• Title/Summary/Keyword: side

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Finite Element Modeling of Folded Airbag and Analysis of Deployment Process (운전석 및 조수석 에어백 단품의 유한요소 모델링과 전개 과정 해석)

  • 김헌영;이상근;신윤재
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Automotive Engineers
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    • v.4 no.6
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    • pp.236-246
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    • 1996
  • The deployment process of fully folded airbag is analyzed. The methodology of finite element modeling is presented for flat driver side airbag and 3-dimensional passenger side airbag. 'Initial metric option' is used to model 3-dimensional passenger side airbag before deployment. The deformed shapeds and pressure waveforms inside cushion evaluated from simulation are compared to the test results. The agreements between the simulation and the experiments are satisfactory, and the results of simulation are confirmed to be applied to the design of airbag module.

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Evaluation of Air-side Heat Transfer and Friction Characteristics on Design Conditions of Evaporator (증발기의 설계조건에서 공기측 열전달계수 및 압력강하 산출)

  • 김창덕;이진호
    • Korean Journal of Air-Conditioning and Refrigeration Engineering
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    • v.15 no.12
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    • pp.1007-1017
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    • 2003
  • An experimental study on the air-side pressure drop and heat transfer coefficient of slit fin-tube heat exchanger has been carried out. The data reduction methodology for air-side heat transfer coefficients in the literature is not based on a consistent approach. This paper focuses on new method of data reduction to obtain the air-side performance of fin-tube heat exchanger using R22 and recommends standard procedures for dry and wet surface heat transfer estimation in fin-tube heat exchanger having refrigerant on the tube-side. Results are presented as plots of friction f-factor and Colburn j -factor against Reynolds number based on the fin collar outside diameter and compared with previous studies. The data covers a range of refrigerant mass fluxes of 150∼250 kg/$m^2$s with air flows at velocity ranges from 0.3 m/s to 0.8 m/s.


  • Kim, Yung-Hai;Sunoo, Yang-Kuk
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.10 no.3
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    • pp.149-153
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    • 1972
  • The apical foramen is not always found on the very tip of the root. The apical foramen may make its exit on the mesial, distal, labial or lingual side of a root slightly short of the root apex rather than at the root apex itself. The author collected 43 upper first molars and 84 lower first molars as a samples. Apical foramens were carefully checked and examined these location on each tip. (table 1) 1. About 33% to 49% of upper cases were found on extreme tip of roots and the remaining cases were on the distal side or mesial side. 2. Except distal simple canal of lower molars, approximately 40% to 50% were located on the very tip of the root. The remaining cases were on distal or mesial surface. 3. On lower distal simple canal, about 51% of cases made its exit on distal side. The remaining cases located on the tip end or mesial side.

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하악편측절근환자의 교근활성도에 대한 근전도학적 연구

  • Yang, Jae-Hyun
    • The Journal of the Korean dental association
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    • v.12 no.2
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    • pp.123-129
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    • 1974
  • The electrical activities of masseter muscle were recorded on 9 subjects with unilateral fracture of mandible. The electromyographic studies were executed with 2 channel RS dynograph recorder for electromyography. The graphs were recorded in the physiologic rest position, incisal occlusion, molar occlusion, left lateral excursion, right lateral excursion, and protraction. The following conclusions were drawn; 1. In the physiologic rest position, incisal occlusion, molar occlusion, and protraction, the electrical potentials of the masseter muscle were greater in the affected side. 2. In the right lateral excursion, the electrical potentials of the masseter muscle were greater in the right side, and in the left lateral excursion, greather in the left side. There is no correlation mutually between the affected side and unaffected side.

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A Clinical Study on Non-Working Side Contacts and TMJ Dysfunction in Young Adults (비작업측(非作業側) 치아접촉(齒牙接觸) 및 악관절(顎關節) 기능장애(機能障碍)에 관(關)한 임상적(臨床的) 연구(硏究))

  • Yang, Jae-Ho
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Prosthodontics
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    • v.22 no.1
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    • pp.17-22
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    • 1984
  • A clinical evaluation was made on teeth in 113 subjects from ages 19 to 23 with Angle's Class I occlusion who were free from prosthesis, orthodontics, and occlusal equilibration. The study was made to determine if there was a relation between the type of occlusion, non-working contact and temporomandibular dysfunction. From the foregoing study, the author obtained the following results. 1. In lateral excursion, there was not any significant difference between bilateral canine protected occlusion (31%), bilateral group function (32.7%), and mixed type (34.5%). 2. Only 10 of 113 subjects studied had non-working side tooth contacts (8.2 per cent). 3. Twenty per cent of subjects with non-working side contact showed temporomandibular joint dysfunction. 4. Non-working side contacts were not observed in subjects with canine guided occlusion. 5. It would be premature to relate the type of occlusion on working side directly to temporomandibular joint dysfunction.

