• 제목/요약/키워드: statistical quality control

검색결과 638건 처리시간 0.022초

어업조사통계의 품질진단과 개선에 관한 연구 (Quality Diagnosis and Improvement of Fisheries Census Statistic)

  • 표희동;김종천
    • 수산해양교육연구
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    • 제22권4호
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    • pp.553-565
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    • 2010
  • The paper aims to evaluate the quality of fisheries census statistic and to provide some desirable directions and improvements for the future fisheries census, conducted by the Government. For the quality diagnosis of fisheries census statistic, specific processes of fisheries census and statistical qualities of each dimension are surveyed and evaluated by a Government's practician, two external examiners and a research group. Results show that census design, data analysis and quality control are evaluated relatively low in specific processes, and accessibility and comparability are evaluated relatively lower than relevance, accuracy, timeliness and consistency in statistical qualities. For minimizing the sampling errors, the probability proportion method should be employed in sampling methods from currently simple sampling method. In addition, fisheries census statistic is desirable to include and compare with those of different countries for consumer oriented data system.

데이터 마이닝과 통계적 기법을 통합한 최적화 기법 (Optimization Methodology Integrated Data Mining and Statistical Method)

  • 송서일;신상문;정혜진
    • 품질경영학회지
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    • 제34권4호
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    • pp.33-39
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    • 2006
  • These days manufacture technology and manufacture environment are changing rapidly. By development of computer and enlargement of technique, most of manufacture field are computerized. In order to win international competition, it is important for companies how fast get the useful information from vast data. Statistical process control(SPC) techniques have been used as a problem solution tool at manufacturing process until present. However, these statistical methods are not applied more extensively because it has much restrictions in realistic problems. These statistical techniques have lots of problems when much data and factors are analyzed. In this paper, we proposed more practical and efficient a new statistical design technique which integrated data mining (DM) and statistical methods as alternative of problems. First step is selecting significant factor using DM feature selection algorithm from data of manufacturing process including many factors. Second step is finding optimum of process after estimating response function through response surface methodology(RSM) that is a statistical techniques

$\bar{x}$ 관리도의 표준관리한계와 부트스트랩 백분률 관리한계의 수행도 비교평가 (Comparison and Evaluation of Performance for Standard Control Limits and Bootstrap Percentile Control Limits in $\bar{x}$ Control Chart)

  • 송서일;이만웅
    • 산업경영시스템학회지
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    • 제22권52호
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    • pp.347-354
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    • 1999
  • Statistical Process Control(SPC) which uses control charts is widely used to inspect and improve manufacturing process as a effective method. A parametric method is the most common in statistical process control. Shewhart chart was made under the assumption that measurements are independent and normal distribution. In practice, this assumption is often excluded, for example, in case of (equation omitted) chart, when the subgroup sample is small or correlation, it happens that measured data have bias or rejection of the normality test. A bootstrap method can be used in such a situation, which is calculated by resampling procedure without pre-distribution assumption. In this study, applying bootstrap percentile method to (equation omitted) chart, it is compared and evaluated standard process control limit with bootstrap percentile control limit. Also, under the normal and non-normal distributions, where parameter is 0.5, using computer simulation, it is compared standard parametric with bootstrap method which is used to decide process control limits in process quality.

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단계적 실험 설계와 다차원 디자인 스페이스 분석 기술을 통한 초저온 SAW 공정의 최적 용접 파라미터 설계 (Optimal Parameter Design for a Cryogenic Submerged Arc Welding(SAW) Process by Utilizing Stepwise Experimental Design and Multi-dimensional Design Space Analysis)

  • 이현정;김영천;신상문
    • 품질경영학회지
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    • 제48권1호
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    • pp.51-68
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: The primary objective of this research is to develop the optimal operating conditions as well as their associated design spaces for a Cryogenic Submerged Arc Welding(SAW) process by improving its quality and productivity simultaneously. Methods: In order to investigate functional relationships among quality characteristics and their associated control factors of an SAW process, a stepwise design of experiment(DoE) method is proposed in this paper. Based on the DoE results, not only a multi-dimensional design space but also a safe operating space and normal acceptable range(NAR) by integrating statistical confidence intervals were demonstrated. In addition, the optimal operating conditions within the proposed NAR can be obtained by a robust optimal design method. Results: This study provides a customized stepwise DoE method (i.e., a sequential set of DoE such as a factorial design and a central composite design) for Cryogenic SAW process and its statistical analysis results. DoE results can then provide both the main and interaction effects of input control factors and the functional relationships between the input factors and their associated output responses. Maximizing both the product quality with high impact strength and the productivity with minimum processing times simultaneously in a case study, we proposed a design space which can provide both acceptable productivity and quality levels and NARs of input control factors. In order to confirm the optimal factor settings and the proposed NARs, validation experiments were performed. Conclusion: This research may provide significant contributions and applications to many SAW problems by preparing a standardization of the functional relationship between the input factors and their associated output response. Moreover, the proposed design space based on DoE and NAR methods can simultaneously consider a number of quality characteristics including tradeoff between productivity and quality levels.

