• Title/Summary/Keyword: shape steel

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Observation of Chip Shape and Tool Damage with Interrupted Cutting of Carbon Steel for Machine Structures(SM20C) (기계구조용 탄소강(SM20C)의 단속절삭시 칩의 형상 및 공구손상관찰)

  • Bae, Myung-Il
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Manufacturing Process Engineers
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    • v.17 no.2
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    • pp.103-108
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    • 2018
  • In interrupted cutting, the workpiece has a groove that impacts both the cutting tool and the workpiece. Therefore, cutting tool damage occurs rapidly. In this study, I performed interrupted cutting of carbon steel for machine structures (SM20C) using an uncoated carbide tool (SNMG120404, P20), and observed tool damage, cutting chip shape, and the workpiece surface. Results: Under the specific cutting conditions of feed rate = 0.066 mm/rev, cutting speed = 120 m/min, and depth of cut = 0.1 mm; and feed rate = 0.105 mm/rev, cutting speed = 120 m/min, and depth of cut = 0.2 mm, the observed tool damage was small. Similar chip shape was observed (Expt. No. 1, 3, 7). Workpiece damage was observed (Expt. No. 3, 5, 7, 9).

Seismic performance of concrete frame structures reinforced with superelastic shape memory alloys

  • Alam, M. Shahria;Nehdi, Moncef;Youssef, Maged A.
    • Smart Structures and Systems
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    • v.5 no.5
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    • pp.565-585
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    • 2009
  • Superelastic Shape Memory Alloys (SMAs) are gaining acceptance for use as reinforcing bars in concrete structures. The seismic behaviour of concrete frames reinforced with SMAs is being assessed in this study. Two eight-storey concrete frames, one of which is reinforced with regular steel and the other with SMAs at the plastic hinge regions of beams and regular steel elsewhere, are designed and analyzed using 10 different ground motion records. Both frames are located in the highly seismic region of Western Canada and are designed and detailed according to current seismic design standards. The validation of a finite element (FE) program that was conducted previously at the element level is extended to the structure level in this paper using the results of a shake table test of a three-storey moment resisting steel RC frame. The ten accelerograms that are chosen for analyzing the designed RC frames are scaled based on the spectral ordinate at the fundamental periods of the frames. The behaviour of both frames under scaled seismic excitations is compared in terms of maximum inter-storey drift, top-storey drift, inter-storey residual drift, and residual top-storey drift. The results show that SMA-RC frames are able to recover most of its post-yield deformation, even after a strong earthquake.

Nondestructive Evaluation of 2-Dimensional Surface Crack in Ferromagnetic Metal and Paramagnetic Metal by ICFPD Technique (집중유도형 교류전위차법에 의한 강자성체 및 상자성체의 2차원 표면결함의 비파괴평가)

  • 김훈;장자철웅;정세희
    • Transactions of the Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers
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    • v.19 no.5
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    • pp.1202-1210
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    • 1995
  • Aiming at nondestructive evaluation of defect with high accuracy and resolution, ICFPD(Induced Current Focusing Potential Drop) technique was newly developed. This technique can be applied for locating and sizing of defects in components with not only simple shape such as plain surface but also more complex shape and geometry such as curved surface and dissimilar joing. This paper describes the principle of ICFPD technique and also the results of 2-dimensional surface crack in ferromagnetic metal(A508 Cl. III steel) and paramagnetic metal (pure aluminum and stainless 304 steel) measured by this technique. Results are that surface defects in each specimen are detected with the difference of potential drop, and potential drops are distributed a similar shape for each metal and each depth. The normalized potential drop ( $V_{\delta}$2/$^{t}$ / $V_{{\delta} 2}$$^{-1}$) max. in the vicinity of defect is varied with the depth of defect. Therefore, ICFPD technique can be used for the evaluation of defect not only in ferromagnetic metal but also in paramagnetic steel..

Investigation of Segregation Behavior in the Riser/Castings Junction of Heavy-section Steel Castings (대형주강 압탕부의 편석거동 고찰)

  • Kim, Ji-Tae;Park, Heung-Il;Kim, Woo-Yeol;Lee, Byung-Woo
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.30 no.4
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    • pp.130-136
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    • 2010
  • Sulfide segregation behavior, characteristics of solidification microstructure and compositional distribution in the riser/castings junction of heavy-section main bearing support (MBS) steel castings were investigated; Sulfide streaks of A segregation were formed in the transitional region from columnar grain to coarse equiaxed grain and floated with aggregation of the dendritic free crystal. Solute segregation behaviors of elements Si, P and S were V shape negative segregation from the bottom of the castings to upper part of the riser with the reference of vertical center-line of the specimen block. Those of elements C and Mn were V shape negative segregation in the main body and A shape positive segregation in the riser of the casting. Just beneath the pipe shrinkage in the riser segregation ratio of each element was the highest, and that of S was 3.6 times higher, C 3.3 times, P 2.1 times, Si 1.6 times and Mn 1.0 times respectively. [Mn/S] ratio of the specimen block was distributed in the wide range of 20~275.

