• Title/Summary/Keyword: stream level variation

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Estimation of Baseflow Discharge through Several Streams in Jeju Island, Korea (제주도 주요하천의 기저유출량 산정)

  • Moon Duk-Chul;Yang Sung-Kee;Koh Gi-Won;Park Won-Bae
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.405-412
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    • 2005
  • Groundwater in Jeju Island, flowing through main stream, is spring water from underground. To set a fixed quantity of groundwater flowing from surface in a hydrological view, 4 downstream (Woedo stream, Gangjung stream, Yeonwoe stream and Ongpo stream) were selected to calculate the characteristic of baseflow and the base-flow discharge through the data on tachometry. There were 11 to 14 level peak caused by runoff, mostly occurred during monsoon season. Also, duration of runoff was 15 to 25 hours, well reflecting the characteristic of inclined, short stream length in Jeju Island and pervious hydrogeographical feature. In case of Gangjung stream, Yeonwoe stream and Ongpo stream, variation of stream water level by baseflow rose above during summer, which was closely linked to the distribution of seasonal precipitation. From autumn to spring, water level fell below while that of Woedo stream remained the same all year round. Data on the water level observed in Woedo stream and Gangjung stream in every single minutes was applied to weir formula(equation of Oki and Govinda Rao) to calculate baseflow discharge. Also, using the data on current and water level calculated in Ongpo stream and Yeonwoe stream, water level-water flow rating was applied to assess base flow discharge.

Analysis of Stream Depletion due to Groundwater Pumping in Variable Stream Stages Using an Analytical Model (해석적 모형을 이용한 지하수 양수 및 하천수위 변화에 따른 하천수 감소 특성 분석)

  • Lee, Jeongwoo
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.439-449
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    • 2019
  • To prevent the drying-out of streams and to make effective use of stream water and groundwater, it is necessary to evaluate the impact of groundwater pumping on nearby streams. To this end, stream depletion due to groundwater pumping should be investigated in terms of various hydraulic characteristics of the aquifer and stream. This study used the Baalousha analytical solution, which accounts for stream-stage variation over time, to analyze stream depletion due to groundwater pumping for cases where the stream level decreases exponentially and recovers after the decrease. For conditions such as an aquifer transmissivity of 10~100 ㎡ d-1, storage coefficient 0.05~0.3, streambed hydraulic conductance 0.1~1.0 m d-1, stream-well distance 100~500 m, and stage recession coefficient 0.1~1.0 d-1, the contribution of stream water (the dimensionless ratio of stream water reduction rate to groundwater pumping rate) was analyzed in cases where stream level change was considered. Considering the effect of stream-stage recession, the contribution of stream water is greatly reduced and is less affected by the stream-depletion factor, which is a function of the stream-to-well distance and hydraulic diffusivity. However, there is no significant difference in stream depletion under constant- and variable-stage recovery after recession. These results indicate that stream level control can distribute the relative impacts on stream water and aquifer storage during groundwater pumping

강변여과수 취수에 따른 지하수위의 계절적인 변동 특성

  • Jeong Jae-Yeol;Ham Se-Yeong;Lee Jeong-Hwan;Kim Hyeong-Su;Ryu Sang-Hon;Kim Tae-Won;Kim Mun-Su
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Soil and Groundwater Environment Conference
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    • 2006.04a
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    • pp.68-71
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    • 2006
  • Seasonal fluctuation of groundwater level by pumping amount and stream discharge at the riverbank filtrate site adjacent to the Nakdong River in Daesan-Myeon was characterized. Groundwater level fluctuation shows increase in wet season (June, July, August and September) and decrease in dry season (the other months). Seasonal variation of pumping amount shows similar trend to the groundwater fluctuation due to higher consumption of potable water in summer. The relation of specific capacity, Nakdong River and pumping quantity was analyzed. The logarithmic relationship between specific capacity and the stream discharge gives high correlation coefficient, 0.96. This fact indicates that the increase of stream discharge rate reduces the rate of drawdown in the pumping area in wet season.

