• Title/Summary/Keyword: storativity

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A Study of Carvernous Limestone Aquifer of Jeon Cheon Basin (전천 석회암 대수층에 관한 연구)

  • 한종상
    • Water for future
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.171-179
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    • 1983
  • In the Jeon Cheon Basin, unconsolidated alluvium and marine clay beds overlying Tertiary conglomerate and impermeable mudstone, and Cambro-Ordovician sedimentary rocks composed of mainly cavernous limestones, and age-unknowned crystalline rocks are occured. Most productive rock is Cambro-Ordovician limestones containing a lot of solution openings and secondary porosities and shows its transmissivity of 1836$m^2$/day and storativity of 1.47 $\times$ $10^{-3}$. The storage of deep seated groundwater in linestone aquifer is estimated about 1059 $\times$ $10^6$ metric tons, being equivalent to 6 years total precipitation of the basin. The safe yield of the groundwater to be abstracted from the aquifer is about 126,000 tons/day. To pump at least 100,000 tons/day of groundwater from the said aquifer, a well field comprising 34 deep wells ranging in depth from 80 to 100 meter and penetrating the cavernous limestone aquifer shall be established at middle and down stream area.

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Physical and chemical analyses of ground-water by impacts of tunneling at coastal urban region in Busan (부산시 해안 인근 지역에서의 터널 굴착에 따른 지하수 거동 영향 평가)

  • Kim, Hyoung-Soo;Lee, Ju-Hyun;Ahn, Ju-Hee;Jeong, Ui-Jin;Kim, Jun-Mo;Yoon, Woon-Sang;Chung, Sang-Yong;Lee, Jin-Moo;Woo, Sang-Woo
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2005.03a
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    • pp.457-464
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    • 2005
  • In the case of tunneling, the equilibrium state of hydro-geologic environments destroy and change abruptly in some section of whole works. Specially, it's very possible for seawater to intrude toward the site of tunnel if the field is nearly located in a costal region. In this study, we have evaluated the mechanism related between groundwater flow and seawater intrusion that by impacts of tunneling. Various hydro-geological field tests have performed for getting four representative hydrogeologic properties of geologic formations such as transmissivity (T), storativity(S), longitudial dispersity(${\alpha}_L$), and effective porosity($n_e$). For the effect of tunneling, the numerical model was first simulated based on the governing equation of groundwater flow. The results showed that the maximum drawdown was 17.2m and the total inflow into the tunnel had the range from 0.48 to $3.63m^3/day/m$. Secondly, the three dimensional numerical model was analyzed to investigate a characteristic of seawater intrusion based on the previous simulated results of groundwater flow. The results showed the seawater moved as the range of $200{\sim}220m$ from the initial interface between seawater and groundwater toward the tunnel.

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Integrated Surface-Groundwater Hydrologic Analysis for Evaluating Effectiveness of Groundwater Dam in Ssangcheon Watershed (쌍천 지하댐의 효용성 평가를 위한 지표수-지하수 통합 수문해석)

  • Kim, Nam-Won;Na, Han-Na;Chung, Il-Moon
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.525-532
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    • 2011
  • In this study, the usefulness of underground dam as a means for the sustainable development of groundwater, and its performance in the management of groundwater resources were analyzed. The fully integrated SWAT-MODFLOW was applied to the Ssangcheon watershed in Korea to evaluate the effectiveness of groundwater dam construction. After construction, the groundwater level raised in the upstream area of groundwater dam while lowered in the downstream area. Also, it is shown that the exchange rate of river-aquifer interactions increased in the upper area of the dam. Since the storage capacity of the aquifer largely increased in the upper area of the dam, the exploitable groundwater could be greatly increased as much. This study demonstrated that a groundwater dam was a very useful measure to increase the available storativity of groundwater aquifers. It also represented that the combined analysis using SWAT-MODFLOW was helpful for the design and opeation of groundwater dam in the Ssangcheon watershed.

A Study on Alumina Nanoparticle Dispersion for Improving Injectivity and Storativity of CO2 in Depleted Gas Reservoirs (고갈 가스전에서 CO2 주입성 및 저장성 향상을 위한 알루미나 나노입자의 분산 특성 연구)

  • Seonghak Cho;Chayoung Song;Jeonghwan Lee
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Gas
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    • v.27 no.1
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    • pp.23-32
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    • 2023
  • In this study, the Al2O3 nanofluid was synthesized as an additive for improving the injection efficiency and storage capacity of carbon dioxide (CO2) in a depleted sandstone reservoir or deep saline aquifer. As the base fluid, deionized water (DIW) and saline prepared by referring to the composition of API Brine were used, and the fluid was synthesized by using Al2O3 nanofluid with CTAB (cetyltrimethyl-ammonium bromide), a cationic surfactant. After that, the dispersion stability was evaluated by using visual observation, dynamic light scattering (DLS), transmission electron microscope (TEM), and miscibility test. As a result, it was presented that stable nanofluid without agglomeration and precipitation after reaction with 70,000 ppm of brine could be synthesized when the nanoparticle concentration was 0.05 wt% or less.