Application of Solidification Analysis considering Volumetric Contraction to Riser Design of Steel Castings (주강품 압탕 설계에 체적 수축을 고려한 응고해석의 적용)

  • Kim, Ji-Joon;Kim, Ki-Young;Choi, Jeong-Kil;Hong, Chun-Pyo
    • Journal of Korea Foundry Society
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.494-506
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    • 1995
  • Test castings in plate, disc, and cubic shaped castings for 0.2wt.% carbon and stainless steel have been poured to examine the effects of the riser dimensions including riser neck on the casting soundness. Three empirical methods were chosen in risering of steel castings. A computer program of solidification analysis considering liquid and solidification contraction was developed to apply for riserdesign calculated by using their methods in plate, disc, and cubic shaped castings, and to calculate the position and dimension of shrinkage cavity in complex shaped casting. The potential of present method has been successfully demonstrated by comparing predicted cavity shapes with those obtained in a series of experimental castings. Three empirical methods can be used in a practical way to make a rapid estimation of tie minimum riser diameter, but they can not provide a criterion of casting soundness with shape and material on all occasions. The shape and position of shrinkage cavity can be successfully predicted both using the present method and using risering calculated by their methods regardless of the shape and cast material.

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Seismic Protection for Multiple Span Continuous Steel Bridges using Shape Memory Alloy-Restrainer-Dampers (형상기억합금을 이용한 다경간 연속 강교량의 지진보호)

  • Park, Eunsoo;Kim, Haksoo
    • Journal of the Earthquake Engineering Society of Korea
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.77-86
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    • 2004
  • This paper introduces a shape memory alloy-restrainer-damper(SMA-RD) to protect multiple span continuous steel bridges from seismic loads. The type of bridges has only one fixed bearing condition on a pier and expansion bearings are located on the other piers and abutments. Due to this state and a big mass of the deck, these bridges are usually very vulnerable to column's damage on which fixed bearings are located and large deformation of abutments in passive action. Two types of SMA-RDs are developed, and their effect is inspected for protecting the bridges through seismic analyses. Conventional steel restrainer cables are also used to reduce the seismic vulnerability of the bridge and the results are compared to those of the SMA-RDs.

Seismic Performance of an Inverted V-type Eccentrically Braced Steel Frames with Slit Dampers Using Shape Memory Alloy (형상기억합금을 이용한 슬릿댐퍼 적용 역V형 편심가새골조의 내진 성능)

  • Jang, Han Ryul;Kim, Joo-Woo
    • Journal of Korean Association for Spatial Structures
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    • v.22 no.4
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    • pp.39-48
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    • 2022
  • The energy dissipation of inverted V-type eccentric steel braced frames can be achieved through the yielding of a slit link, through yielding of a number of strips between slits when the frame is subjected to inelastic cyclic deformation. On the other hand, the development of seismic resistance system without residual deformation is obtained by applying the superelasdtic shape memory alloy (SMA) material into the brace and link elements. This paper presents results from a systematic three-dimensional nonlinear finite element analysis on the structural behavior of the eccentric bracing systems subjected to cyclic loadings. A wide scope of structural behaviors explains the horizontal stiffness, hysteretic behaviors, and failure modes of the recentering eccentric bracing system. The accurate results presented here serve as benchmark data for comparison with results obtained using modern experimental testing and alternative theoretical approaches.

An Experimental Structural Performance of Steel Concrete Hybrid Deck for Bridge (교량용 강ㆍ콘크리트 합성 바닥판의 실험적 구조성능)

  • 정연주;정광회;구현본;김병석
    • Proceedings of the Korea Concrete Institute Conference
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    • 2003.05a
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    • pp.524-529
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    • 2003
  • This paper presents a experimental structural performance of steel-concrete hybrid bridge deck, which has studs to connect steel plate and concrete and T beam to improve structural performance, by steel plate shape, studs and load location. It proved that steel-concrete hybrid deck has a high structural performance and lightweight due to the efficient use of steel plate as a structural member, which has only used as formwork. In failure mode, few specimen failed at punching shear and many specimen at concrete crushing, therefore proved it has sufficient stability to punching shear which is the most frequent damage of bridge deck. Steel-concrete hybrid deck of plane steel plate has a high structural performance, and that of corrugated steel plate has a high reduction of weight.

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FE Analysis for Application of Isotropic Steel Sheet on Auto-Roof Panel (등방성 강판의 자동차용 Roof Panel 부품 적용 특성 해석)

  • Han S.S.
    • Transactions of Materials Processing
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    • v.15 no.3 s.84
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    • pp.241-246
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    • 2006
  • The isotropic steel sheet was developed and started to apply on the auto-body outer panel, however the characteristics of application on auto-body were not well known. In this paper the FE analysis of outer panel of auto-body was carried out to investigate the characteristics of isotropic steel sheet. For the FE analysis of the roof panel of ULSAB body the isotropic steel sheet and the bake hardening steel sheet were used. The Isotropic steel sheet shows more deformation at punch bottom area of roof panel than the bake hardening steel sheet that is most required forming properties far outer panel to obtain the shape likability of forming parts. It is shown that the isotropic steel sheet has suitable material properties far outer panels of auto-body.

Steel-CFRP composite and their shear response as vertical stirrup in beams

  • Uriayer, Faris A.;Alam, Mehtab
    • Steel and Composite Structures
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    • v.18 no.5
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    • pp.1145-1160
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    • 2015
  • An experimental study was conducted for the effectiveness of steel-CFRP composite (CFRP laminates sandwiched between two steel strips) as stirrups in concrete beam to carry shearing force and comparison was made with conventional steel bar stirrups. A total numbers of 8 concrete beams were tested under four point loads. Each beam measured 1,600 mm long, 160 mm width and 240 mm depth. The beams were composed of same grade of concrete, with same amount of flexural steel but different shear reinforcements. The main variables include, type of stirrups (shape of stirrups and number of CFRP layers used in each stirrup) and number of stirrups used in shear spans. After getting on an excellent closeness between the values of ultimate shear resistance and ultimate tensile load of steel-CFRP stirrups, it could be concluded that the steel-CFRP stirrups represent the effective solution of premature failure of FRP stirrups at the bends.