• Title/Summary/Keyword: staff nurse

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A Survey on the Work Stress, Interpersonal Conflict Resolution Strategy and Job Satisfaction in Clinical Nurse (임상 간호사의 직무 스트레스, 대인갈등 해결 전략 및 직무 만족도)

  • Yang, Hae-Ju;Park, Jeong-Sook
    • Research in Community and Public Health Nursing
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    • v.9 no.2
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    • pp.533-549
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    • 1998
  • This descriptive study was designed to measure the degrees of work stress and job satisfaction and use interpersonal conflict resolution strategy as an attempt to provide clinical nurses basic data to develop strategies releasing work stress and improving job satisfaction. These data were collected from 367 clinical nurses working in 9 hospitals nation-wide from May 1, to June 30, 1998. A structured questionaire was used for data collection. The questionnaire included Kim and Koo's work stress scale, Lee's interpersonal conflict resolution strategy scale and a Minesota satisfaction questionnaire. Data analysis was done by the use of the SAS computer program with descriptive statistics, t -test, ANOVA, Scheffe test, Pearson Correlation Coefficient and Cronbach - ${\alpha}$. The results were as follows 1. The mean score of work stress for the subjects was 4.34(SD=0.64). The highest scored reasons for work stress were 'inadequate com pensation' 4.93(SD=0.86), 'lack of professional knowledge and skill' 4.70(SD=0.92) and 'unsatisfactory relationship with superior authorities' 4.63(SD=0.97). The lowest scored reasons were 'unsatisfactory relationship with inferior staff' 3.72(SD=1.02), 'inadequate mechanical environment' 3.72(SD=1.11) and 'interpersonal problems' 3.85 (SD=1.06), The work stress in clinical nurses differed significantly depending on the hospital type (F=4.00, p=0.0082). 2. The clinical nurses used compromise(45.1%) as the best interpersonal conflict resolution strategy. The second was collaboration(32.8%), the third accomodation(14.2%), the forth avoidance(4.2%) and the fifth competition(3.6%). 3. The item score of job satisfaction of the subject was 3.00(SD=0.43), The job satisfaction in clinical nurses differed significantly depending on age(F=5.67, p=0.0000), marital status(t= -1.89, p=0.0511), academic career(F=5.84, 0.0001), official position (F=7.38, p=0.0001), and work career(F=6.33, p=0.0001). 4. The result of the analysis of relationship between work stress and job satisfaction was significant(r= -0.34, p=0.0000). In conclusion, it was found that work stress was very high in clinical nurses. They used interpersonal conflict resolution strategies to release their interpersonal problems and to increase their job satisfaction. Therefore, adequate stress management for clinical nurses will provide them with higher job satisfaction and hence lead to more qualitified nursing care.

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Awareness and performance about nosocomial infection management; a early stage nurse in small and medium hospitals (병원감염관리에 관한 인지도와 수행도 - 중소병원 초보간호사를 중심으로 -)

  • Kim, Jung-Mi;Choi, Young-Sil
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.8
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    • pp.492-500
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    • 2018
  • This study was conducted to identify the degrees of awareness and performance of hospital infection control of early stage nurses working in medium and small sized hospitals. This survey was conducted for 15 days from Sep. 15 to Sep. 30, 2017. Data were then analyzed by SPSS Win 22.0 to determine the mean and SD, as well as to conduct t-tests, ANOVA, and Scheffe's test. The result were as follows: 1. There were significant differences in awareness of hospital infection according to urinary tract infection, respiratory infection, and disinfection of contaminated goods managements with age. 2. There were significant differences in performance of hospital infection according to hand washing (working department), fluid therapy (education need p<0.001), urinary tract (position), and respiratory infection management (position p<0.001). 3. The mean score of awareness and performance regarding hospital infection were significantly different (all items p<0.001). According to these results, systematic education for improving awareness and performance regarding hospital infection control by nursing staff in medium and small sized in hospitals should be conducted. In addition, organizational efforts to increase the number of early stage nurses and improve the usability of personal infection control devices should be encouraged.

