• Title/Summary/Keyword: road structure

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Design and Performance Analysis of a new MAC Protocol for Providing Real-time Traffic Information using USN (USN 기반 실시간 주행 상황 정보 제공을 위한 MAC 설계 및 성능 분석)

  • Park, Man-Kyu;So, Sang-Ho;Lee, Jae-Yong;Lim, Jae-Han;Son, Myung-Hee;Kim, Byung-Chul
    • Journal of the Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea CI
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    • v.44 no.5
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    • pp.38-48
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    • 2007
  • In ubiquitous environment, sensor networks that sense and transmit surrounding data without human intervention will become more important. If sensors are installed for detecting vehicles and measuring their speed in the road and that real-time information is given to drivers, it will be very effective for enhancing safety and controlling traffic in the road. In this paper, we proposed a new reliable and real-time sensor MAC protocol between AP and sensor nodes in order to provide real-time traffic flow information based on ubiquitous sensor networks. The proposed MAC allocates one TDMA slot for each sensor node on the IEEE 802.15.4 based channel structure, introduces relayed communication for distant sensors, and adopts a frame structure that supports retransmission for the case of errors. In addition, the proposed MAC synchronizes with AP by using beacon and adopts a hybrid tracking mode that supports economic power consumption according to various traffic situations, We implemented a simulator for the proposed MAC by using sim++ and evaluated various performances. The simulation results show that the proposed MAC reduces the power consumption and reveals excellent performance in real-time application systems.

Competitiveness and Cooperation of Logistics Industry in Northeast Asia (한.중.일 물류산업 경쟁력과 물류협력방안)

  • Han, Chul-Hwan
    • Journal of Korea Port Economic Association
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    • v.23 no.4
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    • pp.139-157
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    • 2007
  • The purpose of this paper is to analyze the competitiveness of the logistics industry of three countries - Korea, China and Japan - by looking into their logistics industry structure and the related regulations. For this aim, the paper examined the modal distribution of transportation, transport infrastructure, freight cost structure and regulation in transport sector in these countries. Furthermore, this study suggests some proposals for the further cooperation to bring sustainable progress in the logistics sector across Northeast Asia. The main suggestions of this paper are as follows: First, Korean government needs to strategize its options in the logistics industry, the most competitive in the country’s service sector, in upcoming FTA negotiations with China and Japan. Second, Korea needs to foster Busan into a strategic point for the Rail Ferry System and Road Feeder System. Third, Korea should participate in establishing shuttle flight service in Northeast Asia amid exploding flight demand from active economic interchange and tourism industry development.

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The Development of Height Adjustable Steel Manhole cover (높이조절이 가능한 강재 맨홀뚜껑의 개발)

  • Park, Woo-Cheul
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.6
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    • pp.581-586
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    • 2018
  • Cast iron manhole lids cause environmental pollution during the manufacturing process, and the work environment is very poor. In addition, if the height of the manhole cover does not match the height of the road surface, it causes considerable inconvenience and safety problems. This study proposes a height - adjustable steel manhole cover that can replace cast iron manhole covers and easily match the road surface with the upper surface of the manhole cover. Structural analysis was performed to grasp the design variable of the structure of the manhole cover, satisfying the required quality performance. To fabricate a manhole cover that satisfies the required load capacity, the optimal design for the U-shaped reinforcement structure was made. The cylindrical shape of the height adjustment part and the low frame were formed by bending the steel sheet into a circular shape and then welding. Reinforcing bars were also made by bending a steel plate. The height adjustment groove was machined by a CNC milling machine. Four prototypes were fabricated and a load bearing test was carried out, and new manhole cover was made reflecting results of the test. In the load bearing test, there was no breakage of the welded part, and deformation occurred mainly at the contact area between the groove and gusset plate. Deformation of 1 to 2.7mm occurred due to a load of 450kN. On the other hand, after removing the load, there was almost no residual deformation, and the load bearing evaluation was judged to be satisfactory because the manhole cover could be disassembled and reassembled.

The Development Method of IFC Extension Elements using Work Breakdown Structure in River Fields (작업분류체계를 활용한 하천분야 IFC 확장 개발방안)

  • Won, Jisun;Shin, Jaeyoung;Moon, Hyoun-Seok;Ju, Ki-Beom
    • Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society
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    • v.19 no.4
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    • pp.77-84
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    • 2018
  • As the application of BIM (Building Information Modeling) to the civil sector has become practical, and mandatory for road projects, the standardization, development of systems, etc. for the application and operation of BIM are required. In particular, it is important to develop BIM data standards for producing, sharing and managing the lifecycle data of civil facilities because they are commonly national public facilities. The BIM data standards have been developed by utilizing or extending IFC (Industry Foundation Classes), which is an international standard, but schema extensions of river facilities has not been developed thus far. This study proposes an approach to an IFC extension for river facilities using the WBS (Work Breakdown Structure) as a fundamental study for IFC-based schema extension in the river field. For this purpose, the research was carried out as follows. First, the IFC extension development method was selected to represent the river facilities by analyzing the existing IFC structure and previous research cases for the IFC extension. Second, extended elements of the river facilities were identified through an analysis of the WBS and classified according to the high-level structure of the IFC schema. Third, the classified elements were arranged based on the IFC hierarchy and the IFC schema extension for river facilities was established. Based on the suggested extension method of IFC schema, this study developed the schema by defining the element components and parts of river facilities, such as distribution flow elements and deriving their detailed types and properties.

