• Title/Summary/Keyword: soy sauce fermentation

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The Color Measurement and Sensory Evaluation for the Accelerated Fish Sauce Products (속양(速釀) 어장유(魚醬油)에 대한 색(色) 측정(測定) 및 관능검사(官能檢査))

  • Chae, Soo-Kyu;Itoh, Hiroshi;Nikkuni, Sayuki
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.649-654
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    • 1989
  • The color distribution of fish sauces was studied by using the change in log absorbance per 100nm as a parameter of color tone. A linear relationship was found between the logarithm of absorbance (log A) and wavelength at 450 nm to 650 nm in the color of fish sauces. Change in log A per 100nm $({\Delta}A)$ in the color of the fish sauce products was in the range of 0.55 to 0.59. Absorbance at 450 nm (A 450) of the fish sauce treated with soy sauce koji was high in comparison with A 450 of the fish sauce treated by pronase and control. The color of fish sauces treated with soy sauce koji was dark reddish orange, and was similar to the color of soy sauce. A 450 of every fish sauce increased with the progress of fermentation but ${\Delta}A$of the fish sauces slightly increased at the beginning of fermentation and then decreased at the end of fermentation. In the results of sensory evaluation for the flavor of fish sauce products, the fish sauce product treated with soy sauce koji that 20% salt was added at the first stage was the molt desirable in the strength of flavor, tastefulness and after taste, and the fish sauce was also the best in acceptability.

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Development of a Novel Yeast Strain Which Ferments Soy Sauce by Protoplast Fusion

  • Lee, Eun-Ju;Kim, Jong-Kyu
    • Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology
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    • v.3 no.1
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    • pp.24-30
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    • 1993
  • In order to develop a novel yeast which produces the charateristic aroma of soy sauce, a protoplast fusion between Zygosaccharomyces rouxii WFS4 and Torulopsis versatilis IAM 4993 was carried out. Auxotrophic mutants as selective markers were obtained from Zygosaccharomyces rouxii and Torulopsis versatilis by treatment of N-methyl-N -nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine. The conditions of the protoplast formation and the regeneration for fusion were examined. The protoplast fusion using polyethylene glycol 4000 led to the fusion frequency of $4~5{\times}10^{-7}\;cells/ml$. Among fusants, a fusant ST723-F31 presented the best results in terms of the aromaticity of fragrance, the growth pattern, the resistance against salt and the degree of growth according to pH. It makes easy to control the production and the balance of aroma components so that it gives a good flavor, shortens the fermentation period and, simplifies the preparation process when using a bioreactor into which fusant is immobilized.

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Isoflavone Content in Soy Sauce made with Whole Grain Soybean Meju during Fermentation (콩알 메주 간장 발효 중 이소플라본 함량)

  • Lee, Hee-Young;Cha, Yong-Jun
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.460-465
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    • 2006
  • This study was conducted to investigate the isoflavone contents including daidzein and genistein in soy sauces made with whole grain soybean Meju(WGSM), comparing with defatted Meju(DM) du.ins fermentation. Total isoflavone contents in 2 soy sauces made with DM, Control and product A, increased with period of fermentation and were 15 and 4.3 times higher after 180 days of fermentation than on the day before fermentation respectively. Meanwhile, 2 soy sauces made with WGSM, product B and C, had the highest amounts with $20.53{\mu}g/g\;and\;19.52{\mu}g/g$ of isoflavones on the day before fermentation respectively, and then decreased with fermentation time. High amounts of isoflavones were detected in 20 days of fermentation of soy sauce which made with WGSM and wheat Meju(product D). Daidzein was the largest amounts in isoflavone contents, regardless of total or free isoflavone types. The level of daidzein increased with fermentation time in 2 soy sauces made with DM, Control and product A, whereas 2 soy sauces made with WGSM, product B and C decreased with fermentation time, instead of increasing of genistein contents.