A Study on the Establishment of a Fee System for Hospital based Home Nursing Care (일 종합병원에서의 가정간호수가 체계 방안을 위한 일 연구)

  • Kim, Cho-Ja;Jo, Won-Jeong;Choe, Hae-Seon
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.32 no.1
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    • pp.61-76
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    • 1993
  • This study was done in order La provide basic data to a Fee System for hospital based Home Health Care services in Korea in the future. It was done by investigating activities provided to possible Home Health Care clients who could be discharged early from genera] hospitals and then estimating the nursing care fee according to each nursing activity based upon the time used for activity. The subjects of the study were selected by convenience sampling and consisted of 35 clients who might be clients for Home Nursing Care and were presently admitted to a medical- surgical ward of Y University Medical Center located in Seoul, Korea. The data collection period was from September 1, 1991 to September 30, 1991. The research in strum nets utilized for the study were a client selection criterial for Home Health Care developed by Choo(l991) and a check-list of nursing activity developed by researcher. The results of the study were as follows : 1. There were 44 different nursing activities provided in the seven days but the time was calculated for only 25 of the nursing activities. 2. Fees for the 25 different nursing activities were calculated by multipling the median of the average wage of a staff nurse having five years experience in an A grade general hospital to the Lime of the nursing activity. The results were compared with the insurance fee which the government recognized as an appropriate fee for that activity. The nursing activities with a lower calculated fee than the insurance fee were suction, catheterization, exercise education and dressing change. The nursing activities with a higher calculated fee than the government recognized fee were 1M injection and vital sign check. 3. There was a range of 1-15 nursing activities provided daily to the client. For the average number of nursing activities per day of 6.26 events the nursing care fee was calaulated at W 6136 per day. 4. Based upon the results of the study, a recommentdation for a Home Health Care fee per visit based on the nursing activities provided could be formulated for a Home Health Care fee system. It could be formulated as following: 1) Home health Care fee per visit $=[(direct{\;} nursing{\;}fee(direct{\;}nursing{\;}care{\;}time{\;}per{\;}activity{\;}{\times}{\;}average{\;}nursing{\;}wage)+indirect fee]{\times}average$ nursing activity per visit]+management fee+ materials fee+a travel fee In this way a nursing fee could be calculated based upon the result of the study of the nursing fees per visit. 2) Nursing activity fees per visit. = $([direct nursing{\;}care{\;}fee+indirect{\;}nursing{\;}fee]{\times}average$ number of nursing activities provided per visit] (W 6, 136) + travel fee(\ 5, 542) +management fee material $fee({\alpha})\{\;}16, 436+{\alpha}$ The nursing fee per visit as calculated in this research of $\{\;}15, 0000+{\alpha}$ could be adjusted according to the patient's condition or the use of high technology nursing care or according to the amount of time spent for travel. The nursing care fee per visit presented in this study can be validated through a Home Health Care demonstration project.

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The survey of mouth care among cancer patient received chemotherapy (화학요법을 받는 암환자의 구강간호 실태조사연구 -서울시내 종합병원을 중심으로-)

  • Byun Young-Soon;Kim Ae-Kyoung
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.2 no.2
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    • pp.115-130
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    • 1995
  • The incidence of oral complications among adult cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy varies from 12 to 80%. Adequate oral hygiene has been shown to be important in prevention of oral complication and an essential role is reserved for the nursing staff. These considerations prompted the decision to survey by means of a questionaire, the nurses who give care to cancer patients. The Questions were included multidisciplinary treatment, inspection skill, nursing intervention, nursing education, problem in mouth care, solution for problem solving. - Results are fellow : 1. A total of 116 of the nurses returned the questionaire 2. According to 88.2% of the respondents, the policy with regard to oral-hygine is determined by the physician and the nurse. 62.1% of nurses do not consult the dentist When oral complication is occured. 3. In only 34.5% of case was a penight used to provide the necessary extra illumination nursing Inspection of oral cavity. 4. Frequency of oral complications observed by the respondents is that they observed complications in < 25% of patients. The nature of the complication varied from ulcer, stomatitis, infection, dry mouth, candidiasis, herpes simplix, bleeding. 5. Percentages of respondents who use the intervention indicated 1) to prevent oral complication : 0.9% normal saline gargling(44%), 0.02% chlorhexidine gargling, oral dressing(38.8%), observation, nutrition, restriction of alcohol and tabaco(23.2%) 2) to deal with the early symptoms 0.9% normal saline gargling (47.4%), cryotherapy(37.9%), 0.02% chlorhexidine gargling(20.7%) 3) to help alleviate severe complications : dental consult, holding the chemotherapy(34.5%), 0.9% normal saline gargling(31.1%), cryotherapy(18.0%) 6. According to 70% of the respondents, insufficient attention is given to oral complication during nursing education classes only 8.6% said that both the theory and the practical aspects had been deal with in sufficient detail during their training. The results of the survey indicate thatoral care in cancer patients undergoing chemothrapy has a number of problem. There are not enough dentist to provide the necessary care for patients undergoing chemotherapy. The expertise of the nurses with respect to the pathogenesis of the complication is limited. In the training of nurses, additional attention to oral examinations and oral hygine is warranted. The care of patients should be the responsibility of a multidisciplinary team approach. The nurse occupies a key position with in this team, which includes the medical oncologist, a dentist.

