• Title/Summary/Keyword: self-support outcome

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A Study of Team Satisfaction and Associated Factors of Engineering College Freshmen (공대 신입생들의 팀 활동 만족감과 관련 요인에 관한 연구)

  • Yee, Soung Ryong
    • Journal of Digital Convergence
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    • v.13 no.2
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    • pp.315-324
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    • 2015
  • We investigated the student's satisfaction in team activities. The 64 engineering college freshmen were grouped into 13 teams, and a set of questionnaire was given and analyzed. The results showed that the overall team satisfaction positively affects the team performance. However, the team satisfaction is more correlated with the team member's participation and the relationship. The team satisfaction tends to increase when having an environment where the team members regard each other, which they felt more important than the outcome. The particular role of team members was not directly related to the team satisfaction, and the students prefer having self-control in team formation. By using the study results, we may support students to have a positive experience of team learning especially in convergence educational environment.

Effects of Educational Program of Manual Lymph Massage on the Arm Functioning and the Quality of Life in Breast Cancer Patients (림프마사지 교육프로그램이 유방절제술환자의 상지 기능상태와 삶의 질에 미치는 효과)

  • Lee Eun Sook;Kim Sung Hyo;Kim Sun Mi;Sun Jeong Ju
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing
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    • v.35 no.7
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    • pp.1390-1400
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    • 2005
  • Purpose: The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of EPMLM(educational program of manual lymph massage) on the arm functioning and QOL(quality of life) in breast cancer patients with lymphedema. Method: Subjects in the experimental group(n=20) participated in EPMLM for 6 weeks from June to July, 2005. The EPMLM consisted of training of lymph massage for 2 weeks and encourage and support of self-care using lymph massage for 4 weeks. The arm functioning assessed at pre-treatment, 2weeks, and 6weeks using Arm functioning questionnaire. The QOL assessed at pre-treatment and 6 weeks using SF-36. The outcome data of experimental group was compared with control group(n=20). The collected data was analyzed by using SPSS 10.0 statistical program. Result: The arm functioning of experimental group was increased from 2 weeks after(W=.224, p=.011) and statistically differenced with control group at 2 weeks(Z=-2.241, p=.024) and 6 weeks(Z=-2.453, p=.013). Physical function of QOL domain increased in experimental group(Z=-1.162, p=.050), also statistically differenced with control group(Z=-2.182, p= .030) at 6weeks. Conclusion: The results suggest that the educational program of manual lymph massage can improve arm functioning and physical function of QOL domain in breast cancer patients with lymphedema.

A Research on Inpatient Perception of Kindness on Nurse (입원환자가 지각하는 간호사의 친절에 관한 연구)

  • Kang Hyun-Sook;Kim Il-Won;Kim Won-Ock;Jang Kwang-Ja
    • Journal of Korean Academy of Fundamentals of Nursing
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    • v.3 no.2
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    • pp.259-271
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    • 1996
  • This reserch has been done in order to improve quality of nursing and medical service. In order to improve those qualities the study has been done to know inpatient perception of kindness and meaning of kindness which patients receive from nurse and also what effect inpatient have when they experience kindness from nurse. The subjects were 454 people who admitted in K Hospital. Time period was from October to December 1995. This survey has been done by personal interview with a written questionnaire. Analysis of data has been done by $X^2-test$ and percentage. The results of the research may be summarized as follows. 1. The inpatients perception of kindness on nurse were explanation(26.8%), tolerance(16.3%), warm-heartedness(12.8%), interest(9.5%), ability(8.4%), confidence(6.4%), respect(4.0%), support(2.65%). 2. In order to find out general moaning of kindness, study classified by age, sex, education, job, experience of hospitalization, inpatient ward. As a result of $X^2-test$, no special meaning of kindness was presented in inpatient perception of kindness. 3. Contents kindness which inpatient experienced were, warm-heartedness(23%), understanding(18.1%), interest(17.8%), ability(12.8%), tolerance(5.7%), confidence(2.6%), 4. Over half of subjects(59.1%) answered stability to effect on kindness of Nurse. Next are self-confidence(7.9%), respect(5.3%), confidence(4.6%), warm-heartedness(3.5%), understanding(2.6%). According to above results inpatient feels that meaning of kindness were explanation, tolerance, warm-heartedness. This meaning has no distinctive difference other than consistent meaning. Likewise, inpatient experience about contents of kindness is similar to meaning of kindness. As a result of this research, which show that kindness of nurse gives patient stability, respect and confidence, we would kindness is important for recovery of inpatient. Therefore, this research outcome could be able to help to improve quality of nursing and medical service.

