• 제목/요약/키워드: small group discussion

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연관 UCC 제작으로 인터넷윤리 이해도 향상 (Improving Internet Ethics Understanding by Making Related UCCs)

  • 김종완;김희재
    • 한국산업정보학회논문지
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    • 제20권3호
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    • pp.1-9
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    • 2015
  • 인터넷윤리는 대학에서 하나의 교양과목으로 위치하고 있으며, 본 연구자도 이 과목을 수년째 강의하고 있다. 인터넷윤리를 학생들에게 효과적으로 전달하기 위하여, 인터넷윤리 관련 동영상을 활용하고 일부 시범 실습을 실시하는 수업을 진행하였다. 최신 UCC 제시 및 이에 대한 토론도 진행하여 학생들의 인터넷윤리 이슈와 문제점을 인식시켰다. 그러나 단순히 비디오만 수동적으로 시청하는 것은 학생의 학습성과 향상 관점에서는 부족하다. 따라서 우리는 세 명이 팀을 이루어 인터넷윤리 주제에 관한 동영상을 제작하게 하였다. 이러한 팀프로젝트 교수법은 학생들이 수업에 능동적으로 참여하게 하고 스스로 비디오를 제작함으로써 개념을 이해하는데 효과적이다. 수강생 대상의 설문조사를 통하여, 제시된 UCC 제작 팀프로젝트 수업 방식이 학생들의 인터넷윤리 이해도 증진에 효과적임을 확인하였다.

복잡한 해안선 구조를 가진 통영 해역에서 조하대 저서생물 군집의 공간특성 비교 (Discussion to Spatial Characteristics on a Sub-tidal Benthic Community Composed to the Complicated Coastal Lines Around Tongyeong, Korea)

  • 윤건탁;정윤환;강래선
    • Ocean and Polar Research
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    • 제32권2호
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    • pp.123-135
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    • 2010
  • Around Tongyeong coasts which located in southern coast of Korea composed to the complex coastal line and scattered by small islands. It also has been distributed to a complicated bathymetric structure by several types of channels. This study carried to analyze the spatial characteristics of macrobenthic community and benthic environmental variance on sub-tidal area based on multivariate statistics tools. Sediment composition varied from muddy sand to mud, and along the channels, it composed to a heterogeneous bottoms mixed by shell fragment, cobbles and mud. Organic contents on the surface sediment varied 1.1-3.9%. Total of 272 species, $33,349\;ind./m^2$ of macrobenthos identified in all of sample area. Polychaetes also prevailed among the specimen. L. longifolia, P. pinnata dominated based on density. Considering on the biomass, echinoderm S. lacunosa, A. tricoides listed. Closer to the coastal area, the density and diversity were higher. Community structure based on cluster analysis was discriminated into three groups. Each group was also characterized by geographical state such as depth, sediment composition. In addition, when applied to the bathymetric data, the channel, which composed to the mixed sediment, made a role of limited factor which characterized to benthic community. Because the specimen around the channel have been affected on the diverse sediment mixture. Most of benthic studies in the southern coast of Korea focused to the condition of benthic organic pollution spatially, because along the coast, it also developed a aquaculture ground and industrial complex. But, as results, most of the area, it turn out the less polluted areas nevertheless similar environment situation. It supposed that benthic community affect to the bottom sediment composition by physical characteristics.

물리치료학 교육의 변화에 부응하는 문제중심학습방법(Problem Based Learning) (Implementing PBL in Physical Therapy Education)