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A Study for the Enhancement of Accessibility to Community Home Nursing Care Services - The Home Nursing Care Program of Seoul Nurse Association - (지역사회에서의 가정간호 접근성 제고 방안 - '서울시간호사회' 가정간호사업 분석을 토대로 -)

  • Hwang, Na-Mi;Park, Sung-Ae;Kim, Yun-Ok;Moon, Young-Im;Park, Jeong-Sook;Ryu, Ho-Sihn;Rhee, Kae-Sook
    • Journal of Home Health Care Nursing
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.5-14
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    • 2003
  • Recently, there has been an increasing need for long-term care and comprehensive health care services in community settings. The Ministry of Health and Welfare introduced the Hospital-Based Home Nursing Care Program in 2000. Before this initiative, there was a Home Nursing Demonstration Center, affiliated with the Seoul Nurse Association, had offered home nursing services with the financial support from the local government. since 1993, the Center's nursing staff has been engaged in a general hospital in an effort to provide home nursing care services within Korea's health care system. The purpose of this study was to analyze and identify characteristics of community-based home nursing care supplied by a community-based home nursing team engaged in a general hospital. Also. visit nursing care services provided by public health centers were evaluated in terms of accessibility and supply versus demand, to enhance the accessibility of low-income patients living in Seoul to home nursing care services. Data were collected from home nursing insurance reimbursement claims submitted by the community-based home nursing care team from March 1 to October 30 in 2001 and a questionnaire survey on home-visit nursing services of 25 public health centers in Seoul. The subjects consisted of 197 patients and 12 public health centers. The result were as follows. First, medical institution's community-based home nursing care program was better in technical quality than health-center-based home-visit nursing care. In addition. the pattern of the subject patients was similar to that of hospital-based home nursing care program. Second, there was a high demand for community-based home nursing care while only a small number of home-visiting nurses served at public health centers in Seoul. As a result, many patients could not receive adequate care. Finally, we suggest that community-based home nursing care program should be introduced in the national health system to meet the at-home care needs of severely ill low-income patients. Furthermore, to better utilize home nursing and visit-nursing care resources and offer continued care for patients in community settings, an efficient referral network should be built among related institutions. This would require improvement of reimbursement system and amendment of the law related to health insurance system and community-based home nursing care services.

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A Study on Attitude of Clinical Nurses Toward Professional Nursing (일부지역 간호사의 간호전문직에 대한 태도 조사 연구)

