• 제목/요약/키워드: stellar kinematics

검색결과 67건 처리시간 0.03초

Young Open Clusters: Their Uses in Star Formation Studies

  • Lim, Beomdu
    • 천문학회보
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    • 제40권2호
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    • pp.28.1-28.1
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    • 2015
  • Open clusters are one of stellar systems consisting of a few hundreds to thousands of stars. The cluster members are, in general, believed to be a coeval stellar population at the same distance, and therefore they have almost the same properties in chemical composition and kinematics. Owing to these advantages, the clusters are utilized in many astronomy studies, such as the calibrations of distance and stellar age scales, assessments of stellar evolution theories, and the chemical evolution of the Galactic disk. Young open clusters are, inter alia, superb objects to study star formation process as most of stars are known to be formed in clusters. In this talk, I will review the uses of these young open clusters in star formation studies based on the ongoing work of our research group on the stellar initial mass function, an age spread problem, mass accretion rate of pre-main sequence stars, and a feedback of high-mass stars on surroundings.

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Mass of a Young Protostar Measured from the Kinematics of Disk

  • Choi, Min-Ho;Tatematsu, Ken'ichi;Kang, Mi-Ju
    • 천문학회보
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    • 제35권2호
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    • pp.66.1-66.1
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    • 2010
  • Mass is one of the most fundamental quantities of a stellar object, and direct estimations of mass from the rotation kinematics of circumstellar disk are important in understanding the evolution of young stellar objects. We present our observations of the NGC 1333 IRAS 4A2 protostar in the ammonia lines. The emission structure was interpreted as a circumstellar disk around the protostar. The disk has a Keplerian-like rotation curve, and we derived the mass of the protostar. The mass, accretion rate, and age are consistent with what are expected from the standard theory of low-mass star formation.

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  • Richer, Michael G.
    • 천문학회지
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    • 제40권4호
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    • pp.183-186
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    • 2007
  • The spectroscopic properties of bright extragalactic planetary nebulae are reviewed, considering primarily their chemical abundances and their internal kinematics. Low-resolution spectroscopy is used to investigate how the precursor stars of bright planetary nebulae modify their original composition through nucleosynthesis and dredge up. At present, the evidence indicates that oxygen and neon abundances usually remain unchanged, helium abundances are typically enhanced by less than 50%, while nitrogen enhancements span a very wide range. Interpreting these changes in terms of the masses of their progenitor stars implies that the progenitor stars typically have masses or order $1.5M_{\bigodot}$ or less, though no models satisfactorily explain the nitrogen enrichment. High-resolution spectroscopy is used to study the internal kinematics of bright planetary nebulae in Local Group galaxies. At first sight, the expansion velocities are remarkably uniform, with a typical expansion velocity of 18 km/s and a range of 8-28 km/s, independent of the progenitor stellar population. Upon closer examination, bright planetary nebulae in the bulge of M31 expand slightly faster than their counterparts in M31's disk, a result that may extend generally to the planetary nebulae arising from old and young stellar populations. There are no very strong correlations between expansion velocity and global nebular properties, except that there are no large expansion velocities at the highest $H{\beta}$ luminosities (i.e., the youngest objects never expand rapidly). These results independently suggest that bright planetary nebulae arise from a similar mass range in all galaxies. Nonetheless, there are good reasons to believe that bright planetary nebulae do not arise from identical progenitor stars in all galaxies.

Origin of Low-mass Hypervelocity Stars in the Galactic Disk

  • Yeom, Bum-Suk;Lee, Young Sun;Kim, Youngkwang;Han, Doo-Ri
    • 천문학회보
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    • 제42권1호
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    • pp.42.3-42.3
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    • 2017
  • We present the analysis of chemical abundances and kinematics for six hypervelocity star (HVS) candidates. These objects are G/K-type low-mass stars in the Galactic disk, while other HVSs previously found are B-type high-mass objects in the Galactic halo. The stellar orbits and kinematics of our HVS candidates suggest that they do not originate in the Galactic center or in an accretion event, indicative of yet-unknown mechanisms that produce kinematically-extreme disk stars. In order to study in detail their origin, we obtained medium-resolution (R~6000) spectra of these stars and derived abundances of several chemical elements (Mg, Ca, Si, Ti, Cr, Fe, and Ni). From the comparison of the chemical abundances with the Galactic stellar components (disk, bulge, halo, and dwarf galaxies) and the kinematic properties of our HVSs, we conclude that two of them are likely ejected from the Galactic disk, one originated from the Galactic center as for the young B-type HVSs, and the other one might be ejected from either the Galactic disk or other regions.

