• 제목/요약/키워드: seed mixture

검색결과 251건 처리시간 0.029초

Performance of Weaner Lambs on Conventional Feeds or Supplemented with Mango Seed Kernel (Mangifera indica) and Babul Pods Chuni (Acacia nilotica) under Intensive Production System

  • Saiyed, L.H.;Parnerkar, S.;Wadhwani, K.N.;Pandya, P.R.;Patel, A.M.
    • Asian-Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences
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    • 제16권10호
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    • pp.1469-1474
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    • 2003
  • Twenty four weaner lambs, eight each of Marwari, Patanwadi and Merino${\times}$Patanwadi breeds (9.9 to 10.8 kg) were randomly divided into two dietary treatments on body weight basis Viz. $T_1$-conventional (Maize-38%, GN Cake-25%, Rice Polish-24%, Jaggery solution-10%, Mineral mixture-3%) and $T_2$-supplemented non conventional group (GN Cake-25%, Rice Polish-14%, Mango seed kernel-25%, Babul Pods chuni-23%, Jaggery solution-10%, Mineral mixture-3%). The Jaggery solution was prepared by mixing 6.5 kg Jaggery and 3.5 kg water. The average final body weight at the end of the experiment was recorded to be $19.33{\pm}0.76$ and $19.72{\pm}0.8kg$ in conventional and non-conventional groups, respectively. The total dry matter intake (DMI) during the entire experiment period was recorded to be $89.56{\pm}5.19$ and $95.08{\pm}1.06$ (kg/head) and $532.83{\pm}9.94$ and $566.75{\pm}10.49g/d$ in conventional and nonconventional groups, respectively. The body weight gain and body measurements did not influenced by diet. The ration effect was found to be significant when the DMI was expressed in terms of g/d. The crude protein (CP) and digestible crude protein (DCP) intake/head and per kg gain observed during experiment under conventional and non-conventional treatment group did not differ from each other. However, the total digestible nutrients (TDN) intake per kg gain was significantly (p<0.05) higher in supplemented non-conventional group. The intake values of DCP and TDN were more or less in agreement with Indian Council Agricultural Research (1985) recommendations. The estimated total feed cost (Rs./animal) for experimental lambs was $274.16{\pm}8.57$ and $242.67{\pm}5.10$ in conventional and non- group, respectively. The non-conventional group had significantly (p<0.05) lower feed cost (11.6%). The return as percent of feed cost and feed cost/kg dressed weight were $92.89{\pm}5.58$ (%) and Rs. $35.40{\pm}1.11$ and $122.61{\pm}5.06$ (%) and Rs.$30.47{\pm}1.71$ in conventional and non-conventional group (p<0.05), respectively which is the reflection of significantly lower total feed cost incurred during feeding in non-conventional group. Lambs fed non-conventional based diet had similar live weights as those fed conventional diets but costed less money to achieve those weights.

Streptomyces sp. A75와 A501 균주의 인삼 잘록병에 대한 방제효과 (Control of Ginseng Damping-off by Streptomyces sp. A75 and A501)

  • 이상엽;송재경;윤봉식;박경훈;김정준;한지희
    • 한국균학회지
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    • 제44권4호
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    • pp.330-337
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    • 2016
  • Streptomyces sp. A75와 A501 균주는 인삼 잘록병을 일으키는 R. solani와 Pythium sp.의 균사 생장을 억제하였다. 인삼 잘록병 R. solani에 대하여 Streptomyces sp. A75와 A501 균주의 배양액을 혼합한 50배 희석액에 종자 침지처리, 100배 희석액의 관주처리와 종자 침지처리(50배) + 관주처리(100배)는 81.3%, 84.8%와 32.2%의 방제 효과를 각각 나타내었다. 인삼 잘록병 Pythium sp.에 대하여 Streptomyces sp. A75와 A501 균주의 배양액을 혼합한 50배 희석액에 종자 침지처리, 100배 희석액의 관주처리와 종자 침지처리(50배) + 관주처리(100배)는 51.0%, 52.1%, 75.3%의 방제효과를 각각 나타내었다. 이들 결과에서 Streptomyces sp. A75와 A501 균주의 배양한 혼합액으로 종자 침지한 후 관주처리가 인삼 잘록병 발생을 효과적으로 감소시켰다.

