• Title/Summary/Keyword: staff perception

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A Study on Improving Watching Digital-Broadcasting Devices Environment by Analyzing Visual Perception of Character Graphic (문자그래픽 시각인지도 분석 기반 디지털매체 시청환경 개선 연구)

  • Lee, Kook-Se;Moon, Nam-Mee
    • Journal of The Institute of Information and Telecommunication Facilities Engineering
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.72-77
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    • 2009
  • A number of new DTV technologies have been introduced to provide crystal clear picture and enhanced sound. HDTV, in particular has four times resolution of conventional TV along with 16:9 aspect ratio. Also the introduction of the new technologies offered a valuable basis for character graphics which was only an assistant method to deliver visual images effectively. Various sizes of displays for different applications such as high definition TV and mobile multimedia services have created demands for additional features of character graphics including proper letter fonts, colors, moving effects as much. This article analyzes in what way the visual elements above can affect uses' visual perception. New CG formats designed for OSMU, one source multi use, are also suggested available to each media. For the research three groups of CG designers, art directors and productions/distribution groups are established according to production process by two Delphi surveys of TV production staff.

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Perception of CCTV operation through administrative action in schools : Focus on public schools in Sejong (학교내 영상정보처리기기 업무 처리 실태 및 개선을 위한 소고 : 세종시 공립학교 공문서 처리행태를 중심으로)

  • Kwon, Hyurk-Choon
    • Korean Educational Research Journal
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.25-53
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    • 2020
  • Purpose: School safety has recently become an important issue. In order to make a school environment safer, surveillance cameras have been installed in the facilities. The number of installations has been increasing rapidly since they have been considered widely recognizable and highly effective. However, conflicts between faculty and staff in installing and operating the system have also been increasing. In terms of school safety, these individuals'' cooperation is more than necessary. It is judged that looking into how they perceive the system could provide us with some suggestions on how to manage the related issues. The purpose of this study is to understand the perspective of faculty over closed-circuit television (CCTV) and make suggestions by analyzing their actions. Approach: In order to achieve the research objectives, I surveyed administrative actions such as the processing of official documents and CCTV policies for teachers and administrative staff of public schools in the Sejong Office of Education. In addition, I analyzed the behavior of those managing personal information and school safety-related documents along with the degree of complying with the policies. Finding: First, the correspondence rate of documents was high when there were designated document processors. Second, the acceptance level of documents in preschool was relatively low when there were designated processors. Third, the degree of accepting the policies and complying with them was higher in newly established schools than in existing schools. I found differences in the perception of how to handle the CCTV operations and the related work among the two groups of participants. In addition, I made suggestions on how to resolve the conflicts between them. Value: In this study, the education authorities quantified and measured the recognition and acceptance of faculty and staff regarding CCTV at each school level. Results showed that the active role of education authorities can make positive changes in how faculty and staff perceive the CCTV system and the problems surrounding it through school administrative action. In this regard, these results are meaningful in reducing the conflicts among the two groups and improving the organizational culture.

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Comparative study on differences in perception of human rights of People with disabilities and Staffs in the disabled residential facilities (장애인 거주시설 장애인과 종사자의 인권 인식 비교)

  • Chun, Dong-Il;Kim, Nang-Hee;Seo, Jeong-Min
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.14 no.8
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2016
  • The purpose of this study is to compare the differences in human rights perception between people with disabilities and staffs in the disabled residential facilities. Using data from the '2014 Human Rights Survey on Disability in the Disabled Residential Facilities' for 602 facilities, the study compared their perception of human rights(16 items), including human rights guarantee(12 items) and human rights violation(4 items). Result showed that the rate of perception for human rights guarantee and violation(except staff violation) of staffs was higher than people with disabilities(p<.05). This study demonstrated that there were significant differences in human right perception between people with disabilities and staffs. The cause of this difference would be the conflict between roles of staff and needs of person with disabilities, absence of human rights indicators by mutual consent between the two. Our findings suggested a need for study on strategies to solve gap of perception between the two, such as integrated human rights education, developing consensual human rights indicators.

