• Title/Summary/Keyword: stars-stars

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    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.269-278
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    • 1996
  • We present the color-magnitude diagrams (CMD) of more than 24,000 stars in the field of an intermediate age open cluster M11, based on wide field CCD imaging. The morphology of the CMDs varies strikingly as the distance from the center of the cluster increases. From the surface number density analysis, we confirm the mass segregation effect in this cluster: the bright, massive stars are centrally more concetrated than the faint, low mass stars. The slope of the field-corrected surface density with respect to magnitude progressively increases as the radius increases, up to r = 5'. Most of the field stars in or near the cluster main sequence band and in the bright part of the red stars in the CMDs appear to be nearly at the same distance as M11, and they are considered to be the major component of disk stars in the Sagittarius-Carina arm.

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Cosmic Infrared Background from the First Stars and Relic H II Regions

  • Ahn, Kyung-Jin
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.72.2-72.2
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    • 2011
  • We have performed the first self-consistent, large-scale simulation of cosmic reionization by stellar sources, including the Population III stars that emerged and were hosted by minihalos at very high redshifts (z~40). Based on this result, we calculate the redshifted radiation background from these stars and the relic H II regions which can be observed at near-infrared and infrared regime. Formation of the first stars inside minihalos are quenched by radiative feedback at z~15, while the relic H II regions have much longer lifetime due to the slow recombination rate. Therefore, the radiation output from the relic H II regions, dominated by Lyman alpha photons, will be observed both in the near-infrared and infrared regime. The estimated background from the first stars inside minihalos are still sub-dominant compared to that from stars inside larger halos, however, and thus complementary observations are necessary, such as redshifted 21-cm line observation.

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  • Jeon, Young-Beom;Nam, Ki-Hyung;Park, Yoon-Ho;Lee, Kyung-Hoon
    • Publications of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.141-149
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    • 2007
  • Preliminary time-series observations for short-period variability survey (SPVS) were carried out using a 155mm refractor and a $2k{\times}3k$ CCD camera at Bohyunsan Optical Astronomy Observatory. We found 21 new variable stars in the $90'{\times}60'$ test field region : 9 eclipsing binary stars, $5{\delta}$ Scuti type stars, a ${\gamma}$ Doradus type star, and 6 long period variables. The observing field center is R.A. $05^h\;00^m\;00^s$, DEC. $50^{\circ}\;00'\;00"$ (J2000.0). The period and amplitude ranges for the short-period variables, i.e., ${\delta}$ Scuti stars, were 0.052day - 0.107day and 0.012mag - 0.064mag, respectively.

Chemodynamics Of Ultra Metal-Poor (UMP; [Fe/H] < -4.0) Stars in the Milky Way

  • Jeong, MiJi;Lee, Young Sun
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.50.1-50.1
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    • 2019
  • Ultra Metal-Poor (UMP; [Fe/H] < -4.0) stars are thought to be true second generation of stars. Thus, the chemistry and kinematics of these stars serve as powerful tools to understand the early evolution of the Milky Way (MW). However, only about 40 of these stars have been discovered thus far. To increase the number of these stars, we selected UMP candidates from low-resolution spectra (R ~ 2000) of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) and Large Sky Area Multi-Object Fibre Spectroscopic Telescope (LAMOST), and performed high-resolution (R ~ 40,000) spectroscopic follow-ups with Gemini/GARACES. In this study, we present chemical and kinematic properties of the observed UMP candidates, and infer the nature of their progenitors to trace the chemical enrichment history of the MW.