난황유를 이용한 가지과 작물의 흰가루병 방제 (Control of Powdery Mildew on Solanaceous Crops by Using COY (Cooking Oil and Yolk Mixture) in the Greenhouse)

  • 권진혁;심창기;지형진;박창석
    • 식물병연구
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    • 제15권1호
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    • pp.23-29
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    • 2009
  • 2005년부터 2007년까지 3년 동안 경상남도농업기술원 시설하우스와 유리온실에 재배중인 가지, 파프리카, 토마토에 발생하는 흰가루병을 방제하기 위하여 친환경 농자재인 난황유를 살포한 것과 난황유에 칼슘과 님오일을 혼합한 제제를 살포한 후 병 방제효과와 식물체 상에서 병원균의 형태적 변화를 관찰하였다. 채종유로 만든 난황유를 5일 간격으로 3회 지상부에 골고루 살포하고 최종약제 살포 후 5일째 병 진전을 조사한 경우 가지 흰가루병이 94.6% 방제가 되었고, 파프리카 흰가루병은 난황유만을 살포한 경우에는 91.6%의 방제가를 나타내었으며, 난황유에 칼슘과 님오일을 혼합하여 살포할 경우 96.2%의 더 높은 방제가를 나타내었다. 시설하우스내 토마토(방울, 완숙) 철가루병 방제를 위해 채종유로 만든 난황유를 살포할 경우 91.1$\sim$91.7% 정도 방제 되었으며, 난황유와 칼슘과 님오일을 혼합하여 살포할 경우 100% 방제가 되었다. 난황유를 처리하지 않은 식물체 표면에서는 건강하고 왕성한 균사, 분생포자경, 분생포자들을 전자현미경으로 관찰할 수 있었으나, 난황유를 처리한 이후에 관찰된 흰가루병균은 기주식물과 병원균의 종류에 관계없이 모두 세포벽이 파괴되어 원형질이 빠져나가 균사가 모두 쭈그러들었으며 분생포자가 생성되지 않았다.

Arabidopsis thaliana as Bioindicator of Fungal VOCs in Indoor Air

  • Lee, Samantha;Hung, Richard;Yin, Guohua;Klich, Maren A.;Grimm, Casey;Bennett, Joan W.
    • Mycobiology
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    • 제44권3호
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    • pp.162-170
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    • 2016
  • In this paper, we demonstrate the ability of Arabidopsis thaliana to detect different mixtures of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) emitted by the common indoor fungus, Aspergillus versicolor, and demonstrate the potential usage of the plant as a bioindicator to monitor fungal VOCs in indoor air. We evaluated the volatile production of Aspergillus versicolor strains SRRC 108 (NRRL 3449) and SRRC 2559 (ATCC 32662) grown on nutrient rich fungal medium, and grown under conditions to mimic the substrate encountered in the built environment where fungi would typically grow indoors (moist wallboard and ceiling tiles). Using headspace solid phase microextraction/gas chromatography-mass spectrometry, we analyzed VOC profiles of the two strains. The most abundant compound produced by both strains on all three media was 1-octen-3-ol. Strain SRRC 2559 made several terpenes not detected from strain SRRC 108. Using a split-plate bioassay, we grew Arabidopsis thaliana in a shared atmosphere with VOCs from the two strains of Aspergillus versicolor grown on yeast extract sucrose medium. The VOCs emitted by SRRC 2559 had an adverse impact on seed germination and plant growth. Chemical standards of individual VOCs from the Aspergillus versicolor mixture (2-methyl-1-butanol, 3-methyl-1-butanol, 1-octen-3-ol, limonene, and ${\beta}-farnesene$), and ${\beta}-caryophyllene$ were tested one by one in seed germination and vegetative plant growth assays. The most inhibitory compound to both seed germination and plant growth was 1-octen-3-ol. Our data suggest that Arabidopsis is a useful model for monitoring indoor air quality as it is sensitive to naturally emitted fungal volatile mixtures as well as to chemical standards of individual compounds, and it exhibits relatively quick concentration- and duration-dependent responses.