Medical Staff's Awareness of Infected Patient Transfer Robots: Using SERVQUAL and AHP (감염환자 이송 로봇에 대한 의료종사자의 인식: SERVQUAL과 AHP를 활용하여)

  • Choi, Hyunchul;Seo, Seul-Ki;Kwon, Jae-Yong;Park, Sangchan;Chang, Hyejung
    • Journal of Korean Society for Quality Management
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    • v.51 no.3
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    • pp.381-401
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to understand the perception of medical staff to propose an infected patient transport robot as a means of responding to infectious diseases. Methods: The data collected through the survey was analyzed through AHP analysis. The measurement tools used in this study were derived through the SERVQUAL model and Focus Group Interview(FGI), and consisted of four detailed questions for each of five classes: tangible, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy. Results: As a result of the study, there are concerns about risk factors that may occur in areas where medical staff intervention is minimized. Above all, we confirmed the consensus that safety should be the top priority during the process of robots to transport patients. In particular, highlighted were the resolution of device errors that may occur during the process for transporting patients and easy provision of the first aid. Additionally, the ability to monitor patients and suppress infection factors turned out to be important, which was directly related to the simplification of the role of medical staff and work efficiency. Conclusion: As one of the means of effectively controlling infectious diseases in a pandemic situation, a robot to transport the infected patient was considered. However, in order to commercialize this, specific verification of the safety of medical staff and patients is needed, and empirical data on providing the first aid, patient monitoring, and infection factor suppression should be presented.

Effectiveness of Simulation-Based Education for Caring Patients with COVID-19

  • Lee, Min Hye;Noh, Eun-Young
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.53 no.4
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    • pp.397-411
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    • 2023
  • Purpose: The role of medical staff gained immense significance in the context of the prolonged coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic. However, few studies had explored the impact of simulation-based education on the ability of nursing students to care for the patients of COVID-19. This study provided nursing students with simulation-based education in caring for the patients of COVID-19 and confirmed its effectiveness. Methods: This study used a non-equivalent control group pretest-posttest design. The participants were recruited from the nursing departments of two universities in Korea through convenience sampling. A total of 79 participants were included: 37 in the intervention group and 42 in the control group. The intervention group received four sessions of simulation training based on the National League for Nursing Jeffries simulation theory. Results: The intervention group showed an improvement compared to the control group in terms of knowledge related to coronavirus, confidence in performing infection control skills, and perception of preparedness for caring for the patients of COVID-19, with a high-level of satisfaction and self-confidence in learning. There was no significant difference between the two groups in terms of anxiety. Conclusion: This simulation is expected to be a significant strategy for alleviating the global burden in terms of staff safety and patient outcomes by improving the competencies of prospective medical staff in responding to pandemics.

The Mediator Effect of Empowerment in Relationship between Transformational Leadership and Organizational Commitment (변혁적 리더십과 조직몰입의 관계에 미치는 임파워먼트의 매개효과)

  • Lee, Yun-Mi;Kim, Bok-Mi
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.38 no.4
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    • pp.603-611
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    • 2008
  • Purpose: This study was to determine the mediator or moderator role of empowerment in the relationship between the head nurse's transformational leadership and organizational commitment as perceived by staff nurses. Methods: Data was collected from 451 nurses in a tertiary hospital located in B city by means of structured questionnaires. Data was analyzed with descriptive statistics, Pearson's correlation coefficient and hierarchial multiple regression using the SPSS program. Results: Empowerment showed mediating effects between the head nurse's transformational leadership and organizational commitment as perceived by staff nurses. However, empowerment did not show moderating effects. Conclusion: Nurses' perception of empowerment, the head nurse's transformational leadership and organizational commitment have a strong relationship. This finding suggests the importance of empowering nurses to increase organizational commitment.

Perception of management staff on methods of reducing the housing cost burden of residents in public rental housing (공공임대주택 주민의 주거비 부담 경감 방안 모색을 위한 관리자 의식조사)

  • Kim, Young-Joo;Lee, Jin-Youn
    • Proceeding of Spring/Autumn Annual Conference of KHA
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    • 2009.04a
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    • pp.350-354
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    • 2009
  • The housing policy of Korea has been focused on the expansion of housing construction so far. However, actual support for low-income households is still insufficient, especially in public rental housing. The purpose of this study was to identify various methods of reducing the housing cost burden of residents in public rental housing, focused on empowerment. For this, 198 management staff of public rental housing under Korea Housing Management were surveyed using questionnaire distributed by email during February 18 to 27. Several ways to reduce housing cost burden and to enhance the self-support will of residents in public rental housing were suggested as follows: development of education and service program inspiring the residents' empowerment, enacting a provision of Tenants Representative obligation in Rental Housing Act, and so on.