Characterization of Area Installing Combined Geothermal Systems : Hydrogeological Properties of Aquifer (복합지열시스템에 대한 부지특성화: 대수층의 수리지질학적 특성)

  • Mok, Jong-Koo;Park, Yu-Chul;Park, Youngyun;Kim, Seung-Kyum;Oh, Jeong-Seok;Seonwoo, Eun-Mi
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.293-304
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    • 2017
  • This study was performed in order to hydrogeological analysis of aquifer, which is a necessary part for evaluating the efficiency of the combined well and open-closed loops geothermal (CWG) systems. CWG systems have been proposed for the effective utilization of geothermal energy by combining open loop geothermal systems and closed loop geothermal systems. Small aperture CWG systems and large aperture CWG systems were installed at a green house land with water curtain facilities in Chungju City. Aquifer tests include pumping tests and step-drawdown tests were conducted to analyse hydrogeological characteristics of aquifer in the study area. The transmissivity was estimated in the range of $13.49{\sim}58.99cm^2/sec$, and the storativity was estimated in the range of $1.13{\times}10^{-5}{\sim}5.20{\times}10^{-3}$. The geochemical analysis showed $Ca^{2+}$ ion and ${HCO_3}^-$ ion were dominant in groundwater. The Langelier Saturation Index and the Ryznar Stability Index showed low scaling potential of groundwater. In the analysis of vertical water temperature change, the geothermal gradient was estimated as $2.1^{\circ}C/100m$, which indicated the aquifer was enough for geothermal systems. In conclusion, groundwater is rich, can stably use geothermal heat, and it is less likely to cause deterioration of thermal energy efficiency by precipitation of carbonate minerals in study area. Therefore, the study area is suitable for installation of the combined geothermal system.

The Scale-Dependent Dispersion Through Convergent Flow Tracer Tests in Alluvial Aquifer with High Permeability at the Ttaan isle, Gimhae City (김해 딴섬의 고투수성 충적층에서 수렴흐름 추적자시험에 의한 규모종속 수리분산 연구)

  • Kang, Dong-Hwan;Shim, Byoung-Ohan;Kwon, Byung-Hyuk;Kim, Il-Kyu
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.17-25
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    • 2007
  • Convergent flow tracer test for 2 m (IW-1 well) and 5 m (IW-2 well) of test scale was conducted at the alluvial aquifer with high permeability and storativity. Pumping rate for convergent flow tracer test were $2,500m^3/day$, and the chloride tracer of 5 kg was instantaneously injected into IW-1 and IW-2 wells. Differences of first arrival time and peak concentration were analyzed by using the concentration breakthrough curves of chloride. Recovered chloride mass were analyzed by recovered cumulative mass curves. And, increment and decrement for chloride concentration were analyzed through chloride concentration versus recovered cumulative mass ratio graphs. Also, increment and decrement ratios of chloride concentration were estimated through linear regression analyses for increment and decrement intervals of chloride concentration. Longitudinal dispersivities were estimated by quot;Converging Radial Flow With Instantaneous Injectionquot; method using CATTI code. Longitudinal dispersivities estimated by CATTI code were 0.4152 m between pumping well and IW-1 well, and 3.2665 m between pumping well and IW-2 well. Longitudinal dispersivity was increased according to far distance from the pumping well. The longitudinal dispersivity according to distance were estimated as 0.21 between pumping well and IW-1 well, and 0.65 between pumping well and IW-2 well.

An Assessment of Groundwater Pollution Potential of a Proposed Petrochemical Plant Site in Ulsan, South Korea Hydrogeologic and site characterization and groundwater pollution potential by utilizing several empirical assessment methodologies (지하수 오염 가능성 평가 -수리지질 및 부지특성 조사와 경험적 평가 방법을 이용한 지하수 요염 가능성-)

  • Han, Jeong Sang;Han, Kyu Sang;Lee, Yong Dong;Yoo, Dae Ho
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.425-452
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    • 1990
  • A tentative hydrogeologic and hydrodispersive study was carried out to evaluate the groundwater pollution potential at a selected site by utilizing empirical assessment methodologies in an advanced stage of quantitative computer aided assessment. The upper most aquifer is defind as saturated overburden and weathered zone including the upper part of highly fractured rock. Representative hydraulic conductivity and storativity of the uppermost aquifer are estimated at 2.88 E-6 m/s and 0.09, respectively. Also calculated Darcian and average linear velocity of groundwater along the major pathway are 0.011 m/d and 0.12 m/d with average hydraulic gradient of 4.6% in the site. The results of empirical assessment methodologies indicate that 1) DRASTIC depicts that the site is situated on non-sensitive and non-vulnerable area. 2) Legrand numerical rating system shows that the probability of contamination and degree of acceptability are classed to "Maybe-Improbable, and Probable Acceptable and Marginally Unacceptable" with situation grade of "B". 3)Waste soil-site interaction matrix assessment categorizes that the study site is located on "Class-8 Site".