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Analysis of Flood Level Variation in Oship Stream Using HEC-RAS: Focuses on the Impact of the Typhoon Sanba (HEC-RAS를 이용한 오십천의 수위변화 해석: 태풍산바의 영향을 중심으로)

  • Jun, Kye-Won
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.498-504
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    • 2013
  • Recently, the frequency of typhoons have increased due to the effects of climate change. As a result, in mountain streams, it has caused streamflow increase upstream and frequent water surface elevation downstream. This study analyzed the effects of the heavy rainfalls caused by Typhoon Sanba, which had a direct impact on Korea between September 17 and 18, on the water level variations downstream in mountainous streams. In addition, the drainage basin of Samcheok Oship stream was chosen as the object of this study. This study analyzed the flood level by applying HEC-RAS model. The observed water level measured in 2012 and the water level simulated by HEC-RAS model showed similar results. In addition, the simulation results showed the maximum flood level was 5.32m the mean flow velocity was 2.33m/sec and the maximum channel water depth was 7.51m. The analysis showed that the heavy rainfalls caused by Typhoon Sanba had an impact on the water surface elevation in Oship stream. The final results from this study will give a reasonable and important data to perform the Design of Hydraulic Structure.

A Study on the Farmstead Management in Small Agricultural Watershed using AGNPS model (농촌 비점원 오염 모형을 이용한 농촌 소유역 축산농가 관리기법에 관한 연구(지역환경 \circled1))

  • 이윤아;김성준;장석길
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Agricultural Engineers Conference
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    • 2000.10a
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    • pp.536-542
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    • 2000
  • The purpose of this study is to evaluate the effect of stream quality by the farmer's livestock wastes management in a typical small agricultural watershed. AGNPS model has the capability to adjust the level of pollutant load from farmstead and the fertilization level of upland field. A small agricultural watershed(4.12 $\textrm{km}^2$) which has as livestock farmhouses located in Gosan-myun, Ansung-gun was selected. AGNPS data were prepared by using Arc/info and Idrisi. 4 storm events in 1999 was used for runoff calibration, and 2 storm event which is measured in hourly-base at 4 locations along the stream were used for water quality(TN, TP) calibration. Model's behavior to stream quality for 3 cases was investigated. First, the variation of pollution produced from the cattle shed affected little to the stream quality because the cattle sheds were roofed. Second, the good management of ground in farmstead affected to stream quality with 11% and 17% decrease in TN and TP, respectively. Third, the reduction of fertilization level to upland field affected to stream quality with 27.2% and 38.5% decrease in TN and TP, respectively.

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Study on the Management of Minimum Low Flow and Water Quality of Hongjechun (홍제천 정비를 위한 하천유지유량 확보 및 수질개선 방안 연구)

  • Hwang, Byung-Gi;Ho, Jong-Kwang;Oh, Kyung-Seok
    • Journal of Environmental Impact Assessment
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.37-46
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    • 2005
  • In this study, field surveys were performed for 12 stations in main stream of Hongjechun and 3 stations in 2 tributaries, respectively, in order to find out dried reaches of the stream, and to examine the water quality of the stream, and to suggest methods to improve the stream concerned into eco-stream. In the results of water quality in stream, however distinct difference for seasonal variation of the water quality was not found, the water quality of winter was relatively better than that of other seasons. Annual mean concentration of BOD was 6.5mg/L in the upper reach, 11.8mg/L in the middle reach, 15.3mg/L in the lower reach of main stream, and total mean was 12.5mg/L, while the BOD concentration was 3.6mg/L in the upper reach, and was 9.6mg/L in the low reach of Gukichun, the tributary. Based on flow examination, the level of water depth was so low and the flow can not be traveled downstream in the reach between ST-9 and ST-10 for low water season, whereas it was observed that the flow was traveling except the dry season even the water level was lower than that of adjacent stations.

The Spatial and Temporal Variation of Periphyton in the Inbuk Stream (인북천에서 부착조류 현존량의 시·공간적 변동)

