• Title/Summary/Keyword: shear strength of concrete

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Nonlinear Behavior of Seismic-Strengthened Domestic School Building (국내 기존 학교건축물의 내진보강 후 비선형 거동특성)

  • Ryu, Seung Hyun;Yun, Hyun Do;Kim, Sun Woo;Lee, Kang Seok;Kim, Yong Cheol
    • Journal of the Korea institute for structural maintenance and inspection
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.243-253
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    • 2011
  • This paper describes an analytical study on seismic performance of domestic reinforced concrete (RC) school building not designed by seismic provision. The seismic index and the seismic performance of the building were evaluated through Japanese standard and Midas Gen, respectively. Seismic index (Is) of the RC school buildings in the X-direction is below 0.4. Based on the seismic index, for seismic-strengthening the building, infill shear wall or steel brace with a capacity of 1,300 kN was used. According to nonlinear static analysis results, the contribution of the seismic-strengthening to the shear resistance of the school building was measured to be greater than 30%. However, as expected, shear strength of school building strengthened with infill wall dropt rapidly after peak load and much narrower ductile behavior range was observed compared to steel brace strengthened building. Also, the building strengthened with steel brace showed 30% larger spectral displacement than that strengthened with infill shear wall. In nonlinear dynamic analysis, for the time history analysis, the maximum displacement showed tendency to decrease as amount of reinforcement increased, regardless of strengthening method. It was recommended that variable soil properties and earthquake record should be considered for improving seismic performance of buildings in seismic zone.

Development of Short-span Precast Concrete Panels for Railway Bridge (철도교용 단지간 프리캐스트 콘크리트패널의 개발)

  • Seol, Dae-Ho;Lee, Kyoung-Chan;Kim, Ki-Hyun;Youn, Seok-Goo
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.28 no.5
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    • pp.545-553
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    • 2016
  • This paper presents experimental static test results of the precast concrete panels developed for short-span concrete bridge deck form. Different from LB-DECK, concrete rib attached to the bottom surface of concrete panel, and Top-bar is not used at the top surface of concrete panel. Number of concrete ribs and cross-section details of concrete rib are determined from the analytical results of parametric study considering the span length and the thickness of concrete bridge decks. Shear rebars are installed at the top surface of concrete panel for composite action between precast concrete panel and cast-in-place concrete. In order to evaluate the safety and the serviceability of the developed short-span concrete panel subjected to design load, static load test is conducted. Three test panels with span length of 1.6m are fabricated, and during the load test displacements, strains and cracks of test panels are measured and final failure modes are investigated. Serviceability of the test panels is evaluated based on the results of displacements, cracking load, and crack width at the design load level. Safety is also evaluated based on the comparison of the ultimate strength and the factored design load of test panels. Based on the test results, it is confirmed the short-span precast concrete panel satisfies the serviceability and safety regulated in design codes. In addition, the range of span length of concrete bridge decks for the short-span concrete panel is discussed.

Field Application of a Precast Concrete-panel Retaining Wall Adhered to In-situ Ground (원지반 부착식 판넬옹벽의 현장 적용성 평가)

  • Min, Kyoung-Nam;Lee, Jae-Won;Lee, Jung-Gwan;Kang, In-Kyu;Ahn, Tae-Bong
    • The Journal of Engineering Geology
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    • v.26 no.1
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    • pp.51-61
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    • 2016
  • New building methods are needed to aid increased inner-city redevelopment and industrial construction. A particular area of improvement is the efficient use of cut slopes, with the minimization of associated problems. A retaining wall of precast panels can resist the horizontal earth pressure by increasing the shear strength of the ground and reinforcing it through contact with the panels. Precast panels allow quick construction and avoid the problem of concrete deterioration. Other problems to be solved include the digging of borrow pits, the disposal of material cut from the slope, and degradation of the landscape caused by the exposed concrete retaining wall.This study suggest the methods of improvement of an existing precast panel wall system by changing the appearance of the panels to that of natural rock and improving the process of adhering the panel to a vertical slope. The panels were tested in the laboratory and in the field. The laboratory test verified their specific strength and behavior, and the field test assessed the panels' ground adherence at a vertical cutting. Reinforcement of the cutting slope was also measured and compared with the results of 3D numerical analysis. The results of laboratory test, identified that the shear bar increase the punching resistance of panel. And as a results of test construction, identified the construct ability and field applicability of the panel wall system adhered to in-situ ground. In addition to that, extended measurement and numerical analysis, identified the long-term stability of panel wall system adhered to in-situ ground.

Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Inclined Column-Beam Joints (철근콘크리트 경사기둥-보 접합부의 거동)

  • Kwon, Goo-Jung;Park, Jong-Wook;Yoon, Seok-Gwang;Kim, Tae-Jin;Lee, Jung-Yoon
    • Journal of the Korea Concrete Institute
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    • v.24 no.2
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    • pp.147-156
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    • 2012
  • In recent years, many high-rise buildings have been constructed in irregular structural system with inclined columns, which may have effect on the structural behavior of beam-column joints. Since the external load leads to shear and flexural forces on the inclined columns in different way from those on the conventional vertical columns, failure mode, resistant strength, and ductility capacity of the inclined column-beam joints may be different than those of the perpendicular beam-column joints. In this study, six RC inclined beam-column joint specimens were tested. The main parameter of the specimens was the angle between axes of the column and beam (90, 67.5, and 45 degree). Test results indicated that the structural behavior of conventional perpendicular beam-column joint was different to that of the inclined beam-column joints, due to different loading conditions between inclined and perpendicular beam-column joints. Both upper and lower columns of perpendicular beam-column joints were subjected to compressive force, while the upper and lower columns of the inclined beam-column joints were subjected to tensile and compressive forces, respectively.

An Experimental Study on the Engineering Characteristics of Perforated Reinforced Concrete Beams containing Shells (패각을 사용한 철근콘크리트 유공보의 공학적 특성에 관한 연구)

  • Koo, Hae-Shik
    • KIEAE Journal
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    • v.15 no.1
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    • pp.139-146
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    • 2015
  • This is an experimental study on the engineering characteristics of perforated reinforced concrete beams with shells. In the material matter of this study, the water cement ratio put 60%, the ratio of substitution of oyster shells to fine aggregate 30%. And in the structural matter, the form of opening put circle and square, the size of opening as the radius and the length of it changed from one to three times of the beam depth with a change presence and absence of reinforced steel around opening. All thirteen reinforced concrete beam tests composed one standard beam and twelve six beams with the circle and square opening were tested in shear strength under two points loading and compared and analyzed the characteristics of test beams under the same conditions one another. The results of the study showed as followed. 1) The initial crack load value of the opening test beams is similar the standard beam but the maximum load value decreased with increase in proportion of the opening size, in the square opening than the circle opening and in the absence than the presence of reinforced steel. 2) As the difference between the circle opening and the square opening beams is represented 2.17~9.8% in the maximum load value and the load capacity of the square opening suddenly decrease than it of the circle opening, it is judged because of the shortage of concrete section, the concentration of the stress in the corner of the square opening and material influence of shell substitution. 3) The failure figure such as the pattern of the crack and so on is represented brittle failure as the opening size is the bigger and the ratio of substitution is higher because of the lack material properties.

Impact response of a novel flat steel-concrete-corrugated steel panel

  • Lu, Jingyi;Wang, Yonghui;Zhai, Ximei;Zhou, Hongyuan
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.42 no.2
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    • pp.277-288
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    • 2022
  • A novel flat steel plate-concrete-corrugated steel plate (FS-C-CS) sandwich panel was proposed for resisting impact load. The failure mode, impact force and displacement response of the FS-C-CS panel under impact loading were studied via drop-weight impact tests. The combined global flexure and local indentation deformation mode of the FS-C-CS panel was observed, and three stages of impact process were identified. Moreover, the effects of corrugated plate height and steel plate thickness on the impact responses of the FS-C-CS panels were quantitatively analysed, and the impact resistant performance of the FS-C-CS panel was found to be generally improved on increasing corrugated plate height and thickness in terms of smaller deformation as well as larger impact force and post-peak mean force. The Finite Element (FE) model of the FS-C-CS panel under impact loading was established to predict its dynamic response and further reveal its failure mode and impact energy dissipation mechanism. The numerical results indicated that the concrete core and corrugated steel plate dissipated the majority of impact energy. In addition, employing end plates and high strength bolts as shear connectors could prevent the slip between steel plates and concrete core and assure the full composite action of the FS-C-CS panel.