  • 황현숙;이우숙;임종수
    • 대한물리치료과학회지
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    • 제9권3호
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    • pp.179-186
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    • 2002
  • This study addresses the need to adopt teaching-learning approaches in physical therapy education that develop links between theory and clinical practice in a meaningful way. Problem-based learning (PBL) is presented as a useful way to educate physical therapy for the future. The essential characteristics of problem-based learning include: curricular organization around problems rather than disciplines; an integrated curriculum rather than one separated into clinical and theoretical components; and an inherent emphasis on cognitive skills as well as on knowledge. PBL as implemented in the health sciences, is an educational method in which the focus of learning is a small-group tutorial in which students work through health care scenarios. The goals of the health care scenarios are to provide a context for learning, to activate prior knowledge, to motivate students, and to stimulate discussion. Learning is student-centered rather than faculty-centered, and self-directed learning is emphasized. Whereas the former focuses on critical thinking and clinical judgement, the latter's emphasis is on clinical competency. The physical therapist (PT) program at Cheju Halla college is a partial integrated problem-based curriculum. The history and process of PBL in general and in the PT program are reviewed. Long-term advocates of PBL stress that it is the only known method for preparing future professionals to be able to adapt to change, learning how to reason critically, enabling a holistic approach to health.

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서민의 정의에 대한 탐색적 고찰 (An Exploratory Study on How to define Seomin)

  • 송유진
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제15권11호
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    • pp.104-114
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    • 2015
  • 서민이라는 용어는 언론이나 정치적 논의에서 빈번하게 사용되어 왔다. 그러나 서민이 누구인지, 서민을 어떤 기준으로 정의할 수 있는지, 서민과 중산층은 차이가 있는지에 대한 구체적인 논의가 부족하였다. 이 논문은 전국 규모의 설문조사와 25명을 대상으로 심층면접을 수행하여 서민에 대한 정의와 인식을 탐색적인 수준에서 살펴보았다. 대다수의 조사응답자들은 스스로를 서민으로 인식하며, 서민을 정의하는 가장 중요한 기준은 경제적 소득이라고 하였다. 구체적으로는 서민은 고등학교 졸업, 월평균 200~300만원의 수입, 20평 전셋집에 거주하는 영세자영업자나 숙련노동자, 낮은 직급의 화이트칼라의 직업을 가진 사람들로 정의하였다. 또한 서민은 계층상승의 가능성도 있지만 계층하락의 불안감도 지니는, 빈민과 중산층 사이에 끼어 있으면서 일부는 중첩된 집단으로 인식하였다. 스스로를 서민으로 규정하는 사람들은 중산층을 부러워하거나 자신의 계층적 위치를 폄하하기 보다는 자신의 계층적 지위에 대하여 자긍심을 가지면서 미래에 대한 희망을 지니는 것으로 나타났다. 그러나 서민 스스로의 자긍심과 희망이 유지, 실현되기 위해서는 다양한 사회적 지원이 필요한 것으로 보인다. 서민을 정의하고 서민의 구체적인 특성과 정책욕구를 파악하는 보다 심층적인 분석과 연구가 필요하다.

간호사의 노인간호학 계속교육프로그램 모형개발을 위한 기초연구 (A Study on Development of an Continuing Education Program Model in Relation to Gerontology and Geriatrics for Nurse Caring for the Elderly)

  • 강영실
    • 한국간호교육학회지
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    • 제10권1호
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    • pp.7-19
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    • 2004
  • This study has a purpose to devise an education program in relation to Gerontology and geriatrics applicable to Korean nurses through literature review and analysis of education programs utilized by the Geriatric Education Centers (GECs) of USA. Educational contents on gerontology and geriatrics are very diverse in precedent literatures. The education programs of GECs for health care personnel are equally very diverse. Among educational contents, subjects considered important are age-related changes, health problems of the aged, pharmacology, death, fall and osteoporosis, delirium, dementia, depression, urinary incontinence, communication with elderly. Methods used in education program are mainly seminar, workshop and lecture through internet. In addition, case study, small-group discussion and conference are also adopted. The program proposed in this study for nurses in relation to gerontology and geriatrics consists of 32 hours' education; 6 hours for age-related changes, 10 hours for health problems of the elderly, 14 hours for health problems in old age and 2 hours of communication technique. Educational method proposed is to utilize lecture through internet, direct education, workshop, practical exercise, case study and role play in parallel. This study proposed an education program on the basis of precedent literature and the program of GECs. Therefore, it is desirable to develop in the future more practical education program applicable to and required in practicing fields. Of course, this development needs to be based on nurses' educational needs by field in relation to gerontology and geriatrics.