Urban Building Change Detection Using nDSM and Road Extraction (nDSM 및 도로망 추출 기법을 적용한 도심지 건물 변화탐지)

  • Jang, Yeong Jae;Oh, Jae Hong;Lee, Chang No
    • Journal of the Korean Society of Surveying, Geodesy, Photogrammetry and Cartography
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    • v.38 no.3
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    • pp.237-246
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    • 2020
  • Recently, as high resolution satellites data have been serviced, frequent DSM (Digital Surface Model) generation over urban areas has been possible. In addition, it is possible to detect changes using a high-resolution DSM at building level such that various methods of building change detection using DSM have been studied. In order to detect building changes using DSM, we need to generate a DSM using a stereo satellite image. The change detection method using D-DSM (Differential DSM) uses the elevation difference between two DSMs of different dates. The D-DSM method has difficulty in applying a precise vertical threshold, because between the two DSMs may have elevation errors. In this study, we focus on the urban structure change detection using D-nDSM (Differential nDSM) based on nDSM (Normalized DSM) that expresses only the height of the structures or buildings without terrain elevation. In addition, we attempted to reduce noise using a morphological filtering. Also, in order to improve the roadside buildings extraction precision, we exploited the urban road network extraction from nDSM. Experiments were conducted for high-resolution stereo satellite images of two periods. The experimental results were compared for D-DSM, D-nDSM, and D-nDSM with road extraction methods. The D-DSM method showed the accuracy of about 30% to 55% depending on the vertical threshold and the D-nDSM approaches achieved 59% and 77.9% without and with the morphological filtering, respectively. Finally, the D-nDSM with the road extraction method showed 87.2% of change detection accuracy.

The Analysis and Field Measurement of Longitudinal Track Forces for Long Railroad Bridges (교량상 궤도축력의 해석 및 실측결과 비교)

  • Kang, Kee Dong;Park, Jong Bang;Kim, In Jae;Park, Dae Geun
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.14 no.4
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    • pp.907-913
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    • 1994
  • The design of railroad bridges differs from road bridges because of the interface between track structure and bridge structure. The track generally consists of Continuous Welded Rail(CWR) which is fixed by fasteners to the sleepers embedded in the ballast. The ballast provides the interface between the track structure and the bridge structure. Large longitudinal forces can develop from the temperature variation in rail and bridge structure. These longitudinal forces are specially important for long bridges because the bridge layout for span length, pier dimensions and arrangement and type of bearings can be governed by these forces. This report provides a comparison of longitudinal track forces determined by analysis and actual measured track forces. In recent practice the longitudinal track force for European railways is analyzed using a finite element analysis method. This method is very time-consuming and requires the detail design of the bridge to be complete. Redesign is required if the design criteria for longitudinal track forces are not satisfied. There is a need to develop a simple analysis method considering the large number of bridge structures and a relatively short design time on the Korean High Speed Rail Project. The analysis results presented herein, based on a simplified analysis, show good agreement with those obtained by finite element analysis, as well as with those measured on an actual track. The proposed analysis method is particularly useful for the preliminary design of bridge structures.

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A study on the excavation cycle by the drill-and-blast method for a room-and-pillar underground structure (주방식 지하구조물의 발파 굴착공정 분석 연구)

  • Lee, Chul-Ho;Hyun, Young-Hwan;Hwang, Je-Don;Choi, Soon-Wook;Kang, Tae-Ho;Chang, Soo-Ho
    • Journal of Korean Tunnelling and Underground Space Association
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    • v.18 no.6
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    • pp.511-524
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    • 2016
  • Since a room-and-pillar underground structure is characterized by its grid-type array of room and pillar, its economical efficiency can be governed by excavation sequence. In this study, the construction period by the drill-and-blast method as a excavation method for a room-and-pillar underground structure was examined. In addition, the parallel excavation sequence was considered as the main sequence of a room-and-pillar underground structure. Sequences of mucking and support installation were derived to estimate the total excavation cycle by taking the case of a road tunnel into consideration. From the excavation cycle of room-and-pillar underground structure, the relationship between available maximum and minimum numbers of jumbo drill machines depending on the number of faces in operation was suggested.