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Proper motion of Galactic globular cluster NGC 104

  • Kim, Eun-Hyeuk;Kim, Min-Sun
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.35 no.2
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    • pp.84.1-84.1
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    • 2010
  • Globular clusters (GCs) are known to be one of the oldest objects in the Milky Way. Therefore the dynamical informations of GCs are very important to understand the formation and evolution of our Galaxy. Motion of GCs in the halo of Galaxy can be traced by radial velocities of individual stars and proper motions of GCs. Measuring the radial velocities of stars in GCs has been challenging for decades because the brightness of stars (even for the brightest stars) in GCs are too faint (V>14) to measure the radial velocities. The available large telescopes (D>4m) enable us to observe the spectra of stars in the red giant branch of GCs, and it is now more plausible to measure the radial velocities of stars in GCs. On the contrary it is still very difficult to measure the sky-projected two-dimensional motion of GCs in Galaxy even with the large telescopes because the distance to GCs is quite large (~10kpc) compared to the spatial resolution of present-day large ground-based telescopes. Instruments on-board Hubble Space Telescope are ideal to study the proper motion of GCs thanks to their extremely high spatial resolution (~0.05arcsec). We report a study of proper motion of NGC 104, one of the most metal-rich Milky Way GCs, based-on archival images of NGC 104 observed using HST/ACS. Using the stars in Small Magellanic Cloud as reference coordinate, we are able to measure the proper motions of individual stars in NGC 104 with a high precision. We discuss the internal dynamics of stars in NGC 104 by comparing proper motion results based-on shorter (<1yr) and longer (~7yrs) time durations.

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X-Ray, UV and Optical Observations of Classical Cepheids: New Insights into Cepheid Evolution, and the Heating and Dynamics of Their Atmospheres

  • Engle, Scott G.;Guinan, Edward F.
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.29 no.2
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    • pp.181-189
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    • 2012
  • To broaden the understanding of classical Cepheid structure, evolution and atmospheres, we have extended our continuing secret lives of Cepheids program by obtaining XMM/Chandra X-ray observations, and Hubble space telescope (HST) / cosmic origins spectrograph (COS) FUV-UV spectra of the bright, nearby Cepheids Polaris, ${\delta}$ Cep and ${\beta}$ Dor. Previous studies made with the international ultraviolet explorer (IUE) showed a limited number of UV emission lines in Cepheids. The well-known problem presented by scattered light contamination in IUE spectra for bright stars, along with the excellent sensitivity & resolution combination offered by HST/COS, motivated this study, and the spectra obtained were much more rich and complex than we had ever anticipated. Numerous emission lines, indicating $10^4$ K up to ${\sim}3{\times}10^5$ K plasmas, have been observed, showing Cepheids to have complex, dynamic outer atmospheres that also vary with the photospheric pulsation period. The FUV line emissions peak in the phase range ${\varphi}{\approx}0.8-1.0$ and vary by factors as large as $10{\times}$. A more complete picture of Cepheid outer atmospheres is accomplished when the HST/COS results are combined with X-ray observations that we have obtained of the same stars with XMM-Newton & Chandra. The Cepheids detected to date have X-ray luminosities of log $L_X{\approx}28.5-29.1$ ergs/sec, and plasma temperatures in the $2-8{\times}106$ K range. Given the phase-timing of the enhanced emissions, the most plausible explanation is the formation of a pulsation-induced shocks that excite (and heat) the atmospheric plasmas surrounding the photosphere. A pulsation-driven ${\alpha}^2$ equivalent dynamo mechanism is also a viable and interesting alternative. However, the tight phase-space of enhanced emission (peaking near 0.8-1.0 ${\varphi}$) favor the shock heating mechanism hypothesis.

Simultaneous observations of SiO and $H_2O$ masers toward AGB and post-AGB stars

  • Yoon, Dong-Hwan;Cho, Se-Hyung;Kim, Jaeheon;Cho, Chi-Young;Yun, Youngjoo;Park, Yong-Sun
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.37 no.2
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    • pp.237.2-237.2
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    • 2012
  • We performed simultaneous observations of SiO v=1, 2, $^{29}SiO$ v=0, J=1-0 and $H_2O$ $6_{16}-5_{23}$ maser lines toward 132 AGB and 183 post-AGB stars in order to investigate how evolutionary characteristics from AGB to post-AGB stars appear in these two maser emissions. The observations were carried out from 2011 February to 2012 March using the Korean VLBI Network 21-m radio telescopes. We have detected SiO and/or $H_2O$ maser emission from 29 sources out of 183 post-AGB stars including 19 new detections. Of 132 AGB stars which are mainly selected based on the IRAS Point Source Catalog, we detected SiO and/or $H_2O$ maser emission from 38 stars including 18 newly detected sources. An evolutionary characteristic from AGB to post-AGB stars is discussed in IRAS two-color diagram. It is found that SiO v=2, J=1-0 maser emission without SiO v=1 maser detections was detected from 8 sources among 21 SiO detected post-AGB stars and the intensity of SiO v=2, J=1-0 maser tends to be much stronger than that of SiO v=1. We also found that for the post-AGB stars the maser detection rate of blue group sources (which have higher outflow velocities than red group) are higher than that of red group. Especially, only $H_2O$ maser emission was detected from 7 sources among 94 red group sources without SiO maser detections.

