• Title/Summary/Keyword: scientific examination

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Clinical and Pathological Characteristics of Intraocular Cysticercosis

  • Li, Juan-Juan;Zhang, Li-Wei;Li, Hua;Hu, Zhu-Lin
    • Parasites, Hosts and Diseases
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    • v.51 no.2
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    • pp.223-229
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    • 2013
  • This study aimed to explore the clinical, radiological, and pathological characteristics of intraocular cysticercosis due to Taenia solium metacestode infection. Total 8 patients diagnosed with intraocular cysticercosis at the Red Cross Hospital of Yunnan Province, China were examined retrospectively. Patients with clear dioptic media had undergone fundus chromophotography. All patients underwent B ultrasonography of the ocular region (CT) successive scanning of the orbit and cerebral tissues. Parasites were extracted surgically and then examined pathologically. The fundus chromophotography showed a white and condensing scolex package in the vesicle. The B ultrasonic examination showed a vesicle-like echogenic mass in the vitreous chamber, in which the high-level echo spot was the cysticercus scolex. The pathological examinations showed that the vesicle wall exhibited hyaline degeneration, inflammatory cell infiltration, neuroglial fiber, and glial cell proliferation layers from the inside to the outside. The scolex is round and is composed of the outer tissue (the body wall) and the inner furrow tissue; these tissues migrated together. Primordially differentiated sucking discs were found in one case, but no hooklets were found. The inner scolex tissue was folded like a paper flower. The severity of intraocular disease is closely correlated with the pathophysiological processes of the cysticercus worm. Pathological examination of the intraocular lesions can help to evaluate the course of the disease as well as to provide a scientific basis for effective antiparasitic medication.

Study on the Siginificance and Importance of Preclinic Phase Theory(=mibyung) in Oriental Medicine (미병상태(未病狀態)의 학문적(學問的).임상적(臨床的) 중요성(重要性)과 의의(意義)에 대한 고찰(考察))

  • Lee Sun-Dong;Kim Myong-Dong
    • Journal of Society of Preventive Korean Medicine
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    • v.1 no.1
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    • pp.105-117
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    • 1997
  • The result of this paper runs as follows: 1. The theory of preclinic phase (=mibyung) was scientifically completed as one basic philosophy in "NAEKYUNG(內經)" and on influenced in the coming generations. Two principles for mibyung is to grow good energy and to avoid etiological cause. 2. So far oriental medicine has responded to already diseases, while to recognize the importance of mibyung is to convert it into preventive medicine which study and improve health. In spite of the opinion that no disease is health and no health is disease, the contrite of medical approch by the relative importance is necessary by understanding the steps of mibyung between health and disease with subdividing the steps of the occurance therefore, the scope of oriental medicine may be recognized from every disease to mibyung, that is, health. 3. Diagnosing and treating in the step of mibyung has more important meaning than suffering step because the checkup of mibyung means early examination and treatment. Mibyung can make an opportunity that improve scientific contradiction and defect of oriental medicine. However, scince the theory and practice lack the arrangement and study, much exertion and discussion is necessary.4. The diagnosis and cure in mibyung doesn't have many methods for treating, its index and standard isn't nified, and related theory is of small quantity. But the most prominent means of solution. with combination with other sciences and through the convertion into modem clinical examination, is to accomplish moderization, objectivity and indexation, etc. 5. The representive mibyungs are a hereditary disease, immune lack, mutation, early tumor, incubation of hepatitis and each infectious diseases, stress, etc. Since every science is the product of the times, it has the historical limits. As the times develop, the desire for good health is growing. Therefore we should consider above request in this times.

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Perspectives on the Post Keynesian Economics and their Possibilities as Alternative Economic Theory (포스트 케인지언 경제학의 전개과정과 대안 경제학으로서의 가능성)

  • Hong, Tae-Hee
    • 사회경제평론
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    • v.29 no.1
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    • pp.31-70
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    • 2016
  • This study provides a comprehensive survey of Post Keynesian economics. The global financial crisis 2008-2009 has triggered an important debate concerning economic theory, policy and methodology. The most important thing that this economic crisis has done for economics is that it revealed mainstream economics was wrong. Mainstream economics has been unable to offer clear answers for the crisis. The economic crisis, at the same time, brought about a crisis in the field of economics. This study suggests that economics needs to be altered into a new form that can explain the real world economy. In this paper, it is argued that Post Keynesian economics can be understood as the alternative economics. The paper begins with the vision and the origins of several Post Keynesian ideas, leading to an examination of certain features of the various groups, including their methodology and their approaches to uncertainty, their pricing theories and their growth theories. The focus, however, is on the stage reflected in Post Keynesian economics which is concerned with the conception of Lakatos's 'Scientific Research Programmes'. It is recognized that more research is necessary in order to complete the post keynesian economics as a standard science or as a progressive Scientific Research Programmes in economics.

