- 대한건축학회 학술발표 논문집 사무소 건축의 냉방부하에 관한 실측연구 김흥수;송장렬
- 공기조화 설비 신차웅
- 하절기 천장복사가 실내 열환경에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 안지응
- 대한건축학회 학술발표논문집 집합 주택의 냉난방 부하 및 외피구조의 열적 특성에 관한 실측연구 윤동원;손장렬
- 공조설비의 동적열부하계산입문 일본건축설비사협회
- 에너지절약을 위한 건물의 부위별 성능 및 설비기준 한국동력자원연구소
The aim of this research was to examine the thermal performance of the flat roof in proportion to various directional changes, the results of which were drawn from the miniature model experiment. In this process, various thermal environmental factors were measured and compared with one another to research their aspects of changes. The brief results of this research are as follows: 1) The indoor temperature and load per hour in proportion to directional changes shows the same degree of changes. As for the results of the clear-sky and cloudy-sky experiments, both of them generally appear advantageous in the order of S,