) was only 14% Tambaku and the other is not yet known. The etymology of Type I(Dambago) seems to be derived from the Haitian Tambaku(meaning a tobacco pipe). 88% of Type II(Tabaco) and III(Tabac) were distributed in Europe. The etymology of Type II(Tabaco) and Type III(Tabac) were 84% Spanish "Tabaco". 100% of Type IV(Tutun) and V(Duhan) were distributed in Europe. The etymology of Type IV(Tutun) and Type V(Duhan) were 100% Turkish tutun and duhan, respectively. This finding suggests that the etymology of Type I(Dambago) is certainly may be Haitian "Tambaku(meaning a tobacco pipe)".

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A Proposal of Complex Communication Structure on Public Memorial Space by Study of Interface System (공공기념공간의 인터페이스 분석을 통한 복합적 소통구조 제안)

  • Lee, Seung-Hwan;Kim, Young-Chan
    • The Journal of Art Theory & Practice
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    • no.8
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    • pp.145-162
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    • 2009
  • Space is a phenomenon which is formed in the connection between environment and human beings and public space is built by a complex phenomenon of space. Each and every individual is connected to an environment and these individuals are connected to one another. A public commemorative space means souvenir and memorial which is designed for special purpose of remembrance of a specific area. One of the purposes of public commemorative space is memorial and that is the reason of doing public relation and educating citizens over the transom. However, the meaning and value of commemorative subject cannot be delivered or stuffed one-sidely. The target who receives messages from public commemorative space has reinterpreted the messages of his own with his personal experience, knowledge and sensitivity. It results in an unexpected phenomenon of public commemorative space. Therefore, public commemorative space should be considered in a mutual communication structure rather than a purpose of memorial itself. Korean public commemorative space is focused on public relation and education for memorial. In other words, Korean public commemorative space is neglected its important possibility of the productive chapter of mutual communication. The mutual communication structure of public commemorative space which is based on variety and haecceity is ripped up by the message over the transom. It destroys the self-control and creativity of public commemorative space, and derives a negative result. By studying the function and meaning of public commemorative space, we should make the best use of it.

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A Structural Model for Depression in Middle-aged Women (중년여성의 우울 구조모형)

  • Park, Geum-Ja;Lee, Kyung-Hye
    • Women's Health Nursing
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.69-84
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    • 2002
  • The purpose of this study was to develope and test the structural model for depression in middle-aged women. A hypothetical model was constructed on the basis of previous studies and a review of literatures. The conceptual framework was built around eight constructs. Exogenous variables included in this model were volunteer activity, health status & economic status. Endogenous variables were meaning of life, self-esteem, perceived life stress & depression. Empirical data for testing the hypothetical model was collected using a self-report questionnaire from 216 middle-aged women in Pusan City. The Data was collected from May to June, 1999. Reliability of the seven instruments tested with Cronbach's alpha was ranged from .86-.94. For the data analysis, SPSS 7.5 WIN Program and LISREL 8.12 WIN Program were used for descriptive statistics and covariance structural analysis. The results of covariance structure analysis were as follows: 1. The hypothetical model showed a good fit with the empirical data. [$x^2$/df=2.87(p=.72), GFI=1.00, AGFI=.98, RMSR=.025, NFI=.99, standardized residuals ($-1.44{\sim}1.44$)]. 2. To heighten for the parsimony and fitness of the model, a modified model was constructed by deleting according to the criteria of statistical significance and meaning. 3. The modified model also showed a good fit with the data. [$x^2$=5.26(01=7,p=.63), GFI=.99, AGFl=.97, RMSR=.025, NFI=.99, standardized reslduals ($-1.50{\sim}1.45$)] Results of the testing of the hypothesis were as follows : 1. Self-esteem(${\beta}_{42}$=-.48, t=-5.64) had a negative and perceived life stress(${\beta}_{43}$=.20, t=3.21)had a positive direct effect on depression. Meaning of life had a negative direct(${\beta}_{41}$=-.17, t=-2.19) and a negative indirect effect through self-esteem on depression. Volunteer activity had a negative indirect effect through meaning of life, meaning of life and self-esteem on depression. Health status had a negative direct and a negative indirect effect through meaning of life, meaning of life and self-esteem on depression. Economic status had a negative indirect effect through perceived life stress on depression. Self-esteem was the most significant variable. 2. Volunteer activity(${\gamma}_{11}$=.43, t=6.78) and health status(${\gamma}_{12}$=.35, t=4.88) had positive direct effect on meaning of life. 3. Meaning of life(${\beta}_{21}$=.50, t=6.53) had a positive direct effect on self-esteem. Volunteer activity had a positive indirect effect through meaning of life on self-esteem. Health status had a positive direct(${\gamma}_{22}$=.18, t=2.23) and a indirect effect through meaning of life on self-esteem. Meaning of life was the most significant variable. 4. Economic status (${\gamma}_{33}$=-.44, t값=-6.01) had a positive direct effect on perceived life stress. The results of this study showed that self-esteem had the most significant direct effect on depression. Meaning of life and health status had significant direct effect on this self-esteem. Volunteer activity and health status had direct effect on meaning of life. The results of this study suggested that there is a need to develope intervention to promote degree of self-esteem and alleviate degree of depression in middle-aged women.

