• 제목/요약/키워드: satisfaction of salesperson

검색결과 77건 처리시간 0.019초

A Cruise Ship Itinerary Planning Model for Passenger Satisfaction

  • Cho, Seong-Cheol
    • 한국항해항만학회지
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    • 제43권5호
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    • pp.273-280
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    • 2019
  • This study developed an optimization model, defined as the IPS (Itinerary for Passenger Satisfaction), for a cruise ship to identify an itinerary that maximizes passenger satisfaction. A 0-1 integer programming model was developed to provide an optimal sequence of ports of call, assigning a destination to each day of the cruise. The concepts of the destination access network and the neighborhood of a destination were designed and manipulated to organize the complex network of destinations so that each next destination is selected within a practical overnight sail. The developed model can also be viewed as a reduced variant of the traveling salesperson problem with less constraints. A set of example tests shows that practical scenarios of the IPS with moderate cruise duration can be easily solved with light computation loads. Considering cruise ship passengers usually make their decisions not relying on only one destination but on an itinerary in its entirety, the purpose of this study was to identify itinerary alternatives to attract potential cruise passengers for attaining maximum occupancy level.

백화점 판매원의 정서성과 성과압력에 따른 감정노동 연구 (The Effect of a Salesperson's Affectivity and the Performance Stressor on Emotional Labor at the Department Stores)

  • 추호정;김현숙;전대근
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제34권3호
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    • pp.411-423
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    • 2010
  • Retail stores with a primary competitive advantage in satisfying customers with high quality differentiated services depend heavily on a sales force to produce and deliver services in a consistent manner. Salespersons in a high service retail context are required to act to express certain types of emotion in compliance with the emotional rules of the organization that is conceptualized as "emotional labor" in the literature. This study adopts the dyadic model of emotional labor originally proposed by Hochschild. A survey method is implemented to collect data to test the hypotheses among the variables such as positive and negative affectivity, performance stressor, emotional labor, burnout, and job satisfaction. One hundred and twelve responses were analyzed by factor analysis and path analysis with SPSS12.0 and Amos 6.0. The factor analysis confirms that emotional labor is composed of deep acting and surface acting. Eleven hypotheses were tested by path analysis and seven were accepted. The major findings are that deep acting was affected by positive affectivity, negative affectivity, and a performance stressor. The surface acting was affected only by negative affectivity. Surface acting had an indirect negative effect on job satisfaction via emotional burnout while deep directly acting influenced job satisfaction. Furthermore, the interaction effect between positive affectivity and a performance stressor on surface acting was significant. The implications for retail firms are discussed based on the findings with suggestions for future studies.

호텔에서의 영업력 관리시스템과 직무태도, 성과와의 영향관계 (Relationship among Sales-force Control System, Salesperson's Job Attitudes, and Performance in Hotel)

  • 김판영;송성인
    • 한국콘텐츠학회논문지
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    • 제8권7호
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    • pp.233-242
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    • 2008
  • 종사원의 선발, 교육, 보상, 그리고 평가 등과 같은 영업사원의 관리의 실행은 영업력 관리시스템에 있어서 중요한 위치를 차지하는데, 이는 종사원의 역할 모호성, 직무만족, 그리고 성과 등에 지대한 영향을 미치기 때문이다. 이러한 중요성에도 불구하고 호텔의 영업력 관리시스템에 대한 연구가 미진한 형편이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 영업력 관리시스템(STD, 교육, 보상, 상사지원 등), 직무태도, 그리고 성과와의 영향 관계를 보다 자세히 파악하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 경로모형과 가설을 설정하고 제시하였다. 본 연구를 통하여 호텔의 영업사원과 이들의 관리를 위한 몇 가지 중요한 사항을 제시하는데 공헌하였다. 즉, 이번 연구는 호텔의 실무책임자들과 연구자들에게 새로운 관점과 시사점을 제시할 수 있었다. 먼저, 학술적 측면에서는 영업력 관리시스템에 관한 새로운 접근 방식을 제시하였다. 둘째로, 실무적 측면을 보면, 종사원의 영업성과와 직무만족을 향상시키고, 역할모호성을 감소시키기 위하여, 관리자는 종사원을 대상으로 격려, 영업에 대한 지도, 그리고 영업 노하우 등에 교육과 행동을 취해야 한다.