Reliability Assessment of Temperature Indicator for Simplified Measurement on Conservation Environment of Cultural Heritage (문화재 보존환경 간이 측정을 위한 온도지시카드 신뢰성 평가)

  • Lim, Bo-A;Shin, Eun-Jeong;Lee, Sun-Myung
    • 보존과학연구
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    • s.31
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    • pp.59-68
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    • 2010
  • Cultural heritages are damaged by surrounding several environmental factors. Main factors are temperature, humidity, light, atmosphere and indoor pollutant, organism, etc. Therefore, to prevent damage of cultural heritage from such environmental factor, conservation environment monitoring becomes more important. Indicator is one of the simple method for environment monitoring. It can be used without expensive and complex equipments. However, it should be performed scientific examination for application to cultural heritage. In this study, some Temperature Indicators were chosen and reliability assessment was carried out for application to cultural heritage. Brightness($L^*$) is selected for reliability assessment factor. As a result of lab test, Temperature Indicators were not influenced greatly in humidity change. When they were exposed to setting temperature, the color was changed in setting temperature area and ${\pm}2^{\circ}C$ part of setting temperature. Especially brightness value was high in setting temperature area. Also, Temperature Indicators were stabilized after about 16 minutes when were exposed to temperature difference of $10^{\circ}C$ and when temperature difference with exposure environment is smaller, stabilization time shortened. Therefore, it is a possible to confirm that selected Temperature Indicator is reliable product through measurement of color difference value and naked eye observation.

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Examination of Theoretical Acoustic Scattering Models for Copepods in an Acoustical Zooplankton Biomass Survey (음향자원조사를 위한 동물플랑크톤 요각류의 음향산란이론모델의 검토)

  • Hwang, Bo-Kyu;Shin, Hyeon-Ok;Lee, Dae-Jae;Lee, You-Won
    • Korean Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
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    • v.43 no.4
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    • pp.380-385
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    • 2010
  • Several theoretical acoustic scattering models were applied to estimate the target strength (TS) for assessing the biomass of zooplankton, to overcome the difficulty of direct measurements. Acoustical scattering characteristics of copepods were estimated using three theoretical models, and the application of the models was evaluated for four frequencies of a scientific echo sounder. The scattering directivity by the body shapes of copepods at 200 kHz and 420 kHz was significantly affected by TS patterns. Averaged TS, however, were similar at higher frequencies. Consequently, a low frequency model, such as a truncated fluid sphere model, provides a good acoustical biomass estimation. The regressions of TS and 30 logL were < $TS_{200\;kHz}$ >= 30logL-118.4 ($R^2=0.716$) and < $TS_{420 kHz}$ > =30 logL-108.8 ($R^2=0.758$), respectively.

Clinical Reference of the Maximum Standardized Uptake Values to the Pancreatic Cancer, Pancreatitis and Normal Pancreas in the 18F-FDG PET-CT (18F-FDG PET-CT 검사에서 췌장암, 췌장염, 정상 췌장에 대한 최대 표준섭취계수의 임상적 기준 설정)

  • Lee, Jae-Seung;Kweon, Dae Cheol
    • Journal of Biomedical Engineering Research
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    • v.39 no.2
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    • pp.80-86
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    • 2018
  • The aim of this study were to establish the clinical references and guidelines for the maximum standardized uptake ($SUV_{max}$) value of pancreatic cancer, pancreatitis, and normal pancreas in $^{18}F-FDG$ PET-CT examinations for pancreatic disease. For this purpose, we performed the statistical analysis on the descriptive statistics, percentiles and inter quartiles range (IQR), normal distribution, and using the probability density function for pancreatic cancer, pancreatitis, and normal pancreas. As a result, the clinical reference of $SUV_{max}$ for the pancreatic cancer, pancreatitis, and normal pancreas was more than 3.45, 1.91 to 2.62, and less than 1.91, respectively. Also, optimal cut-off value for applying the dual time point PET-CT examination was determined to be 2.62. The results of this study are summarized as follows: first, we suggests the clinical reference and guideline for the pancreatic cancer, pancreatitis, and normal pancreas, and second, suggests a scientific approach to improve diagnostic accuracy of pancreatic disease by deviating from an approximate experience approach.

