• Title/Summary/Keyword: shallow gas

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Flexible and Lined Segment Tunnel for Underground Compressed Air Energy Storage(CAES) (복공식 압축공기 지하저장을 위한 가변성 분할 라이닝 터널기술)

  • Kim, Hyung-Mok;Rryu, Dong-Woo;Chung, So-Keul;Song, Won-Kyong
    • Tunnel and Underground Space
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    • v.19 no.2
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    • pp.77-85
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    • 2009
  • Flexible and lined segment air-tight tunnelling technology for Compressed Air Energy Storage-Gas Turbine(CAES-G/T) power generation was introduced. The distinguished characteristics of the air-tight tunnel system can be summarized by two facts. One is that the high inner pressure due to compressed air is sustained by surrounding rock mass with allowing sufficient displacement of lining segment. The other is that the air-tightness of storage tunnel was enhanced by adopting a specially designed rubber sheet. The flexible lined air-tight underground tunnel can be constructed at a comparatively shallow depth and near urban area so that the locally distributed CAES-G/T power generation can be accomplished. In addition, this air-tight tunnelling technology can be applied to a variety of energy underground storage tunnels such as Compressed Natural Gas(CNG), Liquifed Petroleum Gas(LPG), DeMethyl Ether(DME) etc.

Recent Geomorphological Changes and late Quaternary Depositional Sequence of Gwangyang Bay, southern coast of Korea (한반도 남해안 광양만의 최근 지형변화 및 후기 제4기 퇴적층서 발달)

  • 최동림;현상민;이태희
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    • v.8 no.1
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    • pp.35-43
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    • 2003
  • Recent geomorphological changes and late Quaternary depositional sequences of Gwangyang Bay are studied based on bathymetric maps, surface sediments, and seismic profiles. As a result of the reclamation of coastal area for an industrial complex construction, the coastline of Gwangyang Bay has rapidly been changed and the area of it has now been reduced by about 25 % in the last 30 years. In addition, the bottom topography is actively modified by dredging for navigation channels. In surfical sediment distribution, the western part of Gwangyang Bay is dominated by mud facies, whereas the eastern part of the Bay is dominated by sand-mud mixing facies. Depositional sequences above the basement are divided into two units: Unit I in upper layer and Unit II in lower one. These depositional units are unconformably bounded by middle reflector-M. Unit II, mostly occupying the channel areas, is interpreted as fluvial-origin deposits during sea-level lowstand. Unit I typically shows a progradational pattern from the Seomjin River mouth to the Yeosu Strait, which is interpreted as deltaic deposits supplied from the Seomjin River during the Holocene sea-level highstand. The shallow gas within the sediments Is widely distributed in most area, and locally exposed onto the sea-bed due to dredging.

Distribution and characteristics of Quaternary faults in the coastal area of the southeastern Korean Peninsula: Results from a marine seismic survey (해양 탄성파 탐사 결과로 본 한반도 남동부연안 4기 단층의 분포와 특성)

  • Kim Han-Joon;Jou Hyeong-Tae;Hong Jong-Kuk;Park Gun-Tae;Nam Sang-Heon;Cho Hyun-Moo
    • 한국지구물리탐사학회:학술대회논문집
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    • 2002.09a
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    • pp.46-66
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    • 2002
  • High-resolution multichannel seismic data were collected in the coastal area near the Gori nuclear power plant to investigate Quaternary fault pattern and timing. A 12 channel streamer, a sparker, and a portable recorder were used for data acquisition. Because the group interval of the streamer was 6.25 m and the sparker can generate acoustic waves with the frequency content of up to 500 Hz, the data show a significant improvement both in horizontal and vertical resolution. The area surveyed is covered with 30-40 m thick Holocene sediments that constitute the mud belt along the southeastern coast of Korea. The survey area is characterized by the well discriminated Pleistocene and Holocene boundary and shallow gas-charged zones. A number of Quaternary faults were found in the sediment column, that are nearly vertical and extend north-south. The Quaternary faults, arranged at a spacing of a few hundred meters, suggest that they were formed in response to compression, although some of them reveal extensional characteristics. Locally, faults disrupt Incised-channel fills that are interpreted to have formed in the early stage of transgression after the beginning of the Holocene. Seismic sections suggest that shallow gas in the mud belt sediments made its way upward through the fractured fault planes. The tectonism responsible for the opening of the East Sea has not persisted since the late Miocene, but vigorous Quaternary faulting activity in the vicinity of the southeastern Korean Peninsula indicates that tectonic stability has yet to be achieved in this region underlain by the hotter than normal mantle.

