• Title/Summary/Keyword: secondary students

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A Study of the Kinds and Frequency Characteristics of Descriptors in the Articles Related to Scientific Literacy (과학적 소양 관련 논문에서 서술자의 종류와 빈도 특성 연구)

  • Lee, Myeong-Je
    • Journal of Korean Elementary Science Education
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    • v.29 no.4
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    • pp.401-413
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    • 2010
  • This study analyzed the kinds and frequencies of descriptors in 154 articles in ERIC data base on the 4th day of January in 2010. The titles of the articles includes the words, 'scientific literacy'. As each descriptor is constituted of two words and over, in this study the first word in the descriptor was defined as 'restrictive word' and the rest word(s) as 'target word(s)'. The results are as follows. First, the descriptors which show high frequencies of target words are the traditionally important themes of scientific literacy education. Target words which show relatively high frequency are 'education', 'literacy', 'instruction' and 'countries'. Low frequency word is 'curriculum', which has various restrictive words and represents wide differentiation. Second, among the descriptors which show low frequencies of target words, relatively high frequency descriptors are '(and)society', 'change', 'secondary education', 'concepts', and 'biology', which have been given more attention in scientific literacy research than the rest descriptors. Third, the number of the descriptors that shows largely distributed pattern A, which happens over 15 years continuously, is over the half of all analyzed descriptors, which shows that they have been the major objectives in researches about scientific literacy. Most descriptors of pattern A shows normal distribution of frequency or the trends of increasing frequency as the time is nearer. Fourth, The descriptors are divided into four groups according to the time span. Each research trends are as follows. In later 80s, the research which emphasizes the importance of the sociality and technology in all level school science curriculum. In later 90s the research for educational change of inquiry-centered science curriculum which considers technological literacy in social contexts. In earlier 2000s the research that scientists and science teachers develop science curricula mostly related to scientific principles and thinking in chemistry and biology especially. In later 2000s case studies which relates teaching methods and science process activities to students' attitudes, scientific concepts and curricula.

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On Science Textbooks and Related Teaching Learning Materials (과학교과서와 그에 관련된 교수 학습자료의 활용 실태 조사)

  • Kwon, Chi-Soon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.5 no.2
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    • pp.81-88
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    • 1985
  • The purpose of the study was to establish a new view of textbook which may contribute to the abolishment of the instruction mainly based on the only textbook and to the promotion of creativities of students. We first reviewed science textbooks and related teaching-learning materials of foreign countries with emphasis on the relationship among textbook and teaching-learning materials and practical use of them. In western countries the roles of traditional textbook has been changed. That is, various kinds of materials such as reading book, work-book, worksheet, experimental guidebook, filmstrips are used to raise effect of instruction besides of traditional type of textbook. Secondary, we identified the problems related to the science textbook-view of textbook, textbook contents, practical use of textbook-through opinion survey administered to principals akd teachers of elementary schools. The results of the survey are as follows; Concerning the view of textbook, most teachers did not recognize textbook as an absolute materials. They thought that textbook contents could be taught reorganized according to their judgements. On the contrary, teachers responded to the question of whether or not they follow contents of textbook as they are presented in it were approximately 30%. Further, more than 75% of them have seldom used instructional materials except textbooks. In order to revise the problems of our present textbook as stated above, a new view of textbook should be established. We, above all, established 4 basic premises for searching a new view of textbook. 1) Textbook should not be considered as the only material but as being at the center of various teaching -learning materials. 2) The importance of textbook should be illustrated Among Curriculum, textbook and related teaching-learning materials, instruction and evaluation. 3. Textbook contents should not be regarded as definitely fixed or absolute ones. 4. Human being can understand environment more fully by commanding his swnsory organ multilaterally. Under these premises we disscussed about curriculum and textbook, textbook, and instruction, akd evaluation method.

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Development of a Convergent Teaching-Learning Materials based on Logic Gates using Water-flow for the Secondary Informatics Gifted Students (물의 흐름을 이용한 논리 게이트 기반 융합형 중등 정보과학 영재 교수·학습 자료 개발)

  • Lee, Hyung-Bong;Kwon, Ki-Hyeon
    • Journal of the Korea Society of Computer and Information
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    • v.19 no.12
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    • pp.369-384
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    • 2014
  • Since the start of gifted education in 2002, educational support system has now been established, and sufficient growth in quantitative aspects has been achieved in Korea. On the other hand, they report that there are insufficient points in terms of education quality. In other words, most of the gifted education simply expands knowledge by prior-learning. In order to improve the quality of gifted education, they should enhance critical-thinking and creativity able to apply interdisciplinary principles or phenomena for solving problems. In this study, we designed and developed a convergent teaching-learning materials based on the concept of integrated education, which explore the process that basic logic operations such as AND, OR, XOR do the role of computer cells. A survey result showed that student satisfaction(usefulness, understanding, interest) of the materials is significantly higher than that of other traditional learning topics, and the design intent was met.