Association between Blood Mercury and Drinking Soju and Beer in Korea (소주 및 맥주 음주와 혈중 수은과의 관계에 관한 연구)

  • Cho, Jun Ho
    • Journal of Environmental Health Sciences
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    • v.44 no.4
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    • pp.348-359
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    • 2018
  • Objectives: The purpose of this study was to investigate the relationship between frequency of alcohol drinking and blood mercury concentration in Korea. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study that used data from the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey. Among them, 3,174 persons were selected for the final study. Results: The concentration of mercury in the blood increased as the frequency of drinking soju or beer increased. Similarly, in the multiple-linear regression analysis model, the frequency of soju drinking was identified as an independent variable showing a statistically significant positive linearity (p<0.001). After controlling for confounding factors, comparing those drinking 'more than twice a week' with those who almost do not drink alcohol, the adjusted ORs for exposure to high concentrations of mercury were 3.24 (95% CI, 2.10-4.99) for drinking soju and 2.07 (95% CI, 1.33-3.22) for drinking beer. The interaction effect between 'soju drinking' and 'spicy pollack and seafood stew' was not statistically significant (p=0.098) for evaluating the interaction effect between the two variables. Conclusions: The concentration of mercury in the blood increased as the frequency of drinking of soju or beer increased. The higher the frequency of alcohol drinking, the more likely is the blood mercury to be included in the high-concentration group. The results of this study can be used as important scientific evidence for the field of environmental health related to alcohol drinking and blood heavy metal exposure in Korea.

The Development of Concepts on Sound Propagation of Children (소리의 전달에 대한 아동의 개념 발달 연구)

  • Shin, Eunsoo;Kim, Eunjung
    • Korean Journal of Child Studies
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    • v.34 no.4
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    • pp.19-36
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    • 2013
  • This study examined concept development in children in terms of sound propagation. The subjects consisted of 240 five-, seven-, and ten-year-old children from three kindergartens and two primary schools respectively. The instrument used for the purposes of this study was the examination instrument on sound as developed by the SPACE Project in the UK. The concepts related to sound were classified into five stages including : no recognition, egocentric concept, initial mental models, synthetic mental models, and scientific mental models. The results revealed the existence of significant differences in terms of the types of concept that children were aware of, according to age and context. Most five-, seven-, and ten-year-old children revealed egocentric concepts related to every sounds, drum, rubber band context, however, most five-, seven-, and ten-year-old children revealed their recognition of the synthetic models of sound propagation when using the string telephone context. These results have implications for the contents of science education for children when it comes to the development of concepts related to sound propagation.

Questioning Styles in the Middle School Environmental Textbooks (중학교 환경 교과서에 제시된 질문의 특성)

  • Huh, Man-Kyu;Huh, Hong-Wook;Moon, Do-Hoo;Moon, Sung-Gi
    • Journal of Environmental Science International
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    • v.15 no.9
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    • pp.907-912
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    • 2006
  • The study is conducted to analyze the questioning styles in three middle school environmental textbooks in terms of frequency, type, and placement of questions. It is also to analyse and compare the kinds of scientific processes elicited by the questions in the topics of textbook. The instrument was the Textbook Questioning Strategies Assesment Instrument (TQSAI) which was developed the Cooperative Teacher Preparation Program, University of California. The mean number of questions per topic was 4.0 and the ratio of questions to sentences was 3.8%. The numbers of empirical and non-empirical questions were 52.5% and 47.5% for textbook D, 56.6% and 43.4% for textbook J, and 92.7% and 7.3% for textbook K, respectively. The open-hearted question was the highest in all types of questions for three middle school environmental textbooks. The explanatory question was the highest in all characteristics of questions. The types of various questions were distributed throughout textbooks including the green field, debate-discussion, examination, and so on.

Evaluation of the Structural Stability of Rammed Earth Construction :The Case Restoration Project of the Stone Pagoda at Mireuksa Temple Site in Iksan

  • Min, Hwang-Sik;Choen, Deuk-Youm
    • Architectural research
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    • v.20 no.3
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    • pp.65-73
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    • 2018
  • The restoration of foundations supporting the immense load of the stone pagoda at Mireuksa Temple Site prioritizes securing its structural stability. But so far, rammed earth construction is still not easy to determine the structural stability. This paper aims to emphasize that a scientific experimental study was conducted on a rammed earth construction, to identify its methodology and obtain objective data about structural stability of the foundation work. An experimental study fabricated specimens from the soil that had been removed during the excavation survey, determined the allowable bearing capacity through plate load tests, and compared the results with the predicted stress after reassembly of the stone pagoda to estimate the structural stability. Then, the repair method was selected based on the experimental study result. The evaluation method of the restoration of foundations consisted of an examination of the allowable bearing capacity and settlement. The allowable bearing of the reinforced foundation was more than twice the contact pressure under the stacked stones of the pagoda. The possibility of settlement of the rammed earth foundation soil layer during the pagoda assembly is expected to be very low because the settlement amount of the reformed soil layer is less than half of the settlement of the stabilized existing soil layer.