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Predictive Model of the Intent of Work-Family Multiple-Role Planning among Female University Students: Integration of Social Cognitive Career Theory and Theory of Planned Behavior (여대생의 일가정 다중역할계획의도 예측모형 연구: 사회인지진로이론과 계획행동이론의 통합)

  • Kim, Jieun;Park, Mee Sok
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.58 no.4
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    • pp.539-560
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    • 2020
  • This study presents work-family multiple-role planning by female university students as a new approach to worklife balance. Accordingly, this study examines university years as a key time frame during which students establish their career paths. This study integrates the social cognitive career theory and the planned behavior theory to design and evaluate a model that explains the work-family multiple-role planning process; in addition, it develops an optimal model to predict the intentions of female university students in work-family multiple-role planning. This study has conducted a structural survey with 500 female university students. After inspecting the data, the responses of 435 participants were used in the data analysis (SEM) with SPSS 21.0 and AMOS 21.0. The findings include the following. First, suitability of predictive model presents a satisfying fit. The major factors in this study's model (parental support, subjective norms, attitudes toward multiple-role planning, career decision self-efficacy, and outcome expectations) are verified as direct and indirect predictors of the work-family multiple-role planning intent of female university students. Second, the strongest predictive factor for the work-family multiple-role planning intent is the social environment factor (subjective norms), indicating that the influence of social pressure on intent is relatively large. The predictive model formulated under this study's integrated theoretical framework supplements existing research that focused on attitudes toward multiple-role planning as well as provides a more profound theoretical foundation on which work-family multiple-role planning behaviors can be better understood.

Re-entry Experiences to Socialization of Female Ex-Offender : Based on Grounded Theory Methodology (여성출소자의 사회재진입 경험에 관한 근거이론 연구)

  • Lee, A-Reum;Kim, Mi-Hyun;Lee, Dong-Hun
    • The Journal of the Korea Contents Association
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.388-409
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    • 2017
  • This study was to explore experiences of Female Ex-offender's re-entry process to socialization. For this, 9 female ex-offenders who receive housing support by the Korea Rehabilitation Agency were interviewed and the Strauss and Corbin's ground theory is used to approach to the data. In open coding, 88 concepts, 33 subcategories, and 15categories emerged from the data. In axial coding, central phenomenon were 'indulge in self pity', 'being isolated female ex-offender'. Intervention condition was 'human cooperation system'. Strategies were 'increase the receptiveness', 'establish the foundation'. Consequences were 'finding the stability in the life', 'changing the life direction'. In selective coding, main theme was 'overcome social stigma through changing life-direction and acclimate to society', and four phases were derived from the data. Based upon this results outcome, need of female ex-offender in the process of social transition and their experience were discussed.

IoT Enabled Intelligent System for Radiation Monitoring and Warning Approach using Machine Learning

  • Muhammad Saifullah ;Imran Sarwar Bajwa;Muhammad Ibrahim;Mutyyba Asgher
    • International Journal of Computer Science & Network Security
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    • v.23 no.5
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    • pp.135-147
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    • 2023
  • Internet of things has revolutionaries every field of life due to the use of artificial intelligence within Machine Learning. It is successfully being used for the study of Radiation monitoring, prediction of Ultraviolet and Electromagnetic rays. However, there is no particular system available that can monitor and detect waves. Therefore, the present study designed in which IOT enables intelligence system based on machine learning was developed for the prediction of the radiation and their effects of human beings. Moreover, a sensor based system was installed in order to detect harmful radiation present in the environment and this system has the ability to alert the humans within the range of danger zone with a buzz, so that humans can move to a safer place. Along with this automatic sensor system; a self-created dataset was also created in which sensor values were recorded. Furthermore, in order to study the outcomes of the effect of these rays researchers used Support Vector Machine, Gaussian Naïve Bayes, Decision Trees, Extra Trees, Bagging Classifier, Random Forests, Logistic Regression and Adaptive Boosting Classifier were used. To sum up the whole discussion it is stated the results give high accuracy and prove that the proposed system is reliable and accurate for the detection and monitoring of waves. Furthermore, for the prediction of outcome, Adaptive Boosting Classifier has shown the best accuracy of 81.77% as compared with other classifiers.

