• Title/Summary/Keyword: social indicators

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Mobility Change around Neighborhood Parks and Green Spaces before and after the Outbreak of the COVID-19 Pandemic (COVID-19 발생 전·후 생활권 공원녹지 모빌리티 변화 분석)

  • Choi, Ga yoon;Kim, Yong gook;Kwon, Oh kyu;Yoo, Ye seul
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Landscape Architecture
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    • v.51 no.4
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    • pp.101-118
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    • 2023
  • During the COVID-19 pandemic, the utilization rate of neighborhood parks and green spaces increased significantly, and the outbreak served as an opportunity to highlight the values and functions of neighborhood parks and green spaces for urban residents. This study aims to empirically analyze how citizens' movement and the use of neighborhood parks and green spaces changed before and after COVID-19 and examine the social and spatial characteristics that affected these changes. As a research method, first, people's mobility around neighborhood parks and green spaces before and after the COVID-19 pandemic were compared using signal data from telecommunication carriers. Through the analysis of changes in residence time and movement volume, the movement characteristics of citizens after COVID-19 and changes in walking-based park visits were examined. Second, the factors affecting the mobility change in neighborhood parks and green spaces were analyzed. The social and spatial characteristics that affect citizens' visits to neighborhood parks and green spaces before and after COVID-19 were examined through correlation and multiple regression analysis. Subsequently, through cluster analysis, the types of living areas for the post-COVID era were classified from the perspective of the supply and management of neighborhood parks and green spaces services, and directions for improving neighborhood parks and green spaces by type were presented. Major research findings are as follows: First, since the outbreak of COVID-19, activities within 500m of the residence have increased. The amount of stay and walking movement increased in both 2020 and 2021, which means that the need to review the quantitative standards and attractions of neighborhood parks and green spaces has increased considering the changed scope of the walking and living area. Second, the overall number of visits to neighborhood parks and green spaces by walking has increased since the outbreak of COVID-19. The number of visits to neighborhood parks and green spaces centered on the house and the workplace increased significantly. The park green policy in the post-COVID era should be promoted by discovering underprivileged areas, focusing on areas where residential, commercial, and business facilities are concentrated, and improving neighborhood parks and green services in quantitative and qualitative terms. Third, it was found that the higher the level of park green service, the higher the amount of walking movement. It is necessary to use indicators that contribute to improving citizens' actual park green services, such as walking accessibility, rather than looking at the criteria for securing green areas. Fourth, as a result of cluster analysis, five types of neighborhood parks and green spaces were derived in response to the post-COVID era. This suggests that it is necessary to consider the socioeconomic status and characteristics of living areas and the level of park green services required in future park green policies. This study has academic and policy significance in that it has laid the basis for establishing neighborhood parks and green spaces policy in response to the post-COVID era by using various analysis methodologies such as carrier signal data analysis, GIS analysis, and statistical analysis.

A Study on the Characteristics and Management Plan of Old Big Trees in the Sacred Natural Sites of Handan City, China (중국 한단시 자연성지 내 노거수의 특성과 관리방안)

