• Title/Summary/Keyword: starch gel

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Purification and Characterization of $\beta$-Cyclodextrin Glucanotransferase Excreted by Bacillus firmus var. aikalophilus. (호알칼리성 Bacillus firmus가 생산하는 $\beta$-Cyclodextrin Glucanotransferase의 정제 및 효소반응 특성)

  • Shin, Hyun-Dong;Kim, Chan;Lee, Yong-Hyun
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.26 no.4
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    • pp.323-330
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    • 1998
  • Cyclodextrin glucanotransferase (CGTase) was purified from the culture broth of the Bacillus firmus var. alkalophilus, using ultrafiltration, starch adsorption/desorption, ion-exchange chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and gel filtration on Sephacryl HR-100. The molecular weight of the purified enzyme was determined as 77,000 by SDS-PAGE. The optimum pH and temperature for the CD synthesis were 6.0 and 5$0^{\circ}C$, respectively. The activity of this enzyme was stably kept at the range of pH 6.0~9.5 and up to 5$0^{\circ}C$. However, in the presence of $Ca^{2+}$, the optimum temperature for CD synthesis was shifted 55~6$0^{\circ}C$ and this enzyme was stable up to 6$0^{\circ}C$ because of the stabilizing effect of $Ca^{2+}$. The purified CGTase produced CDs with high conversion yields of 45~51% from sweet potato starch, com starch and amylopectin as substrate, especially, and the product ratio of $\beta$-CD to ${\gamma}$-CD was obtained at range of from 5.8:1 to 8.4:1 according to the kind of substrate. The purified enzyme produced mainly $\beta$-CD without accumulation of $\alpha$-CD during enzyme reaction using various starches as the substrate, indicating that the purified enzyme is the typical $\beta$-CGTase. The purified CGTase produced 25 g/l of CDs from 5.0% (w/v) liquefied com starch and the conversion yield of CDs was 50%, and the content of $\beta$-CD was 84% of total CDs after 8 hours under the optimum reaction condition.ion.

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Physicochemical Properties of Waxy Barley Starch (찰보리 전분(澱粉)의 이화학적(理化學的) 특성(特性))

  • Yoon, Gae-Soon;Kang, Ock-Joo;Kim, Hyong-Soo
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.27 no.2
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    • pp.79-85
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    • 1984
  • The physicochemical properties of starch isolated from two kinds of waxy barley were investigated. The average diameters of starch granules of Changyoung and Smire were 13.6 and 16.6 microns, respectively, and most of starch granules were round shape. X-ray diffraction patterns of two samples were A-types and amylose contents of two waxy barley starches were 4%, blue values and alkali numbers of Changyoung and Smire were 0.22 and 0.18, 5.2 and 4.0, raising powers of them were 167 and 173, respectively. The optical transmitance of 0.1% suspension of waxy barley starches increased rapidly from $51^{\circ}C\;to\;75^{\circ}C$. Amylogram data on 5% of Changyoung and Smire starch solutions showed the gelatinization temperature of 63 and $62^{\circ}C$, maximum peak hight of 920 and 900 B.U., respectively. Waxy barley starches had higher swelling powers than non waxy barley starch. The starch pastes prepared from waxy barleys retrograded much slower than that of non waxy barley.

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The Rheological Properties and Applications of Modified Starch and Carrageenan Complex as Stabilizer (안정제로서 변성전분과 카라기난 혼합물의 물리적 특성 및 응용)

  • Lee, Jae-Ha;Park, Sung-Jun;Son, Se-Hyung
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.25 no.6
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    • pp.672-676
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    • 1993
  • Rheological properties of the aqueous solution of various polysaccarides and their effects as a stabilizer in fruit(peach) syrup and yogurt were investigated. Four kinds of modified starch(Sun Kolguard, Sun Registar, Mira Cleer 340 and Maps 449), three types of carrageenan(kappa, iota and lambda types) and pectin were used in this study. The 5% aqueous solution of each modified starch was gelatinized at $66^{\circ}C$. After gelatinization, Sun Kolguard showed the highest viscosity among those samples. The synergistic effect of carrageenan on 5% aqueous solution of Sun Kolguard was studied by changing the mixing ratio, and the result showed that the ratio 90:10(Sun Kolguard:carageenan) had the maximum synergistic effect and the effect of iota type carrageenan was higher than that of other types. The effect of Sun Kolguard as a stabilizer in fruit syrup were superior to other modified starches studied. The gelatinization temperature of the addition of iota carrageenan in starch added fruit syrup changed from $66^{\circ}C$ of 5% aqueous solution to $82^{\circ}C$. Furthermore, the viscosity after cooling of syrup which made iota carrageenan and starch added fruit syrup was more increased than simple starch added fruit syrup. The mixture of 90% Sun Kolguard and 10% iota carrageenan were estimated as the most appropriate stabilizer for manufacturing the fruit syrup and yogurt adding fruit syrup.