Seismic performance of RC columns with full resistance spot welding stirrups

  • Yu, Yunlong;Dang, Zhaohui;Yang, Yong;Chen, Yang;Li, Hui
    • Structural Engineering and Mechanics
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    • v.73 no.5
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    • pp.543-554
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    • 2020
  • This paper aims to investigate the seismic performance of RC short columns and long columns with welding stirrups. Through the low-cyclic horizontal loading test of specimens, the seismic performance indexes such as failure modes, hysteretic curve, skeleton curve, ductility, energy dissipation capacity, stiffness degradation and strength degradation were emphatically analyzed. Furthermore, the effects of shear span ratio, stirrups ratio and axial compression ratio on the performance of specimens were studied. The results showed that the seismic performance of the RC short columns with welding stirrups were basically the same as that of the RC short columns with traditional stirrups, but the seismic performance of RC long columns with welding stirrups was better than that of RC long columns with traditional stirrups. The seismic performance of RC short columns and long columns with welding stirrups could be improved by increasing stirrup ratio and shear span ratio and reducing axial pressure ratio. Moreover, the welding stirrup have the advantages of steel saving, industrialization and standardization production, convenient construction, and reducing time, which indicated that the welding stirrups could be applied in practical engineering.

A Study on the Response Modification Factor for a 5-Story Reinforced Concrete IMRF (5층 철근콘크리트 중간모멘트골조의 반응수정계수에 관한 연구)

  • Kang, Suk-Bong;Lim, Byeong-Jin
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.13-21
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    • 2012
  • In this study, the response modification factor for a RC IMRF is evaluated via pushover analysis, where 5-story structures were designed in accordance with KBC2009. The bending moment-curvature relationship for beams and columns was identified with a fiber model, and the bending moment-rotation relationship for beam-column joints was calculated using a simple and unified joint shear behavior model and the moment equilibrium relationship for the joint. The results of the pushover analysis showed that the strength of the structure was overestimated with negligence of the inelastic shear behavior of the beam-column joint, and that the average response modification factor for category C was 7.78 and the factor for category D was 3.64.

Investigation of Structural Damage in Bearing Wall Buildings with Pilotis by 2017 Pohang Earthquake (2017 포항지진에 의한 필로티형 내력벽건물의 구조손상 분석)

  • Eom, Tae Sung;Lee, Seung Jae;Park, Hong Gun
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.23 no.1
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    • pp.9-18
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    • 2019
  • In 2017 Pohang Earthquake, a number of residential buildings with pilotis at their first level were severely damaged. In this study, the results of an analytical investigation on the seismic performance and structural damage of two bearing wall buildings with pilotis are presented. The vibration mode and lateral force-resisting mechanism of the buildings with vertical and plan irregularity were investigated through elastic analysis. Then, based on the investigations, methods of nonlinear modeling for walls and columns at the piloti level were proposed. By performing nonlinear static and dynamic analyses, structural damages of the walls and columns at the piloti level under 2017 Pohang Earthquake were predicted. The results show that the area and arrangement of walls in the piloti level significantly affected the seismic safety of the buildings. Initially, the lateral resistance of the piloti story was dominated mainly by the walls resisting in-plane shear. After shear cracking and yielding of the walls, the columns showing double-curvature flexural behavior contributed significantly to the residual strength and ductility.

Flexural Failure Design Criteria for Retrofitted RC Slabs using FRP-UHPC Hybrid System (FRP-UHPC 복합 보강기법으로 보강된 RC 슬라브의 휨 파괴를 위한 설계 조건)

  • Kim, Jung Joong;Noh, Hyuk-Chun;Reda Taha, Mahmoud M.
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Advanced Composite Structures
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.11-18
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    • 2012
  • This study proposes flexural failure design criteria of continuous slabs enhanced by a hybrid system of fiber reinforced polymer (FRP) and ultra high performance concrete (UHPC). The proposed hybrid retrofit system is designed to be placed at the top surface of the slabs for flexural strengthening of the sections in both positive and negative moment zones. The enhancing mechanisms of the proposed system for both positive and negative moment regions are presented. The neutral axis of the enhanced sections in positive moment zone at flexural failure is enforced to be in UHPC overlay for preventing the compression in FRP. From this condition, a relationship between design parameters of FRP and UHPC is established. Although the capacity of the proposed retrofit system to enhance flexural strength and ductility is confirmed through experiments of one-way RC slabs having two continuous spans, the retrofitted slabs failed in shear. To prevent this shear failure, a design criteria of flexural failure is proposed.