• Title/Summary/Keyword: sky

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  • KWON S. M.;HONG S. S.;SHIN K. J.
    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.37 no.4
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    • pp.179-184
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    • 2004
  • We have developed a wide-field imaging camera system, called WICZO, to monitor light of the night sky over extended period. Such monitoring is necessary for studying the morphology of interplanetary dust cloud and also the time and spatial variations of airglow emission. The system consists of an electric cooler a CCD camera with $60\%$ quantum efficiency at 500nm, and a fish-eye lens with $180^{\circ}$ field of view. Wide field imaging is highly desired in light of the night sky observations in general, because the zodiacal light and the airglow emission extend over the entire sky. This paper illustrates the design of WICZO, reports the result of its laboratory performance test, and presents the first night sky image, which was taken, under collaboration with Byulmaro Observatory, on top of Mt. Bongrae at Yongweol in January, 2004.

Radio Propagation Characteristics Analysis of Non-geostationary Satellite(COMETS) in Clear Sky (Clear Sky에서 비정지궤도 위성(COMETS)의 전파특성 분석)

  • 김양수;최용석;이주환;김종호;이형수
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Electromagnetic Engineering and Science
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    • v.11 no.1
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    • pp.93-101
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    • 2000
  • In this paper, propagation characteristics are analyzed under the Korean propagation condition based on the measurements for Ka-band beacon signal of COMET satellite which moves in non-geostationary orbit. Radio propagation characteristics varying as time, range, and elevation angle are presented also. As results, it is concluded that free space loss is a major parameter to the radio propagation characteristics varying as a range in clear sky. In addition, the effect of elevation angle is negligible because COMETS is observed above 40 degree.

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    • Journal of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.36 no.3
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    • pp.249-260
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    • 2003
  • ASTRO-F is the next generation Japanese infrared space mission of the Institute of Space and Astronautical Science. ASTRO-F will be dedicated to an All Sky Survey in the far-infrared in 4 bands from 50-200microns with 2 additional mid-infrared bands at 9microns and 20microns. This will be the first all sky survey in the infrared since the ground breaking IRAS mission almost 20 years ago and the first ever survey at 170microns. The All Sky Survey should detect 10's of millions of sources in the far-infrared bands most of which will be dusty luminous and ultra-luminous star forming galaxies, with as many as half lying at redshifts greater than unity. In this contribution, the ASTRO-F mission and its objectives are reviewed and many of the mission expectations are discussed.

Developing a Sky Simulator for Daylighting Performance Evaluation (자연채광 성능평가용 인공천공돔(Sky Simulator)의 개발)

  • Yu, In-Hye;Kim, Gon;Kim, Jeong-Tai
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of IIIuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers Conference
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    • 2005.11a
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    • pp.67-72
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    • 2005
  • 자연채광 성능평가의 연구 방법으로는 현장측정, 축소모형실험, 수학적 알고리즘에 기초한 컴퓨터 시뮬레이션 등이 있다. 현장측정과 축소모형실험은 비교적 높은 신뢰도를 얻을 수 있는 방법이지만, 변화가 많은 자연광의 특성으로 인해 객관성 있는 측정결과를 얻는 것에 제한적이었다. 인공천공돔(Sky Simulator, Artificial Sky Dome)은 축소모형 실험 시 이러한 문제점의 보완을 위한 평가 시설이며 천공의 상태를 일관성 있게 조정함으로써 보다 객관성 있는 자연채광연구를 실시할 수 있다. 이에 따라 K대학에서는 직경 6[m], 높이 3.7[m]의 인공천공돔을 자체 개발 제작하여 연구에 사용하고 있다. 본 연구에서는 인공천공돔 기존사례에 대한 고찰과 이를 바탕으로 제작된 K대학 인공천공돔의 개요를 소개하고 기본적인 물리량 측정을 통해 인공천공돔의 신뢰성을 검증하고 유용성을 제시하였다.

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A Study on the System Calibration in Daylight Responsive Dimming Systems (광센서 조광제어시스템의 시스템 보정에 관한 연구)

  • 이정은;최안섭;정근영
    • Proceedings of the Korean Institute of IIIuminating and Electrical Installation Engineers Conference
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    • 2003.11a
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    • pp.197-201
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study is to analyze the slopes of control algorithm and dimming levels based on different inputs and parameters. Different parameters such as photosensor aiming angles, sky types, and seasonal changes were considered. To determine the slopes of control algorithm and dimming levels, photosensor signals and workplan illuminance values were simulated by DayDim program, which is a lighting calculation and analysis tool. A typical small office space was used for simulation and three different sky types in three different seasons were considered. This study shows that differences in dimming levels can occur according to different sky types, if system calibration is conducted in a particular sky type.

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Effects of Agricultural Product Brand Image on the Brand Trust and Loyalty : a Case of 'Sky Green' (농산물 브랜드이미지가 브랜드신뢰 및 충성도에 미치는 영향 : 천안 '하늘그린'을 중심으로)

  • Kang, Seong-Pil;Yang, Sung-Bum;Kim, Ho
    • Korean Journal of Organic Agriculture
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.629-643
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    • 2014
  • This study analyzed how the brand image elements influenced upon forming the brand trust and the brand loyalty of the 'Sky Green' the joint agricultural product brand Cheonan, Chungnam. The brand image was classified into functional image, symbolical image and origin - associated image. And what element of the brand image element influences upon forming the brand image loyalty by the consumers who are using 'Sky Green'. In the analysis results, the functional image, symbolical image and the image associated with the origin have influenced on forming the brand trust and the brand loyalty. All variables composing the brand image have positive influences on both brand trust and brand loyalty. It means that brand image influences on brand loyalty directly but the greater influence can be exerted through the effects of the parameter of brand trust.

