• Title/Summary/Keyword: story structure

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Structural Analysis Methods for RC Building Demolition Work under Heavy Equipment Loading (해체공사 실무자를 위한 기계식 해체대상 RC구조물의 해석기법 제안)

  • Park, Seong-Sik;Lee, Bum-Sik;Park, Ji-Young;Kim, Hyo-Jin;Sohn, Chang-Hak
    • Land and Housing Review
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    • v.2 no.4
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    • pp.569-575
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    • 2011
  • In domestic mechanical demolition work against RC building, unsuitable selection and loading of heavy equipment have led to occasional accidents such as collapse of structural members during the work. Therefore, proper analysis technique to easily decide allowable equipment load on the structure is needed at the planning stage of mechanical demolition work. In this paper, performing loading test and elastic analysis against 4-story building at full scale, we confirm appropriateness for allowable load of equipment on RC structures, which was suggested in previous study, and suggest structural analysis method that can evaluate safety of RC building during the mechanical demolition. The suggested method can be effectively utilized to improve work efficiency through safety of mechanical demolition work against RC building and proper management of equipments.

A Study on the Interactive Storytelling Structures of Digital Comics (디지털 만화의 인터랙티브 스토리텔링 구조에 관한 연구)

  • Kim Young-Geun;Ahn Seong-Hye
    • Journal of Game and Entertainment
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.35-44
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    • 2006
  • Whereas comics were printed on a paper in the past, it is now possible to produce digital comics thanks to the development of computer technology. However, it only came to be implemented on a monitor instead of paper and did not fully utilize a digital environment. That is because most digital comics have been made to be transferred in 'one-way' which means that contents of authors are transferred only to readers not vice versa. Recently, the notion of the 'interactive' in the digital contents takes its own shape even at the 'interactive way' of the communications change through the author and the reader's interactivity using the digital technology. As such, the study put more importance on the digital comics in a proper interactive story-telling structure and one of its category through the suggestion of the above and the soil where to develop the following study.

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Computational analysis of three dimensional steel frame structures through different stiffening members

  • Alaskar, Abdulaziz;Wakil, Karzan;Alyousef, Rayed;Jermsittiparsert, Kittisak;Ho, Lanh Si;Alabduljabbar, Hisham;Alrshoudi, Fahed;Mohamed, Abdeliazim Mustafa
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.187-197
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    • 2020
  • Ground motion records are commonly used for fragility curves (FCs) developing utilized in seismic loss estimating analysis for earthquake prone zones. These records could be 'real', say the recorded acceleration time series or 'simulated' records consistent with the regional seismicity and produced by use of alternative simulation methods. This study has focused on fragility curves developing for masonry buildings through computational 'simulated' ground motion records while evaluating the properness of these fragilities compared to the curves generated by the use of 'real' records. Assessing the dynamic responses of structures, nonlinear computational time history analyses through the equivalent single degree of freedom systems have been implemented on OpenSees platform. Accordingly, computational structural analyses of multi-story 3D frame structures with different stiffening members considering soil interaction have been carried out with finite element software according to (1992) Earthquake East-West component. The obtained results have been compared to each frame regarding soil interaction. Conclusion and recommendations with the discuss of obtaining findings are presented.

Cross Penetration of Empire and Colony in Chunhyangjeon by Jang Hyukju (장혁주의 「춘향전」을 통해 본 제국과 식민지의 변주)

  • Kim, Gae Ja
    • Cross-Cultural Studies
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    • v.38
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    • pp.7-28
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    • 2015
  • This article considers Chunhyanjeon written in Japanese by Jang Hyukju in 1938. His Chunhyangjeon was presented from among the collusion and crack of 'things Japanese' and 'things Chosun' discussed in Japanese literary world in the 1930's. This article analyzed the writing method and the meaning of the text. Jang Hyukju(張赫宙, 1905~1997) became known to Japanese literary world by the second grade nomination of the prize contest of the magazine Kaizo in 1932. Since then, he worked actively in the Japanese literary world by writing novels in Japanese and introducing the literature of Chosun. Thanks to his activity, the literature of Chosun drew attraction from the Japanese, which can be called 'boom'. Jang Hyukju was in the middle of this boom. So, his text presented the collusion and crack of empire and colony. We can make sure this issue from his play Chunhyangjeon. When he presented Chunhyangjeon, Jang Hyukju mentioned his purpose of writing. He intended to write modern play in new literary style. Chunhyangjeon was surely the material of things traditional Chosun, which was corresponded to the demand of Japanese literary world. Through the story of Chunhyangjeon, however, he formed the modern text style. He wrote in standard Japanese language, and described things from the perspective style which is often used in modern novel. And he renewed the character characteristically and arranged the structure of the play. His writing style showed clear distinction in the comparison to Chunhyangjeon written by You Chijin which was presented in Korean language 2 years earlier than Jang Hyukuju's. The text Chunhyangjeon written in Japanese by Jang Hyukju reflected specificity as a district of Japan. But on the other hand, a new literary method of modern realism was tried. Chunhyangjeon written by Jang Hyukju shows the cross penetration of empire and colony. And in his Japanese-language literature, the literature of Chosun is coexisting and playing variation.