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Soil CO2 Monitoring Around Wells Discharging Methane (메탄 유출 관정 주변의 토양 CO2 모니터링)

  • Chae, Gitak;Kim, Chan Yeong;Ju, Gahyeun;Park, Kwon Gyu;Roh, Yul;Lee, Changhyun;Yum, Byoung-Woo;Kim, Gi-Bae
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.55 no.4
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    • pp.407-419
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    • 2022
  • Soil(vadose zone) gas compositions were measured for about 3 days to suggest a method for monitoring and interpreting soil gas data collected around wells from which methane(CH4) is outflowing. The vadose zone gas samples were collected within 1 m around two test wells(TB2 and TB3) at Pohang and analyzed for CO2, CH4, N2 and O2 concentrations in situ. CO2 flux was measured beside TB2. In addition, gas samples from well head in TB2 and atmospheric air samples were collected for comparison. Carbon isotopes of CO213CCO2) of samples collected on the last day of the study period were analyzed in the laboratory. The two test wells (TB2 and 3) were 12.7 m apart and only TB3 was cemented to the surface. According to the bio-geochemical process-based interpretation, the relationships between CO2 and O2, N2, and N2/O2 of vadose zone gas were plotted between the lines of CH4 oxidation and CO2 dissolution. In addition, the CH4 concentrations of gas samples from the wellhead of the uncemented well (TB2) were 5.2 times higher than the atmospheric CH4 concentration. High CO2 concentrations (average 1.148%) of vadose zone gas around TB2 seemed to be attributed to the oxidation of CH4. On the other hand, the vadose zone CO2 around the cemented well(TB3) showed a relatively low concentration(0.136%). This difference indicates that the vadose zone gas(including CO2) around the CH4 outflowing well were strongly affected by well completion(cementing). This study result can be used to establish strategies for environmental monitoring of soil around natural gas sites, and can be used to monitor leakage around injection and observation wells for CO2 geological storage. In addition, the method of this study is useful for soil monitoring in natural gas storage and oil-contaminated sites.

Case on the Death of Scuba Diver by Analyzing the Air in Nitrox Cylinder (Nitrox 공기통의 기체 분석에 의한 스쿠버다이버 사망원인 추정에 관한 사례연구)

  • Lee, Joon-Bae;You, Jae-Hoon;Shon, Shung-Kun;Sung, Tae-Myung;Paeng, Ki-Jung
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Safety
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    • v.26 no.2
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    • pp.42-47
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    • 2011
  • Going underwater is supposed to begin with the history of human beings. At first it was confined to relatively shallow level, less than several meters by holding breath. Recently, deep level diving has been necessary for such purpose as construction, maritime salvage, military operations, research and sports by using SCUBA(self-contained underwater breathing apparatus) equipment. As one goes down into water, the pressure on the diver is increased due to water pressure with depth, usually 1 atm for each 10 m water level. In deep water, mixed gas or nitrox(EAN, enriched air nitrox) could be applied for the divers lest they should get disease due to high pressure. Of these, the former is usually composed of oxygen and inert gas like helium or hydrogen, the latter contains higher oxygen content than that in normal air in which the oxygen concentration is designated by the character "EAN" followed by vol. % of oxygen, for example, "EAN 40" contains 40% of oxygen. In this case, a victim was found at the 39 m below the sea surface breathing air and nitrox in cylinder wrongly marked as EAN 36, which was analyzed to contain 63% of oxygen by GC/TCD. The cause of death could not be exactly related with the oxygen content in the nitrox cylinder, because the accurate depth for the victim to dive was not known, even though the victim was just found at the depth of 39 m. However, the wrongly marked nitrox could be believed to be the main cause of the death at the depth unless there happened any other accident except that during diving.

Side-scan sonar survey in the Pechora Sea, Russian Arctic (북극 페초라해의 Side-scan Sonar 해저면 음향영상)

  • Jin, Young-Keun;Chung, Kyung-Ho;Kim, Yea-Dong;Lee, Joo-Han
    • Journal of the Korean Geophysical Society
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    • v.8 no.4
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    • pp.187-194
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    • 2005
  • As a study of Arctic marine survey project, Side-scan sonar survey was carried out in the Pechora Sea belonging to the southeaster part of Barents Sea. The study area is a shallow sea 11 m-16 m deep with recent sediments of rich organic carbon. Side-scan sonar profiles show large-scale marine plant communities 2-3 m wide covering the southeastern area. A lot of lineaments are traced on the seafloor in the central and northern area. The major trends of the lineaments are 220°and 290°(WSW-ENE and WNW-ESE). This trends is thought to be a main path of icebergs. Pockmarks on the seafloor are locally distributed in the area, which are formed by fluid and/or gas discharge. These would be related with petroleum/gas system well developed around the study area. Dut to weak appearances and limited distribution of the pockmarks, more detailed studies are necessary to examine their nature and structure.

