• Title/Summary/Keyword: sand liquefaction

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Analysis of Liquefaction using Stress Path in Silty Sand Grounds (실트질 모래지반의 응력경로를 이용한 액상화 분석)

  • Lee, Song;Kim, Tae-Hwoon;Rhee, Min-Ho
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2000.03b
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    • pp.239-246
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    • 2000
  • It has been generally much fine contents in West Coast of Korea. When cyclic shear stress causing liquefaction was estimated as using cyclic triaxial tests in these grounds, it didn't appear linear relations between deviator stress and confining stress where σ'₃ was more than 150 kpa. Namely, due to no normalization of cyclic shear stress ratio, the errors of this is increased. Therefore, more confining stress is increased, more increment of deviator stress is decreased. So, using linear relations between tanø'/sub d/ of dynamic internal friction angle and CSR where σ'₃ was less than 150 kpa, liquefaction of these grounds was evaluated. Also, as doing detail evaluation which had carried response analysis of earthquake, this appeared good results which was well compatible with empirical methods using N-value of SPT. It was thought that these result evaluated vulnerable liquefaction area more correct than existing methods. Also, characteristics of liquefaction in West Coast grounds was compared with clean sands, with analysis of behavior of pore pressure ratio and axial strain affected by fine contents, as cyclic loading was applied.

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Occurrence of Sand Liquefaction on Static and Cyclic Loading (정적 및 동적 하중에서 모래의 액상화 발생)

  • 양재혁
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.17 no.6
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    • pp.235-244
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    • 2001
  • Liquefaction may be caused by sudden decrease in the soil strength under undrained conditions. This loss of soil strength is related to the development of excess pore pressures. During this study, fines content affects the maximum and minimum void ratios are investigated. The results of static and cyclic triaxial test on silty saturated sands are presented. These tests are performed to evaluate liquefaction strength and static and cyclic behavior characteristics. The samples are obtained from Saemangeum and drying on air. The main results are summarized as follows : 1) The maximum and minimum void ratio lines follow similar trends. 2) Maximum and minimum void ratios are established at 20~30% fines content. 3) As confining pressures and overconsolidation ratio are increased, the resistance to liquefaction are increased. 4) Instability friction angles are increased with increasing initial relative density. 5) The resistance to liquefaction are decreased with increasing effective stress ratio.

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Evaluation of Characteristics of Re-liquefaction Resistance in Saturated Sand Deposits Using 1-g Shaking Table Test (1-g 진동대시험을 이용한 포화된 모래지반의 재액상화 강도 특성 평가)

  • Ha Ik-Soo;Kim Myoung-Mo
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.21 no.4
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    • pp.65-70
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    • 2005
  • Many case histories of re-liquefaction phenomena seem to support the idea that sand deposits, if they once have been liquefied, could be reliquefied again by a subsequent earthquake even though the earthquake is smaller than the previous one. The magnitude of the strains induced in the initial liquefaction has a significant influence on the resistance of the sample to re-liquefaction. The deposits undergoing liquefaction experience large shear strain during liquefaction. And this previous strain changes the microstructure into highly anisotropic structure such as columnlike structure and connected voids. This type of anisotropy is so unstable that it can reduce re-liquefaction resistance. It is blown that the extent of anisotropic structural change depends on the gradation characteristics of ground. The purpose of this study is to estimate the correlation between the gradation characteristics of the sand and the ratio of re-liquefaction resistance to liquefaction resistance. In this study, 1-g shaking table tests were carried out on five different kinds of sands. During the tests the values of excess pore pressure at various depths and surface settlements were measured. Re-liquefaction resistances were not affected by the initial void ratio and the effective confining pressures, and the deposits of all test sands which had once been liquefied were reliquefied in the cyclic loading number below 1 to 1.5. The ratio of re-liquefaction resistance to liquefaction resistance linearly decreased as $D_{10}/C_u$ increased, and was constant as about 0.2 above the value of $D_{10}/C_u$, 0.15 mm.

Liquefaction Potential for Coal Ash Mixed Sand by Strain-Controlled Cyclic Triaxial Test (변형률제어 진동삼축시험법을 이용한 석탄회가 혼합된 모래시료의 액상화 평가)

  • 이병식;정경순
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.17 no.5
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    • pp.129-136
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    • 2001
  • 본 논문에서는 석탄회 매립지반의 액상화 가능성을 평가하기 위해 순수 모래시료와 더불어서 모래시료와 석탄회가 혼합된 모래시료에 대한 일련의 진동삼축실험을 변형률제어 방법으로 수행하였다. 실험결과 진동하중에 의해서 시료 내에 발생하는 간극수압의 크기는 작용하는 전단변형률의 크기에 심각하게 영향을 받고, 작용하는 전단변형률이 지반의 한계전단변형률 보다 작은 경우에는 진동수가 높은 조건에서도 간극수압이 발생하지 않음을 알았다. 또한 전단변형률이 약 0.1%보다 작고 한계전단변형률에 가까운 경우에는 순수 모래시료와 비교하여 본 논문에서 조사한 석탄회 함유율 범위 (10%~30%)의 시료에서 간극수압이 더 크게 발생하였다. 반면에, 전단변형률이 큰 경우에는 순수 모래시료에서 간극수압이 크게 발생하는 추세를 보였다. 반복 전단에 따른 간극수압의 발생량은 전반적으로 석탄회 함유율이 증가할수록 커지는 경향을 보였다. 이러한 결과를 근거로 해안이나 하천에 인접한 한계지 개발에 있어서 사질토에 석탄회를 혼합 매립하여 지반을 조성하는 경우에 액상화에 대해서 불안정한 지반이 될 가능성이 있는 것으로 판단되었다.

