• Title/Summary/Keyword: sensory taste

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Effect of Process Rice Flour on the Sensory and Mechanical Characteristics of Backsulgi by Storage Time and Temperature (가공쌀가루 대체량을 달리한 백설기의 저장기간과 온도에 따른 관능적 및 기계적특성)

  • 오미향;김경자
    • Korean journal of food and cookery science
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    • v.19 no.1
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    • pp.34-45
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    • 2003
  • Backsulgi, the most basic type of rice cake, were prepared with the addition of process rice flour at 0%, 10%, 20%, 30%, 40% and their sensory quality and mechanical characteristics were compared. In addition, the changes in the sensory and textual characteristics of Backsulgi were determined while storing them at the temperatures of 4$^{\circ}C$ and 20$^{\circ}C$ for 0, 1, 2, and 3 days. As a result of sensory evaluation, Backsulgi with 30% process rice flour showed the highest score in overall quality, and the one with 10% process rice flour showed higher scores than controls. Backsulgi with process rice flour did not show significant differences in whiteness, graininess, sweet aroma, roasted nutty taste, sweet taste compared with the control even in the longer storage time at 4$^{\circ}C$ and 20$^{\circ}C$. In the measurement of color changes, L value (lightness) was not significantly different, but a value (redness) and b value (yellowness) were increased as the addition of process rice flour increased.

Study on the Development of Traditional Fast Food -Beandaeduk- (전통식에 입각한 한국적인 fase food의 개발정착에 관한 연구)

  • Koo, Sung-Ja;Lee, Young-Soon;Chang, Jung-Ok
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Culture
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    • v.4 no.1
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    • pp.95-102
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    • 1989
  • The objective of this study was to access the effects of sensory and physical properties of Beandaeduk on 7 different combination methods (three were combined with mung bean and different proportions of water; four were combined with mung bean and various cereals with constant water), and 3 storage periods (0, 1 and 3 weeks at $-18^{\circ}C$). This experiment was consisted of sensory evaluation I (appearance, texture, taste, flavor and overall preference), II (color, moisture, volume, hardness, elasticity, viscosity and ratio materials, off-flavor and oder) and physical analysis of each sample, and questionaire survey of Beandaeduk. In sensory evaluation I except flavor, significant differences (p<0.05) were found among different combination methods of sample. Also significant differences (p<0.05) were found in sample for storage periods, except appearance. In sensory evaluation II, only moisture and oder of samples were significantly different (p<0.05) for storage periods, and there were significant differences (p<0.05) in samples among different combination methods, except elasicity. Stepwise regression for storage periods in sensory I showed that texture and taste were important factors in overall preference of sample. In the questionaire survey, preference and adding materials of Beandaeduk were different according to province. Half of respondents preferred to get instant Beandaeduk and instant mung bean powder.

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A study of the Effect of Sensory Processing on Sleep Disturbance for Life care of Preschool Children with Developmental Disabilities (학령전기 발달장애 아동의 라이프 케어를 위한 감각처리가 수면장애에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Hee-Young
    • Journal of Korea Entertainment Industry Association
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    • v.13 no.3
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    • pp.203-211
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    • 2019
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the relations between sensory processing and sleep disturbances and to investigate the effect of sensory processing on sleep disorder in preschool children with developmental disorder. This study was conducted for 110 children with developmental disorder in developmental clinic and rehabilitation hospital in Gwang Ju from June to August, 2017. The final 109 data were analyzed. Sensory processing and Sleep disturbances were measured using the Shortened sensory profile(SSP) and Korean-the Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire(K-CSHQ). Statistical analysis was performed using descriptive analysis, Pearson correlation analysis, and multiple regression analysis were performed. Children with developmental disorder had problems with sensory processing and sleep habits. Sensory processing was related to sleep habit and most important factors of sensory processing influencing sleep was taste/olfactory sensitivity, auditory filtering. Conclusion: In order to help children with developmental disorder with sleep problem, it is necessary to consider the sensory processing especially taste/olfactory sensitivity, auditory filtering.

Volatile Sulfur Compounds, Proximate Components, Minerals, Vitamin C Content and Sensory Characteristics of the Juices of Kale and Broccoli Leaves (케일 및 브로콜리잎즙의 함황 향기성분, 일반성분, 무기질, Vitamin C 함량 및 관능적 특성)