  • Park, Youn-Suk
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.31 no.5
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    • pp.39-52
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    • 1992
  • As society has changed, the demand for improved health care has increased. To keep up with this type of social need, professional nursing care is seeking to efficiently satisfy the care needs of human beings. The goal of clinical nurse is to meet nursing care needs of patients. This study was designed to survey attitudes of nursing profession of clinical nurses. The following specific 5 objectives were investigated and the attitudes of clinical nurses were determined. 1. The social position of nursing as a profession. 2. Factors influencing the development of nursing. 3. The future of nursing. 4. Their work. 5. Job satisfaction. The subjects consisted of 120 nurses who are working at 5 general hospital over 150 beds Ill CHONG NAM. The nurses were surveyed by means of a questionnaire from May 24 to Jun 15, 1992. The tool used for this study was based on earlier work by Lee, Nam Hi(1978) and Kim, Myong Hee(1984). Computer was used for Data Analysis. Frequency and Percentage were used to examine the genera] characteristics of the subjects. ANOV A and t.test were used to test the relation in characteristics of the subjects and attitudes Loward nursing prfession. The finding of this study were as follows; 1. Social position of nursing as a profession; The response with the highest agreement was "The professional nursing organization is less power. ful than the other professional organization" 3.333 points, and the response with the lowest agreement was "Nursing get a big salary" 2.225 points. 2. Factors influencing the development of nursing; the response with the highest agreement was "Hospital environment should be improved" 4.267 points, and the response with the lowest agreement was "Nurses satisfaction with salary"2.175 points. 3. The future of nursing; the response with the highest agreement was "Along the deveiopmem of science technique will be elevated educational state and graduate to needed in nursing" 3.958 points, and showed generally positive response toward the future of nursing. 4. Their work; the response with the highest agreement was "Work loading due to nursing staff insufficient" 4. 308 points, the response with the lowest agreement was "Nurses are unkind to patient" 2.508 points. 5. The subject's view regarding job satisfaction;it showed that "Interpersonal nursing staffs" 3.508 points, showed generally unsatisfactory response toward job satisfaction. 6. The relationship between the subject's attitudes toward professional nursing and general characteristics showed a significant difference statistically in regard to the field of work(P<.05). 7. The relationship between general characteristics and the subject's attitudes toward factors influencing the development of nursing showed a significant difference statistically in regard to the age and the status of position(P<.05). The subject's attitude toward the future of nursing showed a significant difference statistically in regard to the age and the period of nursing career and the field of work(P<.05, P<.005). The subject's attitude toward the job satisfaction showed a significant difference statistically in regard to the age and the period of nursing career and the status of position and the field of work(P<.005).

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Convergence study on Relationship among Verbal violence experience, Verbal violence impact and Burnout in Operating Room Nurses (수술실 간호사의 언어폭력경험, 언어폭력충격, 및 소진간의 상관성에 대한 융합연구)

  • Lee, Su-Jin;Kim, Ju-Sung
    • Journal of the Korea Convergence Society
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    • v.8 no.6
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    • pp.85-96
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    • 2017
  • The purpose of this study was to evaluate the relationship among verbal violence experience, verbal violence impact and burnout of operating room nurses. The data were collected by structured self-reporting questionnaires from 202 operating room nurses and were analyzed with descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, Scheffe test, Pearson's correlation coefficients and multiple regression. The level of verbal violence experience and verbal violence impact was 1.96 and 1.67. The level of burnout was 3.08. Verbal violence impact and burnout have a significant positive association with verbal violence experience(r=.39, p<.001; r=.41, p<.001). Verbal violence impact was positively associated with burnout(r=.29, p<.001). Factors influencing burnout were verbal violence experience, verbal violence impact and position(staff nurse) which explained 30% of the variance(F=9.15, p<.001). These findings indicate that verbal violence experiences of operating room nurses have influence on stability and productivity in personal, social aspect and suggest developing the verbal violence prevention program in hospital.

The Relationship Between Job Retainment and Job Satisfacion of Hospital Nurses. (병원 간호사의 장기근무유인과 직무만족과의 관계)