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웹-기반 가상대학 시스템의 설계 및 구현 (Design and Implementation of Web-Based Cyber-University System)

  • 이세영;용환승
    • 한국정보처리학회논문지
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    • 제6권12호
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    • pp.3577-3588
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    • 1999
  • 본 논문에서는 범용 가상교육 시스템을 설계하고 구현하였다. 본 시스템은 운영자, 교수, 조교, 학생 등 이용자 권한에 따라 메뉴 및 제공 서비스를 차별화 하였다. 학생, 교수간의 긴밀한 상호작용을 도모하기 위해 공지사항, 강의록, 자유게시판, 질의응답, 레포트함, 자료실, 전자메일, 메모 등 다양한 형태의 서비스를 제공하며, 이용자의 수업 참여를 반영한 출석/성적처리 기능을 지원한다. 또한 소집단 학습과 토론의 활성화를 위해 자동 조 편성 및 조별 토론 기능을 제공하며, 시스템에 로그인과 동시에 해당 이용자가 아직 조회하지 않은 공지사항이나 강의록, 그 밖의 운영자 동보 메모 등을 개별적으로 알려주는 자바 애플릿 메모창도 특징적이다. 시스템 내부를 살펴보면 템플릿 개념을 적용하여 서비스 클라이언트 개발 과정을 HTML 디자인 부분과 프로그래밍 부분으로 분리하였으며 각 서비스 DB 서버 개수를 조정하여 iterative 서버의 과부하 문제를 해결하였다.

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Modified Moore 교수법을 적용한 다변수미적분학 수업에서 학습에 대한 학생들의 인식 변화 (A Change in the Students' Understanding of Learning in the Multivariable Calculus Course Implemented by a Modified Moore Method)

  • 김성아;김성옥
    • 한국수학교육학회지시리즈E:수학교육논문집
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    • 제24권1호
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    • pp.259-282
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    • 2010
  • 본 연구자들은 이 논문에서 다변수미적분학 수업에 적용한 변형 무어교수법(Modified Moore Method)을 소개하고, 이 교수법을 적용한 수업에서 학습에 대한 학생들의 인식변화와 학습 효과를 관찰하여 효과적인 교수 학습을 논의하였다. 본 연구는 3주 기간의 여름계절학기 강좌로 개설된 다변수미적분학 수업을 수강한 15명의 학생들을 대상으로 실시되었다. 학생들의 능동적 예습을 안내하기 위하여 주요 수학 개념에 관련된 단계별로 구조화된 발문 형식의 예습자료를 미리 제시하였다. 수업 중 학생들의 소그룹 협력학습 과정과 발표를 관찰하고, 매 수업 후반에 작성한 학생들의 강의일지와 학기말에 실시한 설문 조사를 분석한 결과에 의하면, 학생들은 스스로 탐구하여 발견하는 학습을 통하여 주제 개념에 대하여 보다 깊이 이해할 수 있음을 인식하게 되었고, 동료와의 토론 및 상호 가르침을 통하여 다양한 내용의 학습과 반성적 사고를 경험할 수 있었다.


  • Do, Thi Hoai;Pham, Tuan Anh;Pham, Tuyet Nhung;Darriulat, Pierre;Pham, Ngoc Diep;Nguyen, Bich Ngoc;Tran, Thi Thai
    • 천문학회지
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    • 제54권6호
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    • pp.171-182
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    • 2021
  • The lack of short baselines, referred to as the short-spacing problem (SSP), is a well-known limitation of the performance of radio interferometers, causing a reduction of the flux detected from source structure on large angular scales. The very large number of antennas operated in the Atacama Large Millimeter/sub-millimeter Array (ALMA) generates situations for which the impact of the SSP takes a complex form, not simply measurable by a single number, such as the maximal recoverable scale. In particular, extended antenna configurations, complemented by a small group of closeby antennas at the centre of the array, may result in a double-humped baseline distribution with a significant gap between the two groups. In such cases one should adopt as the effective maximal recoverable scale the one associated with the extended array and use only the central array to recover missing flux, as one would do with single dish or ACA (Atacama Compact Array) observations. The impact of the missing baselines can be very important and may easily be underestimated, or even overlooked. The present study uses ALMA archival data of the 29SiO(8-7) line emission of the AGB star W Hydrae for a demonstration. A critical discussion of the reliability of the observations away from the star is presented together with comments of a broader scope. Properties of the circumstellar envelope of W Hya within ~15 au from the star, many of which are not mentioned in the published literature, are briefly described and compared with R Doradus, an AGB star having properties very similar to W Hya.

