• Title/Summary/Keyword: storage periods

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Studies on the Change of Components with Long-Term Storage of paddy (장기저장 미곡의 성분변화 특성)

  • 김영수
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.12 no.4
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    • pp.409-414
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    • 1999
  • In order to investigate the changes of rice qualities during 4 years storage of paddy stored in ware-house of normal temperature condition. Temperature in warehouse was changed more than 3$0^{\circ}C$ under the influence of average temperature outside of a warehouse. Water content of paddy was not increased over 15% But as average temperature in warehouse was gone up 18$^{\circ}C$ from June to September every years it was supposed that these periods were to be deterioration of rice quality. On investigation of change in paddy it was supposed that these periods were to be deterioration of rice quality. On investigation of change in paddy components during the long term storage, reducing, sugar, amylose, crude protein were increased 0.24%, 19.23%, 7.02% at enterance time to 0.5%, 20.31% 7.46% 4 years later respectively. Max viscosity final visocity and set back value by amylograph were increased 449B,U 610B.U, 161B.U to 493B.U, 715B,U 222B.U but breakdown was decreased 125B.U to 76B.U with the increase of storage period. Gel consistency of rice stored was decreased 44.7mm at enterance time to 39,9mm 4years later. Fatty acid was increased remarkably 4.5KOHmg/100g to 24.4KOHmg/100g. Germination ratio and germ activity of paddy during long-term storage were decreased 97%, 100% to 0%, 0.4% respectively, With the increase of storage period contaminated paddy by molds increased and its by bacteria decreas-ed.

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Hydraulic consideration to improve the tractive force of sewage in sewer pipes using a storage tank (관로내 하수흐름의 전단응력 향상을 위한 저수조의 활용에 관한 수리적 고찰)

  • Park, Kyoohong;Yu, Soonyu;Lee, Taehoon
    • Journal of Korean Society of Water and Wastewater
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    • v.33 no.2
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    • pp.121-129
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    • 2019
  • If sewage flows for an extended time at low velocities, solids may be deposited in the sewer. Sufficient velocity or tractive force should be developed regularly to flush out any solids that may have been deposited during low flow periods. This study aims to evaluate the periods (T) during which sewage flow greater than the minimum tractive force maintains on a spot in sewer pipe system with lower tractive force or lower velocity than expected in the design step, when a storage tank installed in a place upsteam pours water into the sewer. The effect to T of design factors of storage tank and sewer pipes was evaluated assuming the uniform flow in sewers. When the area of orifice in the storage tank is $0.062m^2$(or 0.28 m diameter), the maximum T of 31sec was maintained using the usually used preset range of values of several design factors. As the horizontal cross section of storage tank and water depth of storage tank and roughness in sewers increase, T linearly increases. Also, T linearly decreases as the diameter of a sewer pipe increases. Although T gradually decreases as the sewer pipe slope decreases to around 0.005, T decreases sharply when the slope is less than 0.003.

Effect of seasonal cabbage cultivar (Brassica rapa L. ssp. Pekinesis) on the quality characteristics of salted-Kimchi cabbages during storage period (계절별 배추 품종에 따른 절임배추의 저장중 품질 특성)

  • Choi, Eun Jeong;Jeong, Moon Cheol;Ku, Kyung Hyung
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.303-313
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    • 2015
  • This study investigates the physicochemical, microbiological and sensory characteristics of seasonal salted-Kimchi cabbages to provide basic data on its uniform quality. Generally, seasonal salted-Kimchi samples had different pH values at initial storage periods, but there was no difference in pH between the seasonal samples when stored for longer periods. The samples from the fall and winter seasons were relatively low in acid and high in solid soluble content compared to samples from other seasons. Salted-Kimchi cabbages in the summer showed the highest microbiological number compared to samples from other seasons. In the sensory evaluation, there were differences in the appearance, aroma, and taste, depending on seasonal samples at different storage periods. The correlation coefficient between the quality characteristics in the seasonal samples showed a positive or negative correlation between the quality characteristics at 1% significant level. In the principal component analysis, F1 and F2 were shown the 51.81% and 14.23% of the total variance (66.21%), respectively. In the PCA pattern of seasonal salted-Kimchi cabbages during storage periods, winter samples were distributed on the top of F2, spring samples were in the middle of F2, while the rest of the samples were distributed on the bottom of F2. According to increasing storage periods, initial storage samples were distributed at the left of F1, while other samples were located at the right of F2.