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The Possible Signs of Hydrogen and Helium Accretion from Interstellar Medium on the Atmospheres of F-K Giants in the Local Region of the Galaxy

  • Yushchenko, Alexander;Kim, Seunghyun;Jeong, Yeuncheol;Demessinova, Aizat;Yushchenko, Volodymyr;Doikov, Dmytry;Gopka, Vira;Jeong, Kyung Sook;Rittipruk, Pakakaew
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.175-183
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    • 2021
  • The dependencies of the chemical element abundances in stellar atmospheres with respect to solar abundances on the second ionization potentials of the same elements were investigated using the published stellar abundance patterns for 1,149 G and K giants in the Local Region of the Galaxy. The correlations between the relative abundances of chemical elements and their second ionization potentials were calculated for groups of stars with effective temperatures between 3,764 and 7,725 K. Correlations were identified for chemical elements with second ionization potentials of 12.5 eV to 20 eV and for elements with second ionization potentials higher than 20 eV. For the first group of elements, the correlation coefficients were positive for stars with effective temperatures lower than 5,300 K and negative for stars with effective temperatures from 5,300 K to 7,725 K. The results of this study and the comparison with earlier results for hotter stars confirm the variations in these correlations with the effective temperature. A possible explanation for the observed effects is the accretion of hydrogen and helium atoms from the interstellar medium.

Development of a Period Analysis Algorithm for Detecting Variable Stars in Time-Series Observational Data

  • Kim, Dong-Heun;Kim, Yonggi;Yoon, Joh-Na;Im, Hong-Seo
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.283-292
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a period analysis algorithm for detecting new variable stars in the time-series data observed by charge coupled device (CCD). We used the data from a variable star monitoring program of the CBNUO. The R filter data of some magnetic cataclysmic variables observed for more than 20 days were chosen to achieve good statistical results. World Coordinate System (WCS) Tools was used to correct the rotation of the observed images and assign the same IDs to the stars included in the analyzed areas. The developed algorithm was applied to the data of DO Dra, TT Ari, RXSJ1803, and MU Cam. In these fields, we found 13 variable stars, five of which were new variable stars not previously reported. Our period analysis algorithm were tested in the case of observation data mixed with various fields of view because the observations were carried with 2K CCD as well as 4K CCD at the CBNUO. Our results show that variable stars can be detected using our algorithm even with observational data for which the field of view has changed. Our algorithm is useful to detect new variable stars and analyze them based on existing time-series data. The developed algorithm can play an important role as a recycling technique for used data


  • Kim, J.W.;Kang, A.;Shin, I.G.;Chun, S.H.;Sohn, Y.J.
    • Journal of Astronomy and Space Sciences
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.39-44
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    • 2007
  • We report photometric features of the HB, MSTO, and SGB for a set of metal-poor Galactic globular clusters on the near-IR CMDs. The magnitude and color of the MSTO and SGB are measured on the fiducial normal points of the CMDs by applying a polynomial fit. The near-IR luminosity functions of horizontal branch stars in the classical second parameter pair M3 and M13 indicate that HB stars in M13 are dominated by hot stars that are rotatively faint in the infrared, whereas HB stars in M3 are brighter than those in M13. The luminosity functions of HB stars in the observed bulge clusters, except for NGC 6717, show a trend that the fainter hot HB stars are dominated in the relatively metal-poor clusters while the relatively metal-rich clusters contain the brighter HB stars. It is suggestive that NGC 6717 would be an extreme example of the second-parameter phenomenon for the bulge globular clusters.