Effect of Reuse of Onggi Containers on the Quality of Anchovy Soy Sauce (옹기의 재 사용이 어간장의 품질에 미치는 영향)

  • Chung, Sun-Kyung;Choi, Dong-Man;Joung, Yong-Myeon;Shin, Dong-Ju
    • Food Science and Preservation
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.223-229
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    • 2010
  • Anchovy soy sauce was fermented at ambient temperature in 20 L new Onggi, used Onggi, stainless steel, and plastic containers, and sauce quality was analyzed. Microporous insulated Onggi containers were found to promote fermentative microbial growth, thus creating desirable conditions for the preparation of good-quality anchovy soy sauce. The use of used Onggi containers yielded an anchovy soy sauce with high contents of total nitrogen and free amino acids, which afforded good sensory qualities with respect to odor, taste, and overall acceptability.

Taste Components and Sensory Characteristics of Long-term Mature Korean Soy Sauce (장기 숙성된 한식간장의 맛성분 및 관능적 특성)

  • Jang, Hyeock-soon;Lee, Nan-Hee;Choi, Ung-Kyu
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.32 no.4
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    • pp.349-354
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    • 2019
  • In this study, 30 kinds of long-term and mature Korean soy sauce were collected and classified by the fermentation period, and the components related to taste and sensory characteristics were analyzed. A total of 4 kinds of organic acids were detected. The total organic acid content was in the range of 97.2~341.6 mg%, but did not show the tendency to increase or decrease in proportion to the aging period. The total free amino acid content was within the range of 3,001.0~3,834.7 mg% and showed a tendency to increase in proportion to the ripening period of the soy sauce. The contents of aspartic acid and glutamic acid subsequently increased in the long-term matured soy sauce. The ratio of essential amino acid to total amino acid was 31.6~35.7%, and the ratio of glutamic acid to total amino acid was 19.6~23.9%, respectively. The panel of 20~29-year-old indicated that the longer the aging period of soy sauce, the lower the preference while the panel of 30 or more years indicated that the longer the aging period of soy sauce, the higher the preference. This study was the first to investigate the quality of long-term matured soy sauce in more than one year.

Effects of Soy Sauce Koji and Commercial Proteolytic Enzyme on the Acceleration of Fish Sauce Production (속양(速釀) 어장유(魚醬油) 제조(製造)에 있어서 장유(醬油)코오지와 시판(市販) 단백분해(蛋白分解) 효소(酵素)의 영향(影響))

  • Chae, Soo-Kyu;Itoh, Hiroshi;Nikkuni, Sayuki
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.21 no.5
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    • pp.639-648
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    • 1989
  • The possibility of the use of soy sauce koji and commercial proteolytic enzyme for the acceleration of fish fermentation without affecting its characteristic flavor and nutritional quality inherent to the final products was investigated. Fish sauces were prepared experimentally from small horse mackerel under sixteen kinds of conditions and the chemical composition of those were examined, individually. The amino type nitrogen content, ration of amino type nitrogen to total nitrogen and protein conversion ratio were the highest in the fish sauce product treated with soy sauce koji, of which 10% salt was added to the minced raw fish at the start and additional 10% salt was added to the mixture after 48hrs, incubation.

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Effects of Extrusion-Texturization on Defatted Soy Flour for Soy Sauce Fermentation (압출성형기에 의한 전처리가 탈지대두분의 장유 제조특성에 미치는 영향)

  • Oh, Kyeong-Keun;Jung, Heon-Woong;Park, Ji-Yong;Lim, Jae-Kag;Kim, Jae-Cherl
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 1993
  • Extruded defatted soy flour (DSF) with twin screw extruder was compared with steam treated DSF for soy sauce fermentation. Independent variables of response surface methodology (RSM) for extrusion were barrel temperature $(145{\sim}165^{\circ}C)$, feed moisture content $(25{\sim}35%)$, and feed rate $(20{\sim}30\;kg/hr)$. Extrusion conditions for production of the extrudates having highest water absorption capacity, lowest bulk density and highest expansion ratio were obtained by regression analysis of each dependent variable. Electron photomicrographs revealed significant increase of porosity inside the koji made from extruded DSF. Therefore, growth of fungi inside the koji made from extrudates of DSF was accelerated to achieve higher activities of protease, ${\alpha}-amylase$, and glucoamylase compared to the koji made from steamed DSF. Although amino acid composition of soy sauces prepared from two different DSF did not show any significant difference, the content of free amino acids in soluble nitrogen compounds was higher $(13%{\pm}2)$ in soy sauce made from extruded SDF. During the whole period of fermentation color of soy sauce made from extrudates of DSF was darker. Sensory evaluation did not reveal any serious off-odor and off-taste in the soy sauce fermented from extruded DSF.

