• Title/Summary/Keyword: standard map

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A Study on Development of Technology Protection Rating Methodology using Statistics (통계기법을 적용한 기술보호 등급분류 방법론 개발 연구)

  • Yang, Jeong-Eun;Yang, Younggyu;Cho, YunGyeong
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.671-678
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    • 2021
  • In a previous study, technology protection levels were set on a qualitative basis. That study lacked quantitative standards, so here, we conduct a study to complement the previous study and to present an objective standard. This paper provides a method of setting a technical protection level that applies statistical analysis. To set the technology protection level, statistical analysis of six technical survey items is performed first. Second, the technical survey items are analyzed by AHP to quantify the opinions of experts in order to derive weights for each technical survey item. Finally, by using the normal distribution scatter map and median calculation method, the technology protection level is selected in three stages using the final detailed factor technology score reflecting the weight. The technology protection level methodology developed through this study is the first methodology with objectivity that can evaluate defense technology by level. If this methodology is applied in practice, it is believed that it will provide a scientific and quantitative technology value judgment criterion when setting the technology protection level in the future.

A Prediction of N-value Using Regression Analysis Based on Data Augmentation (데이터 증강 기반 회귀분석을 이용한 N치 예측)

  • Kim, Kwang Myung;Park, Hyoung June;Lee, Jae Beom;Park, Chan Jin
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.221-239
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    • 2022
  • Unknown geotechnical characteristics are key challenges in the design of piles for the plant, civil and building works. Although the N-values which were read through the standard penetration test are important, those N-values of the whole area are not likely acquired in common practice. In this study, the N-value is predicted by means of regression analysis with artificial intelligence (AI). Big data is important to improve learning performance of AI, so circular augmentation method is applied to build up the big data at the current study. The optimal model was chosen among applied AI algorithms, such as artificial neural network, decision tree and auto machine learning. To select optimal model among the above three AI algorithms is to minimize the margin of error. To evaluate the method, actual data and predicted data of six performed projects in Poland, Indonesia and Malaysia were compared. As a result of this study, the AI prediction of this method is proven to be reliable. Therefore, it is realized that the geotechnical characteristics of non-boring points were predictable and the optimal arrangement of structure could be achieved utilizing three dimensional N-value distribution map.

Evaluation of Priorities for Greening of Vacant Houses using Connectivity Modeling (연결성 모델링을 활용한 빈집 녹지화 우선순위 평가)

  • Lee, Hyun-Jung;Kim, Whee-Moon;Kim, Kyeong-Tae;Shin, Ji-Young;Park, Chang-Sug;Park, Hyun-Joo;Song, Won-Kyong
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Environmental Restoration Technology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.25-38
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    • 2022
  • Urban problems are constantly occurring around the world due to rapid industrialization and population decline. In particular, as the number of vacant houses is gradually increasing as the population decreases, it is necessary to prepare countermeasures. A plan to utilize vacant houses has emerged to restore the natural environment of the urban ecosystem where forest destruction, damage to habitats of wild animals and plants, and disconnection have occurred due to large-scale development. Through connectivity analysis, it is possible to understand the overall ecosystem flow based on the movement of species and predict the effect when vacant houses are converted into green spaces. Therefore, this study analyzed the green area network to confirm the possibility of greening of vacant houses neglected in Jeonju based on circuit theory. Using Circuitscape and Least-cost path, we tried to identify the connectivity of green areas and propose an ecological axis based on the analysis. In order to apply the resistance values required for analysis based on previous studies, the 2020 subdivision land cover data were integrated into the major classification evaluation items. When the eight forests in the target site were analyzed as the standard, the overall connectivity and connectivity between forests in the area were high, so it is judged that the existing green areas can perform various functions, such as species movement and provision of habitats. Based on the results of the connectivity analysis, the importance of vacant houses was calculated and the top 20 vacant houses were identified, and it was confirmed that the higher the ranking, the more positive the degree of landscape connectivity was when converted to green areas. In addition, it was confirmed that the results of analyzing the least-cost path based on the resistance values such as connectivity analysis and the existing conceptual map showed some differences when comparing the ecological axes in the form. As a result of checking the vacant houses corresponding to the relevant axis based on the width standards of the main and sub-green areas, a total of 30 vacant houses were included in the 200m width and 6 vacant houses in the 80m width. It is judged that the conversion of vacant houses to green space can contribute to biodiversity conservation as well as connectivity between habitats of species as it is coupled with improved green space connectivity. In addition, it is expected to help solve the problem of vacant houses in the future by showing the possibility of using vacant houses.