Feminist Expression Analysis of Modern Commercial Movies (Focusing on "Micro-habitat(2017)") (현대 상업영화의 페미니즘 표현분석연구 (영화 "소공녀(2017)"을 중심으로))

  • Lee, Tae-Hoon
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.17 no.10
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    • pp.439-446
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    • 2019
  • Feminism on the theme of gender equality is emerging as an important issue in the overall Korean culture. Feminism is not only a level of claiming or advocating women's rights, but an essential subject of gaze and thought, not a distorted, artificially portrayed image of women distorted or typified in a story created by men in the past It is a film that explores the problem of the individual's life in society fundamentally. Jun Koeun's movie' 'micro-habitat'(2018) 'expresses a feminist theme that shows a strong self - selection and transcendental thinking in male - oriented stereotypes and inequal social structure. The film, which focuses on the public insight into society and the enhancement of the ideal human being from the viewpoint that the public film should lead the educated enlightenment character that raises the broad insight into the world and lead the mature social culture, I think it will play a big role.

Concrete structural health monitoring using piezoceramic-based wireless sensor networks

  • Li, Peng;Gu, Haichang;Song, Gangbing;Zheng, Rong;Mo, Y.L.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.6 no.5_6
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    • pp.731-748
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    • 2010
  • Impact detection and health monitoring are very important tasks for civil infrastructures, such as bridges. Piezoceramic based transducers are widely researched for these tasks due to the piezoceramic material's inherent advantages of dual sensing and actuation ability, which enables the active sensing method for structural health monitoring with a network of piezoceramic transducers. Wireless sensor networks, which are easy for deployment, have great potential in health monitoring systems for large civil infrastructures to identify early-age damages. However, most commercial wireless sensor networks are general purpose and may not be optimized for a network of piezoceramic based transducers. Wireless networks of piezoceramic transducers for active sensing have special requirements, such as relatively high sampling rate (at a few-thousand Hz), incorporation of an amplifier for the piezoceramic element for actuation, and low energy consumption for actuation. In this paper, a wireless network is specially designed for piezoceramic transducers to implement impact detection and active sensing for structural health monitoring. A power efficient embedded system is designed to form the wireless sensor network that is capable of high sampling rate. A 32 bit RISC wireless microcontroller is chosen as the main processor. Detailed design of the hardware system and software system of the wireless sensor network is presented in this paper. To verify the functionality of the wireless sensor network, it is deployed on a two-story concrete frame with embedded piezoceramic transducers, and the active sensing property of piezoceramic material is used to detect the damage in the structure. Experimental results show that the wireless sensor network can effectively implement active sensing and impact detection with high sampling rate while maintaining low power consumption by performing offline data processing and minimizing wireless communication.

The seismic reliability of two connected SMRF structures

  • Aval, Seyed Bahram Beheshti;Farrokhi, Amir;Fallah, Ahmad;Tsouvalas, Apostolos
    • Earthquakes and Structures
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.151-164
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    • 2017
  • This article aims to investigate the possible retrofitting of a deficient building with soft story failure mode by connecting it to an adjacent building which is designed based on current code with friction dampers at all floors. Low cost and high performance reliability along with significant energy dissipation pertaining to stable hysteretic loops may be considered in order to choose the proper damper for connecting adjacent buildings. After connecting two neighbouring floors by friction dampers, the sliding forces of dampers at various stories are set in two arrangements: uniform sliding force and then variable sliding force. In order to account for the stochastic nature of the seismic events, incremental dynamic analyses are employed prior and after the installation of the friction dampers at the various floors. Based on these results, fragility curves and mean annual rate of exceedance of serviceability and ultimate limit states are obtained. The results of this study show that the collapse mode of the deficient building can affect the optimum arrangement of sliding forces of friction dampers at Collapse Prevention (CP) performance level. In particular, the Immediate Occupancy (IO) performance level is not tangible to the sliding force arrangement and it depends solely on sliding force value. Generally it can be claimed that this rehabilitation scheme can turn the challenge of pounding two adjacent buildings into the opportunity of dissipating a large amount of the seismic input energy by the friction dampers, thus improving significantly the poor seismic performance of the deficient structure.