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Measurement of Radon Concentration in the near-surface Soil Gas by CR-39 Detectors (CR-39를 사용한 제주도지역 토양중의 라돈측정)

  • Kang, D.W.;Kim, H.G.
    • Journal of Radiation Protection and Research
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.57-66
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    • 1988
  • A series of experiments is performed to measure radon concentration in the near-surface soil gas at the four locations (Cheju-Si, Seoguipo-Si, Taejeong-eup, Seongsan-eup) in Cheju Island, using CR-39 detectors placed inside radon cups. Two types of radon cups are installed in shallow holes of about 15 cm in diameter and 50cm in depth. The optimum etching conditions, i.e., the concentration of NaOH solution, etchant temperature and etching time, are found to be 625N, $70^{\circ}C$ and 5.5 hours for CR-39 detectors. A typical conversion factor of radon cup is calculated as $$1track/mm^3{\cdot}30day=0.059Bq/{\ell}$$. Average radon concentrations over 30 days measured in Cheju Island from May 1, 1987 to April 23, 1988 are $3.1{\pm}0.3Bq/{\ell}$ for open radon cups and $1.7{\pm}0.2Bq/{\ell}$ for closed radon cups.

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Estimation of Carbon Flux caused by the shell re-treatment at coastal shellfish aquaculture fields in Korea (Review) (한국 연안 양식패류 패각 재활용을 통한 탄소수지 추정 (리뷰))

  • Young Cheol Park;Jae Won Yoo;Keun-Hyung Choi;Chang-Gun Lee;Hyejeong Kim
    • Journal of Wetlands Research
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    • v.25 no.1
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    • pp.1-13
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    • 2023
  • Coastal shellfish in the shallow aquaculture waters form carbon contained shells as they grow. The existing researches showed that carbon flux can be improved, if the shells are re-treated by the carbon stored methods. In the present study, firstly, the mechanism and the quantitative flux of carbon dioxide in the shellfish individual have been analyzed. The re-treated methods of the useful by-product in the shellfish aquaculture, shells, have been reviewed. Finally, the potential effects to reduce the greenhouse gas has been suggested, if the shells can be properly re-treated.

Acoustic Characteristics of Gas-related Structures in the Upper Sedimentary Layer of the Ulleung Basin, East Sea (동해 울릉분지 퇴적층 상부에 존재하는 가스관련 퇴적구조의 음향 특성연구)

  • Park, Hyun-Tak;Yoo, Dong-Geun;Han, Hyuk-Soo;Lee, Jeong-Min;Park, Soo-Chul
    • Economic and Environmental Geology
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    • v.45 no.5
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    • pp.513-523
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    • 2012
  • The upper sedimentary layer of the Ulleung Basin in the East Sea shows stacked mass-flow deposits such as slide/slump deposits in the upper slope, debris-flow deposits in the middle and lower slope, and turbidites in the basin plain. Shallow gases or gas hydrates are also reported in many area of the Ulleung Basin, which are very important in terms of marine resources, environmental changes, and geohazard. This paper aims at studying acoustic characteristics and distribution pattern of gas-related structures such as acoustic column, enhanced reflector, dome structure, pockmark, and gas seepage in the upper sedimentary layer, by analysing high-resolution chirp profiles. Acoustic column shows a transparent pillar shape in the sedimentary layer and mainly occurs in the basin plain. Enhanced reflector is characterized by an increased amplitude and laterally extended to several tens up kilometers. Dome structure is characterized by an upward convex feature at the seabed, and mainly occurs in the lower slope. The pockmark shows a small crater-like feature and usually occurs in the middle and lower slope. Gas seepage is commonly found in the middle slope of the southern Ulleung Basin. These gas-related structures seem to be mainly caused by gas migration and escape in the sedimentary layer. The distribution pattern of the gas-related structures indicates that formation of these structures in the Ulleung Basin is controlled not only by sedimentary facies in upper sedimentary layer but also by gas-solubility changes depending on water depth. Especially, it is interpreted that the chaotic and discontinuous sedimentary structures of debris-flow deposits cause the facilitation of gas migration, whereas the continuous sedimentary layers of turbidites restrict the vertical migration of gases.

Economic Analysis of Cooling-Heating System Using Ground Source Heat in Horticultural Greenhouse (시설원예의 지열냉·난방시스템 경제성 분석)

  • Ryoo, Yeon-Su;Joo, Hye-Jin;Kim, Jin-Wook;Park, Mi-Lan
    • Journal of the Korean Solar Energy Society
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    • v.32 no.6
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    • pp.60-67
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    • 2012
  • Government Geothermal Cooling-Heating Projects has made efforts to reduce GHG(Greenhouse Gas) emissions and to manage cost of greenhouse farm households. This study evaluated the economic benefits of heating load rate of change by comparing Geothermal Cooling-Heating System with the existing system(greenhouse diesel heating) in the Government Geothermal Cooling-Heating Projects. Economic analysis results shows that, 1) When installing the Cooling-Heating system according to the ratio of 70% heating load in policy standards, the geothermal cooling-heating system has economic efficiency with greenhouse type or scale independent because the investment cost is recovered within 7 years. And It was more economic efficiency the ratio of 50% heating load than70% heating load. 2) When installing the Cooling-Heating system according to the glass greenhouse of the ratio of 90% heating load, pay period of investment cost is recovered within 5 years. Therefore it is necessary to apply flexible heating sharing according to greenhouse type or scale.