금융시장에서 영업사원의 지각된 평가 공정성과 직무성과 간의 구조적 관계 (Structural Relationship between Salesperson's Perceived Evaluation Fairness and Job Performance in the Financial Market)

  • 이준섭;김지영;이한근
    • 유통과학연구
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    • 제14권12호
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    • pp.141-151
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    • 2016
  • Purpose - Salesperson perceptions of the fairness and accuracy of a performance evaluation system were examined by managerial and professional employees of large organization. The performance evaluation process is central to many personal decisions such as attitude for job and sales performance. This study investigates the relationship between perceived evaluation fairness, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and sales performance. The main purpose of this study is to develop and empirically test a comprehensive model of salespersons' perceived evaluation fairness on sales performance. For this purpose, we identified the structural relationship between perceived evaluation fairness, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and sales performance. Also we investigate the mediating effects on job satisfaction and organizational commitment between perceived evaluation fairness and sales performance. Research design, data, and methodology - To empirically test these relationships, data were collected by in-depth interviews from sales managers and questionnaire surveys from 300 salespersons who work for sales area (credit card company, insurance company). Demographically, the overall sample was 91.6% female, 77.9% 30s and 40s, and 34% college educated, with an average tenure with their present organizations of 4 years. The questionnaire was composed of total 20 items dealing with frequency, quality, and consequences of perceived evaluation fairness, job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and sales performance. To test the research hypotheses, collected data analyzed by confirmatory factor analysis (CFA) and structure equation model (SEM). Results - Through extensive and rigorous literature review process of related literature(Perceived evaluation fairness, Job satisfaction, Organizational commitment, Sales performance), research model and research hypothesis was set up. This study obtains the following research results. First, perceived evaluation fairness has a positive effect on job satisfaction, whereas the effects of perceived evaluation fairness on organizational commitment and sales performance did not show statistically significant result. Second, job satisfaction and organizational commitment have complete mediating roles to the relationship between perceived evaluation fairness and organizational commitment, and relationship between perceived evaluation fairness and sales performance. Conclusions - Based on the results, salespersons' perceived evaluation fairness is one of the key independent variable for making high job satisfaction, organizational commitment, and sales performance. Finally the theoretical, managerial implication and research limitations are mentioned in the discussion.

판매원 서비스와 관계효익이 구매만족과 재구매 의도에 미치는 영향 (The Effects of Relationship Benefits and Salesperson's Service on Buying Satisfaction and Repurchase Intention)

  • 오현정;김은희
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제30권2호
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    • pp.245-254
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    • 2006
  • The purposes of this study were to identify the perceived difference of salesman's service and relationship benefit according to types of customers, to explain the effects of salesman's service and relationship benefit on buying satisfaction and repurchase intention, and to reveal the influences of satisfaction with purchase on repurchase. The data were collected from 318 female adults in Gwangju using a questionnaire to salesmen's service, relationship benefits, buying satisfaction, repurchase intention, and were analysed with factor analysis, t-test and regressive analysis with SPSS 10.0. The results of this study were as follows: 1. The regular customers perceived a significantly higher salesmen's services and relationship benefits than irregular customers. 2. In regular customers, 'knowledge of products', 'etiquette' and 'confident benefits' had a significant influence on buying satisfaction. 'Confident benefits' had a significant influence on repurchase intention. Tn irregular customers, 'etiquette', 'easiness' and 'confident benefits' had a significant influence on satisfaction with purchase. 'Knowledge of products', 'easiness' and 'confident benefits' had a significant influence on repurchase intention. 3. Satisfaction with purchase had a significant influence on repurchase intention in both regular/irregular customers.

점포충성도의 상호순차적인 영향관계에 관한 연구 (A Study of Influencing Sequential Relationship on the Loyalty)

  • 서근하;윤기호;양연조;서미옥
    • 마케팅과학연구
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    • 제14권
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    • pp.101-124
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    • 2004
  • 본 연구는 관계적 판정에서 고객접점 서비스에 대하여 점포충성도를 유발하거나 매개역할을 하는 변수들의 구조적 관계를 규명하고자 하는 것이었다. 이를 위하여 고객접점 종업원의 자발적 서비스는 개인간 관계와 점포만족을 통하여 점포충성도를 유발시키는 요소라는 것을 확인하였다. 그러나 비자발적 서비스는 개인간 관계에는 유의하지 않지만 점포만족을 거쳐서 점포충성도에 영향을 미치는 요소임을 확인하였다. 이 과정에서 점포충성도는 인지적, 감정적, 의도적, 행위적 충성도로써 각각의 충성도 개념 변수간에 상호 순차적인 영향을 준다는 사실과 더불어 점포충성도는 낮은 수준의 충성도가 누적되어야 차상위의 높은 수준의 충성도로 단계적으로 발전한다는 흥미로운 사실을 발견하였다. 이러한 연구결과는 다음과 같은 전략적 시사점을 제공하여 준다. 향후 종업원에 대한 지도관리 및 평가 시에는 현재 종업원의 매출실적 및 계량적 평가방식에서 행위적 실적평가로 확대 개선 할 필요성을 제시하고 있으며, 점포충성도를 유발하기 위하여는 고객의 인지적 차원에서 점포와 브랜드 홍보 및 타 점포에 대한 차별화를 우선적으로 실시하여야 함을 보여주고 있다. 이러한 사실들은 현재 소매업체의 실태를 감안할 때 향후 정부 및 중소기업지원 유관기관 등에서 활용할 수 있는 시사점으로써 그 의미는 매우 크다고 볼 수 있다.