Digital Barrier-Free and Psychosocial Support for Students with Disabilities in Distance Learning Environments

  • Kravchenko, Oksana;Koliada, Natalia;Berezivska, Larysa;Dikhtyarenko, Svitlana;Baida, Svitlana;Danylevych, Larysa
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.22 no.8
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    • pp.15-24
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    • 2022
  • The article clarifies the conditions for information, digital and educational accessibility for higher education seekers with disabilities in terms of distance learning caused by quarantine restrictions. It is established that such conditions are regulated by international and Ukrainian legal documents (The Standard Rules on the Equalization of Opportunities for Persons with Disabilities, Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, Sustainable Development Goals, Law of Ukraine "On Education", Law of Ukraine "On Higher Education", Strategy for the Development of Higher Education in Ukraine 2021-2031, Development Strategy areas of innovation for the period up to 2030, Development strategy of the sphere of innovation activity for the period up to 2030). As a part of information barrierlessness, Higher Education Institutions (HEI) should provide access to information in various formats and using technologies, in particular Braille script, large-type printing, audio description (audio descriptive commenting), sign language interpretation, subtitling, a format suitable for reading by screen access programs, formats of simple speech, easy-to-read formats, means of alternative communication. The experience of Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University is described. In particular, special attention is paid to the study of sign language: in view of this, the initiative group implemented the project "Learning to hear and overcome social isolation together" with the financial support of the British Council in Ukraine. Within the framework of digital accessibility, the official website of the Faculty of Social and Psychological Education has been adapted for the visually impaired in accordance with WCAG 2.0 World Standards. In 2021, Pavlo Tychyna Uman State Pedagogical University implemented the project "Cultural, Recreational and Tourist Cherkasy Region: Inclusive Social 3D Map" funded by the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation; a site with available content for online travel in the region to provide barrier-free access to the historical and cultural heritage of Cherkasy region was created. Educational accessibility is achieved by increasing the number of people with special educational needs, receiving education in inclusive groups; activities of the Center for Social and Educational Integration and Inclusive Rehabilitation Social Tourism "Bez barieriv" ("Without barriers"); implementation of a research topic for financing the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine: "Social and psychological rehabilitation of children and youth with special educational needs by means of inclusive tourism"; implementation of the project "Social inclusion of distance educational process"; development of information campaigns to popularize the ideas of accessibility, the need for its implementation, ongoing training programs and competitions, etc.

Comparative Study of Metro Service in Korea Using Servicescape (서비스스케이프를 활용한 한국의 지하철 서비스 비교연구)

  • Jia-Xing Long;Sung-Pil Lee
    • Journal of Service Research and Studies
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.48-64
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    • 2022
  • The metro played a role in improving and alleviating the problems of urban ground transportation, promoting rational development of the city and at the same time leading the development of metro-related industries. There is no doubt that it had a double effect of enormous economic and social benefits on the development of the country as a whole. The purpose of this study is to apply the concept of servicescape to the metro and establish the definition of the Metro Servicescape(MSS). To this end, the service space and service facilities of the metro were analyzed, and the existing domestic and foreign literature related to servicescape was studied. First, this study defined the concept of servicescape of metro. Second, 10 elements suitable for the metro service landscape were derived through domestic and foreign service landscape studies. Third, through field surveys and analysis of metros in five cities in Seoul, Busan, Daegu, Daejeon, and Gwangju, the ranking of the current status of the domestic metro servicescapes was 203 Seoul metro, 197 Busan metro, 192 Daegu metro, 178 Gwangju metro, There were 172 metro lines in Daejeon. Among them, the four elements of comfort, sociality, cleanliness, and safety are the same, and accordingly, it seems that each city metro is the same standard. However, the six elements of aesthetics, spatiality, convenience, entertainment, openness and information were found to be different for each city metro. It is expected that the results of this study can provide a reference value for future metro service landscape research.

Estimation of Illuminant Chromaticity by Equivalent Distance Reference Illumination Map and Color Correlation (균등거리 기준 조명 맵과 색 상관성을 이용한 조명 색도 추정)

  • Kim Jeong Yeop
    • KIPS Transactions on Software and Data Engineering
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    • v.12 no.6
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    • pp.267-274
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    • 2023
  • In this paper, a method for estimating the illuminant chromaticity of a scene for an input image is proposed. The illuminant chromaticity is estimated using the illuminant reference region. The conventional method uses a certain number of reference lighting information. By comparing the chromaticity distribution of pixels from the input image with the chromaticity set prepared in advance for the reference illuminant, the reference illuminant with the largest overlapping area is regarded as the scene illuminant for the corresponding input image. In the process of calculating the overlapping area, the weights for each reference light were applied in the form of a Gaussian distribution, but a clear standard for the variance value could not be presented. The proposed method extracts an independent reference chromaticity region from a given reference illuminant, calculates the characteristic values in the r-g chromaticity plane of the RGB color coordinate system for all pixels of the input image, and then calculates the independent chromaticity region and features from the input image. The similarity is evaluated and the illuminant with the highest similarity was estimated as the illuminant chromaticity component of the image. The performance of the proposed method was evaluated using the database image and showed an average of about 60% improvement compared to the conventional basic method and showed an improvement performance of around 53% compared to the conventional Gaussian weight of 0.1.