소리의 전달 모형구성 수업에서 나타난 개인모형 구성 단계 중 정보의 흐름과 모둠모형 구성의 유형 (Information Flow During Individual Model Construction and Group Model Construction Type in the Sound Propagation Model Co-Construction Class)

  • 박정우;유준희
    • 한국과학교육학회지
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    • 제38권3호
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    • pp.393-405
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    • 2018
  • 본 연구에서는 소리의 전달에 대해 개인모형 구성과 모둠모형 구성이 혼합된 수업 전략의 실행에서 나타나는 실제 교실 상황에서의 모둠모형 구성 유형을 분류하고 각 유형별 정보의 흐름을 분석하여 실제 교실 환경에서 모형의 공동 구성을 위한 시사점을 얻고자 하였다. 서울 소재 남녀 공학 중학교 2학년 1개 학급의 33명을 대상으로 소리전달에 대한 2차시 수업이 진행되었고 총 65개의 개인모형과 16개의 모둠모형 구성 과정이 분석되었다. 모둠모형 구성 유형은 정체형(Unchanged), 열거형(Enumerated), 정교형(Elaborated)으로 분류하였다. 정체형(Unchanged) 구성은 8개 모둠, 열거형(Enumerated) 구성은 3개 모둠, 정교형(Elaborated) 구성은 5개 모둠에서 나타났다. 정체형과 나열형 구성에서는 정보의 1차 전파자이며 개인 모형의 독자적 구성자(i.I)가 모둠모형에 기여하는 경우가 많이 나타났다(각 50.0%, 54.5%). 정체형 구성에서는 1명의 정보가 모둠원 전체에게 전달되는 방사형 흐름이 나타났으며, 나열형 구성에서는 정보 전파의 시작점이 두 군데에서 나타났다. 정교형 구성에서는 모둠 내 정보의 흐름이 선형으로 전달되는 '전달형' 흐름이 나타났으며, 정보의 2차 전파자이며 반성적 구성자(2d.R)가 모둠모형에 기여한 경우가 두드러지게 나타났다(58.3%). 본 연구는 이상적인 상황이 아닌 실제 교실 맥락에서 나타나는 복잡한 모형구성 과정을 이해할 수 있는 하나의 관점을 제안하였으며 이를 통한 실질적이고 구체적인 전략을 제안하였다. 본 연구의 결과는 한국 소집단 문화의 특징을 고려한 모형구성 전략의 필요성을 제안하며, 추후 연구를 통해 풍부한 논의가 진행될 수 있을 것으로 기대한다.

중학교 "환경" 교과의 교수.학습 및 평가 방법 연구 (A Study on Teaching-Learning and Evaluation Methods of Environmental Studies in the Middle School)