Presenteeism and Traffic Accident Among Taxi Drivers: A Prospective Cohort Study in Japan

  • Makoto Okawara;Kei Tokutsu;Keiki Hirashima;Tomohiro Ishimaru;Yoshihisa Fujino
    • Safety and Health at Work
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    • v.15 no.2
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    • pp.208-212
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    • 2024
  • Background: Traffic accidents involving professional drivers have serious societal repercussions. Unique occupational stressors and health risks exacerbate the likelihood of traffic accidents among professional drivers. This study explores the association between presenteeism-impaired work performance due to working while unwell-and traffic accident risk among professional taxi drivers in Japan. Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted from June 2022 to February 2023, involving taxi drivers from a single company in Fukuoka Prefecture, Japan. Presenteeism was assessed using the Work Functioning Impairment Scale (WFun). Primary outcome involved the number of self-reported minor traffic accidents. The incidence rate ratio (IRR) of minor traffic accident occurrences was estimated using a Poisson regression analysis, adjusted for confounders including sex, age, and driving experience. Results: Of 838 targeted drivers, 435 were included in the analysis. Higher baseline work functioning impairment was associated with a significant trend of increasing IRR of minor traffic accidents (p for trend = 0.045). A dose-response relationship was seen between the degree of presenteeism and incidence rate of minor traffic accidents. Conclusion: Higher levels of presenteeism were associated with an increased risk of traffic accidents among taxi drivers. The findings underscore the need for socio-economic support and prioritized health management to mitigate traffic accident risk among professional drivers. This study highlights the importance of managing non-critical health issues alongside serious health conditions for safer driving practices among professional drivers in Japan.

A Study on Practical Curriculum Development of the Education for Love based on the Understanding of Psychoanalytic 'Desire of Subject' (정신분석학적 '욕망의 주체' 이해에 기초한 사랑의 교육 교육과정 개발)

  • Kim, Sun Ah
    • Journal of Christian Education in Korea
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    • v.68
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    • pp.77-112
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    • 2021
  • This study is based on the research of the first year, which is the National Research Foundation of Korea's R&D subject for middle-grade researchers. In this study, the practical curriculum development of the education for love - an according to the psychoanalytic perspectives of F. Dolto(1908-1988) - is suggested as follows. The first is 'the reconstruction of the directions of curriculum and its specific aims in accordance with such directions.' The reconstruction of the directions of curriculum aims at leading our future generation to live as a subject of desire through the mutual-communication of love. The second is 'the reconstruction of the tasks of curriculum and its specific contents in accordance with such tasks.' The reconstruction of the tasks of curriculum pursuit to help our future generation through the converting the education for love into the paradigm of desire of Agape to live as a subject of desire forming a whole personality and practicing the desire of Agape in daily life. as a source of desire. According to these aims, the reconstruction of directions of curriculum are presented as following: firstly, 'curriculum for the mutual-communication between subjects of love' and secondly, 'curriculum for the subject of desire'. The reconstruction of tasks of curriculum are like these: firstly, 'converting the education for love into the paradigm of desire of Agape', and secondly, 'forming a whole personality through the education for love'. Thus, with respect to two specific aims in accordance with the reconstruction of directions are suggested like these: Firstly, 'constructing a subject as a speaking existence' and secondly, 'realizing the subject as the autonomous source of desire'. In the two specific contents in accordance with the reconstruction of tasks are presented as following: Firstly, 'realizing the truth of the desire of Agape'.' Secondly, 'practicing the desire of Agape in daily life.' The third is 'the reconstruction of curriculum by life cycle' are suggested. They include the fetal life, infants and preschool children life, and childhood life. In further study, it is required to contain adolescent period. It will be useful to help them to recover their self-esteem with the experience of true love, especially, out-of-school young generation overcome negative perspectives and prejudice in the society, and challenges to their dreams and future through proper utilization of the study outcome. The outcome of this study, which presented practical curriculum development of the education for love based on the understanding of psychoanalytic 'desire of subject' can be used as basic teaching materials for our future generations. Furthermore, the results can be used as a resource for educating ministers and lay leaders in the religious world to build capabilities to heal their inner side as well as the society that is tainted with various forms of conflict. These include general conflicts, anger, pleasure and addiction, depression and suicide, violence and murder, etc. The study outcome can contribute to the prevention of antisocial incidents against humanity that have recently been occurring in our free-semester system implemented in all middle schools across the country to be operated effectively. For example, it is possible to provide the study results as lecture and teaching materials for 'character camp' (self-examination and self-esteem improvement training) and 'family healing camp' (solution of a communication gap between family members and love communication training), which help students participate in field trip activities and career exploration activities voluntarily, independently, and creatively. Ultimately, it can visibly present the convergent research performance by providing the study outcome as preliminary data for the development of lecture videos and materials including infant care and preschool education, parental education, family consultation education, and holistic healing education. Support from the religious world, including the central government and local governments, are urgently required in order for such educational possibilities to be fulfilled both in the society and the fields of church education and to be actively linked to follow-up studies.