Optimal Design of a Hybrid Structural Control System using a Self-Adaptive Harmony Search Algorithm (자가적응 화음탐색 알고리즘을 이용한 복합형 최적 구조제어 시스템 설계)

  • Park, Wonsuk
    • Journal of the Computational Structural Engineering Institute of Korea
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    • v.31 no.6
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    • pp.301-308
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    • 2018
  • This paper presents an optimal design method of a hybrid structural control system considering multi-hazard. Unlike a typical structural control system in which one system is designed for one specific type of hazard, a simultaneous optimal design method for both active and passive control systems is proposed for the mitigation of seismic and wind induced vibration responses of structures. As a numerical example, an optimal design problem is illustrated for a hybrid mass damper(HMD) and 30 viscous dampers which are installed on a 30 story building structure. In order to solve the optimization problem, a self-adaptive Harmony Search(HS) algorithm is adopted. Harmony Search algorithm is one of the meta-heuristic evolutionary methods for the global optimization, which mimics the human player's tuning process of musical instruments. A self-adaptive, dynamic parameter adjustment algorithm is also utilized for the purpose of broad search and fast convergence. The optimization results shows that the performance and effectiveness of the proposed system is superior with respect to a reference hybrid system in which the active and passive systems are independently optimized.

Seismic Retrofitting Effects of General Hospital Using Self-Centering Energy Dissipative Bracing System (자기복구형 에너지소산 가새시스템을 적용한 종합병원의 내진보강효과)

  • Kim, Taewan;Chu, Yurim;Bhandari, Diwas
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.23 no.3
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    • pp.159-167
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    • 2019
  • 2016 Gyeongju and 2017 Pohang earthquakes led Koreans to acknowledge that the Korean peninsula is not an earthquake-free zone anymore. Among various buildings crucial to after-shock recovery, general hospital buildings, especially existing old ones, are very significant so seismic retrofitting of those must be an important issue. Self-centering energy dissipative(SCED) brace is one of retrofitting methods, which consists of tendon with restoring force and friction device capable of dissipating seismic energy. The strength of the SCED brace is that the tendon forces a structure to go back to the original position, which means residual drift can be negligible. The residual drift is a very important parameter to determine usableness of general hospitals after shock. To the contrary, buckling-restrained braces(BRB) are also a very effective way to retrofit because they can resist both compressive and tensile, but residual drift may exist when the steel core yields. On this background, the seismic retrofitting effect of general hospitals reinforced with SCED braces was investigated and compared to that of the BRD in this study. As a result, although the floor acceleration cannot be reduced, the story drift and residual drift, and the shear demand of walls significantly decreased. Consequently, seismic retrofitting by SCED braces are very effective for domestic low-rise general hospitals.

Seismic Performance Evaluation of the Ceiling Bracket-type Modular System with Various Bracket Lengths and Bolt Types (천장 브래킷형 모듈러 시스템의 브래킷 길이와 볼트에 따른 내진성능평가)

  • Kwak, Eui-Shin;Kang, Chang-Hoon;Shon, Su-Deok;Lee, Seung-Jae
    • Journal of the Architectural Institute of Korea Structure & Construction
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.25-33
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    • 2018
  • In regard to modular systems, new methods, as well as middle and high-story unit design ideas, are currently being studied. These studies need to focus on the enhanced stiffness and seismic performance of these connections, and see that the development of fully restrained moment connections can improve the seismic performance. For this reason, this study evaluates the performance of the connections of the ceiling bracket-typed modular system through repeated loading tests and analyses. In order to compare them with these modular units, new unit specimens with the bracket connection being different from that of the traditional modular unit specimens were designed, and the results of repeated loading tests were analyzed. In the traditional units, the structural performances of both welding connection and bolt connection were evaluated. In regard to the testing results, the initial stiffness of the hysteresis curve was compared with the theoretical initial stiffness, and the features of all specimens were also analyzed with regard to the maximum moment. In addition, the test results were examined with regard to the connection flexural strength of the steel special moment frame specified under the construction criteria KBC2016. The connections, which were proposed in the test results, were found to be fully restrained moment connections for designing strong column-weak beams and meeting the requirements of seismic performance of special moment frames.