  • Xi, Su-Ting;Shin, Hyun-Sil
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.41 no.2
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    • pp.35-45
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    • 2023
  • First, The spatial distribution characteristics of old big trees were analyzed using ArcGIS figures by combining basic information such as species and ages of old big trees in Handan City, which were compiled by the local bureau of landscaping. The types of species, distribution by ages of trees, ownership status, growth status, and diversity status were comprehensively analyzed. Statistically, Styphnolobium, Acacia, Gleditsia, and Albizia of Fabaceae accounted for the majority, of which Sophora japonica accounted for the highest proportion. Sophora japonica is widely and intensively distributed to each prefecture and district in Handan city. According to the age and distribution, the old big trees over 1000 years old were mainly Sophora japonica, Zelkova serrata, Juniperus chinensis, Morus australis Koidz., Dalbergia hupeana Hance, Ceratonia siliqua L., and Pistacia chinensis, and Platycladus orientalis. Second, as found in each type of old big tree status, various types of old big tree status were investigated, the protection management system, protection management process, and protection management benefits were studied, and the protection of old big tree was closely related to the growth environment. Currently, the main driving force behind the protection of old big trees is the worship of old big trees. By depositing its sacredness to the old big tree and sublimating the natural character that nature gave to the old big tree into a guiding consciousness of social activities, nature's "beauty" and personality's "goodness" are well combined. The protection state of the old big tree is closely related to the degree of interaction with the surrounding environment and the participation of various cultures and subjects. In the process of continuously interacting with the surrounding environment during the long-term growth of old big trees, it seems that a natural sanctuary was formed around old big trees in the process of voluntarily establishing a "natural-cultural-scape" system involving bottom-up and top-down cross-regions, multicultural and multi-subjects. Third, China focused on protecting and recovering old big trees, but the protection management system is poor due to a lack of comprehensive consideration of historical and cultural values, plant diversity significance, and social values of old big trees in the management process. Three indicators of space's regional characteristics, property and protection characteristics, and value characteristics can be found in the evaluation of the natural characteristics of old giant trees, which are highly valuable in terms of traditional consciousness management, resource protection practice, faith system construction, and realization of life community values. A systematic management system should be supported as to whether they can be protected and developed for a long time. Fourth, as the perception of protected areas is not yet mature in China, "natural sanctuary" should be treated as an important research content in the process of establishing a nature reserve system. The form of natural sanctuary management, which focuses on bottom-up community participation, is a strong supplement to the current type of top-down nature reserve management in China. Based on this, the protection of old giant trees should be included in the form of a nature reserve called a natural monument in the nature reserve system. In addition, residents of the area around the nature reserve should be one of the main agents of biodiversity conservation.

The Effect of Nutrition Education on the Improvement of Psychosocial Factors Related to Vegetable and Fruit Intake of Elementary School Children in Pre-Action Stages (채소와 과일섭취 증진을 위한 영양교육이 행동전단계 초등학생의 사회심리적 요인의 변화에 미치는 효과)

  • Suh, Yoon-Suk;Chung, Young-Jin
    • Journal of Nutrition and Health
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    • v.43 no.6
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    • pp.597-606
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    • 2010
  • This study investigates the change of level of psychosocial factors of decisional balance, processes of change, and self-efficacy after nutrition education on vegetable and fruit intake of children in pre-action stages. Forty-seven 5th grade elementary school children in Yeongi-Gun, Chungnam-Do were categorized into pre-action stages from a total of 71 children by four-stage questions, and then finally into two stages of precontemplation and contemplation & preparation. After 6 weeks nutrition education, recognition of both of pros and cons of vegetable intake were improved in the two groups of precontemplation and contemplation & preparation. In fruits intake, however, recognition of pros was not changed after nutrition education in either stage, but recognition of cons was improved only in the precontemplation stage. However, no difference in any psychosocial variables was found between precontemplation stage and contemplation & preparation stage. After the nutrition education, the score of consciousness raising of vegetable intake belonging to cognitive process of change increased in the subjects of the precontemplation stage, wheres the scores of dramatic relief, self-reevaluation, environment reevaluation and social liberation increased in the group of contemplation & preparation. In fruit intake, however, no change was found except in the environment reevaluation in the precontemplation group. The behavioral process of change of vegetable and fruit intake did not show any change in either group after nutrition education. Self-efficacy scores of vegetable intake of keeping the foods at hand, eating the recommended number of servings and making time to eat increased in the precontemplation group, while in the contemplation & preparation group, self efficacy scores of shopping for a variety of vegetables, instead of keeping the foods at hands, as well as the scores of the rest two items of eating the recommended number of servings and making time to eat increased after nutrition education. However, in case of fruits intake, no difference was shown in the precontemplation stage except an item of keeping the foods at hand. The results indicated that the stage of change was progressed in the pre-action stage after nutrition education and the scores of many psychosocial factors increased in both pre-action stages. It is suggested that the recognition of cons as well as the cognitive process of change and self-efficacy could be best used as indicators of the assessment of nutrition education program for vegetable intake.