  • PDF

웹 기반의 SFA 시스템 설계 및 개발 (Design & Development of Web-based Sales Force Automation System)

  • 남호기;박상민;원미란;정성아
    • 대한안전경영과학회지
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    • 제13권4호
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    • pp.283-290
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    • 2011
  • According to the rapid evolution of information technology, the salesperson's business efficiency and faster information sharing within the enterprise that need to improve competitiveness has been increasing steadily. In general, many companies has been managed the sales through the ERP system. However, the ERP informations as a result of operating activities can not perform customer maintenance activities from strategic planning. Therefore, a series of sales activities information as corporate intellectual assets is needed strategic business solutions for managing it. In this study, the web-based SFA systems were designed for salesperson. Salespersons improve the efficiency of the business through management and improvement activities of sales information. The systematic customer information management contribute to improving the company's revenue through improved customer service satisfaction.

멀티샵의 점포이미지가 점포충성도 및 상표전환행동에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구 (The Effects of Multi-Shop's Store Image on the Store Loyalty and Brand Switching Behavior)

  • 이승희;조세나
    • 대한가정학회지
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    • 제45권1호
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    • pp.51-61
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this study was to examine if multi-shop's store image affects store loyalty and brand switching. Two hundred fifty females and males who have purchased fashion products in multi-shop participated in this survey. For data analysis, descriptive statistics, factor analysis, Pearson's correlation and regression analysis were used for this study. The results were as followed. First, respondents' the most favorite multi-shop was MUE, followed by Boon the shop and ABC mart. Second, store image was classified into four factors such as store atmosphere, service of store, store recognition and product variety. Store loyalty was classified into five factors such as emotional relationship, pursue of novelty, trust about salesperson, satisfaction about service, and active loyalty. Third, result revealed that 'product variety' and 'store atmosphere', 'store recognition', 'service of store' accounted for 39.6% of the explained varience in store loyalty, and 'store recognition' accounted for 4% of the explained varience in brand switching behavior, while 'trust about salesperson', 'pursue of novelty' accounted for 5% of the explained varience in brand switching behavior. Based on these results, multi-shop's fashion marketing strategy would be suggested.

소비자 구매의도에 근거한 백화점과 대형 할인점의 경쟁 구조 (Competitive Structure between Department Store and Discount Store based on Consumers' Purchase Intention)

  • 손진아;이유리
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제27권5호
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    • pp.570-581
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    • 2003
  • The purpose of this study was to investigate competitive structure between the department store and the discount store based on consumers' purchase intention. Female consumers who purchased clothing both in the department store and the discount store participated in the study by completing questionnaires (N=533) . Data were analyzed using factor analyses, paired t-test, Cronbach's $\alpha$, and chi-square analyses. The result was as following: 1 . Overall, the department store and the discount store are competing complementarily. However, this competitive structure varied with clothing items and consumers' age. 2. As a result of factor analyses, the two retailer's service quality could be evaluated with four dimensions: price and A/S, store atmosphere and VMD, store policy, and salesperson. 3. The department store was expected to provide the highest level of service in ‘price and A/S’, ‘store atmosphere and VMD’, ‘salesperson’ whereas the discount store in ‘store policy’ 4. Respondents were classified in four groups according to how frequently they use department store and discount store as following: shopper of both retailers (68.35%), discount store shopper(20.97%), department store shopper(4.70%), shopper of neither retailer(3.97%). Each group showed differences in service satisfaction and demographic characteristics.

매스티지 패션 브랜드의 관계마케팅 실행요인이 신뢰, 만족 및 재구매의도에 미치는 영향 (The Effect of Relationship Marketing Implement Factors of Masstige Fashion Brand on the Trust, Satisfaction, and Repurchase Intention)

  • 홍병숙;이은진;윤유진
    • 한국의류학회지
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    • 제34권4호
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    • pp.663-672
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    • 2010
  • This study analyzes how the relationship marketing implement factors of masstige fashion brands influence the trust, satisfaction and repurchase intention of consumers. The survey was conducted from October $15^{th}$ to $30^{th}$ in 2008 with 330 responses used in the data analysis. The statistical analysis methods were frequency analysis, factor analysis, reliability analysis, and multiple regression analysis. The results show that the relationship marketing implement factors of masstige fashion brands were customer orientation, salesperson expertise, communication, brand expertise, and inducement. The relationship marketing implement factors of masstige fashion brands influence the trust and satisfaction of consumers. The trust and satisfaction of consumers influence the repurchase intention in the masstige fashion brands.