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A semiotic analysis of narrative structure in (<노다메 칸타빌레>의 내러티브 구조와 기호학적 분석)

  • Kwon, Jae-Woong;Choi, Se-Young
    • Cartoon and Animation Studies
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    • s.27
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    • pp.127-151
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    • 2012
  • Created by Tomoko Ninomiya, was serialized in Japan from July 2001 to November 2009 and collected in 23 volumes. It has become a cultural syndrome after it was transferred to other media. Giving an attention to this cultural syndrome, this study aims to analyze narrative structure by means of semiotics. This study tries to use 'modele actantiel' and 'carre semiotique' of Greimas in order to clarify not only the meaning structure but also the course of narrative revealed in . The meaning structure of shows a unique relationship of genius and training. Although Nodame, a main character of this Japanese manga, is a straggler in music school because she does not show any passion for learning, she is depicted as a music genius. An education method called as apprenticeship is represented as the mechanism to bring out misfits in music. Dealing with her long journey to be a professional musician, this manga suggests how Nodame can be developed from as a misfit to as a professional pianist through introducing diverse education methods. Revealing critical perspective on music education in real world, gives a chance to rethink the relationship between genius and education in music.

The Analysis of Structural Meaning of Mobility Design on Furnitecture - Focused on the Works of Andrea Zittel - (건축적 가구에 나타난 모빌리티(Mobility)의 구조적 의미 분석 - 안드레아 지텔의 작품을 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Eun-Jeong;Kim, Mi-Kyoung
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.42-51
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    • 2014
  • The research aims to analyze the structural meaning of mobility design on 'Furnitecture' with the works of Andrea Zittel. The study consists of the literature review and the analysis of Zittel's works. The framework for the analysis is divided into four steps: identification of visual forms/structure/function, analysis of the principles of delivering the concept of mobility, interpretation & synthesis of the relational meanings derived from the concepts of mobility, and evaluation of Zittel's tendency toward design/social background/design history, etc. Total fifteen cases are selected from Zittel's works, and each case is analyzed following the above steps. The finding shows that Zittel likes to play with geometrical forms, grid & modular system to create a minimum space for living equipped with critical furnishing. Secondly, Zittel's works deliver the concept of mobility by applying movability, adaptation, combination and transformation. Thirdly, through the concepts of mobility, Zittel reflects the ideas of high efficiency and functionalism, harmony with natural environment, search for liberty, simple & humble life and success of the designers of American modernism. Finally, it is found that modernism from the era of Bauhaus, utopian values derived from constructionism, utilitarianism inspired by Shakers and homestead act & mobile home/capsule unit suggested since 19th century in America mainly affect Zittel's works to reflect the dynamic concepts of mobility through the design of furnitecture.