비결합형 터널접합구조에서 Cr 하지층에 따른 전자기적 특성변화 (The Electromagnetic Properties in Uncoupled funnel-junction with Various Cr Seed Layer)

  • 박진우;전동민;윤성용;이종윤;서수정
    • 한국자기학회지
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    • 제13권3호
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    • pp.91-96
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    • 2003
  • 본 연구에서는 DC 마그네트론 스퍼터를 사용하여 Cr/Co/Al-Ox/Co/Ni-Fe 다층박막에 다양한 두께의 Cr 하지층을 삽입함에 따른 자기적 특성 및 전기적 특성에 관하여 연구하였다. 3 nm 두께의 Cr 하지층 증착시 자기저항비의 변화는 관찰할 수 없었고 적정한 Cr두께가 증가함에 따라 Co의 보자력이 크게 증가되었다 또한, 산화시간이 길수록 두 강자성층간에 보자력 차이 및 절연층의 저항이 점차 증가하였는데, 이는 산화시간에 따라 상부층 계면의 평탄성의 증가에 기인하는 것으로 생각되며 TEM을 통하여 확인할 수 있었다. Cr 하지층 유무에 관계없이 최고 자기저항비가 나타나는 절연층의 산화시간은 60~70초로 비슷하였지만 Cr 두께가 증가할수록 자기저항비는 감소하였다. 이는 전극간 계면의 거칠기의 증가로 인해 미반응 Al의 잔존 확률이 상대적으로 커짐에 따라 터널 전자의 산란이 증가함으로써 나타나는 것으로 생각된다. 이러한 결과로 Cr하지층의 두께는 3 nm로 고정하였으며 하지층의 증착 및 적정산화를 통하여 두 강자성층간에 큰 보자력 차이를 유도할 수 있었다. 이는 재현성에 있어서 가장 큰 문제점을 지닌 TMR 소자에 매우 긍정적인 해결방안을 제시할 수 있게 된다.̄

Ginseng seed oil ameliorates hepatic lipid accumulation in vitro and in vivo

  • Kim, Go Woon;Jo, Hee Kyung;Chung, Sung Hyun
    • Journal of Ginseng Research
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    • 제42권4호
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    • pp.419-428
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    • 2018
  • Background: Despite the large number of studies on ginseng, pharmacological activities of ginseng seed oil (GSO) have not been established. GSO is rich in unsaturated fatty acids, mostly oleic and linoleic acids. Unsaturated fatty acids are known to exert a therapeutic effect in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD). In this study, we investigated the protective effect and underlying mechanisms of GSO against NAFLD using in vitro and in vivo models. Methods: In vitro lipid accumulation was induced by free fatty acid mixture in HepG2 cells and by 3 wk of high fat diet (HFD)-feeding in Sprague-Dawley rats prior to hepatocyte isolation. The effects of GSO against diet-induced hepatic steatosis were further examined in C57BL/6J mice fed a HFD for 12 wk. Results: Oil Red O staining and intracellular triglyceride levels showed marked accumulation of lipid droplets in both HepG2 cells and rat hepatocytes, and these were attenuated by GSO treatment. In HFD-fed mice, GSO improved HFD-induced dyslipidemia and hepatic insulin resistance. Increased hepatic lipid contents were observed in HFD-fed mice and it was lowered in GSO (500 mg/kg)-treated mice by 26.4% which was evident in histological analysis. Pathway analysis of hepatic global gene expression indicated that GSO increased the expression of genes associated with ${\beta}$-oxidation (Ppara, Ppargc1a, Sirt1, and Cpt1a) and decreased the expression of lipogenic genes (Srebf1 and Mlxipl), and these were confirmed with reverse transcription and quantitative polymerase-chain reaction. Conclusion: These findings suggest that GSO has a beneficial effect on NAFLD through the suppression of lipogenesis and stimulation of fatty acid degradation pathway.

실내 도시농업에서 혼합파종 비율에 따른 어린잎채소의 생육 및 배지 양분 변화 (Changes in Growth of Microgreens and Substrate Nutrients by Seed Mixture Rate in Indoor Agriculture)

  • 주진희;박선영;송희연;윤용한
    • 한국환경과학회지
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    • 제31권7호
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    • pp.569-577
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    • 2022
  • This study aimed to evaluate the growth of Cichorium intybus, Brassica juncea, and Lactuca sativa at varying seed ratios, and to suggest an efficient management plan for sustainable indoor agriculture systems. It was treated with mixed sowing as follows: 30 chicory seeds (chicory alone: CC), 22 chicory seeds + 8 lettuce seeds (C3L1), 20 chicory seeds + 10 lettuce seeds (C2L1), 15 chicory seeds + 15 lettuce seeds (C1L1) as intraspecies, and 30 mustard seeds (mustard alone: MC), 22 mustard seeds + 8 lettuce seeds (M3L1), 20 mustard seeds + 10 lettuce seeds (M2L1), 15 mustard seeds + 15 lettuce seeds (M1L1) as interspecies. The study identified the competitive response in seed germination between Cichorium intybus and Lactuca sativa, and in the C3L1 experimental group, Lactuca sativa had the highest leaf length, root length, chlorophyll content, and fresh weight. Therefore, the higher the ratio of Cichorium intybus, the higher the growth and productivity of Lactuca sativa; however, higher the ratio of Lactuca sativa, the lower the growth of Cichorium intybus. Furthermore, the nitrogen and potassium content in the substrate was the highest in the C3L1 experimental grorp which had the highest seeding rate of the Cichorium intybus. Comparing the groups Brassica juncea and Lactuca sativa, the higher the seeding ratio of Lactuca sativa, the higher the growth and productivity of Brassica juncea. Therefore, a companion seeding of Brassica juncea and Lactuca sativa is beneficial; this could be effective in having a high seeding ratio of Lactuca sativa.