Nocturnal Radiant Cooling during the Winter by the Plate Viewing the Sky (겨울 야간 하늘에 노출된 평판에 의한 복사냉각 실험)

  • Byun, Ki-Hong
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.49-55
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    • 2008
  • The radiant cooling(RC) effects are studied during the winter night. The plate was viewing the nighttime sky. The data were collected at the rooftop of the Engineering building at the Dongguk University in Seoul, Korea. As observed during the summer night, the plate temperature was lower than ambient temperature under the RC favorable conditions. The parameters under study are the wind velocity, cloud index, and visibility for given system size and surface condition. The results follow the same tendency with these parameters as observed from the previous study for the summer night. As long as the wind velocity is less than around 2 m/s, the radiant cooling was observed with the system under study. In some cases, the radiant cooling temperature differences (RCTD) are higher than those for the summer night. The larger the RCTD as the wind velocity decreases and as the sky becomes clear.

SkyMapper Optical Follow-up of Gravitational Wave Triggers: Overview of Alert Science Data Pipeline (AlertSDP)

  • Chang, Seo-Won
    • The Bulletin of The Korean Astronomical Society
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    • v.46 no.1
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    • pp.61.2-61.2
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    • 2021
  • SkyMapper is the largest-aperture optical wide-field telescope in Australia and can be used for transient detection in the Southern sky. Reference images from its Southern Survey cover the sky at δ <+10 deg to a depth of I ~ 20 mag. It has been used for surveys of extragalactic transients such as supernovae, optical counterparts to gravitational-wave (GW) and fast radio bursts. We adopt an ensemble-based machine learning technique and further filtering scheme that provides high completeness ~98% and purity ~91% across a wide magnitude range. Here we present an important use-case of our robotic transient search, which is the follow-up of GW event triggers from LIGO/Virgo. We discuss the facility's performance in the case of the second binary neutron star merger GW190425. In time for the LIGO/Virgo O4 run, we will have deeper reference images for galaxies within out to ~200 Mpc distance, allowing rapid transient detection to i ~ 21 mag.

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Study on the Relationship between the Possible Duration of Sunshine & the Possible Amount of Visible Sky in Large-Scale Apartment Sites Using the 3D GIS Models - Focused on 62 Apartment Sites in Junggye-dong - (3차원 GIS 모델을 활용한 공동 주택 단지의 일조율과 천공율의 상관관계에 관한 연구 - 중계동 아파트 62개 단지를 대상으로 -)

  • Cho, Yong-Sung;Won, Jae-Mu
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.105-114
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    • 2011
  • There are various kinds of Large-Scale apartment sites in Seoul. There are more households in apartment sites than single family houses. Nowadays, it is easy to find a lot of apartment sites built in the style of a high rise building. On the matter of space, a building is influenced by the buildings near it. The influence a building has to another is different in both qualitative and quantitative ways. Therefore, in the case of apartment sites, the environmental surroundings of each household is affected by the nearby buildings. For these reasons, the environment is having more and more influence on the price of each household in apartment sites. This paper has defined Sunshine and Sky as the major environmental elements. In order to be analyzed, they have to be measurable. Thus, there are two types of variables in environmental surrounding of apartment sites, -the Duration of Sunshine and the possible amount of visible Sky- the significant variables which influence the housing price. This paper deals with the relationship between the possible duration of sunshine and the possible amount of sky a household is visible to. It focused on 62 different apartment sites which were built after 1990. It is based on the 3-dimensional Geographic Information System & Computer Aided Engineering for analyzing the sunshine simulation and the viewing simulation. This paper will be helpful for designing the apartment sites considering the balance between sunshine and sky.

An Experimental Study on the Thermal Performance of the Flat Roof in Proportion to Directional Changes (평지붕의 방위별 열성능에 관한 실험적 연구)

  • 박병규;황하진;이경희
    • Journal of the Korean housing association
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.191-198
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    • 2001
  • The aim of this research was to examine the thermal performance of the flat roof in proportion to various directional changes, the results of which were drawn from the miniature model experiment. In this process, various thermal environmental factors were measured and compared with one another to research their aspects of changes. The brief results of this research are as follows: 1) The indoor temperature and load per hour in proportion to directional changes shows the same degree of changes. As for the results of the clear-sky and cloudy-sky experiments, both of them generally appear advantageous in the order of S, $S-30^{\cire}C$-E, $S-30^{\cire}C$-W, $S-60^{\cire}C$-W, E, $S-60^{\cire}C$-E, despite slight differences in the indoor temperature and load per hour in proportion to directional changes. 2) As for the total load of degree day per direction of the clear-sky and cloudy-sky experiments, both of them shows their advantageous results in the order of S, $S-30^{\cire}C$-E, $S-30^{\cire}C$-W, $S-60^{\cire}C$-W, E, $S-60^{\cire}C$-E, despite minor differences in their loads. 3) As for the peak load of degree hour, while the clear-sky experiment shows its advantage in the order of $S-30^{\cire}C$-E, S, $-30^{\cire}C$-W, $S-60^{\cire}C$-W, E, $S-60^{\cire}C$-E, the cloudy-sky experiment does so in the order of S, $S-30^{\cire}C$-E, $S-30^{\cire}C$-W, E, $S-60^{\cire}C$-W, $S-60^{\cire}C$-E.

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