The Development of Squid(Todarodes pacificus) Sik-hae in Kang-Nung District -1. The Effects of Fermentation Temperatures and Periods on the Properties of Squid Sik-hae- (강릉지방의 오징어 식해 개발에 관한 연구 -1. 숙성온도 및 기간에 따른 성분변화-)

  • KIM Sang-Moo;JEONG In-Hak;CHO Young-Je
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.215-222
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    • 1994
  • Kang-Nung sik-hae is a traditional Korean fermented fish product which has remained in existence in Kang-Nung district. In order to preserve the traditional culture of Kang-Nung sik-hae and develop it as a commercial product, the property changes of sik-hae were investigated at different fermentation temperatures and periods. The chemical changes during the fermentation of squid(Todarodes pacificus) sik-hae were studied at different fermentation temperatures and periods. The amounts of proximate compositions and salinity did not change significantly at all fermentation temperatures and periods. The value of pH decreased with increasing storage period at all fermentation temperatures except at $5^{\circ}C$, whereas that of lactic acid at all fermentation temperatures increased. The amount of total arginine increased slightly up to 10-day of storage and decreased after that. The amount of $NH_2-N$ increased rapidly up to 15-day of storage at all temperatures and increased slightly after that. The amount of TMAO decreased significantly at $15^{\circ}C\;and\;20^{\circ}C$ and slightly at $5^{\circ}C\;and\;10^{\circ}C$, whereas that of TMA increased significantly at $20^{\circ}C$ up to 5-day of storage and decreased slightly after that. At all experimental temperatures except $5^{\circ}C$, the amount of TMA increased or fluctuated in proportion to the increase in fermentation periods. Inosine and hypoxanthine were the main components of nucleotides and their related compounds during the fermentation of sik-hae. Summarizing the above results, the optimum fermentation period of sik-hae was concluded to be 15-days at all experimental temperatures except $5^{\circ}C$.

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Effect of Cooking, Reheating Methods and Storage Conditions on the Quality Characteristics of ′Nuhbiani′ (조리, 재가열 방법 및 저장 조건이 너비아니 품질 특성에 미치는 영향)

  • 김정원;김희섭
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.11 no.5
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    • pp.494-502
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    • 1995
  • The study was conducted to evaluate the characteristics of Nuhbiani qualities with the different cooking, reheating methods and storage conditions. Cooking and reheating methods were used with pan, microwave and their combinations. Precooked samples were stored for 0, 1, 4, 7, 15 days in the refrigerator and for 15, 30 days in the freezer. TBA value, shear value by rheometer and sensory attributes in rancidity, hardness, juiciness and overall acceptability were measured. There was no significant difference between cooking, reheating methods in TBA values. Lower values in TBA were noted in the Nuhbiani of frozen storage as compared with that of refrigerated storage. There is a tendency that TBA values were increased as the storage time extended during the refrigeration. Shear values were more increased by microwave cooking and microwave reheating than other methods showing harder texture. Results from sensory evaluation of rancidity, hardness, juiciness and overall acceptability show that there were no significant differences between storage methods, among storage periods and cooking, reheating methods.

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Changes of the Physico-chemical Characteristics of Venison Extracts during Chilling Storage (냉장중 사슴육 증탕액의 이화학적 특성의 변화)

  • 박창일;김영직
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.10 no.4
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    • pp.298-304
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    • 2000
  • This experiment was carried out to investigate the changes in pH, proximate composition, pH, VBN, TBA, minerals, and fatty acid of venison extracts, from three slaughtered deers with 180~210 kg live weight (♀, Elk deer, 28~30 months of age) at 4$^{\circ}C$. Proximate composition was not affected by storage periods. The pH, VBN, and TBA ranged from 4.60~4.62, 13.52~15.75 mg%, and 0.20~0/81mg/kg. respectively. The pH, VBN, and TBA gradually increased during storage period (p<0.050. Among minerals, K, P, Na, Mg, and Ca were major mineral contents and the Ca, mg, Na contents significantly decreased (p<0.05) according to the storage period. The major fatty acid found in venison extracts were oleic acid, palmitic acid, stearic acid, linoleic acid. Oleic acid, linolenic acid, and arachidonic acid decreased during storage, but palmitic acid, heptadeanonic acid, and stearic acid increased during the storage. U/S (unsalturated fatty acid/saturated fatty acid) ratio tended to decrease during the storage.