  • 남상준
    • 한국환경교육학회지:환경교육
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.1-17
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    • 1994
  • This study was performed to determine appropriate teaching-learning and evaluation methods for Environmental Studies. To promote the relevance of our study to the needs of the schools and concerned educational communities of environmental education, we reviewed related literature, conducted questionnaire surveys, interviewed related teachers and administrator, held meetings with experts, and field-tested our findings. For selecting and developing teaching-learning methods of Environmental Studies, findings of educational research in general are considered. moreover, principles of environmental education, general aim of environmental education, orientations of environmental education, and developmental stages of middle school students in educational psychology were attended. In addition, relevance to the purpose of the Environmental Studies curriculum, appropriateness for value inquiry as well as knowledge inquiry, small group centered class organization, social interaction centered teaching-learning process, regional environmental situation, significance of personal environment, evaluation methods of Environmental Studies, multi- and inter-disciplinary contents of the Environmental Studies textbook, suitability to the evaluation methods of Environmental Studies, and emphasis on the social interaction in teaching-learning process were regarded. It was learned the Environmental Studies can be taught most effectively in via of holding discussion sessions, conducting actual investigation, doing experiment-practice, doing games and plate, role-playing and carrying out simulation activities, and doing inquiry. These teaching-learning methods were field-tested and proved appropriate methods for the subject. For selecting and developing evaluation method of Environmental Studies, such principles and characteristics of Environmental Studies as objective domains stated in the Environmental Studies curriculum, diversity of teaching-learning organization, were appreciated. We categorized nine evaluation methods: the teacher may conduct questionnaire surveys, testings, interviews, non-participatory observations; they may evaluate student's experiment-practice performances, reports preparation ability, ability to establish a research project, the teacher may ask the students to conduct a self-evaluation, or reciprocal evaluation. To maximize the effect of these methods, we further developed an application system. It considered three variables, that is, evaluates, evaluation objectives domains, and evaluation agent, and showed how to choose the most appropriate methods and, when necessary, how to combine uses of different methods depending on these variables. A sample evaluation instrument made on the basis of this application system was developed and tested in the classes. The system proved effective. Pilot applications of the teaching-learning methods and evaluation method were made simultaneously; and the results and their implications are as follows. Discussion program was applied in a lesson dealing with the problems of waste disposal, in which students showed active participation and creative thinking. The evaluation method used in this lesson was a multiple-choice written test for knowledge and skills. It was shown that this evaluation method and device are effective in helping students' revision of the lesson and in stimulating their creative interpretations and responces. Pupils showed great interests in the actual investigation program, and this programme was proved to be effective in enhancing students' participation. However, it was also turned out that there must be pre-arranged plans for the objects, contents and procedures of survey if this program is to effective. In this lesson, non-participatory observation methods were used with a focus on the attitudes of students. A scaled reported in general description rather than in grade. Experiment-practice programme was adopted in a lesson for purifying contaminated water and in this lesson, instruction objectives were properly established, the teaching-learning process was clearly specified and students were highly motivated. On the other hand, however, it was difficult to control the class when some groups of students require more times to complete their experiment, and sometimes different results. As regards to evaluation, performance observation test were used for assessing skills and attitudes. If teachers use well-prepared Likert scale, evaluation of all groups within a reasonablely short period of time will be possible. The most effective and successful programme in therms of students' participation and enjoyment, was the 'ah-nah-bah-dah-market' program, which is kind of game of the flea market. For better organized program of this kind, however, are essential, In this program, students appraise their own attitudes and behavior by responding to a written questionnaire. In addition, students were asked to record any anecdotes relating to self-appraisal of changes on one's own attitudes and behaviours. Even after the lesson, students keep recording those changes on letters to herself. Role-playing and simulation game programme was applied to a case of 'NIMBY', in which students should decide where to located a refuse dumping ground. For this kind of programme to e successful, concepts and words used in the script should be appropriate for students' intellectual levels, and students should by adequately introduced into the objective and the procedures of the lessons. Written questionnaire was used to assess individual students' attitudes after the lesson, but in order to acquire information on the changes of students' attitudes and skills, pre-test may have to be made. Doing inquiry programme, in which advantages in which students actually investigated the environmental influence of the areas where school os located, had advantages in developing students' ability to study the environmental problems and to present the results of their studies. For this programme to be more efficient, areas of investigation should be clearly divided and alloted to each group so that repetition or overlap in areas of study and presentation be avoided, and complementary wok between groups bee enhanced. In this programme, teacher assessed students' knowledge and attitudes on the basis of reports prepared by each group. However, there were found some difficults in assessing students' attitudes and behaviours solely on the grounds of written report. Perhaps, using a scaled checklist assessing students' attitudes while their presentation could help to relieve the difficulties.

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