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The Molecular Gas Kinematics of HI Monsters

  • Kim, Dawoon E.;Chung, Aeree;Yun, Min S.;Iono, Daisuke
    • 천문학회보
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    • 제45권1호
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    • pp.33.2-33.2
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    • 2020
  • Our HI monster sample is a set of local HI-rich galaxies identified by the ALFALFA survey (Arecibo Legacy Fast Survey ALFA) at z<0.08. Intriguingly, they are also found with a relatively large molecular gas reservoir compared to the galaxies with similar stellar mass and color, yet their star formation rate is quite comparable to normal spirals. This makes our HI monsters good candidates of galaxies in the process of gas accretion which may lead to the stellar mass growth. One feasible explanation for their relatively low star formation activity for a given high cool gas fraction is the gas in monsters being too turbulent to form stars as normal spirals. In order to verify this hypothesis, we probe the molecular gas kinematics of 10 HI monsters which we observed using the Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA). We utilize the tilted ring model to investigate what fraction of the molecular gas in the sample is regularly and smoothly rotating. In addition, we model the molecular gas disk using the GALMOD package of the Groningen Image Processing System (GIPSY) and compare with the observations to identify the gas which is offset from the 'co-planar differential rotation'. Based on the results, we discuss the possibility of gas accretion in the sample, and the potential origin of non-regularly rotating gas and the inefficient star formation.

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NGC 281의 젊은 별들의 운동학적 특성 (The Kinematic Properties of Young Stars in NGC 281: its implication on star formation process)

  • Kim, Seulgi;Lim, Beomdu
    • 천문학회보
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    • 제46권2호
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    • pp.81.1-81.1
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    • 2021
  • Stellar kinematics is a useful tool to understand the formation and evolution of young stellar systems. Here, we present a kinematic study of the HII region, NGC 821, using the Gaia Early Data Release 3. NGC 281 contains the open cluster IC 1590. This cluster has a core and a low-stellar density halo. We detect a pattern of cluster expansion from the Gaia proper motion vectors. Most stars radially escaping from the cluster are distributed in the halo. We measure the 1-dimensional velocity dispersion of stars in the core. The velocity dispersion (1 km/s) is comparable to the expected virial velocity dispersion of this cluster, and therefore the core is at a virial state. The core has an initial mass function shallower than that of the halo, which is indicative of mass segregation. However, there is no significant correlation between stellar masses and tangential velocities. This result suggests that the mass segregation has a primordial origin. On the other hand, it has been believed that the formation of young stars in NGC 281 West was triggered by feedback from massive stars in IC 1590. We investigate the ages of stars in the two regions, but the age difference between the two regions is not comparable to the timescale of the passage of an ionization front. Also, the proper motion vectors of the NGC 281 West stars relative to IC 1590 do not show any systematic receding motion from the cluster. Our results suggest that stars in NGC 281 West might have been formed spontaneously. In conclusion, the formation of NGC 281 can be understood in the context of hierarchical star formation model.

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Gas dynamics and star formation in dwarf galaxies: the case of DDO 210

  • Oh, Se-Heon;Zheng, Yun;Wang, Jing
    • 천문학회보
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    • 제44권2호
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    • pp.75.4-75.4
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    • 2019
  • We present a quantitative analysis of the relationship between the gas dynamics and star formation history of DDO 210 which is an irregular dwarf galaxy in the local Universe. We perform profile analysis of an high-resolution neutral hydrogen (HI) data cube of the galaxy taken with the large Very Large Array (VLA) survey, LITTLE THINGS using newly developed algorithm based on a Bayesian Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) technique. The complex HI structure and kinematics of the galaxy are decomposed into multiple kinematic components in a quantitative way like 1) bulk motions which are most likely to follow the underlying circular rotation of the disk, 2) non-circular motions deviating from the bulk motions, and 3) kinematically cold and warm components with narrower and wider velocity dispersion. The decomposed kinematic components are then spatially correlated with the distribution of stellar populations obtained from the color-magnitude diagram (CMD) fitting method. The cold and warm gas components show negative and positive correlations between their velocity dispersions and the surface star formation rates of the populations with ages of < 40 Myr and 100~400 Myr, respectively. The cold gas is most likely to be associated with the young stellar populations. Then the stellar feedback of the young populations could influence the warm gas. The age difference between the populations which show the correlations indicates the time delay of the stellar feedback.