Development of a Integrated Indicator System for Evaluating the State of Watershed Management in the Context of River Basin Management Using Factor Analysis (요인분석을 이용한 수계 관리 맥락에서 유역관리 상태를 평가하기 위한 통합지수 개발)

  • Kang, Min-Goo;Lee, Kwang-Man;Ko, Ick-Hwan;Jeong, Chan-Yong
    • Journal of Korea Water Resources Association
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    • v.41 no.3
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    • pp.277-291
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    • 2008
  • In order to carry out river basin management, it is necessary to evaluate the state of the river basin and make site-specific measures on the basis of management goals and objectives. A river basin is divided into several watersheds, which are composed of several components: water resources, social and economic systems, law and institution, user, land, ecosystems, etc. They are connected among them and form network holistically. In this study, a methodology for evaluating watershed management was developed by consideration of the various features of a watershed system. This methodology employed factor analysis to develop sub-indexes for evaluating water use management, environment and ecosystem management, and flood management in a watershed. To do this, first, the related data were gathered and classified into six groups that are the components of watershed systems. Second, in all sub-indexes, preliminary tests such as KMO (Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin) measure of sampling adequacy and Bartlett's test of sphericity were conducted to check the data's acceptability to factor analysis, respectively. Third, variables related to each sub-index were grouped into three factors by consideration of statistic characteristics, respectively. These factors became indicators and were named, taking into account the relationship and the characteristics of included variables. In order to check the study results, the computed factor loadings of each variable were reviewed, and correlation analysis among factor scores was fulfilled. It was revealed that each factor score of factors in a sub-index was not correlated, and grouping variables by factor analysis was appropriate. And, it was thought that this indicator system would be applied effectively to evaluating the states of watershed management.

A Study on the Development of a Competency-Based Intervention Course Curriculum of the Korean Academy of Sensory Integration (대한감각통합치료학회 역량기반 중재과정 교육커리큘럼 개발연구)

  • Namkung, Young;Kim, Kyeong-Mi;Kim, Misun;Lee, Jiyoung
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Sensory Integration
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    • v.17 no.3
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    • pp.26-45
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    • 2019
  • Objective : The purpose of this study is to develop educational goals, training content, and training methods for the intervention course of the Korean Academy of Sensory Integration (KASI) and to conduct competency-based intervention courses based on the competency model for sensory integration intervention. Methods : This study was conducted on work therapists who participated in the 2019 intervention course of KASI. In the first phase, educational needs were analyzed to set goals for the interventional course. In the second phase, a meeting of researchers drafted the intervention course education program and the methods of education, and the intervention course was conducted. In the third phase, the changes in educational satisfaction and performance level pre- and post-intervention course for each competency index were investigated. Results : The educational goals of "learning and applying the clinical reasoning process of sensory integration intervention" and "intervention by applying the principle of sensory integration intervention" were set after reflecting on the results of the analysis of the educational requirements. The length of the competency-based intervention course was 42 hours. The average education satisfaction level of participants in the arbitration process was 4.48±0.73, and the average education satisfaction level of the supervisor was 3.92±0.71. In both groups, the most satisfying curriculums were the data-driven decision-making process and the intervention goal-setting lecture. But the satisfaction level of was the lowest. Before and after the intervention course, there were significant changes in the performance of the two behavioral indicators of the analytic skills in the expertise competency cluster of the competency model. Conclusion : This study is meaningful in that it conducted a survey of educational needs, the development and implementation of an educational curriculum, and an education satisfaction survey through systematic courses necessary for education development.