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Stress Analysis of Automotive Tire at Contact on Road Surface (노면에 접촉된 자동차 타이어의 응력 해석)

  • Cho, Jae-Ung;Han, Moon-Sik
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.8 no.2
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    • pp.40-45
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    • 2009
  • This study is analyzed by stress contour of automotive tire at contact on road surface. Maximum equivalent stress as 61200Pa is shown on the lower mid part in case of tire contacted on road surface. As the air pressure of tire increases, maximum total deformation as 5mm is shown on the side part of tire. It can be shown that the side part of tire is unstabilized. There is no load effect on tire at its upper and lower directions. When the moment applied on the side of tire is increased 1.4 times as its value, the value of maximum principal stress is increased 1.4 times. The stress at the tire is in proportion to the moment applied on the its side. The tire tends to incline toward its side by this moment.

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Prediction and Measurement of Cutting Force in Side-Milling (사이드 밀링 가공의 절삭력 측정 및 예측)

  • Lee, Chang-Ho;Yang, Min-Yang
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Technology Engineers
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    • v.22 no.3
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    • pp.437-446
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    • 2013
  • There have been numerous studies on end milling processes. However, these have been restricted to the application of tools for special cutting purposes. A side milling cutter can handle long, deep, and open slots in a more efficient manner, and it provides the best stability and productivity for this type of milling. In this paper, a method to predict the cutting forces in side milling is described, and simulated cutting forces are compared with those obtained by cutting experiments. In particular, the side milling process easily generates relative motion between the tools and the workpiece because it produces intermittent cutting forces that cause vibrations over a wide frequency range. Therefore, the application of a dynamic cutting model instead of a static cutting model is appropriate to forecast the cutting forces more accurately.

Integrated Power System Combining Tidal Power and Ocean Current Power (조력발전과 해류발전을 겸하는 통합발전시스템)

  • Jang, Kyung-Soo;Lee, Jung-Eun
    • 한국신재생에너지학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2008.05a
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    • pp.270-273
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    • 2008
  • The integrated power system combining a tidal power plant and two ocean current power parks is suggested. It is characterized by the set up of an ocean current power park in the lake side by installing a number of ocean current turbines generating electricity by using sea water flow discharged into the lake side from the turbine generator of a tidal power plant and an ocean current power park in the sea side by installing a number of ocean current turbines generating electricity by using sea water flow exiting into the sea side through the sluice gate from the lake side. The vision of the integrated power system is demonstrated by the simple theory and simulation results of the SIWHA Tidal Power Plant. And it is shown that the newly proposed integrated power system combining tidal power and ocean current power can produce very high economical benefits.

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A safety assessment by Risk Analysis Method on wheelchair occupant in side impact (측방충돌시 휠체어 탑승자의 위험도 분석에 의한 안전성평가)

  • 김성민;김성재;강태건;전병호;김경훈;문무성;홍정화
    • Proceedings of the Korean Society of Precision Engineering Conference
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    • 2003.10a
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    • pp.16-16
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    • 2003
  • In this study, for a safety assessment of wheelchair occupant in side impact, we used a dynamic sled impact test results. The test was carried out total 6 times and impact speed was 13g$\pm$0.43/28km/h$\pm$0.95, By using EURO SID-1 dummy, head performance criteria(HPC), abdominal peak force, etc. were measured. We evaluated wheelchair occupant safety by motion criteria(MC) which was measured by head, trunk and side deformation change of wheelchair and Head & Neck injury criteria(HNI) measured by using head and neck deformation angle and time relation. When we assumed that the maximum injury value in side impact was 100%, the results of motion criteria(MC) of wheelchair occupant were max 80.3, mim 32.3 and average 60.3%, Head & Neck injury criteria(HNI) value were max 118.4, min 14.5 and average 59.7%.

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Unilateral Traction Effects for a Herniated Nucleus Pulposus in the Lumbar Disk (요추추간판 수핵탈출증에 대한 편측견인의 치료효과)

  • Park, Ji-Whan;Kwon, Hyeok-Su
    • The Journal of Korean Academy of Orthopedic Manual Physical Therapy
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.99-104
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    • 1995
  • Markolf and Morris suggests that the deranged disk and torn annulus have an exellent recovery ability from the position of spine extension, where the posterior annulus is not under stress and the gel can move anterioly. McKenzie explains side gliding as a combination of rotation and side bending, his clinical studies indicate that side-gliding can gel laterally. In conclusion, the prone unilateral traction on the opposite side from the patient's pain along with the other treatment appered to have helped reduce those patient's pain. The method of treatment described in this report is suggested for Korean physical therapists who treat patients suspected of posterolateral herniated nucleus pulposus.

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