  • Lee, Hea-Won
    • The Korean Nurse
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    • v.33 no.1
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    • pp.65-79
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    • 1994
  • The purpose of this study was to describe the job retainment factors and the level of job satisfaction, and to identify the relationship between job retainment and the level of job satisfaction among the registered nurses working in hospitals. Four hundred eight registered nurses currently employed at 8 hospitals in Seoul were surveyed for the study. The 39 item, 5 point likert scale questionnare was developed by the researcher. The internal consistency of job satisfaction was. 86 and that of job retainment was. 90 in Cronbach's alpha test. The data sas collected from July 15 to July 30, 1993. The SPSS/PC+statistical program was used for data analysis. The descriptive analysis of the characteristics of the subjects, the level of job satisfaction and the job retainment factors was done. The relationship between the job satisfaction level and the job retainment factors was tested with. the Pearson Correlation Coefficient analysis, and thd differences of job retainment scores among the sample was tested with t-test and ANDVA. The results of the study were summarized. 1. The mean age of the subjects was 29.7 years, 41.7% of them were married. 71.1% of them were 3 years course graduates, 71.8% of them were staff nurses, and the mean duration of experience was 6 years. 2. The factors related to professionalism(3.43), society(3.31), and interpersonal relationship(3.29) were significant in job retainment. The maximum score was 5.0 Two other factors, personal(3.05) and organization(2.83) factors, also showed relatively high scores. 3. The factors to the job satisfaction showed similar pattern as job retainment: professionalism (3.47), society (3.33), finance(3.31), interpersonal relationship(3.02), and organization(2.72). 4. Society related factors(r=.7420, p<.00l) and professionalism(r=.7249, p<.00l) had high correlation with job retainment. Personal(r=.6372, p<.001) and organizational(r=.3597, p<.001) factors had moderate relationship to job retainment. Finance(r=.3597, p<.00l) had significant but weak relationship to job retainment. 5. Age, marital status, job position, departmental involvement, experience, and continuity of employment of the sample showed significant differences in job retainment. However, the period of job retainment, number of children, educational level, type of hospital, previous employment experience were not significant. 6. lndiviuals older than 40 years of age, who were married, who held the position of charge or head nurse position, who worked in central supply or nursing administration showed significantly high job retainment score. This research indicates that the professionalism is the most significant factor in job retainment. In order to retain more experienced nurses, it is important to improve the profesionalism among nurses.

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The Study of Work Environment of Nurses in Long-term Care Hospitals (요양병원 간호사의 근무환경 실태조사)

  • Kim, Hyun-Sook;Kim, Kye-Ha
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.250-258
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the work environment of nurses in long-term carer hospitals and to help in their work environment improvement through these results. A cross-sectional survey was conducted. A convenience sample of 179 subjects including staff nurses and nurse managers over head nurses working in long-term care hospitals located in Gwangju city were recruited. The data were collected from July to December 2015. A structured questionnaires were used as a study instrument, and included questions regarding subjects' general characteristics, hospital-related characteristics, and work environment. All statistical analyses were performed using SPSS ver. 22.0. The results showed that 73.2% of subjects were working in hospitals established by individuals. The most of long-term care hospitals accepted accreditation program. The ratio of nurses to nurse aiders of was 1:2. The numbers of off duty was 8 days, and average annual salary was 2,500~3,000 ten thousand won in nurses of long-term care hospitals. Based on these results, work environment of nurses of long-term care hospitals was not good. Therefore, the results suggest qualitative research to investigate deeply how to recognize on work environment like this for nurses of long-term care hospitals.

Pop-up Chart for Managing CRRT Improves the Quality of CRRT Care (전자의무기록 팝업차트를 활용한 CRRT 관리의 질향상 활동)

  • Go, Su-Ryeong;Lee, An-Na;Kim, Ki-Pyo;Chin, Ho-Jun;Na, Ki-Young;Chae, Dong-Wan;Kim, Se-Joong
    • Quality Improvement in Health Care
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.43-51
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    • 2019
  • Purpose: The time lag between the decision to initiate continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT) and its actual initiation remains a major barrier in our intensive care units. We developed a CRRT pop-up chart on EMR for managing CRRT machines. Methods: This study measured time interval between the decision to prepare the CRRT machine and the actual use of the machine before and after using a CRRT pop-up chart. This study conducted a questionnaire of the medical staff to assess the changes in the quality of CRRT preparation. Results: A total of 95 patients on CRRT is analyzed. The time to find an available CRRT machine is decreased by 24.6%. The time to move a CRRT machine to the patient's bedside is decreased by 55.8%. Medical surveys of 44 nurses gave the following results. 1) The time to apprehend machines for 1 to 3 minutes is improved from 29.5% to 81.8%, and the time to apprehend machines over 3 minutes is decreased from 70.5% to 18.2%. 2) The number (6-all) of known machine locations is improved from 22.7% to 63.4%. 3) Interruption of a nurse's work due to telephone calls asking for the possession of movable CRRT equipment also is improved. Scores of 1-4 are improved from 15.9% to 41%. Scores of 5-7 are reduced from 52% to 15.9%. Conclusions: CRRT pop-up chart is shortened the time lag of CRRT machine preparation, reduced the nurse's phone workload and helped to improve the quality of CRRT care.