• Title/Summary/Keyword: signature generation

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Implementation of Automatic Worm Signature Generator in DHT Network (DHT 기반 네트워크의 웜 시그니쳐 자동 생성기의 구현)

  • Kim, Ji-Hun;Lee, You-Ri;Park, Dong-Gue;Oh, Jin-Te;Jang, Jong-Soo;Min, Byeong-Jun
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.7 no.6
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    • pp.1206-1213
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    • 2006
  • Fast detection and automatic generation of worm signatures are essential to contain zero-day worms because the speed of self-propagating worms is too fast for humans to respond. In this paper, we propose an automatic signature generation method against worm's attack, and show the effectiveness of the proposed method by implementing it and appling it to the DHT based network and generating the worm signatures for it.

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On-Line/Off-Line Signature Schemes with Tight Security Reduction to the RSA Problem (RSA 문제와 동등한 안전성을 갖는 온라인/오프라인 서명 기법)

  • Choi, Kyung-yong;Park, Jong Hwan
    • Journal of the Korea Institute of Information Security & Cryptology
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    • v.28 no.2
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    • pp.327-338
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    • 2018
  • On-line/off-line signature is a technique for performing heavy computations required for signature generation in the off-line stage and completing the final signature by a simple operation in the online stage. This is suitable for application environments that require immediate signing responses to multiple users. In this paper, we propose two new on-line/off-line signature schemes based on RSA problem. The first technique can generate a signature with a fixed base exponentiation when signing online, and the second technique can complete an online signature with a very simple calculation such as a hash operation. The security of both signatures is based on the RSA problem, which is proven to be tightly secure without security loss in the random oracle model.

High Performance Signature Generation by Quality Evaluation of Payload Signature (페이로드 시그니쳐 품질 평가를 통한 고효율 응용 시그니쳐 탐색)

  • Lee, Sung-Ho;Kim, Jong-Hyun;Goo, Young-Hoon;Sija, Baraka D.;Kim, Myung-Sup
    • The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences
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    • v.41 no.10
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    • pp.1301-1308
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    • 2016
  • Internet traffic identification is an essential preliminary step for stable service provision and efficient network management. The payload signature-based-classification is considered as a reliable method for Internet traffic identification. But its performance is highly dependent on the number and the structure of signatures. If the numbers and structural complexity of signatures are not proper, the performance of payload signature-based-classification easily deteriorates. Therefore, in order to improve the performance of the identification system, it is necessary to regulate the numbers of the signature. In this paper, we propose a novel signature quality evaluation method to decide which signature is highly efficient for Internet traffic identification. We newly define the signature quality evaluation criteria and find the highly efficient signature through the method. Quality evaluation is performed in three different perspectives and the weight of each signature is computed through those perspectives values. And we construct the signature map(S-MAP) to find the highly efficient signature. The proposed method achieved an approximately fourfold increased efficiency in application traffic identification.

Concentric Circle-Based Image Signature for Near-Duplicate Detection in Large Databases

  • Cho, A-Young;Yang, Won-Keun;Oh, Weon-Geun;Jeong, Dong-Seok
    • ETRI Journal
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.871-880
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    • 2010
  • Many applications dealing with image management need a technique for removing duplicate images or for grouping related (near-duplicate) images in a database. This paper proposes a concentric circle-based image signature which makes it possible to detect near-duplicates rapidly and accurately. An image is partitioned by radius and angle levels from the center of the image. Feature values are calculated using the average or variation between the partitioned sub-regions. The feature values distributed in sequence are formed into an image signature by hash generation. The hashing facilitates storage space reduction and fast matching. The performance was evaluated through discriminability and robustness tests. Using these tests, the particularity among the different images and the invariability among the modified images are verified, respectively. In addition, we also measured the discriminability and robustness by the distribution analysis of the hashed bits. The proposed method is robust to various modifications, as shown by its average detection rate of 98.99%. The experimental results showed that the proposed method is suitable for near-duplicate detection in large databases.

Automatic Malware Detection Rule Generation and Verification System (악성코드 침입탐지시스템 탐지규칙 자동생성 및 검증시스템)

  • Kim, Sungho;Lee, Suchul
    • Journal of Internet Computing and Services
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    • v.20 no.2
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    • pp.9-19
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    • 2019
  • Service and users over the Internet are increasing rapidly. Cyber attacks are also increasing. As a result, information leakage and financial damage are occurring. Government, public agencies, and companies are using security systems that use signature-based detection rules to respond to known malicious codes. However, it takes a long time to generate and validate signature-based detection rules. In this paper, we propose and develop signature based detection rule generation and verification systems using the signature extraction scheme developed based on the LDA(latent Dirichlet allocation) algorithm and the traffic analysis technique. Experimental results show that detection rules are generated and verified much more quickly than before.

