• Title/Summary/Keyword: stream networks

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  • Rhee, Min Surp
    • Journal of the Chungcheong Mathematical Society
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.573-584
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    • 2016
  • Invertible transformations over n-bit words are essential ingredients in many cryptographic constructions. Such invertible transformations are usually represented as a composition of simpler operations such as linear functions, S-P networks, Feistel structures and T-functions. Among them T-functions are probably invertible transformations and are very useful in stream ciphers. In this paper we will characterize a secure trinomial on ${\mathbb{Z}}_{2^n}$ which generates an n-bit word sequence without consecutive elements of period $2^n$.

Rule-based Modelling and Algorithm of Cartographic Generalization for Stream networks Using Digital Maps (하계망 일반화를 위한 규칙기반 모델링과 알고리즘)

  • 김남신
    • Proceedings of the KGS Conference
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    • 2004.05a
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    • pp.101-101
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    • 2004
  • 일반화는 지도요소들을 선택, 과장, 강조, 상징화 등을 통해 공간현상의 의미가 지도에 잘 반영될 수 있도록 지도화 하는 방법이다. 일반화는 지도학에서 오랜 전통을 갖고 있지만, 연구방향은 주로 알고리즘과 공간 데이타 모델링을 중심으로 진행되었다. 일반화는 다양한 과정을 통해 모자이크된 지리적인 현상을 질서 있게 지도화해야 하기 때문에 단순한 기하학적 원리가 아닌 지도학 및 지리학적인 원리를 적용할 필요가 있다. (중략)

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Hydrological Forecasting Based on Hybrid Neural Networks in a Small Watershed (중소하천유역에서 Hybrid Neural Networks에 의한 수문학적 예측)

  • Kim, Seong-Won;Lee, Sun-Tak;Jo, Jeong-Sik
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.303-316
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    • 2001
  • In this study, Radial Basis Function(RBF) Neural Networks Model, a kind of Hybrid Neural Networks was applied to hydrological forecasting in a small watershed. RBF Neural Networks Model has four kinds of parameters in it and consists of unsupervised and supervised training patterns. And Gaussian Kernel Function(GKF) was used among many kinds of Radial Basis Functions(RBFs). K-Means clustering algorithm was applied to optimize centers and widths which ate the parameters of GKF. The parameters of RBF Neural Networks Model such as centers, widths weights and biases were determined by the training procedures of RBF Neural Networks Model. And, with these parameters the validation procedures of RBF Neural Networks Model were carried out. RBF Neural Networks Model was applied to Wi-Stream basin which is one of the IHP Representative basins in South Korea. 10 rainfall events were selected for training and validation of RBF Neural Networks Model. The results of RBF Neural Networks Model were compared with those of Elman Neural Networks(ENN) Model. ENN Model is composed of One Step Secant BackPropagation(OSSBP) and Resilient BackPropagation(RBP) algorithms. RBF Neural Networks shows better results than ENN Model. RBF Neural Networks Model spent less time for the training of model and can be easily used by the hydrologists with little background knowledge of RBF Neural Networks Model.

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Design and Implementation of a CORBA/JMF-based Audio/Video Stream System (CORBA/JMF 기반 오디오/비디오 스트림 시스템의 설계 및 구현)

  • 김만수;정목동
    • Journal of Korea Multimedia Society
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    • v.4 no.4
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    • pp.297-305
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    • 2001
  • Recently advances in high-speed networks and multimedia computer technologies allow new types of multimedia applications to manipulate large volumes of multimedia data. However, in the real time and/or the heterogeneous data transmissions, there are many difficulties such as network transmission delay, the implementation difficulties, and so on. To solve these problems, in this paper, we extend the method of the multimedia service design which is proposed by OMG. To do this, we suggest an efficient real time audio/video stream framework, called Smart Explorer, based un CORBA and JMF Java Media API. And we separate the transmission path of control data from that of media data and use RTP/RTCP protocol for efficient real time audio/video transmission. Also we show the appropriate implementation of the audio/video stream system based on our suggested framework Smart Explorer. In the future, we expect our audio/video stream system to be applied to the real time communication software such as broadcasting, distance learning, and video conferencing.

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Morphometric Characteristics and Correlation Analysis with Rainfall-runoff in the Han River Basin (한강 유역의 형태학적 특성과 강우-유출의 상관분석)

  • Lee, Ji Haeng;Lee, Woong Hee;Choi, Heung Sik
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.38 no.2
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    • pp.237-247
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    • 2018
  • The basin characteristics reflect the attributes of geomorphological pattern of basin and stream networks affect the rainfall-runoff. In order to analyze the relationship between the basin runoff and stream morphometric characteristics, the morphometric characteristics were investigated for 27 water-level observation stations on 19 rivers in the Han River basin using Arc-map. The morphometric characteristics were divided into linear, areal and relief aspects for calculation while the annual mean runoff ratio as a basin response by rainfall was estimated using the measured precipitation and discharge to analyze the rainfall-runoff characteristics. The correlation among the morphometric parameters were schematized to analyze the correlations among them. The multiple regression equation for rainfall-runoff ratio was provided with morphometric parameters of stream length ratio, form factor ratio, shape factor, stream area ratio, and relief ratio and the coefficient of determination was 0.691. The RMSE and MAPE between the measured and the estimated annual runoff rates were found as 0.09, 11.61% respectively, the suggested regression equation showed good estimation.