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Perception of Touch Therapies Among Nurses Who Take Care of Cancer Patients (암환자를 돌보는 간호사의 접촉 관련 중재에 대한 인식)

  • Kwon, So-Hi;Kim, Keum-Soon
    • The Korean Journal of Rehabilitation Nursing
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    • v.9 no.1
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    • pp.56-63
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    • 2006
  • Purpose: The objectives of this study were to investigate perception of touch therapies among nurses who looking after cancer patients, ultimately to probe possibility of utilization of touch therapies as nursing interventions. Method: A descriptive study conducted from Dec. 2005 to Jan. 2006. 270 nurses taking care of cancer patients in 2 urban hospital were completed self-report questionnaire about general characteristics, utilization of touch therapies, willingness to adopt touch therapies in their practice, and perception of safety and effectiveness of touch therapies. Result: The participants were average 27.97 year-old, 60% of them had bachelor's degree, most of them were staff nurses(83.0%), and 34.6% of them were 3-5 years experienced in oncology nursing. Among 5 touch therapies(therapeutic touch, massage, reflexology, acupressure, and acupuncture), massage was the most positively perceived therapy not only the aspects of safety(67.1%) and effectiveness(65.9%), but also willingness to utilize in their practice(71.2%). There was no significant difference in willingness to utilize in their practice per age and years of working in oncology nursing. Older and more experienced groups perceived more positively to massage and reflexology. Conclusion: Massage might be readily adopted as a nursing intervention in oncology nursing practice. Strategies to encourage the utilization of touch therapies as nursing intervention should be established.

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A Study on Users' Perception of Reference Services in National Archives of Korea (국가기록원 기록정보서비스에 대한 이용자 인식에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jihyun
    • Journal of Korean Society of Archives and Records Management
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    • v.12 no.1
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    • pp.167-187
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    • 2012
  • This study investigated the perception and experience of users who visited in Seoul office of the National Archives, a branch of the National Archives of Korea(NAK). For collecting data, the study utilized the Researcher Survey Toolkit developed by Archival Metrics Project and revised the questionnaire to reflect services of NAK. Questionnaires completed by 47 users were collected and analyzed, and interviews with one survey respondent and two staff were performed. It was found that the purpose of the visit is mostly to identify records that prove land ownership of users' ancestors. Types of records frequently used were also those concerning lands and forests. User feedback on the staff was generally positive, and users perceived them to be helpful and kind. However, there was an opinion that the staff did not provide accurate information about whether NAK hold records that the user wanted to find. The staff also said that it was challenging to confirm where requested records are located when providing services for users. User evaluation on the usefulness and the ease of use of NAK portal services was not very positive, and it was perceived to be very inconvenient to search in the portal. Overall, users were satisfied with the services of NAK, although some users suggested that services need be provided efficiently, and NAK must clarify the criteria for the non-disclosure of public records.

A Study on Cognition of Oriental Medical Hospital Employees on the Oriental Medical Institution Assessment (한방의료기관평가에 대한 한방의료기관 근무자의 인지도)

  • Jeon, Hyun-Sook;Jung, Sang-Hyuk;Yu, Seung-Hum;Jung, Woo-Sang
    • The Journal of Korean Medicine
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.114-122
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    • 2008
  • Objectives: To determine the factors affecting the assessment of Oriental medical institutions under the Oriental Medical Institution Assessment System and thereupon, provide for some basic data and alternative measures for assessment of Oriental medical institutions. Methods: The researcher sampled 320 people employed by 26 Oriental medical institutions designated as model Oriental medical institutions subject to assessment in 2008 and 2009 and thereupon, used a structured and open-ended survey table for them to collect the data. The size of the final sample was n=302. Results: The Oriental medical institution staff were highly aware of the Oriental medical institution assessment (OMIA), After adjusting the other factors by multiple regression, the factors affecting such recognition were different significantly depending on age (those in their 30's), types of job (nurses and treatment assistants) and locations of hospital (GyeongSang-do). The staff expected the OMIA could helpful for improving facilities and system of hospitals, thus promoting satisfaction of patients. To do so, they felt it necessary to develop an assessment scale reflecting the special conditions besetting the Oriental medical institutions as well as the indices for improvement of Oriental medical service quality. Conclusion: It is hoped that this study will be followed up by future studies which will comparatively analyze Oriental medical institution staff's perception of the assessment system before and after its operation and thereby, suggest some ideal policy alternatives for assessment of the Oriental medical institutions. Furthermore, future studies are requested to research into Oriental medical institution staff's needs and consumers' needs as well in consideration of the characteristics of the Oriental medical institutions and thereupon, suggest some alternatives for continued education, development of the assessment tools, methods and policies.

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