Science Teachers' Perception of the Refractive Index of Media (굴절률에 대한 과학교사들의 인식)

  • Park, Sang-Tae;Yeom, Jun-Hyeok;Yoon, Yeo-Won;Seok, Hyojun
    • Korean Journal of Optics and Photonics
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    • v.28 no.6
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    • pp.334-338
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    • 2017
  • This research aims at investigating science teachers' perception of the refractive index of materials, and thus achieving proper information transmission and teaching of refractive index. Specifically, we have made questionnaires on what physical factors influence the refractive index of a liquid easily available in secondary schools. It was found that 80.0% of science teachers perceived that the density has the greatest influence on the refractive index, among a variety of factors such as molecular structure, the number of molecules per unit volume, mass of each molecule, and the wavelength of light, to mention just a few. This may be due to the fact that current textbooks deal with the refraction of light based on analogy to a mechanical wave. Such a misunderstanding may lead to confusion and misunderstanding for students.

A Study on the Model of School Digital Library Based Differentiated School′s Sizes (학교도서관 디지털자료실의 규모별 모형에 관한 연구)

  • Lee, Byeong-Ki
    • Journal of the Korean Society for Library and Information Science
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    • v.36 no.4
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    • pp.49-67
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    • 2002
  • School libraries are one of the essential parts for high quality education. The Seventh Educational Cumiculum emphasizes the development of creative and autonomous students who can solve problems in a self-directed way. The Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development come into forcing the installation of school digital library since 2001. Also, the Ministry of Education and Human Resources Development has presented the Master Plan of School's Activation in July 2002. In this situation, the research and discussion on effective model of school digital library are very important. Thus, This study aims to design a model of school digital library differentiated School's sizes depending on primary and secondary school's current status. This study is proposed 4 facility model of school digital library based differentiated school's sizes and designed A-type, B-Type model on individual model.

The Effect of Genu Valgum on the Body Mass Index, Moment of Lower Limb Joints, Ground Reaction Force (신체질량지수, 하지관절의 모멘트, 지면반발력이 무릎외반슬에 미치는 영향)

  • Lee, Yong-Seon
    • Korean Journal of Applied Biomechanics
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    • v.25 no.3
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    • pp.257-263
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    • 2015
  • Objective : The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of genu valgum on the body mass index, movement of lower limb joints, and ground reaction force. Methods : Gait patterns of 30 college students with genu valgum were analyzed and the static Q angle of the femur was measured for selecting genu valgum of the subjects. To analyze the kinetic changes during walking, the six-camera Vicon MX motion analysis system was used. The subjects were asked to walk 12 meters using the more comfortable walking method for walking. After they walked 12 meters more than 10 times, their most natural walking patterns were chosen three times and analyzed. Results : As a result of measuring a relationship between genu valgum and Q-angle, as the Q-angle increases, it showed a genu valgum also increased. Body Mass Index showed a significant difference between the groups was higher in the genu valgum group.(p<.001). The analysis result showed that genu valgum had a significant effect on the internal rotation moment in the hip joint(p<.05). Also, genu valgum had a significant effect on the internal rotation moment of the knee joint(p<.05). The comparative analysis of the Medial-Lateral ground reaction force in the genu valgum group showed a tendency to increase the medial ground reaction force(p<.05). The vertical ground reaction forces of the middle of the stance phase(Fz0) showed a significant increase in genu valgum group(p<.05), in particular the results showed a decrease in the early stance phase(p<.001). Conclusion : In conclusion, the change in body mass is considered to be made by proactive regular exercise for improvement of the genu valgum. In addition, the prevention of the deformation caused by secondary of the genu valgum in this study may be used as an indicator of the position alignment rehabilitation for structural and functional improvements. Applying a therapeutic exercise program for the next lap will require changes in posture alignment.