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Aiming at "All Soils All States All Round Geo-Analysis Integration"

  • Asaoka, Akira;Noda, Toshihiro
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2009.09a
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    • pp.3-26
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    • 2009
  • Superloading yield surface concept is newly introduced together with subloading yield surface conception in order to describe full gradation continuously of the mechanical behavior of soils from typical sand through intermediate soil to typical clay (All Soils). Finite deformation theory has been applied to the soil skeleton-pore water coupled continuum mechanics, which enables us to discuss things in a perpetual stream from stable state to unstable state like from deformation to failure and vice versa like from liquefaction to post liquefaction consolidation of sand (All States). Incremental form of the equation of motion has been employed in the continuum mechanics in order to incorporate a rate type constitutive equation, which is "All Round" enough to predict ground behavior under both static and dynamic conditions. The present paper is the shortened version of the lecture note delivered in 2008 Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Conference, Science Council Japan, but with newly developed application examples.

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Post-liquefaction Behavior under Monotonic Loading of a Silty Sand (실트질 모래의 액상화 후의 정적거동)

  • 강병희;박근보;강대성
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.16 no.5
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    • pp.27-36
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    • 2000
  • 보통으로 다져진(Dr=50%)실트질 모래의 액상화 후의 비배수정적거동과 이에 대한 압밀응력비의 영향에 관해서 연구하기 위하여 4가지 압밀응력비(σhc'/σVC'=1.0,0.7,0.55,K0)로서 압밀시킨 공시체를 액상화 전후상태에서 비배수 삼축시험을 수행하였다. 연구결과 액상화를 경험하지 않은 실트질 모래의 p'-q좌표상의 상전이선과 파괴선은 모두 구속압밀응력과 압밀응력비의 크기에 관계없이 각각 원점을 지나는 하나의 직선으로 나타난다. 또한 상정이전단저항은 구속응력이 클수록 증가하난 동일한 구속응력하에서는 압밀응력비와는 관계없이 거의 동일한 값을 갖는 경향을 나타낸다.

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Evaluation of Liquefaction Triggering for the Pohang Area Based on SPT and CPT Tests (SPT와 CPT 지반조사결과에 기초한 포항지역 액상화 위험도 평가)

  • Kim, Yeon-Jun;Ko, Kil-Wan;Kim, Byung-Min;Park, Du-Hee;Kim, Ki-Seog;Han, Jin-Tae;Kim, Dong-Soo
    • Journal of the Korean Geotechnical Society
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    • v.36 no.10
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    • pp.57-71
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    • 2020
  • Liquefaction-induced sand boils were observed during the Pohang earthquake (Moment magnitude, 5.4) on November 15, 2017, specifically in the region of agricultural fields and park areas near the epicenter. This was recorded as the first observed liquefaction phenomenon in Korea. This paper analyzes liquefaction potentials at the key sites at Pohang area. The simplified methods and current design standard were used to evaluate the occurrence of liquefaction. The seismic demand was estimated based on the NGA-WEST2 ground motion prediction equations (GMPEs). The liquefaction resistance of the ground was determined using the in-situ tests: standard penetration test (SPT) and cone penetration test (CPT). The liquefaction potentials were quantified by liquefaction potential index (LPI), which were compared with those from the previous studies.

Undrained cyclic shear characteristics and crushing behaviour of silica sand

  • Wu, Yang;Hyodo, Masayuki;Aramaki, Noritaka
    • Geomechanics and Engineering
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    • v.14 no.1
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    • pp.1-8
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    • 2018
  • This paper presents an investigation of the liquefaction characteristics and particle crushing of isotropically consolidated silica sand specimens at a wide range of confining pressures varying from 0.1 MPa to 5 MPa during undrained cyclic shearing. Different failure patterns of silica sand specimens subjected to undrained cyclic loading were seen at low and high pressures. The sudden change points with regard to the increasing double amplitude of axial strain with cycle number were identified, regardless of confining pressure. A higher cyclic stress ratio caused the specimen to liquefy at a relatively smaller cycle number, conversely producing a larger relative breakage $B_r$. The rise in confining pressure also resulted in the increasing relative breakage. At a specific cyclic stress ratio, the relative breakage and plastic work increased with the rise in the cyclic loading. Less particle crushing and plastic work consumption was observed for tests terminated after one cyclic loading. Majority of the particle crushing was produced and majority of the plastic work was consumed after the specimen passed through the phase transformation point and until reaching the failure state. The large amount of particle crushing resulted from the high-level strain induced by particle transformation and rotation.

Evaluation of Liquefiable Soils by Energy Concept (에너지 개념에 기초한 액상화 평가방법에 관한 연구)

  • Kim, Soo-Il;Sun, Yu-Jung;Park, Keun-Bo;Park, Seong-Yong
    • Proceedings of the Korean Geotechical Society Conference
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    • 2006.03a
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    • pp.590-599
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    • 2006
  • In this study, Liquefaction characteristics of saturated sand under various dynamic loadings such as sinusoidal loading, increasing wedge loading, and real earthquake loading were investigated focusing on the dissipated energy. From the results of cyclic triaxial test, liquefaction resistance strength was calculated by the concept of energy according to the type of input loading. Liquefaction resistance strength was expressed in accumulated dissipated energy calculated from stress-strain curve(hysteresis loop). The dissipated energy according to loading type was compared and the energy-based evaluation was proposed. The procedures are presented in terms of normalized energy demand(NED), normalized energy capacity(NEC), and factor of safely, where NED is the load imparted to the soil by the loading(both amplitude and duration), NEC is the demand required to induce liquefaction, and factor of safely is defined as the ratio of NEC and NED.

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