An Effectiveness Analysis of Landscape Management for the Historic and Cultural Environment Preservation Area of the Pungnammun Gate, Jeonju, by Applying 3D Visual Exposure (3차원 시각노출도를 이용한 전주 풍남문 역사문화환경보존지역의 경관 관리 효과 분석)

  • Lee, Jae-Yong
    • Journal of the Korean Institute of Traditional Landscape Architecture
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    • v.36 no.2
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    • pp.30-37
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    • 2018
  • The uniformed regulations for control of the height of buildings owned by individuals to protect landscape of cultural properties are causing serious social conflicts by limiting the development of landowners. It is urgent need of introducing indicators that can resolve such conflicts and evaluate the regulations of buildings, which can satisfy urban development as well as landscape management of cultural properties. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to simulate landscape changes according to the Cultural Heritage Protection Act and National Land Planning and Utilization Act by using Unity3D in the Pungnammun Gate(Treasure No. 308) of Jeonju and its surroundings, where architectural cultural property forms the symbolic landscape of the city. Then some items such as view points, target points were introduced and the quantitative evaluation of landscapes was attempted by applying the indicator of 3D Visual Exposure. As a result, the viewing opportunity and viewing area of Pungnammun Gate were not significantly influenced by changes in landscape according to the two laws. However, the change of the height of buildings by the National Land Planning and Utilization Act, which has the greatest development capacity, confirmed the possibility of weakening the identification of the Pungnammun Gate by increasing 3D Visual Exposure of the background buildings more than two times. Finally, it was confirmed that the skyline of Pungnammun Gate was clearly infringed upon development under the National Land Planning and Utilization Act, but the skyline was maintained similar to the current situation in the regulation by the Cultural Heritage Protection Act. Thus, this study is meaningful in that the application of 3D Visual Exposure showed the possibility of utilization as an indicator for quantitatively evaluating the protection of view on cultural property and skyline according to the changes of building heights.

Analyzing the discriminative characteristic of cover letters using text mining focused on Air Force applicants (텍스트 마이닝을 이용한 공군 부사관 지원자 자기소개서의 차별적 특성 분석)

  • Kwon, Hyeok;Kim, Wooju
    • Journal of Intelligence and Information Systems
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    • v.27 no.3
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    • pp.75-94
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    • 2021
  • The low birth rate and shortened military service period are causing concerns about selecting excellent military officers. The Republic of Korea entered a low birth rate society in 1984 and an aged society in 2018 respectively, and is expected to be in a super-aged society in 2025. In addition, the troop-oriented military is changed as a state-of-the-art weapons-oriented military, and the reduction of the military service period was implemented in 2018 to ease the burden of military service for young people and play a role in the society early. Some observe that the application rate for military officers is falling due to a decrease of manpower resources and a preference for shortened mandatory military service over military officers. This requires further consideration of the policy of securing excellent military officers. Most of the related studies have used social scientists' methodologies, but this study applies the methodology of text mining suitable for large-scale documents analysis. This study extracts words of discriminative characteristics from the Republic of Korea Air Force Non-Commissioned Officer Applicant cover letters and analyzes the polarity of pass and fail. It consists of three steps in total. First, the application is divided into general and technical fields, and the words characterized in the cover letter are ordered according to the difference in the frequency ratio of each field. The greater the difference in the proportion of each application field, the field character is defined as 'more discriminative'. Based on this, we extract the top 50 words representing discriminative characteristics in general fields and the top 50 words representing discriminative characteristics in technology fields. Second, the number of appropriate topics in the overall cover letter is calculated through the LDA. It uses perplexity score and coherence score. Based on the appropriate number of topics, we then use LDA to generate topic and probability, and estimate which topic words of discriminative characteristic belong to. Subsequently, the keyword indicators of questions used to set the labeling candidate index, and the most appropriate index indicator is set as the label for the topic when considering the topic-specific word distribution. Third, using L-LDA, which sets the cover letter and label as pass and fail, we generate topics and probabilities for each field of pass and fail labels. Furthermore, we extract only words of discriminative characteristics that give labeled topics among generated topics and probabilities by pass and fail labels. Next, we extract the difference between the probability on the pass label and the probability on the fail label by word of the labeled discriminative characteristic. A positive figure can be seen as having the polarity of pass, and a negative figure can be seen as having the polarity of fail. This study is the first research to reflect the characteristics of cover letters of Republic of Korea Air Force non-commissioned officer applicants, not in the private sector. Moreover, these methodologies can apply text mining techniques for multiple documents, rather survey or interview methods, to reduce analysis time and increase reliability for the entire population. For this reason, the methodology proposed in the study is also applicable to other forms of multiple documents in the field of military personnel. This study shows that L-LDA is more suitable than LDA to extract discriminative characteristics of Republic of Korea Air Force Noncommissioned cover letters. Furthermore, this study proposes a methodology that uses a combination of LDA and L-LDA. Therefore, through the analysis of the results of the acquisition of non-commissioned Republic of Korea Air Force officers, we would like to provide information available for acquisition and promotional policies and propose a methodology available for research in the field of military manpower acquisition.