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Production and Characterization of Raw Starch Hydrolyzing Enzyme from Bacteria (세균에 의한 생전분 분해효소의 생성 및 특성)

  • Park, In-Shik;Nam, In;Kho, Sun-Ok;Kim, Gi-Nahm;Suh, Kyung-Soon
    • Microbiology and Biotechnology Letters
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    • v.18 no.3
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    • pp.244-250
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    • 1990
  • A bacterium capable of hydrotyzing raw starch was isolated from soil, which was identified as a strain of Bacillue. The effects of culture conditions and medium compositions on the enzyme production were investigated. Among tested carbon sources, soluble starch and wheat starch were most effective for the production of the enzyme, and the level of concentration for the optimal enzyme production was 0.5%. For nitrogen sources, polypeptone was best for the enzyme production, with the level of 0.5%. The enzyme was maximally produced by cultivating the organism at medium of initial pH 6.5, and temperature of $35^{\circ}C$. The enzyme was partially purified by Sepharose CL-6B gel filtration and DEAESephacel ion-exchange chromatography. The optimal pH and temperature for the enzyme reaction were 6.5 and $70^{\circ}C$, respectively. The enzyme most stable at pH 8.0, and temperature up to $60^{\circ}C$. In kinetic studies, the k, values for corn, wheat, rice and potato starch were 1.7, 1.4,2.5 and 1.090, respectively.

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The Effect of Heating Rate by Ohmic Heating on Rheological Property of Corn Starch Suspension (Ohmic Heating에 의한 가열속도 변화가 옥수수전분의 물성특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Seok-Hun;Jang, Jae-Kweon;Pyun, Yu-Ryang
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.438-442
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    • 2005
  • Granule swelling is essential phenomenon of starch gelatinization in excess water, and characteristic of heated starch dispersion depends largely on size and distribution of swelled starch granule. Although swelling characteristic of starch granules depends on type of starch, heating rate, and moisture content, influence of heating rate on swelling phenomenon of starch granule has not been fully discussed, because constant heating rate of starch dispersion cannot be obtained by conventional heating method. Ohmic heating, electric-resistant heat generation method, applies alternative current to food materials, through which heating rate can be easily controlled precisely and conveniently at wide range of constant heating rates. Starch dispersion heated at low heating rates below $7.5^{\circ}C/min$ showed Newtonian fluid behavior, whereas showed pseudoplastic behavior at heating rates above $16.4^{\circ}C/min$. Apparent viscosity of starch dispersion increased linearly with increasing heating rate, and yield stress was dramatically increased at heating rates above $16.4^{\circ}C/min$. Average diameter of corn starch granules during ohmic heating was dramatically increased from $30.97\;to\;37.88\;{\mu}m$ by increasing heating rate from $0.6\;to\;16.4^{\circ}C/min$ (raw corn starch: $13.7\;{\mu}m$). Hardness of starch gel prepared with 15% corn starch dispersion after heating to $90^{\circ}C$ at different heating rates decreased gradually with increasing heating rate, then showed nearly constant value from $9.4\;to\;23.2^{\circ}C/min$. Hardness increased with increase of heating rate higher than $23.2^{\circ}C/min$.

Production of Glucoamylase from Hybrid Constructed by Intergenic Nuclear Transfer between Saccharomycopsis sp. and Saccharomyces sp. (핵전이법에 의해 형성된 Saccharomycopsis 속과 Saccharomyces 속의 잡종에서 glucoamylase 생산에 관한 연구)

  • 양영기;임채영;김종권;문명님;이영하
    • Korean Journal of Microbiology
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    • v.37 no.3
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    • pp.182-188
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    • 2001
  • The glucoamylase was purified from the induced culture filtrate of hybrid between Saccharomycopsis sp. and Saccharomycopsis sp. made by nuclear transfer and characterized for some enzyme properties. The enzymewas purified 76-fold in an overall yield of 16% from the culture medium by ammonium sulfate fractionation,Sephadex G-150 gel permeation chromatography and DEAE-Sephadex A-50 ion exchage chromatography.The molecular weight of the purified glucoamylase was estimated to be 57.5 KDa on SDS-polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis and Sephadex G-150 gel permeation chromatography. The purified enzyme was active atpH-5.0 and $40^{\circ}C$. The Km value for soluble starch was 2.6 mg/ml. The enzymatic activity was stimulated inthe presence of TEX>$Ca^{2+}$, EDTA, $Co^{2+}$, $Mg^{2+}$, and $Mn^{2+}$

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Purification of Glucoamylase Produced by Rhizopus oryzae (Rhizopus oryzae가 생산(生産)하는 Glucoamylase의 정제(精製))