Application of the Evaluation Tool for the Performance Outcomes in Fundamental Nursing Practicum: A Case Study Focused on Evaluating of Communication Ability (기본간호학실습에서 학습성과 평가도구의 적용 사례: 의사소통능력 평가를 중심으로)

  • Kim, Haejin;Cheon, Eui Young;Kim, Eun Kyung
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.173-180
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    • 2020
  • This is the report of a case study to describe the results of applying an evaluation tool for communication ability when performing core basic nursing skills in fundamental nursing practice education. The communication ability evaluation tool was constructed based on a literature review and expert advice. The tool was applied to test 94 students who were taking fundamental nursing practice courses from October to November 2019. As a result, five factors (self-introduction, eye contact, emotional support, information provision, and therapeutic touch) were derived as evaluable items of communication ability to be evaluated when performing core basic nursing skill, and were evaluated when performing core basic nursing skills to measure vital signs. The average communication ability was 3.96 out of 5 points. According to the rubric, 95.8% of all students attained 'medium' and reached their goal achievement level. The findings of this study are meaningful in providing an important basis for improving the performance outcome evaluation process and for constructing a systematic evaluation system in fundamental nursing practicum. Further studies to secure the validity and reliability of this communication ability evaluation tool and comparative studies with various evaluation tools are suggested.

Masseurs' Job Satisfaction of Persons with Visual Impairments in South Korea -Test of Integrative Work Satisfaction Model in Social Cognitive Career Theory- (우리나라 시각장애인 안마사들의 직업만족도에 대한 연구 -사회인지진로발달이론의 통합직업만족모델을 중심으로-)

  • Kim, Ki Hyun
    • 재활복지
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    • v.20 no.4
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    • pp.1-29
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    • 2016
  • The research regarding employees' job satisfaction is one of the most important indicators of their vocational adjustment or outcome. The purpose of this study is to investigate the level of job satisfaction of South Korean masseurs with visual impairments and what variables predict to this. The work satisfaction model of Social Cognitive Career Theory (Lent Brown, 2006a) was grounded. a total of 221 South Korean masseurs with visual impairments participated in this study. Multiple regression analysis indicated that as masseurs in this study experienced having a better fit with their job regarding their monetary aspects, as they felt efficacious with their massage skills, as they felt more positive, and as they considered their job duties fit their education or skills they learned, their level of job satisfaction was higher. However, fit with their organization values or cultures or how much they get social support from their family, friends, or significant others did not predict their job satisfaction. In addition, the analysis supported the existence of a moderating effect of positive affect on the relationship between subjective fit and job satisfaction, in addition to the moderating effect of social support on the relationship between work related self-efficacy and job satisfaction among study participants. Implications for policy makers, researchers, and career counselors were also provided.