Determination of Stream Reach for River Environment Assessment System Using Satellite Image (위성영상을 활용한 하천환경 평가 세구간 설정)

  • Kang, Woochul;Choe, Hun;Jang, Eun-kyung;Ko, Dongwoo;Kang, Joongu;Yeo, Hongkoo
    • Ecology and Resilient Infrastructure
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.179-193
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    • 2021
  • This study examines the use of satellite images for river classification and determination of stream reach, which is the first priority in the river environment assessment system. In the river environment assessment system used in South Korea, it is proposed to set a stream reach by using 10 or 25 times the width of the river based on the result of river classification. First, river classification for the main stream section of Cheongmi stream was performed using various river-related data. The maximum likelihood method was applied for land cover classification. In this study, Sentinel-2 satellite imagery, which is an open data technology with a resolution of 10 m, was used. A total of four satellite images from 2018 was used to consider various flow conditions: February 2 (daily discharge = 2.39 m3/s), May 23 (daily discharge = 15.51 m3/s), June 2 (daily discharge = 3.88 m3/s), and July 7 (daily discharge = 33.61 m3/s). The river widths were estimated from the result of land cover classification to determine stream reach. The results of the assessment reach classification were evaluated using indicators of stream physical environments, including pool diversity, channel sinuosity, and river crossing shape and structure. It is concluded that appropriate flow conditions need to be considered when using satellite images to set up assessment segments for the river environment assessment system.

Development of Female Entrepreneurial Competency Model (여성 기업가 역량모델 개발)

  • Kim, Miran;Eom, Wooyong
    • Asia-Pacific Journal of Business Venturing and Entrepreneurship
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.133-150
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    • 2022
  • The purpose of this study was to develop a female entrepreneurial competency model. For the purpose, two Focus Group Interviews (FGI) were conducted with seven outstanding female entrepreneurs, and three expert reviews were conducted. In addition, in order to verify the validity of the provisional female entrepreneur competency model derived from the FGI and competency modeling expert review, the female entrepreneur competency model was finally confirmed through a survey of 442 female entrepreneurs. The results were as follows. First, a female entrepreneur competency model consisting of 6 competency groups and 25 competencies of entrepreneurship, emotion, business management, relationship management, strategic management, and multitasking, and 75 behavioral indicators describing each competency was developed. Second, sensibility and multitasking are competencies that reflect the characteristics of female entrepreneurs. In particular, 'social sense', which is the ability to be considerate of others in the emotional competency group and the ability to respond well to subtle nuances, and the multitasking competency group's unique strengths are women's ability to perform various tasks at the same time. The 'work-family control ability' of a female entrepreneur who maintains a balance between 'multi-tasking' and work and family is a representative competency of only female entrepreneurs. Third, the developed female entrepreneurship competency model is meaningful in that it not only increases female entrepreneurial competency so that prospective female entrepreneurs can successfully run a business through entrepreneurship education, but it also makes it easy for existing female entrepreneurs to reflect and improve their competencies. If we provide appropriate training programs to female entrepreneurs based on their competency, it will be possible to effectively enhance the entrepreneurial competency, which is the key to strengthening the competitiveness of female entrepreneurs. The female entrepreneur competency model developed through this study can provide a basis for future research on competency diagnosis and education needs analysis.