  • 김미리;김진희;위대성;나종현;석대은
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.1201-1207
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    • 1999
  • To utilize the leaves of broccoli, the shape of which was similar with that of kale leaves, as a vegetable juice, the extracts from two types of vegetable leaves were subjected to the analyses of proximate com ponents, volatile sulfur compounds, vitamin C and minerals. The sensory evaluation of the juices, prepared from kale and broccoli leaves, were performed by duo trio test and scoring test. Among eight varieties of broccoli, four varieties('Pilgrim', 'Greenbelt', 'Salinas' and 'Shasta')were not significantly different from kale(p<0.05), based on the duo trio sensory test. Sulfur and nitrogen compounds present in the dichloromethane extracts of kale and broccoli leaves 'Pilgrim' were identified as 3 butenyl, allyl, butyl and 4 methylsulfinylbutyl isothiocyanate(sulforaphane), 4,5 epithiovalero, 4,5 epithio 3 hydroxyvalero, benzenepropane, 3 hydroxy 4 propene, 4 methylthio butane, 3 hydroxy 3 phenylpropane, 5 methy lsulfinylpentane, 4 methoxyphenyl 3 hydroxypropane nitrile and dimethyl trisulfide by GC/MSD analysis. Proximate components were observed to be relatively similar between kale and broccoli leaves. Vitamin C and sugar content were higher in broccoli leaves(125∼180mg% and 8∼12°Brix) than in kale(101mg% and 7oBrix). In mineral analysis by AA and ICP Mass, 'Pilgrim' showed a higher content of K, Fe, Mn, Zn and Se. In separate experiment, sensory scores of bitter taste and astringent taste were lower and scores of over all taste and over all acceptability, higher in broccoli('1243') juice than those in kale juice.

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Sensory Evaluation of Hutgae(Hovenia dulcis Thunb) Extract for Soy Sauce Development (헛개(Hovenia dulcis Thunb)추출물 첨가 조미간장 개발을 위한 관능적 평가)

  • Won, Sae-Bom;Oh, Kyung-Hee;Jung, Su-Young;Song, Hee-Sun
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.25 no.2
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    • pp.266-273
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    • 2012
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the sensory quality attributes for the development of soy sauce containing Hutgae(Hovenia dulcis Thunb). Aqueous extracts of Hutgae were prepared from different parts such as trunk, twig, and fruit. These extracts were used for determining the antioxidant effect by 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl(DPPH) radical scavenging activity and sensory evaluation. Hutgae twig and fruit extracts had a strong DPPH scavenging effect compared to Hutgae trunk extract. In sensory analysis, high intensities of roast smell, bitter taste, and astringent taste were observed in Hutgae twig extract, whereas those of sweet smell and sweet taste were predominated within Hutgae fruit extract. Hutgae trunk and fruit extracts obtained higher overall acceptability. Various seasoning items such as anchovy, dried-pollack, katsuobushi, shiitake, radish, and kelp were used to determine the suitable type of soy sauce containing Hutgae extracts regarding the different parts. Hutgae fruit and trunk extracts were evaluated for use as a good source of seasoned soy sauce, and the dried-pollack and radish among the seasoning items were well-matched with Hutgae extracts. From these results, soy sauce containing Hutgae trunk and fruit extracts added to dried-pollack soup may be used as a functional seasoning in order to remove hangovers.

Sensory and Physical Characteristics of Consomme Prepared with Different Ratios of Beef and Chicken (쇠고기와 닭고시의 배합비에 따른 Consomme의 관능적 및 물리적 특성)

  • Kim Young-Sik;Jang Myung-Sook
    • Journal of the East Asian Society of Dietary Life
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    • v.15 no.5
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    • pp.582-590
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    • 2005
  • The application of consomme prepared with different ratios of ground beef and ground chicken to improve taste preferences and the cost of foodstuffs was attempted by reviewing fundamental data and the effect on the sensory and physical characteristics of treatment These treatments were prepared with different ratios(9:1(A), 7:3(B), 5:5(C), 3:7(D), 1:9(E) w/w) of ground beef and ground chicken, respectively. Sensory properties were evaluated in the aspects of both acceptability and intensity. From the acceptability aspect, A treatment showed the highest scores in smell, B in mouthfeel and taste, A and B in color and overall acceptability, respectively. In terms of acceptability, B treatment was favored most for color, mouthfeel, taste and overall acceptability except smell. The more the ground chicken, the higher the intensity aspect E treatment showed higher values than A in all the intensity aspects. Moisture contents and crude proteins increased by increasing the mixed ratio of ground beef, whereas crude ash, solid matter and pH increased by increasing the mixed ratio of ground chicken. Tumidity values were the highest in E treatment, whereas the lowest in A. Tumidity values were increased significantly by increasing the mixed ratio of ground chicken. Viscosity increased by increasing the mixed ratio of ground chicken. The highest viscosity was shown in E treatment The colorimetric lightness values(L) decreased and redness(a), yellowness(b) and total color difference values(AE) increased significantly by increasing the mixed ratio of ground chicken. This experimental study showed that A and B treatment had the highest values in overall acceptability. The results of analysis in crude protein, solid matter, tumidity and viscosity were increased by increasing the mixed ratio of ground chicken. B treatment prepared with a ratio of 7:3 of ground beef and chicken had the most favorable sensory quality. These results suggested the basic information to improve acceptability and to save the costs of Consomme recipes for foodservice institutions.