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Revealing the complexity of ionized gas outflows in powerful Type 2 AGN in the local Universe

  • Karouzos, Marios;Woo, Jong-Hak;Bae, Hyun-Jin
    • 천문학회보
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    • 제40권2호
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    • pp.32.3-33
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    • 2015
  • There exist scaling relations that link the mass of supermassive black holes with both the velocity dispersion and the mass of the central stellar cusp of their host galaxies. This implies that these two components grow in tandem. Feedback from actively accreting supermassive black holes (AGN), in the form of multi-phase gas outflows, has been argued to be the agent of this co-evolution. Here we employ the powerful GMOS integral field spectroscopy unit on the 8.2m Gemini-North telescope to investigate ionized gas outflows of luminous Type 2 AGN in the local Universe (z<0.1). Our sample of 6 galaxies is drawn from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and was selected based on their [OIII] dust-corrected luminosity (>1042 erg/s) and signatures of outflows in the [OIII] line profile of their spatially integrated SDSS spectra. These are arguably the best candidates to explore AGN feedback in action since they are < 1% of a large local type 2 AGN SDSS sample selected based on their [OIII] kinematics. We combine a careful spectral decomposition of the [OIII] and $H{\alpha}$ line profiles with spatial information on ~0.5kpc scales to understand the outflow kinematics and energetics in these objects. We find clear evidence for strong outflows in [OIII] and occasionally $H{\alpha}$ that are clearly driven by the ionizing radiation of the AGN. We kinematically and spatially decompose outflowing and rotating ionized gas components. We find [OIII] to be a better tracer of AGN outflows, while $H{\alpha}$ appears to be strongly affected by both stellar rotation and outflows induced by ongoing star formation. The observed kinematics and spatial distribution of the ionized gas imply a large opening angle for the outflow. Finally, we find the projected outflow velocity to decrease as a function of distance, while its dispersion shows a more complex structure with a potentially initially increasing trend (out to 0.5-1kpc distances).

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    • 천문학회보
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    • 제42권1호
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    • pp.51.3-51.3
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    • 2017
  • To investigate the connection between radio activity and AGN outflows, we present a study of ionized gas kinematics by using [O III] ${\lambda}5007$ emission line along the radio jet for six radio AGNs. These AGNs are selected based on the radioactivity (L1.4GHz ${\geq}$ 1039.8 erg s-1) as well as optical properties as type 2 AGNs. By using the high spatial resolution of the Red Channel Cross Dispersed Echellette Spectrograph at the Multiple Mirror Telescope, we investigate in detail the [O III] and stellar kinematics. We spatially resolve and probe the central AGN-photoionization sizes, which is important in understanding the structures and evolutions of galaxies. We find that the typical central AGN-photoionization sizes of our targets are in range of 1.8-3.8 kpc. We study the [O III] kinematics along the radio jets to test whether there is a link between gas outflows in the narrow-line region and radio jet emissions. Contrary to our expectation, we find no evidence that the gas outflows are directly connected to radio jet emission.

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Merger Induced Kinematic Anomalies in Abell 119

  • Oh, Sree;Jeong, Hyunjin;Sheen, Yun-Kyeong;Croom, Scott;Yi, Sukyoung
    • 천문학회보
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    • 제41권1호
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    • pp.34.1-34.1
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    • 2016
  • Galaxy clusters are the sites where the most massive galaxies are found, and so the most dramatic merger histories are embedded. Our deep (mu ~ 28 mag/arcsec^2) images of Abell 119 at z = 0.044 using the Blanco 4-m telescope at CTIO revealed post-merger signatures in ~35% of galaxies brighter than Mr < -19.5, suggesting that so many galaxies even in clusters have gone through galaxy mergers at recent epoch. We went further to understand the impact of mergers in cluster galaxies using stellar kinematics from the SAMI Integral Field Unit on the galaxies of Abell 119 in three aspects of kinematics : orientations, levels of rotation, and kinematic shapes. We found that 30% of the merger-featured galaxies show misalignment in the angle between the photometric major and the rotation axes, and most of them show complex kinematics. For comparison, only 5% of non-merger-featured galaxies show the misalignment. Moreover, our analysis using the Tully-Fisher relation shows that galaxy interactions can both enhance or reduce galaxy spin depending on the merger geometry. We present our preliminary result and discussion on the role of galaxy mergers in cluster environment from the perspective of kinematics.

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