Development of Probabilistic Seismic Coefficients of Korea (국내 확률론적 지진계수 생성)

  • Kwak, Dong-Yeop;Jeong, Chang-Gyun;Park, Du-Hee;Lee, Hong-Sung
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.25 no.10
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    • pp.87-97
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    • 2009
  • The seismic site coefficients are often used with the seismic hazard maps to develop the design response spectrum at the surface. The site coefficients are most commonly developed deterministically, while the seismic hazarde maps are derived probabilistically. There is, hence, an inherent incompatibility between the two approaches. However, they are used together in the seismic design codes without a clear rational basis. To resolve the fundamental imcompatibility between the site coefficients and hazard maps, this study uses a novel probabilistic seismic hazard analysis (PSHA) technique that simulates the results of a standard PSHA at a rock outcrop, but integrates the site response analysis function to capture the site amplification effects within the PSHA platform. Another important advantage of the method is its ability to model the uncertainty, variability, and randomness of the soil properties. The new PSHA was used to develop fully probabilistic site coefficients for site classes of the seismic design code and another sets of site classes proposed in Korea. Comparisons highlight the pronounced discrepancy between the site coefficients of the seismic design code and the proposed coefficients, while another set of site coefficients show differences only at selected site classes.

Exploration of the Dance Career Intervention by AHP Method: Focusing on Vocational Guidance, Career Education and Career Counseling (AHP분석을 활용한 무용진로개입의 체계적 접근 방안 : 직업지도, 진로교육 및 상담을 중심으로)

  • Kim, Ji Young;Lim, Su Jin;Kim, Hyoung Nam
    • 한국체육학회지인문사회과학편
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    • v.55 no.6
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    • pp.661-676
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to draw a systematic access method of career intervention for dance majors. This study conducted Delphi survey and Analytic Hierarchy Process(AHP). As a result of study, 16 elements of career intervention were produced in total 4 areas. Results show that vocational guidance puts emphasis on the understanding of the various vocations, career education on the career planning and goal, career counseling on the macro-narrative to the life and career intervention network on the dance job fair and workshop. In the complex weight of all factors, ratings of weight show that dance vocation guidance and career education are demanded significantly. Results show that expansion of career alternatives, application of diversified dance career development road map to the curriculum, development of test tool and outcome standard, dance educators' systematic career intervention education and systematization of network for career support were suggested as measures for dance career intervention. This study discussed about dynamic reality and systematic access method for dance majors based on theories of Holland(1997), Super(1990), and Savickas(2005).

A Study on Construction & Management of Urban Spatial Information Based on Digital Twin (디지털트윈 기반의 도시 공간정보 구축 및 관리에 관한 연구)

  • Lih, BongJoo
    • Journal of Cadastre & Land InformatiX
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    • v.53 no.1
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    • pp.47-63
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    • 2023
  • The Seoul Metropolitan Government is building and operating digital twin-based urban spatial information to solve various problems in the city and provide public services. Two essential factors to ensure the stable utilization of spatial information for the implementation of such a digital twin city are the latest and quality of the data. However, it is time-consuming and costly to maintain continuous updating of high-quality urban spatial information. To overcome this problem, we studied efficient urban spatial information construction technology and the operation, management, and update procedures of construction data. First, we demonstrated and applied automatic 3D building construction technology centered on point clouds using the latest hybrid sensors, confirmed that it is possible to automatically construct high-quality building models using high-density airborne lidar results, and established an efficient data management plan. By applying differentiated production methods by region, supporting detection of urban change areas through Seoul spatial feature identifiers, and producing international standard data by level, we strengthened the utilization of urban spatial information. We believe that this study can serve as a good precedent for local governments and related organizations that are considering activating urban spatial information based on digital twins, and we expect that discussions on the construction and management of spatial information as infrastructure information for city-level digital twin implementation will continue.

Application of Geostatistical Methods for the Analysis of Groundwater Contamination in Pusan (부산지역 지하수 오염현황 분석을 위한 지구통계 기법의 응용)

  • 정상용;강동환;박희영;심병완
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.247-261
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    • 2000
  • The geostatistical analyses for the chemical components of pH, TS, KMnO4 Demand, Cl, SO$_4$ and NO$_3$-N are carried out to understand the groundwater contamination in Pusan. The average values of each component are 7.2 for pH, 336.4mg/$\ell$ for TS, 2.3mg/$\ell$ for KMnO$_4$ Demand, 44.3mg/$\ell$ for Cl, 36.0mg/$\ell$ for SO$_4$, and 4.6mg/$\ell$ for NO$_3$-N. The ratios over the drinking standard of each component are 0.34% for pH, 2.27% for TS, 1.55% for KMnO$_4$ Demand, 1.59% for Cl, 0.57% for SO$_4$, and 3.7% for NO$_3$-N. The highest ratio of NO$_3$-N results from the municipal sewage and exhaust gas of vehicles. The isopleth maps of 6 chemical components show that the high values of groundwater contamination come from the inland of Pusan, and that some high values appear at the coastal area. The isopleth maps of Cl and SO$_4$ related with seawater intrusion also show that the high values appear only at the particular coastal area, not at the whole area. On the isopleth maps of Cl and SO$_4$, the anomalies of the concentration contours were compared with the directions of two large fault zones, the Ilkwang Fault and the Dongrae Fault. Apparently, they don't have the particular correlation. Therefore, it is concluded that the main source of groundwater contamination in Pusan is not the seawater, but the municipal sewage and other sources such as the exhaust gas of vehicles, the contaminated surface water, the waste water of factories, and the leachate of waste landfills.

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