Evaluating Applicability of SRTM DEM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Digital Elevation Model) in Hydrologic Analysis: A Case Study of Geum River and Daedong River Areas (수문인자추출에서의 SRTM DEM (Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Digital Elevation Model) 적용성 평가: 대동강 및 금강 지역 사례연구)

  • Her, Younggu;Yoo, Seung-Hwan
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.101-112
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    • 2013
  • Shuttle Radar Topography Mission Digital Elevation Model (SRTM DEM) offers opportunities to make advances in many research areas including hydrology by providing near-global scale elevation measurements at a uniform resolution. Its wide coverage and complimentary online access especially benefits researchers requiring topographic information of hard-to-access areas. However, SRTM DEM also contains inherent errors, which are subject to propagation with its manipulation into analysis outputs. Sensitivity of hydrologic analysis to the errors has not been fully understood yet. This study investigated their impact on estimation of hydrologic derivatives such as slope, stream network, and watershed boundary using Monte Carlo simulation and spatial moving average techniques. Different amount of the errors and their spatial auto-correlation structure were considered in the study. Two sub-watersheds of Geum and Deadong River areas located in South and North Korea, respectively, were selected as the study areas. The results demonstrated that the spatial presentations of stream networks and watershed boundaries and their length and area estimations could be greatly affected by the SRTM DEM errors, in particular relatively flat areas. In the Deadong River area, artifacts of the SRTM DEM created sinks even after the filling process and then closed drainage basin and short stream lines, which are not the case in the reality. These findings provided an evidence that SRTM DEM alone may not enough to accurately figure out the hydrologic feature of a watershed, suggesting need of local knowledge and complementary data.

Comparison of Topographical Parameter for DTED and Grid DEM from 1:50,000 Digital Map (DTED와 1:50,000 수치지형도에 의한 격자 DEM의 지형 매개변수 비교)

  • Kim, Yeon-Jun;Shin, Ke-Jong
    • Journal of the Korean Association of Geographic Information Studies
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    • v.5 no.3
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    • pp.19-32
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    • 2002
  • Topographic information is indispensable in the applications that require elevational data. These applications are exemplified by watershed partition, extraction of drainage networks, viewshed analysis, derivation of geomorphologic features, quantification of landslide-terrain, and identification of topographic settings susceptible to landsliding. Therefore, we study the accuracy of data on topographic parameters derived from digital elevation models(DEMs). This research wished to analyze the effect that data source and grid size get in topography parameter using gridded DEM. An analysis of topography parameter extract and compared drainage basin, watershed slope, stream network using DEM is constructed by digital map and DTED DEM. Especially, when extract stream network from gridded DEM, received much effects according to threshold value of flowaccumulation regardless of DEM grid size. Therefore, this study applied equal threshold value of flowaccumulation for two data sources, and compare and analyzed stream network.

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Channel Scheduling Policies for Batching in VOD System (VOD 시스템에서 일괄전송을 위한 채널 스케줄링 기법)

  • Park, Ho-Gyun;Yu, Hwang-Bin
    • The Transactions of the Korea Information Processing Society
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    • v.6 no.2
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    • pp.385-395
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    • 1999
  • Video-On-demand system provides electronic video rental services from remote video servers on a broadband communication networks. When we assume some situation that serve the same video stream by batching, each time single video stream became available at server-end side, we face the problem that what video stream to be scheduled at what time instant. Hence, in order to manage the resource bandwidth which is different at each stream, the policy of channel allocation became important factor. In this work, we proposed three type of scheduling policies with queueing, as are cumulative Waiting Time(CWT), Mean Waiting Time(MWT) and Predictable Popular Factor(PPF). While CWT policy is good for popular video, MWT policy was good for non-popular video. Also, we know that PPT policy has some fairness for average wait time and reneging rate of user requests.

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Effects of Fracture Intersection Characteristics on Transport in Three-Dimensional Fracture Networks

  • Park, Young-Jin;Lee, Kang-Kun
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 2001.09a
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    • pp.27-30
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    • 2001
  • Flow and transport at fracture intersections, and their effects on network scale transport, are investigated in three-dimensional random fracture networks. Fracture intersection mixing rules complete mixing and streamline routing are defined in terms of fluxes normal to the intersection line between two fractures. By analyzing flow statistics and particle transfer probabilities distributed along fracture intersections, it is shown that for various network structures with power law size distributions of fractures, the choice of intersection mixing rule makes comparatively little difference in the overall simulated solute migration patterns. The occurrence and effects of local flows around an intersection (local flow cells) are emphasized. Transport simulations at fracture intersections indicate that local flow circulations can arise from variability within the hydraulic head distribution along intersections, and from the internal no flow condition along fracture boundaries. These local flow cells act as an effective mechanism to enhance the nondiffusive breakthrough tailing often observed in discrete fracture networks. It is shown that such non-Fickian (anomalous) solute transport can be accounted for by considering only advective transport, in the framework of a continuous time random walk model. To clarify the effect of forest environmental changes (forest type difference and clearcut) on water storage capacity in soil and stream flow, watershed had been investigated.

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Football match intelligent editing system based on deep learning

  • Wang, Bin;Shen, Wei;Chen, FanSheng;Zeng, Dan
    • KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems (TIIS)
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    • v.13 no.10
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    • pp.5130-5143
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    • 2019
  • Football (soccer) is one of the most popular sports in the world. A huge number of people watch live football matches by TV or Internet. A football match takes 90 minutes, but viewers may only want to watch a few highlights to save their time. As far as we know, there is no such a product that can be put into use to achieve intelligent highlight extraction from live football matches. In this paper, we propose an intelligent editing system for live football matches. Our system can automatically extract a series of highlights, such as goal, shoot, corner kick, red yellow card and the appearance of star players, from the live stream of a football match. Our system has been integrated into live streaming platforms during the 2018 FIFA World Cup and performed fairly well.