A Curriculum Development on the Robot Literacy Related with A mathematics and Science Curriculum For Elementary and Secondary School Students (초.중등 학생의 로봇교육을 위한 수학.과학과 교육과정 연계 로봇 소양 교육과정 개발)

  • Shin, Seung-Young;Cho, Hye-Kyung;Kim, Mi-Ryang
    • The Journal of Korean Association of Computer Education
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    • v.16 no.6
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    • pp.55-70
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    • 2013
  • This study tried to redesign a robot curriculum and proposed it for the purpose of enhancing, supporting sustainable development of robot in educations. For doing so, this study referred relevant existing literacy contents at robot literacy educations, and defined a robot literacy education. In addition, this study presented elements of robot literacy by dividing them into five kinds. In relation with the scope of robot literacy education suggested here, this study proposed basic robot area, measurement and observation along with robots based on three elements of robotics, movement and expression made by robots, my own robot design, and comprehensive activity area. Regarding to development stages of robot literacy, the study applied the classical model of curriculum development by Tyler (1949), and intended to secure validity and reliability on the curriculum composition, and then developed a curriculum after analyzing mathematics and science curriculums in existing elementary, middle schools accordingly.

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Development of a Teaching-Learning Model for Science Ethics Education with History of Science (과학사 활용 과학 윤리 수업 모형 개발)

  • Shin, Dong-Hee;Shin, Ha-Yoon
    • Journal of The Korean Association For Science Education
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    • v.32 no.2
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    • pp.346-371
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    • 2012
  • The purpose of this study is to investigate the possibilities of science ethics education with history of science (HOS) and to develop its teaching and learning model for secondary school students. A total of 72 cases about science ethics were extracted from 20 or more HOS books, journal articles, and newspaper articles. These cases were categorized into 8 areas, such as forgery, fabrication, violation of bioethics in testing, plagiarism and stealth, unfair allocation of credit, over slander, conjunction with ideologies, and social responsibility problems. The results of this study are as follows. First, research forgery, occurring in the process of the research, was the most frequent in HOS. Second, we developed eight teaching lesson plans for each area. Third, we proposed a teaching and learning model based on the developed lesson plans as well as related teaching and learning models in the fields of science ethics education, ethics education, and history education. Our model has five steps, 'investigating-suggesting casesclarifying problems-finding alternatives-summarizing'.

The Role of Secondary Home Economics Education to Prepare the Elderly for an Independent Life in an Aged Society (고령 사회에서 자립적인 노후생활 준비교육을 위한 중등 가정교육의 역할)

  • Cho, Byung Eun;Lee, Jong Hui
    • Human Ecology Research
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    • v.51 no.6
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    • pp.591-602
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    • 2013
  • This paper aims to explore the role of the home economics subject in helping high school students preparing for an independent aged life and to develop problem based teaching plans toward this goal. Contents related to the elderly in the high school home economics and technology 2007 and 2009 revised curricula were analyzed, and elderly-related contents in other subject areas (the 2009 revised curricula of ethics, public health, and social studies) were also comparatively analyzed to determine the identity of the home economics subject in relation to preparation for independent aging. Based on these analysis, five subjects and teaching plans were presented: the aging society and population changes, the characteristics of the elderly, individual preparation for aging, care of the elderly, and welfare services for the elderly. The ultimate objectives of the lessons were, through critical reasoning, to inquire into the causes of current problems the elderly face so that teenagers can understand aging societies and the elderly and to seek reasonable alternatives for teenagers as they prepare for successful and independent aging, increasing their problem-solving abilities in choosing the best course of action by considering the ripple effect of consequences of each of those alternatives. Suggestions on what direction elderly-related education should take in the future, and what roles teachers should take are also provided.

Teachers' Perceptions on Process-Focused Mathematics Assessment Using Manipulatives and Technological Devices (교구 및 공학도구를 활용한 수학적 과정중심 평가에 관한 교사들의 인식)

  • Choi-Koh, Sang Sook;Park, Mangoo;Han, Hyesook
    • Journal of the Korean School Mathematics Society
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    • v.16 no.4
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    • pp.675-694
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    • 2013
  • The purposes of this study were to investigate teachers' perceptions on process-focused mathematics assessment using manipulatives and technological devices and to propose the direction of the process-focused mathematics assessment. This study was conducted by the survey method with a total of 332 elementary and secondary school mathematics teachers working in Seoul or Gyeonggi areas who had experienced in using manipulatives and technological devices. According to the results, the use of manipulatives and technological devices in the process-focused mathematics assessment will facilitate the use of various alternative assessment methods such as research-report, project, and discussion for the process-focused mathematics assessment. Those alternative assessment methods enable teachers to diagnose students' learning in more accurate and holistic views and contribute to improving teachers' teaching practices focused on the mathematical process.

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