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Effects of Residual Phosphorus Content on color Reversion and Storage Stability of Corn Germ Oil (잔류 인함량이 옥배유의 변색및 저장안정성에 미치는 영향)

  • 김종승;이근보;이미숙
    • Journal of Food Hygiene and Safety
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.107-110
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    • 1997
  • To examine the effects of residual phosphorus content on color reversion and storage stability of corn germ oil, the changes of Lovibond total color and stability of oxidation were determined according to the different storage periods at room and incubating temperature, respectively. The residual phosphorus content and storage temperature had the synergistic effect on color reversion during short time storage. The extent of color change was the greatest when oils were stored for 1.0∼1.5 years at room temperature and thereafter gradually tended to reverse color reversion. It is supposed that the double bonds of carotenoids in oils were oxidized and then turned to the volatiles such as epoxide, ionone, and etc. In contrast, the residual phosphorus content increased oxidation stability of oils. The residual phosphorus content was closely correlated with the color reversion and storage stability, respectively.

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Studies on the Changes in the Carbohydrates and Color of Ginseng Extract during the Processing and Storage (인삼엑기스의 제조 및 저장중의 당류와 색도변화에 관한 연구)

  • Park, Myeong-Han;Seong, Hyeon-Sun;Lee, Cheol-Ho
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.155-162
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    • 1981
  • This study was aimed at elucidating the composition and color in ginseng extracts during the processing and the long periods of the storage. The types of sugar were determined by using HPLC. In the model study with the fresh ginseng extracts stored at the elevated temperatures between 70-100$^{\circ}C$ for 24-96 hrs, it was shown an overall increase in the concentration of fructose and the overall reduction in the concentrations of sucrose and maltose with increase in the storage temperature and time. The concentration of glucose increased for 24 hrs of storage at all temperatures studied and then decreased with the storage time. Rhamnose in the extracts stored at 80$^{\circ}C$ for 72 hrs was identified and its concentration was increased at the higher storage temperature. The reduction of the concentrations of sugars related to the development of brown color during the processing and the storage.

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Studies on the Physico-chemical Properties and Sensory Evaluation of Pickled Quail Egg (메추리알 초란의 이화학적 특성과 기호성 평가)

  • Yang Cheul-Young
    • Food Science of Animal Resources
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    • v.25 no.4
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    • pp.472-477
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    • 2005
  • This experiment was studied to investigate the physico-chemical properties and sensory evaluation in pickled quail egg during storage at 10 and $20^{\circ}C$ for storage periods 15 days. The weight change of the pickled quail egg were saw a big increase rate with the pickle during 10 days later, and the during storage at $20^{\circ}C$ were increased than the during storage at $10^{\circ}C$. Moisture, crude protein, crude fat and crude ash content of quail egg were 75.24, 12.13, 9.53 and $1.20\%$ respectively. The pH were showed increase pattern for pickle storage periods on 5 days at $10^{\circ}C$. Water soluble nitrogen of quail egg white saw decreased with during the pickle peroids at 10 and 15 days, and the non-protein nitrogen saw increased with according to pickle periods. The change of the viscosity by a rotation viscometer measurement saw increased with according to pickle period days. and the viscosity values saw increased on pickle periods at 5 days. The result of sensory evaluation of sample was S-3>S-2>S-1, in order.

Lactic Acid Bacteria Mixture as Inoculants on Low Moisture Italian Ryegrass Silage Fermentation

  • Soundharrajan, Ilavenil;Kuppusamy, Palaniselvam;Park, Hyung Soo;Kim, Ji Hea;Kim, Won Ho;Jung, Jeong Sung;Choi, Ki Choon
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.39 no.3
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    • pp.127-131
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    • 2019
  • The effects of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) mixtures on low moisture Italian ryegrass (IRG) silage fermentation was evaluated in field conditions. The experiment was categorized into two groups: Un-inoculated (Control) and Inoculated with LAB mixture for four storage periods (45, 90, 180, and 365 days, respectively). Silage inoculated with the LAB mixture had the lowest pH with highest lactic acid production than the control from beginning at 45-365 days at all moistures. Higher LAB counts were observed in inoculated silages than the control silages at whole experimental periods. It is a key reason for the rapid acidification and higher lactic acid production in silages during the storage periods. Overall results suggest that an adding of LAB mixture had positive effects on the increasing aerobic stability of silage and preserved its quality for an extended duration.