GENESIS: An Automatic Signature-generating Method for Detecting Internet Disk P2P Application Traffic (GENESIS: Internet Disk P2P 트래픽 탐지를 위한 시그너춰 자동 생성 방안)

  • Lee, Byung-Joon;Yoon, Seung-Hyun;Lee, Young-Seok
    • Journal of KIISE:Information Networking
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.246-255
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    • 2007
  • Due to the bandwidth-consuming characteristics of the heavy-hitter P2P applications, it has become critical to have the capability of pinpointing and mitigating P2P traffic. Traditional port-based classification scheme is no more adequate for this purpose because of newer P2P applications, which incorporating port-hopping techniques or disguising themselves as HTTP-based Internet disk services. Alternatively, packet filtering scheme based on payload signatures suggests more practical and accurate solution for this problem. Moreover, it can be easily deployed on existing IDSes. However, it is significantly difficult to maintain up-to-date signatures of P2P applications. Hence, the automatic signature generation method is essential and will be useful for successful signature-based traffic identification. In this paper, we suggest an automatic signature generation method for Internet disk P2P applications and provide an experimental results on CNU campus network.

The Blockchain based Undeniable Multi-Signature Scheme for Protection of Multiple Authorship on Wisdom Contents (지혜콘텐츠 공동저작권 보호에 적합한 블록체인 기반 부인봉쇄 다중서명 기법)

  • Yun, Sunghyun
    • Journal of Internet of Things and Convergence
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    • v.7 no.2
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    • pp.7-12
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    • 2021
  • Wisdom Contents are created with experiences and ideas of multiple authors, and consumed in Internet based Social Network Services that are not subjected to regional restrictions. Existing copyright management systems are designed for the protection of professional authors' rights, and effective in domestic area. On the contrary, the blockchain protocol is subjected to the service and the block is added by the consensus of participating nodes. If the data is stored to the blockchain, it cannot be modified or deleted. In this paper, we propose the blockchain based undeniable multi-signature scheme for the protection of multiple authorship on Wizdom Contents. The proposed scheme is consisted of co-authors' common public key generation, multi-signature generation and verification protocols. In the undeniable signature scheme, the signature cannot be verified without help of the signer. The proposed scheme is best suited to the contents purchase protocol. All co-authors cannot deny the fairness of the automated profit distribution through the verification of multiple authorship on Wizdom Contents.

Pattern-based Signature Generation for Identification of HTTP Applications (HTTP 응용들의 식별을 위한 패턴 기반의 시그니쳐 생성)

  • Jin, Chang-Gyu;Choi, Mi-Jung
    • Journal of Information Technology and Architecture
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    • v.10 no.1
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    • pp.101-111
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    • 2013
  • Internet traffic volume has been increasing rapidly due to popularization of various smart devices and Internet development. In particular, HTTP-based traffic volume of smart devices is increasing rapidly in addition to desktop traffic volume. The increased mobile traffic can cause serious problems such as network overload, web security, and QoS. In order to solve these problems of the Internet overload and security, it is necessary to accurately detect applications. Traditionally, well-known port based method is utilized in traffic classification. However, this method shows low accuracy since P2P applications exploit a TCP/80 port, which is used for the HTTP protocol; to avoid firewall or IDS. Signature-based method is proposed to solve the lower accuracy problem. This method shows higher analysis rate but it has overhead of signature generation. Also, previous signature-based study only analyzes applications in HTTP protocol-level not application-level. That is, it is difficult to identify application name. Therefore, previous study only performs protocol-level analysis. In this paper, we propose a signature generation method to classify HTTP-based traffics in application-level using the characteristics of typical semi HTTP header. By applying our proposed method to campus network traffic, we validate feasibility of our method.

A Threshold Ring Group Signature for Ubiquitous Electronic Commerce (유비쿼터스 전자거래를 위한 쓰레시홀드 링 그룹 서명)

  • Sung, Soon-Hwa
    • The KIPS Transactions:PartD
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    • v.14D no.4 s.114
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    • pp.373-380
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    • 2007
  • Ubiquitous electronic commerce can offer anytime, anywhere access to network and exchange convenient informations between individual and group, or between group and group. To use secure ubiquitous electronic commerce, it is essential for users to have digital signature with the properties of integrity and authentication. The digital signature for ubiquitous networks is required neither a trusted group manager, nor a setup procedure, nor a revocation procedure etc. because ubiquitous networks can construct or deconstruct groups anytime, anwhere as occasion demands. Therefore, this paper proposes a threshold ring signature as digital signature for secure ubiquitous electronic commerce using the ring signature without forgery (integrity) and the (n,t) ring signature solving the problem cannot prove the fact which a message is signed by other signer. Thus the proposed threshold ring signature is ubiquitous group signature for the next generation.

Generation and Verification of a Real Estate Contract Digital Signature Based on XML Security (XML 보안 기반의 부동산 계약서 전자서명 생성 및 검증)

  • Lee, Moon-Goo
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.45 no.6
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    • pp.147-153
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    • 2008
  • Talking about reliability of I-commerce, the security services such as data integrity and non-repudiation are the most crucial elements. This thesis implemented the real estate contract digital signature system that makes this real estate E-commerce Possible. The technical background used in this thesis for the security services is XML (extensible Markup Language) signature technique, which is a signature technique that applies XML on the existing digital signature algorithm. The advantage of using XML signature technique is that it is very efficient since signing for the partial data is possible, and it is easy to apply to the XML-based I-commerce system which is most commonly used.