  • Lee, Jaeyong;Islam, Jahidul Mohammad;Shin, Myoungsun;Jung, Sungmin;Kim, Bomchul
    • Journal of Korean Society on Water Environment
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.104-110
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    • 2010
  • Eutrophication is a well-known phenomenon in lentic habitats, however it is receiving increasing attention in shallow streams of Korea due to the increase of periphyton to a nuisance level. In this study temporal and spatial variation in periphyton standing crop and nutrient concentrations were surveyed in the upper reach of the Han River (the Inbuk Stream) that used to be a pristine rural stream until 1980s. Chlorophyll-a concentration per unit surface area of bottom substrate was examined monthly for one year period at nine sites along the Inbuk Stream together with environmental factors such as phosphorus, nitrogen, and water velocity. The standing crop of periphytic algae ranged from $4{\sim}242mgChl.a/m^2$ with a median of $55mgChl.a/m^2$, often exceeding the nuisance level criterion. Along the stream periphyton increased significantly from $39{\pm}48mgChl.a/m^2$ to $94{\pm}49mgChl.a/m^2$ after merging of a tributary in an intensive agricultural basin with high phosphorus concentrations. Seasonally periphyton biomass was highest in autumn (median $171{\pm}76mgChl.a/m^2$) from October through December when water flow velocity was low (median $0.4{\pm}0.3m/s$), while it was higher in flood season (median $1.2{\pm}0.4m/s$) and freezing season (median $0.2{\pm}0.3m/s$) was lower. The result shows that this rural stream often shows characteristics of eutrophication according to periphyton standing crop and it may be regulated by phosphorus and water velocity.

Geochemistry of Acid Mine Water and Stream Sediment around the Donghae Coal Mine (동해탄광 주변 산성광산폐수와 하상퇴적물의 지구화학)

  • Oh, Dae Gyun;Kim, Jung Youp;Chon, Hyo Taek
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.28 no.3
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    • pp.213-220
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    • 1995
  • Geochemistry of stream water and sediment collected in the vicinity of the Donghae coal mine in the Samchuk coalfied were investigated in order to evaluate the environmental impacts of acid mine drainage. The pH of stream water ranges from 2.85(at 2 km away from the mine) to 7.92(at uncontaminated tributary). The main cation and anion species in the upper stream are $Ca^{2+}$ and $SO_{4}{^2-}$, respectively. The level of pH and the amount of $HCO^{3-}$ in stream water increase to the downstream and where uncontaminated small tributaries are joining, and in the area covered with limestone. From the results of thermodynamic calculation, the main forms of iron in stream water are estimated as $Fe^{2+}$ and $FeSO_{4}{^0}$, and most of them could be precipitated as FeO(OH) with increase of pH. The white precipitates in stream sediments particularly found around the coal mine are proved to be $Al(OH)_3$ by XRD and XRF analysis. As a result of investigation for seasonal variation of AMD, the level of pH decreased and conductivity increased in dry season.

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Analysis of Intercepted Flow Characteristics by Accumulated Debris (부유잡목에 의한 흐름차단이 하천에 미치는 영향 분석)

  • Choi, Gye-Woon;Kim, Young-Gyu;Hwang, Young-Man;Cho, Sang-Wook
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2007.05a
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    • pp.846-850
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    • 2007
  • In this study debris like branch or trash are washed and flowed from land to stream by rainfall runoff at mountain or urban stream specially rainy season. These kinds of debris are accumulated at hydraulic construct on the way of flow along the stream. The shape or ratio of like these accumulated debris are various according to the location where it is accumulated and the material what it is, so that it is influenced to be varied to flow characteristics. To be simple of accumulated debris shape, it was made experiments though the variation of open ratio and the shape of accumulated debris by lab experiment using straight channel with two piers. From the result, the water level is inverse proportion to open ratio, and the water level more sensitive to the debris‘ width than length at the same area of accumulated debris.

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Hydrologic Monitoring Analysis due to Hydrologic Characteristic Variation at Urban Stream (도시하천 수문특성변화에 따른 수문모니터링 분석)

  • Seo, Kyu-Woo;Kim, Dai-Gon;Kim, Nam-Gil;Sim, Bong-Joo;Won, Chang-Hee
    • Proceedings of the Korea Water Resources Association Conference
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    • 2006.05a
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    • pp.746-751
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    • 2006
  • The geumjunggu of the onchunchun which is the upper stream have been maintained as a too much picture to become a concrete lining about existing low flow channel and the reservoir water protecting banks for the reason of the flow of an upper stream steep slope and back of the shortage of the channel area in a suitableness interval. This research made a rating-curve to decide since to ensure against risks to the flood control through the undo of the rivers. And we found the speed of current of a nature undo interval and existing concrete interval and water level change out. A result from this natural disposition we must apply as a data for the research about the plan to be established in the rivers maintenance basis plan of onchunchun.

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