Development and Application of Landslide Analysis Technique Using Geological Structure (지질구조자료를 이용한 산사태 취약성 분석 기법 개발 및 적용 연구)

  • 이사로;최위찬;장범수
    • Spatial Information Research
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    • v.10 no.2
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    • pp.247-261
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    • 2002
  • There are much damage of people and property because of heavy rain every year. Especially, there are problem to major facility such as dam, bridge, road, tunnel, and industrial complex in the ground stability. So the counter plan for landslide or ground failure must be necessary In the study, the technique of regional landslide susceptibility assessment near the Ulsan petrochemical complex and Kumgang railway bridge was developed and applied using GIS. For the assessment, the geological structures such as bedding and fault were surveyed and the geological structure, topographic, soil, forest, and land use spatial database were constructed using CIS. Using the spatial database, the factors that influence landslide occurrence, such as slope, aspect, curvature and type of topography, texture, material, drainage and effective thickness of soil, type, age, diameter and density of forest, and land use were calculated or extracted from the spatial database. For application of geological structure, the geological structure line and fault density were calculated. Landslide susceptibility was analyzed using the landslide-occurrence factors by probability method that is summation of landslide occurrence probability values per each factors range or type. The landslide susceptibility map can be used to assess ground stability to protect major facility.

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Railway Governance and Power Structure in China

  • Lee, Jinjing
    • International Journal of Railway
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    • v.1 no.4
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    • pp.129-133
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    • 2008
  • Over the last $15{\sim}20$years, many countries have adopted policies of railway privatization to keep up with increasing competition from road and air transport. Although each country and case has its own history, market characteristics, political context as well as administrative process, railway privatizations (including railway restructure, concession etc.) in the west usually are accompanied with the establishment of new regulatory regimes. Therefore, railway governance has been innovating towards an interaction of government, regulator, industry bodies, user groups, trade unions and other interested groups within the regulatory framework. However, it is not the case in China. Although China had seen a partial privatization in some branch lines and is experiencing a much larger-scale privatization by establishing joint-ventures to build and operate high-speed passenger lines and implementing an asset-based securitization program, administrative control still occupies absolutely dominant position in the railway governance in China. Ministry of Railway (MOR) acts as the administrator, operator as well as regulator. There is no national policy that clearly positions railway in the transportation network and clarifies the role of government in railway development. There is also little participation from interested groups in the railway policy making, pricing, service standard or safety matter. Railway in China is solely governed by the mere executive agency. Efficiency-focused economic perspective explanation is far from satisfaction. A wider research perspective from political and social regime is of great potential to better explain and solve the problem. In the west, separation and constrains of power had long been established as a fundamental rule. In addition to internal separation of political power(legislation, execution and jurisdiction), rise of corporation in the 19th century and association revolution in the 20th century greatly fostered the growth of economic and social power. Therefore, political, social and economic organizations cooperate and compete with each other, which leads to a balanced and resonable power structure. While in China, political power, mainly party-controlled administrative power has been keeping a dominated position since the time of plan economy. Although the economic reform promoted the growth of economic power of enterprises, it is still not strong enough to compete with political power. Furthermore, under rigid political control, social organizations usually are affiliated to government, independent social power is still too weak to function. So, duo to the limited and slow reform in political and social regime in China, there is an unbalanced power structure within which political power is dominant, economic power expanding while social power still absent. Totally different power structure in China determines the fundamental institutional environment of her railway privatization and governance. It is expected that the exploration of who act behind railway governance and their acting strength (a power theory) will present us a better picture of railway governance as a relevant transportation mode. The paper first examines the railway governance in China and preliminarily establishes a linkage between railway governance and its fundamental institutional environment, i.e. power structure in a specific country. Secondly, the reason why there is no national policy in China is explored in the view of political power. In China, legislative power is more symbolic while party-controlled administrative power dominates political process and plays a fundamental role in Chinese railway governance. And then, in the part three railway finance reform is analyzed in the view of economic power, esp. the relationship of political power and economic power.

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A Study on Imposing Exact Solutions as Internal Boundary Conditions in Simulating Shallow-water Flows over a Step (계단을 지나는 천수 흐름의 모의에서 내부 경계조건으로서 정확해의 부여에 관한 연구)

  • Hwang, Seung-Yong
    • KSCE Journal of Civil and Environmental Engineering Research
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    • v.34 no.2
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    • pp.479-492
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    • 2014
  • In this study, was proposed a numerical scheme imposing exact solutions as the internal boundary conditions for the shallow-water flows over a discontinuous transverse structure such as a step. The HLLL approximate Riemann solver with the MUSCL was used for the test of the proposed scheme. Very good agreement was obtained between simulations and exact solutions for various problems of the shallow-water flows over a step. In addition, results by the numerical model showed good agreement with those of dam-break experiments over a step and stepped chute one. Developed model can simulate the shallow-water flows over discontinuous bottom such as a drop structure without additional rating curve or topography smoothing. Given the proper evaluations for the flow resistance by a step and the energy loss by the nappe flow in the future, could be simulated flooding and drying of the shallow-water flows over discontinuous topography such as a weir or the river road with retaining wall.