Assessment Study on Educational Programs for the Gifted Students in Mathematics (영재학급에서의 수학영재프로그램 평가에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Jung-Hyun;Whang, Woo-Hyung
    • Communications of Mathematical Education
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    • v.24 no.1
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    • pp.235-257
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    • 2010
  • Contemporary belief is that the creative talented can create new knowledge and lead national development, so lots of countries in the world have interest in Gifted Education. As we well know, U.S.A., England, Russia, Germany, Australia, Israel, and Singapore enforce related laws in Gifted Education to offer Gifted Classes, and our government has also created an Improvement Act in January, 2000 and Enforcement Ordinance for Gifted Improvement Act was also announced in April, 2002. Through this initiation Gifted Education can be possible. Enforcement Ordinance was revised in October, 2008. The main purpose of this revision was to expand the opportunity of Gifted Education to students with special education needs. One of these programs is, the opportunity of Gifted Education to be offered to lots of the Gifted by establishing Special Classes at each school. Also, it is important that the quality of Gifted Education should be combined with the expansion of opportunity for the Gifted. Social opinion is that it will be reckless only to expand the opportunity for the Gifted Education, therefore, assessment on the Teaching and Learning Program for the Gifted is indispensible. In this study, 3 middle schools were selected for the Teaching and Learning Programs in mathematics. Each 1st Grade was reviewed and analyzed through comparative tables between Regular and Gifted Education Programs. Also reviewed was the content of what should be taught, and programs were evaluated on assessment standards which were revised and modified from the present teaching and learning programs in mathematics. Below, research issues were set up to assess the formation of content areas and appropriateness for Teaching and Learning Programs for the Gifted in mathematics. A. Is the formation of special class content areas complying with the 7th national curriculum? 1. Which content areas of regular curriculum is applied in this program? 2. Among Enrichment and Selection in Curriculum for the Gifted, which one is applied in this programs? 3. Are the content areas organized and performed properly? B. Are the Programs for the Gifted appropriate? 1. Are the Educational goals of the Programs aligned with that of Gifted Education in mathematics? 2. Does the content of each program reflect characteristics of mathematical Gifted students and express their mathematical talents? 3. Are Teaching and Learning models and methods diverse enough to express their talents? 4. Can the assessment on each program reflect the Learning goals and content, and enhance Gifted students' thinking ability? The conclusions are as follows: First, the best contents to be taught to the mathematical Gifted were found to be the Numeration, Arithmetic, Geometry, Measurement, Probability, Statistics, Letter and Expression. Also, Enrichment area and Selection area within the curriculum for the Gifted were offered in many ways so that their Giftedness could be fully enhanced. Second, the educational goals of Teaching and Learning Programs for the mathematical Gifted students were in accordance with the directions of mathematical education and philosophy. Also, it reflected that their research ability was successful in reaching the educational goals of improving creativity, thinking ability, problem-solving ability, all of which are required in the set curriculum. In order to accomplish the goals, visualization, symbolization, phasing and exploring strategies were used effectively. Many different of lecturing types, cooperative learning, discovery learning were applied to accomplish the Teaching and Learning model goals. For Teaching and Learning activities, various strategies and models were used to express the students' talents. These activities included experiments, exploration, application, estimation, guess, discussion (conjecture and refutation) reconsideration and so on. There were no mention to the students about evaluation and paper exams. While the program activities were being performed, educational goals and assessment methods were reflected, that is, products, performance assessment, and portfolio were mainly used rather than just paper assessment.