Study of the Hermeneutical Phenomenon regarding the Meaning of the Driving Force of Life Experienced by the Elderly (노인이 경험하는 삶의 원동력 의미에 관한 해석학적 현상학 연구)

  • Han, SukJung;Kang, KyungAh;Lim, YoungSook
    • Journal of Korean Public Health Nursing
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.109-122
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to understand the meaning of the driving force of life experienced by the elderly and the realistic structure of their experience. Methods: The research question was "What is the essential meaning of the driving force experienced by the elderly?". Data were collected from individual in-depth interviews between March, 2017 and May, 2017 and analyzed using Van Manen's hermeneutic phenomenological methodology to identify the essential themes of their experience. Results: Through the analysis process, 22 themes and 14 essential themes were derived. The 14 essential themes of the driving force of the life of elderly were as follows: 'Memories from the past', 'Poverty to escape', 'Hand down family's heritage', 'A body bound by marriage', 'A body necessary for old age', 'A dignified body even if they grow older', 'A body that does not want to fall', 'A fruit of my life', 'Mature real love', 'Unchanging fraternity', 'Extended family', 'An old friend with whom share my heart', 'Satisfied with the situation', and 'Expanding the breadth of life'. Conclusion: Nursing programs that assess the driving force of life supporting the elderly and supports the driving force of such a life should be developed.

Characteristics of deconstruction expressed in the contemporary knit fashion (현대 니트패션에 나타난 해체주의 특성)

  • Lee, Yoon Mee
    • The Research Journal of the Costume Culture
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.583-597
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    • 2018
  • The purpose of this study is to classify and analyze the deconstruction phenomena expressed in contemporary knit fashion design, and to analyze the inner meaning of deconstruction based on certain characteristics. As a method of study, literature data for theoretical backgrounds, prior studies, and internet data were analyzed. The scope of this study was restricted to knitwear published in the world's four major collections (Milan, Paris, New York and London) from 2014 F/W to 2018 S/S. Based on prior studies, four concepts of deconstruction were derived: "$Diff{\acute{e}}reance$", "Intertextuality", "Intermeaning of Meaning", "Dis De Phenomenon". The results of the study were as follows: first, "$Diff{\acute{e}}reance$" refers to a transcendence of time and space. These expressions are discursive, unrealistic, and convey freedom through intent that deviates from rules and norms. Second, "Intertextuality" indicates a mixture of different texts, such as styles, materials, and items. These expressions deliver novelty with amusement, and can be entertaining depending on audience expectations. Third, "Intermeaning of Meaning" is accidental category - depending on how the wearer wears the clothing. -; accordingly, free and spontaneous creativity is an emerging trend in fashion. Fourth, the clothing was expressed in deformed and distorted form by the construction and destruction of the structure, a technique we describe as the "Dis De Phenomenon". In this concept, the sense of free design of young emotion appears along with the sense of purity and shock due to intentional inconsistency.

A Study on the Compositional Scope of Aesthetic Cognition in Architectural Space (건축공간 인식에 대한 미학적 구성범주에 관한 연구)

  • 이용재
    • Korean Institute of Interior Design Journal
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    • no.20
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    • pp.114-120
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    • 1999
  • The study on architecture can be started with the aesthetic attitude which cognizes it as the art of the space. Architectural space as the subject of the aesthetical study, however, has been ignored such a long period though it should be centered of the whole architectural theory. Even it has not been dealt with independently but just only as a part of aesthetic or artistic field. Also it is true that academic approach to the architectural space as per the aesthetic cognition has not been done so satisfactorily. This study, therefore, aims at prescribing compositional scope from aesthetic cognition of architecture understanding the rational function, mechanic structure, and artistic beauty by man's subject standard of judgement as per the space, the special sphere of architecture. For the absolves, the architectural space in this study is not approached as the spatial art with the meaning of being included the arts general, but with the meaning of intrinsic peculiarity of architecture, based both in practicality of scientific concept and arts of the aesthetic notiov. In order words, the essence of architecture can be prescribed as the architectural realities as the functional, formal and symbolical space not simply the spatial art, and its real but aesthetic meaning can be cognized aesthetically.

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