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Assessment of Effects of Groundwater Pumping from Deep Aquifer on Streamflow Depletion (죽산천 주변 암반층 지하수 양수로 인한 하천수 감소 영향 분석)

  • Lee, Jeongwoo;Kim, Nam Won;Chung, Il Moon;Cha, Joon Ho
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.48 no.9
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    • pp.769-779
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    • 2015
  • The streamflow depletion due to groundwater pumping from deep aquifer near the Juksan stream has been simulated, in this study, by using the surface water and groundwater integrated model, SWAT-ODFLOW in order to analyze the relationship between the stream depletion and hydraulic properties of aquifer and streambed, and to spatially assess the streamflow depletion. The simulated results showed that the streamflow depletion rate divided by the pumping rate for each well location ranges from 10% to 90% with reflecting the various well-stream distance, transmissivity, storativity, and streambed hydraulic conductance. In particular, the streamflow depletion exceeds about 50% of pumping rate for conditions with transmissivity higher than $10m^2/day$ or storage coefficient lower than 0.1. The simulated results in the form of spatial maps indicated that the spatially averaged percent depletion of streamflow is about 53.6% for five years of pumping which is lower than that for shallow aquifer pumping by 12.9%. From the spatially distributed stream depletion, it was found that higher and more rapid stream depletion to pumping occurs near middle-downstream reach.

Standard Procedures and Field Application Case of Constant Pressure Injection Test for Evaluating Hydrogeological Characteristics in Deep Fractured Rock Aquifer (고심도 균열암반대수층 수리지질특성 평가를 위한 정압주입시험 조사절차 및 현장적용사례 연구)

  • Hangbok Lee;Chan Park;Eui-Seob Park;Yong-Bok Jung;Dae-Sung Cheon;SeongHo Bae;Hyung-Mok Kim;Ki Seog Kim
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.33 no.5
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    • pp.348-372
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    • 2023
  • In relation to the high-level radioactive waste disposal project in deep fractured rock aquifer environments, it is essential to evaluate hydrogeological characteristics for evaluating the suitability of the site and operational stability. Such subsurface hydrogeological data is obtained through in-situ tests using boreholes excavated at the target site. The accuracy and reliability of the investigation results are directly related to the selection of appropriate test methods, the performance of the investigation system, standardization of the investigation procedure. In this report, we introduce the detailed procedures for the representative test method, the constant pressure injection test (CPIT), which is used to determine the key hydrogeological parameters of the subsurface fractured rock aquifer, namely hydraulic conductivity and storativity. This report further refines the standard test method suggested by the KSRM in 2022 and includes practical field application case conducted in volcanic rock aquifers where this investigation procedure has been applied.

The Pore Volume of Groundwater Level Drawdown Zone Through Slug/Bail Tests in Sand and Silt Soils (모래와 실트의 혼합층에서 순간충격시험에 의한 지하수위 강하구역의 공극체적 산정)

  • Kim, Tae-Yeong;Kang, Dong-Hwan;Chung, Sang-Yong;Yang, Sung-Il;Lee, Min-Hee
    • Journal of Soil and Groundwater Environment
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.1-7
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    • 2007
  • Slug/bail tests were conducted in sand layer (sbt-1 well), silty sand layer (sbt-2 well), and mixed sand and silty sand layer (sbt-3 well). Hydraulic conductivity and specific storage coefficient were estimated through slug/bail tests. Pore volumes of groundwater level drawdown zone for bail test were estimated by using hydraulic conductivity and specific storage coefficient. KGS model was most suitable interpretation method of slug/bail tests. Average hydraulic conductivity for slug/bail tests were estimated to be $6.65{\times}10^{-5}$ m/sec in sbt-1 well, $6.33{\times}10^{-6}$ m/sec in sbt-2 well, and $3.72{\times}10^{-5}$ m/sec in sbt-3 well. Average specific storage coefficient for slug/bail tests were estimated to be 0.0225 in sbt-1 well, 0.0177 in sbt-2 well, and 0.0259 in sbt-3 well. Dimensionless time and dimensionless wellbore storage were estimated by use of transmissivity, storativity, test time, and specification of test wells. And, dimensionless drawdown were selected by parameter ${\alpha}\;and\;{\beta}$ parameter from Cooper et al. (1967). Radius of influence were estimated by estimated dimensionless time, dimensionless wellbore storage, and dimensionless drawdown. The average radius of influnce for slug/bail tests were estimated to be 1.377 m in sbt-1 well, 1.253 m in sbt-2 well, and 1.558 m in sbt-3 well. Pore volume at groundwater level drawdown zone by dummy withdrawal for bail tests were estimated to be $145,636cm^3$ in sbt-1 well, $71,561cm^3$ in sbt-2 well, and $100,418cm^3$ in sbt-3 well. Pore volume excepted well volume at groundwater level drawdown zone by dummy withdrawal for bail tests were estimated to be $145,410cm^3$ in sbt-1 well, $71,353cm^3$ in sbt-2 well, and $100,192cm^3$ in sbt-3 well.