통계분석에 의한 현장 타설 콘크리트의 품질 특성에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Properties of Ready Mixed Concrete Quality in Site by Statistical Analysis)

  • 지석원;정시진;서치호
    • 한국구조물진단유지관리공학회 논문집
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    • 제11권5호
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    • pp.171-180
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    • 2007
  • 현장에서의 레디믹스트 콘크리트(이하 레미콘) 품질에 대한 신뢰도의 정량적 평가를 위해 동일 규격 레미콘에 대하여 타설시기에 따른 슬럼프값, 공기량, 염분함유량 및 재령에 따른 압축강도의 품질 특성값의 변동정도를 비교하고 각각의 시험값들을 통계적인 분석도구를 이용하여 그 품질변동 요인 및 품질값을 분석하였다. 이러한 분석 결과를 통해 7일강도와 28일강도 사이의 상관식과 공기량 및 슬럼프의 품질 신뢰도를 파악하였으며 이에 대한 결과 고찰 및 콘크리트 품질 확보를 위한 관리방안을 모색하고자 하였다.

품질관리표본(Quality Control Sample)의 리인터뷰에 의한 사업체조사의 응답오차 측정

  • 김설희;박현영
    • 한국통계학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 한국통계학회 2003년도 추계 학술발표회 논문집
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    • pp.53-58
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    • 2003
  • 최근 경제 사회의 급속한 발전에 따라 개인의 활동분야가 다양해지고 개인비밀보호 인식이 커지면서 응답자들이 통계조사에 잘 협조하지 않는 경우가 늘어나고 있다. 따라서 대부분의 통계를 현장조사에 의존하여 생산하고 있는 통계청에서는 현장조사 결과물의 품질상태에 좀 더 관심을 가져야만 하게 되었다. 이러한 현장조사에 대한 풀질관리의 일환으로 현재 통계청에서는 통계별 조사대상으로부터 품질관리표본(Quality Control Sample)을 추출하고 이를 대상으로 리인터뷰를 실시함으로써 응답오차측정, 조사현장의 실터파악, 응답자 의견수렴 등에 활용하고 있다. 리인터뷰는 조사직원의 고의적인 자료조작 또는 보충교육 필요성 등 현장조사업무를 평가하거나 응답분산(simple response variation), 응답편의(response bias) 등을 산출하고, 이를 분석하는 모델을 이용하여 응답결과의 신뢰도를 분석하는데 목적을 두고 있다. 본 연구에서는 품질관리표본(QC Sample) 설계 및 추출, 리인터뷰 시나리오개발, CATI(Computer Assisted Telephone Interviewing)를 이용한 리인터뷰 기법 등을 통계청 사업체조사 모니터링 사례를 중심으로 설명하고 조사직원 특성별 응답오차 측정 및 비교, 정확성 항목에 대한 차이분석 등 격과에 대하여 논하고자 한다.

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Tests for Asymmetry Associated with the Linear Signed Rank Statistics

  • Kim, Soon-Ock
    • 품질경영학회지
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    • 제21권1호
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    • pp.136-143
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    • 1993
  • Tests associated with the linear signed rank statistics are considered for testing the symmetry of a continuous distribution about an unknown median. The results of Monte Carlo study show that the proposed tests are reasonably good in level control and powers.

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확률적 네트워크의 통계적 공정관리와 6$\sigma$ (Statistical Process Control of Stochastic Network for the evaluation of six sigma Level)

  • 박기주
    • 한국산업정보학회논문지
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    • 제8권1호
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2003
  • There are many statistical evaluation methods, A more technical Perspective is needed in estimating the effect of the Manufacturing Process for improving the Productivity, Process network analysis is a technique which has the potentiality for a wire use to improve the manufacturing process which other techniques can't be used to analyze effectively. The concept of six sigma plan was developed and pursued by Motorola to improve the process control. The goals of six sigma plan are established on the foundation of customer satisfaction such as Quality, Cost Delivery and Service This paper presents how to improve the manufacturing process by statistical process control for the evaluation of six sigma level.

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SPC 차트를 이용한 포트폴리오 관리 (Portfolio Management Using Statistical Process Control Chart)

  • 김동섭;류홍서
    • 산업공학
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    • 제20권2호
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    • pp.94-102
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    • 2007
  • Portfolio management deals with decision making on 'when' and 'how' to revise an existing portfolio. In this paper, we show that a classical statistical process control (SPC) chart for normal data, a wellestablished tool in quality engineering, can effectively be used for signaling times for revising a portfolio. Noting that the day-to-day performance of a portfolio may be auto-correlated, we use the exponentially weighted moving average center-line chart to develop an automatic portfolio management procedure. The portfolio management procedure is extensively tested on historical data of equities traded in the Korea Exchange (KRX), the American Stock Exchange (AMEX), and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE). In comparison with the performances of the KOSPI, XAX, and NYA indices during the same time periods, results from these experiments show that SPC chart-based portfolio revision presents itself a convenient and reliable method for optimally managing portfolios.

Constrained 베이즈 추정방식의 제품 품질관리 활용방안에 관한 연구 (A Study on the Application of Constrained Bayes Estimation for Product Quality Control)

  • 김태규;김명준
    • 품질경영학회지
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    • 제43권1호
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 2015
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study is to apply the constrained Bayesian estimation methodology for product quality control process and prove the effectiveness of the product management by comparing with the well-known Bayes estimator through data performance result. Methods: The Bayes and constrained Bayes estimators were produced based on the theoretical background and for confirming the effectiveness of suggested application, the deviation index was defined and calculated for the comparison. Results: The statistical analysis result shows that applying the suggested estimation methodology, that is, constrained Bayes estimator improves the effectiveness of the index with regard to reduce the error by matching the first two empirical moments. Conclusion: Considering the advanced Bayesian approaches such as constrained Bayes estimation for the product quality control process, the newly defined deviation index reduces the error for estimating the parameter histogram which is reflected both location and deviation parameters and furthermore various Bayesian perspective approaches seems to be meaningful for managing the product quality control process.