훼손 비탈면의 생태복원녹화를 위한 종자배합량의 계절별 가중치에 관한 연구 (Seasonal Weight in Seeding Mixture for the Restoration and Revegetation of the Disturbed Slopes)

  • 허영진;안태영
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제9권1호
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    • pp.41-54
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    • 2006
  • In case of leaving artificial slopes resulting from large-scale constructions, there may be secondary damage caused by soil loss due to erosion and collapse. Furthermore, slope-restoring constructions have a few problems such as monotonous landscape and difficult succession of secondary vegetation due to reckless use of exotic grass, despite attaining the initial purpose of revegetation. To settle this problem, selected plants deemed to be proper for revegetation were used on one of thin vegetation base methods, CODRA SYSTEM, and made seeding mixture experimental plots considering germination rates differing in each season. Native herbs, native shrubs and exotic herbs contents were increased by 30% and 50% respectively, centered on seeding quantity(30g/$m^2$) used as design standard in the seed spray method, in order to figure out proper quantity for revegetation in each season.

"제민요술"에 수록된 식품조리가공법 연구보고(6) -병.종.열.자명.예.로- (A study on the cooking and processing methods presented in CHE MIN YO SUL)

  • 윤서석;윤숙경;조후종;이효지;안명수;안숙자;서혜경;윤덕인;임희수
    • 한국식품조리과학회지
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    • 제7권1호
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    • pp.81-85
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    • 1991
  • This study was carried out to understand and analyze the cooking and processing methods presented in CHE MIN YO SUL (chapter 82~86). The result from the study are as follows; 1. Byung was made from dough of wheat flour, glutinous rice flour, small green peas flour an rice of millet etc. by steaming, roasting, deep fat frying or sauted, or it had eaten Byung which was made from egg or seagull's egg without cereal was simillar to Korea's fried egg cake. 2. Jong and Youl were steamed product made from mixture of millet and rice which were wrapped with leaf of Julpool or bamboo's leaf. It's shape was simillar to Korea's Song-Pyun but different from materials and cooking method. 3. Jamyong's cooking method was boild the mixture of white rice soup, Myong-Jup, and salt. and then pour the rised Bal. 4. Ye and Lo were boiling product made from new oat and appricot seed flour. It was simillar to sweet drink made from rice, and put them in the jar for storage.

  • PDF

백두대간에 인접한 석회석 광산의 식생복구 연구(1) - 종자파종에 의한 옥계 광산복구 시험시공 - (A Study of Rehabilitation for Limestone Quarry Near Baekdu Daegan Mountain System(1) -In Case Study for Hydroseeding Experiment on Okke Quarry-)

  • 김경훈;주백;김학성
    • 한국환경복원기술학회지
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    • 제14권4호
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    • pp.55-66
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    • 2011
  • The objective of this study was to investigate the possibility of seeding methods for quarry rehabilitation. To achieve the objective, the experiment was designed for rehabilitation of quarry with seed mixing types (woody type and herbaceous type) and forest topsoil. Seeds and seeding materials were applied to the quarry slope using hydroseeding measures. The study was conducted in limestone quarry (Lafarge Halla Cement Inc.) near Baekdu Daegan Mountain System at Okke, Kanwon-do. The experimental seedbed was set in 2007 and field investigation was carried out from 2007 to 2010. As the result of experiment, it was found that the early-phase pattern for surveyed species to establish was affected by the soil mixture types. The mixture type of herbaceous seeds resulted in the higher plant coverage than the woody seeds. The application of forest topsoil showed a potential increase the plant diversity, but it was affected by mixing seeds. Naturally-emerged species as Alnus hirsuta, Quercus mongolica will be useful for rehabilitation at the quarry and damaged slopes.