  • Hou, Won-Nyong;Chung, Man-Jae
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.16 no.3
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    • pp.322-328
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    • 1984
  • These experiments were conducted to purify the glucoamylase produced by Rhizopus oryzae. Two forms of glucoamylase (GI and GII) from Phizopus oryzae were purified by $(NH_2)_2SO_4$ fractionation, acetone fractionation and successive column chromatography on DEAE-cellulose and CM-cellulose. The specific activities of GI and GII toward soluble starch were 157.6 U/㎎. protein (37.5 fold of crude extract), and 164.7 U/㎎. protein (39.2 fold of curde extract), respectively, and the yields of them were 4.3% and 3.8%, respectively. The two purified enzymes have shown a single band by polyacrylamide disc gel electrophoresis and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. The protein bands of their electrophoresis gel were revealed to have glucoamylase activity by iodine staining and were proved to be glycoprotein by periodic acid Schiff's staining.

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Preparation and Characterization of Rice Starch Maltodextrin (쌀전분 Maltodextrin의 제조와 특성 연구)

  • Kim, Jong-Wook;Shin, Hae-Hun;Kim, Jung-Min;Kim, Young-Sook;Pyun, Yu-Ryang
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.26 no.6
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    • pp.819-823
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    • 1994
  • For the development of rice-derived fat replacing ingredient, low dextrose equivalent (D.E.) malto dextrin was prepared by enzyme hydrolysis, and its physical and rheological properties were studied. The molecular sizes of rice maltodextrin were measured by gel permeation chromatography on Sephadex G-50. Gel permeation column chromatograms showed a large single peak, suggesting a limited hydrolysis, and the average degree of polymerization decreased from 72.8 for 3 D.E. maltodextrin to 48.7 for 6 D.E. maltodextrin. Cold water solubility of maltodextrin was increased with increasing D.E. value and its values ranged from 47.3% to 71.3%. 8% solution of rice maltodextrin showed pseudoplastic behavior. Flow behavior index was decreased as D.E. value was increased.

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Studies on the Alcohol Dehydrogenase ( ADH ) and Esterase Isozyme banding Pattern of Italian Ryegrass Varieties (이탈리안 라이그라스의 품종별 Alcohol Dehydrogenase ( ADH ) 와 Esterase의 Isozyme Banding Pattern에 관한)

  • 이성규;박병훈
    • Journal of The Korean Society of Grassland and Forage Science
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    • v.14 no.2
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    • pp.82-87
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    • 1994
  • This study was planned to identify the variety of Italian ryegrass using electrophoresis. Thirty seven varieties of Italian ryegrass were tested by starch gel electrophoresis. The specific electrophoretic zymograms of each variety were observed by Alcohol dehydrogenase(ADH) and Esterase. The results were surnrnerized as follows; 1. AU varieties displayed two band zones by ADH and Rf values were 0.63 and 0.6 (Table 2, Fig. 2). 2. There were five band type for ADH isozyme of 37 varieties classified with isozyme banding pattern. According to the isozyme band type 7, 2, 6, 18 and 4 varieties belong to group, I, II, III, IV, and V, respectively (Table 2). 3. The varieties displayed single band zone for Esterase isozyme and Rf value was 1.00 (Table 2, Fig. 4). 4. According to banding type, Esterase isozyme of 37 varieties classified into 3 groups, 22, 8 and 7 varieties belong to group, I , II, and III, respectively (Table 2).

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Physicochemical Properties of Starch in Water Chestnut (Eleocharis kuroguwai Ohwi) (올방개 괴경 전분의 이화학적 특성)

  • Kim, Sang-Kuk;Shin, Jong-Hee;Kim, Su-Yong;Kim, Hak-Yoon;Park, Shin-Young
    • Korean Journal of Weed Science
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    • v.32 no.3
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    • pp.204-210
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    • 2012
  • The physicochemical properties of tuber starch in water chestnut have been studied. Peak viscosity, hot paste viscosity and cooling peak viscosity were 5679, 3146 and 4262 RVU, respectively. In three transition parameters, onset temperature ($T_o$), peak temperature ($T_p$), and conclusion temperature ($T_c$) were 64.1, 68.5 and $72.3^{\circ}C$, respectively. Gelatinization enthalpy (${\Delta}H$ gel) was 4.48 J/g. A-type starch has a smaller proportion (11.4%) of short chains ($DP{\geq}12$) and a larger proportion (57.2%) of short chains ($13{\leq}DP{\geq}24$). The tuber starch of water chestnut displayed an A-type X-ray diffraction pattern showing a strong diffraction peak at $2{\Theta}$ values of $15.18^{\circ}$, $17.13^{\circ}$, and $23.1^{\circ}$, and a weak peak at $2{\Theta}$ values of $18.1^{\circ}$, $20.06^{\circ}$, and $26.69^{\circ}$. Their crystallinity was 28.6% and the mean starch granule size was 21.5 ${\mu}m$.