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Continuous Rapid Fermentation of Sardine Soy Sauce by Using Column Type Reactor Packed Immobilized Yeast Cells (고정화 효모를 충진한 column형 reactor에 의한 정어리 어간장의 속성 연속발효)

  • Kim, Seong-Joon;Shin, Dong-Bun;Ryu, Beung-Ho
    • Korean Journal of Food Science and Technology
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.154-159
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    • 1993
  • This present study was carried out particulary focusing on rapid fermentation of soy sauce by using column type reactor $(30\;cm{\times}5\;cm)$ packed each immobilized cells of Pediococcus halophilus R-22, Saccharomyces rouxii R-60 and Candida etchellsii H-50. When immobilized P. halophilus R-22 by column type reactor was performed continuously fermentation, lactic acid was produced $0.62{\sim}0.64%$ during 25 days and then decreased gradually after 30 days. S. rouxii R-60 was Produced the $2.1{\sim}2.5%$ ethylalcohol constantly for 35 days and also C. etchellsii H-50 was produced $14{\sim}16\;mg/l$ 4-ethylguaiacol for 35 days and then this products were decreased gradually after fermentation of 40 days. Final Products of fish sauce contained 1,721.6 mg% total nitrogen, 1,584.1 mg% amino-nitrogen, 0.75% lactic acid, 2.7% ethylalcohol and 18.2 mg/l 4-ethylguaiacol.

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The Processing of Seasoned and Fermented Oyster and Its Qulaity Changes during the Fermentation (굴 조미 젓갈 제품의 숙성 중 품질 변화에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Heon-Ok;Rhee, Seong-Kap;Lee, Seong;Kim, Dong-Soo
    • Applied Biological Chemistry
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    • v.44 no.2
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    • pp.81-87
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    • 2001
  • Oyster jeot-gal were prepared in the form of salt-fermented oyster and oyster in soy sauce tentatively and used for investigation the retarding effect of its fermentation in a vacuum from the physicochemical and microbiological points of view. $_PH$ value decreased slightly but amino-N (AN) and volatile basic nitrogen (VBN) increased inversely during the fermentation periods. AN contents were greater in vacuum fermentation than in non-vacuum, whereas VBN were greater in non-vacuum. Total viable cell counts were similar to trend of gentle decrement after increment to some degree but showed higher in non vacuum than in vacuum. In vacuum product, total amino acid contents increased with the elapse of fermentation days or in time of reduction those were higher than in non-vacuum. On the results of chemical analysis, it showed that fermentation was delayed in vacuum and that vacuum fermentation was effective for the shelf-life extension of jeot-gal.

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Antioxidant Activity of Korean Traditional Soy Sauce Fermented in Korean Earthenware, Onggi, from Different Regions (지역별 옹기에서 발효된 한국 전통간장의 항산화 활성)

  • Park, Sunyoung;Lee, Sangki;Park, Suin;Kim, Inyong;Jeong, Yoonhwa;Yu, Sungryul;Shin, Sam Cheol;Kim, Misook
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.44 no.6
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    • pp.847-853
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    • 2015
  • The purpose of this study was to compare color, protease, and antioxidant activities of Korean traditional soy sauce fermented for 120 days in Onggis obtained from five regions-Gangjin, Jeju, Ulsan, Yeoju, and Yesan in Korea. The brown color of soy sauce was increased during the fermentation period and was the highest in soy sauce fermented in Yesan. The values of total phenol contents, protease activity, and ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity activities were also increased during the fermentation period of soy sauce. Soy sauce fermented in Gangjin Onggi showed the highest protease activity, total phenol contents, DPPH radical scavenging activity, and FRAP ability. The partial least squares regression analysis indicated that the regional Onggis affect the quality of soy sauce with in terms of color, protease activity, and antioxidant activity.