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Evaluation of the physicochemical, metabolomic, and sensory characteristics of Chikso and Hanwoo beef during wet aging

  • Dongheon Lee;Hye-Jin Kim;Azfar Ismail;Sung-Su Kim;Dong-Gyun Yim;Cheorun Jo
    • Animal Bioscience
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    • v.36 no.7
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    • pp.1101-1119
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    • 2023
  • Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the physicochemical, metabolomic, and sensory qualities of Chikso and Hanwoo beef during 28 days of wet aging. Methods: Rump and loins from Hanwoo and Chikso were obtained and wet-aged for 28 days at 4℃. The samples were collected at 7-day interval (n = 3 for each period). Physicochemical qualities including pH, meat color, shear force value, and myofibrillar fragmentation index, metabolomic profiles, and sensory attributes (volatile organic compounds and relative taste intensities) were measured. Results: Chikso showed a significantly higher shear force value than Hanwoo on day 0; however, no differences between breeds were found after day 14, regardless of the cuts. Overall, Chikso had more abundant metabolites than Hanwoo, especially L-carnitine and tyrosine. Among the volatiles, the ketone ratio was higher in the Chikso rump than the Hanwoo rump; however, Chikso had fewer alcohols and aldehydes than Hanwoo. Chikso rump showed higher taste intensities than the Hanwoo rump on day 0, and sourness decreased in Chikso, but increased in the Hanwoo rump on day 14. Wet aging for 14 days intensified the taste of Chikso loin but reduced the umami intensity of Hanwoo loin. Conclusion: Chikso had different metabolomic and sensory characteristics compared to Hanwoo cattle, and 14 days of wet aging could improve its tenderness and flavor traits.

Sensory Characteristics of Noodles by Descriptive Analysis (묘사분석에 의한 면의 관능적 특성 연구)

  • Son, Eun-Shim
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.7
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    • pp.292-302
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    • 2020
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate the sensory characteristics of 11 noodles from four countries by descriptive analysis and consumer acceptance test. Noodle types were udon, pasta, kalguksu, and plain noodles. Fourteen sensory descriptors were developed to evaluate the sensory characteristics of the noodles. The sensory characteristics of the noodles were sweetness, saltiness, springiness, hardness, chewiness, milk flavor, yeasty odor, milk powder flavor, loose particles, and so on. PCA conducted to visually summarize the sensory characteristics of noodles by consumer preference test revealed that 77.1% of the variance was positively defined by sweet, springiness, cohesiveness, chewiness, and moisture and was negatively defined by hardness, color, and floury taste. Yk_udng_KR, thin_KR showed high scores for attributes of springiness and cohesiveness. Overall consumer acceptance was surveyed. Udng_KR scored the highest for attributes such as gusu. Udng_KR showed the highest springiness and high moisture, taste acceptance, and overall acceptance. Note: Please confirm this word.

Deacidification of New Wild Grape Wine (개량머루주의 감산에 관한 연구)

  • 김승겸
    • The Korean Journal of Food And Nutrition
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    • v.9 no.3
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    • pp.265-270
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    • 1996
  • When new told grape with high acidity Is used wine, their sensory scores are decreased. Using three available methods reducing excess acidify In winemaking, they were malo-lactic fermentation, addition of apple pomace and malo-alcohol fermentation. The chemical monponents and sensory evaluation of wine were determined. They were found in pink wine added apple pomace that tatal acidity and malic acid content were 0.76 and 0.484%. Color Intensity (A520+A420) in pink wanes, their valuse were in the range 8.21~9.42, while the value of red wine was 20.92. Browning index and total phenol contents in pink wine, their values were In the range of 1.36∼1.42 and 3,300∼3,800mg 11. The sensory evaluation showed that the pink wine added apple pomace(10%) was highest in taste and total scores (P<0.05), and the taste of wine has improved.

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General Components and Sensory Evaluation of Hot Water Extract from Liriopis Tuber (맥문동 열수 추출물의 일반성분과 관능평가)

  • 김순동;구연수;이인자;김일두;윤광섭
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Food Science and Nutrition
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    • v.30 no.1
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    • pp.20-24
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    • 2001
  • This study was conducted to analyze the general components and to investigate sensory evaluation of hot water extract prepared by boiling at 10$0^{\circ}C$ for 3 hr with 4-fold water. The contents of total soluble soild, non-reducing sugar, total saponin, ash and total protein were 15.95%, 6.54%, 1.735, 0.33% and 0.40%, respectively. The contents of succinic, malic and acetic acid in the extracts were 111.48 mg%, 23.67mg% and 18.36mg%, respectively. The major free amino acids and minerlas of the extract were hydroxyproline 1,290.0 $\mu\textrm{g}$%, glutamic acid 456.2$\mu\textrm{g}$% and potassium 151.35 mg%, respectively. Bitter taste in the extract was not observed, whereas sweet, sour and astringent taste were observed.

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